I think what has been discussed above is fair ... Tending towards defending the rich n wealthy. Yes our God who is a good God is a giving God ... Starting with the sacrifice of His one and only Son ... He's also a God who generously blesses ... As we see in Abraham's n Job's lives n other patriarchs. However, in the NT we see patterns of giving more distinctly ... From Feeding of the 5000, early church practices ... Taking care of the needs of widows n orphans; reaching out to the women who were adulterous, sick etc. N Paul devoting some scripture to teach about attitudes in giving n there are other verses in the Gospels tt talk about ... Give n it'll be given back to you, pressed down n overflowing ... So I believe scripture has to be read in its entirety n not just to defend our own conviction. And each one should give according to how God is directing ... Not reluctantly for God loves a cheerful giver ... Yes at the end of the day ... Rich or poor isn't the crux ... It's each of hearts n our relationship with God tt determines what we do with the resources He has entrusted us ... It doesn't mean we must always be giving away what He gives us ... But where we hear Him prompt .. we give as a response of love n leave the results n consequences to Him.