I Know right i feel so bad its not oh you're are the bigger one because if she goes to school she'll have people her same age and she'll have princess issues
I agree! 爸爸和小朋友都不錯! 只是覺得 Joe挺可憐的。雖然動手打人是不對,但是他也不是無緣無故的去打人。Grace有一點得了便宜又賣乖的感覺。孩子裡我最愛楊陽洋,爸爸裡我比較欣賞吳鎮宇的風格。我覺得沒啥好比較的,第一季有第一季的看點,有我喜歡的父子檔(郭濤,張亮)/父女檔(田亮)。第二季有第二季的好看的地方,而且我覺第二季勝在於所有的父親和孩子都讓我看得很舒服和快樂。
I know im asking the wrong place but does someone know a trick to log back into an instagram account?? I was stupid lost my password. I would love any tricks you can give me.