Рет қаралды 62,469
00:17 介绍小牛 introducing of cow
2:46 介绍小羊 introducing lamb and goat
7:30 介绍小兔子 introducing of rabbit
12:03 介绍小猪 introducing of pig
14:07 介绍小马 introducing of horse
15:26 介绍小驴 introducing of donkey
16:52 介绍小鸡 introducing of hens and rooster
19:35 介绍小鸭 introducing of the duck family
22:43 介绍大鹅 introducing geese
27:55 介绍圆形及物体 circle and objects
33:15 介绍正方形及物体 square and objects
36:04 介绍心形及物体 heart shape and objects
39:55 介绍三角形 triangle shape and objects
42:13 五角星形状 star shaped objects
45:45 幼儿常用物品介绍 introducing baby frequently used items
52:21 幼儿初始动词介绍 baby's first verbs
儿歌 Nursery Rhymes:
05:42 玛丽有只小羊羔 - Mary has a little lamb
10:50 小兔子乖乖 - Little Rabbit
16:05 我有一头小毛驴 - Little donkey
19:04 奶奶喂鸡 - Hen and Rooster
21:37 五只小鸭不听话 - Five little ducks
24:40 麦叔叔有个农场 - Old McDonald has as farm
29:36 月亮之歌 - Song of the moon
31:34 吹呀吹泡泡儿歌 - Bubble Song
34:58 烤面包儿歌 - A Song of Baking
38:58 小树叶儿歌 - Little leaves
51:29 幸福拍手歌 - If you are happy and you know it
This dynamic video starts with an introduction to farm animals: animals names, the sounds they make, their movements, etc. that creates an interesting and fulfilling language environment for children that improves their grasp and usage of Mandarin Chinese. The video also includes an introduction of frequently used items and toys for infants and young children, then leads to an introduction of shapes of various items. The production of this video is based on professional early childhood education research and consultants, using playful nursery rhymes and songs to engage children and get them physically moving.
These videos have been designed for infants and young children and incorporate teaching methods recommended by speech therapists and early childhood experts. These techniques give infants and young children the foundation to understand Chinese as early as one year old and start speaking Chinese soon after. The growing catalog of videos are especially helpful for children growing up in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment. It provides free Chinese learning and interaction videos with high-quality educational content.
The videos on this channel cover a wide array of topics that have been structured into a “common sense” curriculum for parents that want their child to learn Mandarin Chinese. Some of the videos on this channel incorporate the universally accepted “American Sign Language” (ASL) technique. The use of ASL facilitates non-verbal communication from babies where they learn and use hand gestures to describe their needs before they can actually speak. These, and many other techniques, are some of the secrets that Ms. Marina incorporates from successful parents that reduce anxiety in children and promote true learning and communication. This channel purposefully only speaks Mandarin Chinese when teaching in a joyful immersive atmosphere thus helping the youngest of learners reach important milestones in learning and communicating in Chinese!
Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Elisa. She is an extraordinary concert violinist who also created the piano accompaniment.