布施的故事 A Story of Giving(中英文字幕 English subtitle)-- 美佛寺性仁法師講佛教故事 Venerable Xingren

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美佛寺性仁法師 Meifotemple

美佛寺性仁法師 Meifotemple

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It's easy to initiate a giving mind, but hard to persist.
2022.08.14 宣講於洛杉磯美佛寺
A young man went to a temple and asked the chief abbot in the temple, "I do charity, release animals, participate in printing sutras, participate in all kinds of dharma assemblies, and I do all kinds of meritorious deeds. Why doesn't the Buddha bless me? Why doesn't Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva protect me? Why is my life so unsatisfactory? Why am I always the unlucky person?" The abbot couldn't answer his question and did not know how to explain it. After all, ripe ginger is spicier. This old monk is very wise, and he immediately asked the young man, "If not you, who do you think is more suitable to be unlucky? Do you want me to be unlucky? Do you want your parents at home to be unlucky for you?" This young man thought about it, and after some rational thinking, he felt that it was right. To save sentient beings, Bodhisattvas suffer pains, karma, toil, and retributions for ordinary beings. Sometimes even risk their lives and do whatever it takes. If I don't go to hell, who will, and if I don't take bad luck, who will? This abbot monk was really wise, next, he looked at the unfinished Mahavira Palace and got an idea. So, he took out a hundred dollars from his pocket, handed it to the young man, and said to the young man, "Please use this one hundred dollars to help me complete the construction of the Mahavira Hall." The young man was very shocked at the moment, "The current price is so high, how can 100 dollars be possibly enough?" The abbot then taught him and said, "Then with only a few times of contributions, how can you eliminate your sin karma accumulated over many past lives?" Not to mention that when we, beings in Jambudi, have any thoughts, they are nothing but bad karma and sin. We are still in the process of committing sin and karma. At this time, the young man finally understood and knew what to do next, so he said goodbye to the abbot with a smile. Fellow practitioners, this principle is very simple. Just like when we give out once, we then want to make a lot of money, be high officials, and even eliminate our minds of greed from many past lives and kalpas. I tell you fellow practitioners that it is impossible. How should we give? How should we give to accomplish our giving paramita? I tell you fellow practitioners that you need to cultivate a habit of giving. We have to give gradually and remove the greed in our hearts gradually. Because for beginningless kalpas, this greed in our hearts has been deeply ingrained, and it cannot be completely eradicated with one or two donations. It is said that "It's easy to initiate a giving mind, but hard to persist." This is really true. I am especially grateful to some supporters for their continued support and generosity. Although they don't have much money to give, every month or every week, they develop a long-term heart and continue the giving, so that giving is cultivated as a habit of life. Namaste, Amitabha!

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