"寫一份租屋證明給一個朋友,證明這間房自己租給朋友了" 一旦你的朋友改變主意,你就有了一個新的,合法的佔地者, the one you mentioned "the squatter hunter" whose mum signed him up as her new tenant , in so doing he'd be legit to initiate his "squatter hunt". yet the contract between friends instead of "mum and son", IMO somewhat isn't trust worthy.
我曾將美國一個房子託仲介出租,房客是曾在某名片飾演過配角的男演員。他一次付了整年房租,讓我喜出望外;沒想到第二年就開始耍賴,仲介花了整整一年才透過法律程序完成驅逐。換句話說,他早就用相同手法付一年住兩年。事有湊巧,兩年後某一天,我女兒就讀的高中邀請他當貴賓對全校師生演講,在Q&A 時,我女兒站起來問他 Mr. X X, 你何時要還欠我爸爸的房租?一時全校譁然。
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law Wednesday the "Property Rights" bill, which aims to help homeowners remove squatters more quickly. Standing in front of a lectern that read "Ending the Squatters Scam," DeSantis said this is the first bill of its kind in the U.S. I think he has done the right job!!
No payment for rent? What is the law in your state ( US )? There should be a specific tenancy rule regarding this issue!
@lucasyang88027 ай бұрын
好在美国佛州关于Squatter 的法律是7年时限,足够时间给房东执行合法驱逐老赖的法律程序。"A squatter must occupy a property for seven consecutive years before they can submit an adverse possession claim. Landlords that diligently monitor their properties can catch and remove a squatter long before seven years have passed." 😜