The script is great. It's probably perfectly adequate. But please, for the love of my dying brain power, do something / anything other than presenting these frankly, useless, slides. If you think I'm being too harsh, that's good for you. I've been attacked by gov. officials for living in the wrong neighborhood while black, so I'm unable to empathize with getting one's feelings hurt over something so relatively harmless - and relatively good natured / intended. If I were "watching" on a watch, this video presentation would be good enough, but is that the intended primary audience? Don Norman, Edward Tufte... authors to look into, so that they can explain to you what I cannot. All I can add is how uninviting the slides are to my eyes, my focus, my concentration, etc. - looking at them while the presenter speaks would only take away from words and ideas I am hearing. Despite all the good verbiage, the image screams "blocky, disconnected, flat, unintuitive, generically organized, monolithic...", and a literal vibrant contrast, not just in color, but in concepts / ideas / abilities being expressed while those slides sit there, only to bother me and make me want to put my visual attention elsewhere.