#立即報名【專業研討會】Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis 我們將於2024年6月9日舉辦一個研討會,主題為 ’Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis’。今次的研討會將深入探討肺癌的早期發現和篩查技術,將有助於提升我們對這個議題的認識。藉由這次研討會,醫生們可以同行交流經驗和觀點。我們誠摯邀請所有對肺癌診斷和治療有興趣的醫生或專業人士參加。期待您的踴躍報名! 【立即註冊|憑票入場】 cancerinformation.com.hk/web/2024/04/18/ldct/ 【CME Programme】 是次活動可申請自願延續醫學教育計劃 CME points will be awarded by the following colleges: Hong Kong College of Community Medicine (1.50 points ) Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (1.50 points ) The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (2 points ) The Hong Kong College of Pathologists ( 2 points ) Hong Kong College of Physicians (1 points ) Hong Kong College of Radiologists (1.50 points ) The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong ( 2 points ) Medical Council of Hong Kong ( 2 points ) 【活動資料】Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis 日期:2024年6月9日(星期日) 時間:13:00 - 16:00 (香港時間) 地點:港安醫療中心 - 銅鑼灣
The interview is just another demonstration and confirmation that Dr. Mok is a subject matter expert in lung cancer and a world renowned authority in cancer research! Hong Kong is extremely lucky to have Dr. Mok; especially the patients that he’s taking care of!👍👍👍
@tinali53092 жыл бұрын
@alexsiuwh2 жыл бұрын
really listen to the professional, thanks for the valuable advice. We need more good doctors like them👋👍
I really like Dr Mok, who has given a very fair comment about the interaction between Chinese herbal medicine and conventional medicine. Also, the way he responded to some of the questions was quite funny, too. Well done. Dr Mok.
I used to have a family doctor (in Canada) who herself was from Hong Kong but graduated in Canadian university. She told all her Chinese patients that if they take Chinese medicine, she would not prescribe medications because she didn't know the effect of mixing medication with Chinese herbs. I agree with her. Fortunately I never take Chinese herbs nor ever went to any Chinese practitioners.
@alhambraalhambra734 Жыл бұрын
@janetlee86022 жыл бұрын
對方一句說話都未說完,就喺,喺,喺,喺,喺 ……喺…………
@yomiko007Ай бұрын
無主持人 你地仲會有得睇?
@Lily-kd6pc Жыл бұрын
請問莫教授, 我是膀胱癌轉移至肺有黑點多左4-5點, 最大點有1.2 cm, 1cm, 現在做化療, 可否約見莫教授的講解分析 ?
@Lily-kd6pc Жыл бұрын
@DaveSmith-xl4el Жыл бұрын
@alhambraalhambra734 Жыл бұрын
22:36 值不值得做?天平的一邊是费用,另一邊是保持健康的機會,well,.... I read some mentioned ultra-low dose CT, can Prof Mock say something about it next time? How can a layman consumer decide whether CT machine is indeed low-dose? Trust the provider?
這位主持人,Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ……….. hi hi hi hi hi hi hi 明白……… hi hi hi hi hi ………. 明白….. hi hi hi….. hahaha ….. hihihi …… hihihihi ……. 由頭hi 到尾,從未看過如此主持節目!