#### Psalm 20:4 Psalm 20:4 is a verse that expresses a heartfelt wish for divine support and success. The verse states: **”May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”** This sentiment is echoed in various translations, such as the New Living Translation, which phrases it as: **”May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed.”**. This verse is often interpreted as a prayer for blessings and fulfillment of one’s aspirations, emphasizing the importance of aligning one’s desires with a higher purpose. It reflects a deep trust in divine providence to guide and support one’s endeavors. #### 詩篇 20:4 中文版 詩篇 20:4 的中文翻譯是:**願他賜你心所願的,成就你一切的謀算。** 這節經文表達了對神的祈求,希望神能夠滿足我們的願望並實現我們的計劃。