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Hi Semua…….
Beberapa tahun lalu saya pernah upload Jenny Cookies dan menurut saya rasanya tuh udah the best, uenak banget
Tetapi kebetulan adik saya baru pulang dari Hongkong dan belikan saya oleh oleh Jenny Cookies ini, setelah saya coba dan rasakan ternyata ada sedikit perbedaan terutama di texture nya
Jenny Cookies ini harummmmm, ketika di gigit akan terasa kresssss kressss tetapi lumer, ini semua di dapatkan dari pencampuran beberapa jenis tepung dan cara panggang, pastikan hasil akhir semua permukaan cookies sudah kecoklatan tapi bukan hangus ya, dan dalamnya bagian tengah masih putih
Jenny Cookies ini sangat mudah di pipping tetapi kokoh ketika di panggang, tetapi lumer ketika masuk mulut/kena cairan, mungkin karena ada campuran tepung sagu di dalamnya. Tepung sagu wajib di sangrai sebentar dan tunggu dingin baru di gunakan
Jenny cookie
100gr mentega
1gr garam
40gr gula halus
30gr telur utuh
20gr susu bubuk
40gr maizena
60gr tepung sagu yang sudah di sangrai
60gr terigu protein sedang
Cara panggang
Panaskan oven ke suhu 130C api atas bawah
Panggang selama 40 menit
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Hi Everyone…….
A few years ago I uploaded Jenny Cookies and in my opinion the taste was the best, really delicious
But coincidentally my sister just came back from Hong Kong and bought me this Jenny Cookies souvenir, after I tried and tasted it, it turned out there was a slight difference especially in the texture
This Jenny Cookies is fragrant, when bitten it will feel crunchy but melted, this is all obtained from mixing several types of flour and baking methods, make sure the final result is that all surfaces of the cookies are browned but not burnt, and the middle is still white
This Jenny Cookies is very easy to pipe but is firm when baked, but melts when it enters the mouth/comes into contact with liquid, maybe because there is a mixture of sago flour in it. Sago flour must be roasted briefly and wait until cool before using
Jenny cookie
100gr butter
1gr salt
40gr powdered sugar
30gr whole eggs
20gr powdered milk
40gr cornstarch
60gr roasted sago flour
60gr medium protein flour
How to bake
Preheat oven to 130C top and bottom heat
Bake for 40 minutes
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