We have to look at it as a whole, the HTC U24 Pro is quite an upgrade from the HTC U23 Pro. We must appreciate this step. Still provides MicroSD, 3.5mm Audio Jack, Metal Frame, IP67, LPDDR5 RAM, UFS 3.1. 50MP Sony IMX890 OIS sensor. I'm from Indonesia and I hope HTC doesn't stop releasing Smartphones. I remember when I first had the HTC ONE M8
Thank you so much for this great review! The only question I have is: does HTC provide any option in the settings to hide the camera hole (e.g. by adding a black bar on top of the screen)? I just HATE all those holes, notches, waterfalls etc. PS I know that Sony makes smartphones with unblemished screeens, but Xperia 1 VI is twice as expensive and does not have the LED indicator any more.
處理器 7 gen 3 終於比去年好多了,還行。 去年 U23P 用的是清倉驍龍 7 gen 1 處理器,三星代工。 同代的 8 gen 1 跟 7 gen 1 ,因為都是三星代工,效能大翻車。 不到半年,高通口碑被罵翻,(小米11還因此大量主板積熱燒無線網路晶片),聯發科處理器追上高通,後來高通怕了,才趕緊換回台積電。 結果去年市面都推出驍龍 7, 8 系 gen 2 處理器了,hTC U23P 不用台積電的 gen 2 , 敢用被罵翻的 7 gen 1 ? 是真當消費者是白癡是不是? 4:23 看到現在,這規格真心進步很多,那這價位我起碼敢推薦就是要國貨的家裡長輩! 去年那價位真的又貴又普通,今年都去到競爭機裡該有的水準,價格稍稍高一丟丟,但考量hTC好像都是在台灣組裝,機子出貨量小成本壓不下來,這價格很有誠意了。 電池稍小,才4600 mAh,螢幕解析度稍上個世代些,才1080p。 仔細看完影片,細看這台機身好像挺窄的!?去查下數據,有驚艷到我。 洋蔥網通寫機身三維是 167.1 x 74.9 x 8.98,寬度約 75 公分。對比 Sony Xperia 1 六代三維是 162 x 74 x 82,機身寬度 74 公分。 這機身寬度在我眼裡是大加分的,屬於一手好抓,且拇指勾得到另外一邊螢幕。 嗯,非常好的一個機子,誠意之作!外星科技耳機孔、雙喇叭、相機鏡頭都不錯且夠用、螢幕亮度很棒、處理器準旗艦等級、窄機身! (螢幕四邊追上正常的窄邊框,不像上代那麼老人機) 過半年後,這機子掉個三四千,我會挺心動的。 缺點就是 4600 太小,我寧願加重量到 210 多g,但給到 5500 mAh、再來看 Ptt 好像有人在抱怨 hTC 一年後就不更新系統了?
@M_spring6 ай бұрын
@sux94876 ай бұрын
@李雨翼6 ай бұрын
@陳日橙6 ай бұрын
機身質看起來好讚🔥🔥 果然HTC設計不會讓人失望😆
@asiffarooqui67896 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this review! And for the English sub titles! I wanted to ask is the speaker stereo sound? Is it a better speaker than the HTC One M7? Thank you :)