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azolla vs Duckweed
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it is a greater duckweed. this duckweed smaller than azolla but greater in all types of duckweed. greater duckweed use in poultry fish farming cow cattle etc....
اس وڈیو میں آ پ جانیں گے کہ ازولا بہتر ہے یا ڑکویڑ اور
ازولا اور ڑکویڑ میں فرق کیا ہے
azolla wolfia and duckweed is a floting plants on water.many elements which azolla and duckweed found in which protein is the best.azolla contain protein 25%and duckweed 35-40% which is the best as natural protein.use of azolla and duckweed almost same we can use it in all farming as fish farming poultry cattle goats and rabits etc......by using azolla and duckweed we can reduce our feed expenses and increase income.the axpenses of grouth are almost free.we have gift from the ALLAH.should appreciate it.
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