我们是家有十多年专业的屋业管理公司,影片中并没有显示出电单的计算方式。 TNB 电力局员工,并不是每个月都来记电表的。 在屋主没住的那个月,还是有电费的产生,有可能是因为TNB人员 没有来记电表,是用几个月的电单平均值来计算电费。 例如: 上个月实际用了RM 1000 电费 (实际记录 Bacaan Sebenar- Actual Reading)。 但,这个月TNB人员 并没有来记电表,电单会显示 "估计值“ Baccan Angaran (Estimate Reading): RM 300。 就如影片所示,当月屋子并没人住,电费不应该是那么多钱。 那再下个月,当TNB人员有来记电表,用的是实际记录时, 电单就会显示 负值 (Minus),来扣除。 这方法TNB 已经用了好多年了,有助 于节省人员成本和提高效率。 * 最重点的是要检查: 电单下面的 使用电量 (Kegunaan) 和 现用电量读数(Semasa) 、之前用电量读数 (Dahulu) 是否 记录正确/ 合理. 若是不正确, 不合理. 方安排技术人员查看, 或要求TNB 换电表。 -------- 我有做了贴图想给你们看, 但KZbin 这没法放图片。 详细情况可去以下TNB 网页多加了解: www.mytnb.com.my/residential/understand-your-bill/bill-layout 以下为TNB 官方解释: 《Jenis Bacaan / Type of Reading》 Your bill will state if your usage was based on an actual or an estimated reading of your meter. Actual Reading (Bacaan Sebenar) : Your usage is based on reading taken at customer premise Estimate Reading (Bacaan Angaran) : Your meter was not read during this billing period. Estimated is based on average of last six months consumption (kWh). Reading is estimated if the actual reading is not able to be obtained due to unavoidable reason (eg. Premise locked, meter block, natural disaster and etc). If the estimate is too high or too low, your next bill will include a credit or an additional amount to pay. This means you only pay for the electricity you use * 若还是不清楚或有其他疑难杂症, 可私下WhatsApp 我:012 688 9770, 我可以发我准备好的贴图给你, 希望能帮助到大家。
Condo electrical rate is commercial rating, more expensive than residential rate. Your condo very big in size. Definately aircon need to use more electricity to cool the whole unit.
Suggest you keep track on the bills and the meter as I have encountered a few times the TNB guy just key-in a rough voltage use without looking at the meter and caused high electricity bills for a few months. We made complained and ask why so high bill. The following month bill was very low as they key-in the actual voltage based on the meter (they over charged me for few months). I keep track the voltage shown on the meter and compare it to the bills as it comes. To save money need to spend a bit of effort