专有名词和名字 1. Mrs. de Rênal:德・雷纳尔夫人,于连曾经的爱人,在故事中对他的命运产生重要影响。 2. Julien:于连,小说主人公,一生追求成功却因各种因素走向悲剧结局。 3. Mathilde:玛蒂尔德,德拉莫尔先生的女儿,与于连有一段复杂的感情。 4. Mr. de la Mole:德拉莫尔先生,玛蒂尔德的父亲,巴黎有影响力的贵族。 5. Stendhal:司汤达,《红与黑》的作者。 6. France:法国,故事发生的背景国家。 7. Napoleon:拿破仑,于连崇拜的人物,其时代的结束影响了于连的人生选择。 重点单词和短语 1. sickbed:[ˈsɪkbed],病床。“Mrs. de Rênal, from her sickbed, also tries to help Julien.” 表明德・雷纳尔夫人在病床上仍试图帮助于连。 2. downfall:[ˈdaʊnfɔːl],垮台;衰败。“Even though she was the one who wrote the letter that caused his downfall...” 指德・雷纳尔夫人写的信导致于连的落魄。 3. sacred:[ˈseɪkrɪd],神圣的。“He is seen as a criminal who tried to kill a woman in a sacred place.” 形容教堂是神圣的地方。 4. morality:[ˈməˈræləti],道德;品行。“They focus on the fact that he fired a gun in a church, an act of attempted murder that also insulted religion and morality.” 强调于连的行为侮辱了宗教和道德。 5. plead:[ˈpliːd],恳求;辩护。“Mrs. de Rênal continues to plead for him, telling everyone that she forgives him...” 德・雷纳尔夫人继续为于连恳求。 6. verdict:[ˈvɜːdɪkt],裁决;判决。“The verdict stands.” 判决维持不变。 7. guillotine:[ˈɡɪlətiːn],断头台。“So, after a short period of time, Julien is prepared to face the guillotine.” 于连准备面对断头台。 8. hot - headed:[ˈhɒtˈhedɪd],头脑发热的;鲁莽的。“but destroyed himself through his own hot - headed impulses and mixed feelings about love and ambition.” 形容于连因鲁莽冲动和复杂情感而自我毁灭。 9. theatrical:[ˈθiːˈætrɪkl],戏剧性的;夸张的。“This dark and theatrical gesture might suggest that she was attracted to Julien’s tragic end as much as to Julien himself.” 说明玛蒂尔德的举动夸张且具戏剧性。 10. defiance:[ˈdɪˈfaɪəns],违抗;反抗。“His adventure with Mathilde might have succeeded if they had been honest with each other, yet both were too proud and too taken by dreams of honor and defiance to build a healthy relationship.” 指玛蒂尔德和于连对荣誉和反抗的追求。 11. go about it:着手做;处理。“In looking back on his life story, we see a person who wanted to be admired and recognized as special, but he went about it in a way that involved lying, manipulation, and secret ambition.” 指于连追求被认可的方式。 12. tangle:[ˈtæŋɡl],使纠缠;混乱。“His style is direct and honest, showing that even love can be tangled up with social pressures and personal illusions.” 表明爱会与社会压力和个人幻想纠缠在一起。 13. groundbreaking:[ˈɡraʊndˈbreɪkɪŋ],开创性的;创新的。“Stendhal’s detailed view of a person’s hopes, fears, and secret thoughts was groundbreaking for its time...” 形容司汤达对人物内心的描写具有开创性。 14. true to oneself:做真实的自己。“Though it is a story set long ago, The Red and the Black speaks to many readers about ambition, class barriers, and the struggle to be true to oneself.” 强调忠于自我的挣扎。