Great song! I am watching a lot of Chinese movies atm and came here from a song by Pu Shu, that I heard in an Andy Lau movie. I've always found Chinese movies/musik to express so much emotion that I sometimes start to cry even when I don't understand the words....
@stubbornerd3 жыл бұрын
it seldom happens nowdays. the song is becoming fast food,.easy to take but not nutrient. back to 20-30 years ago, people in China were not that in rush for living or occupied with various desires and anxiety, the flower bud of music and movies was blooming , however nowdays it is restricted and people seems enjoy the fast music
@nickandjayzhou3 жыл бұрын
exactly I feel sudden emotional out of nowhere sotimes
@jongfranwang19352 жыл бұрын
Pure Woods suffered depressions and his girl friend(Via Via) left him and married. You could find out what he has gone through his life journey in his song, Ordinary Path by a singer Chenyu Hua.
生如夏花 Beautiful as summer flowers 作詞作曲:樸樹 Writer: shu Pu Translated by Yixin 也不知在黑暗中究竟沉睡了多久 How long will it be sleeping in the darkness 也不知要有多難才能睜開雙眼 How hard can it open eyes to wake up 我從遠方趕來 恰巧你們也在 I come from a distant place and you are all here 癡迷流連人間 我為她而狂野 I linger on the world with wild passionate 我是這耀眼的瞬間 I am this shining moment 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 as a passing star fire through the sky 我為你來看我不顧一切 To see each other I regardless of all 我將熄滅永不能再回來 Even I would die out before return 我在這裡啊 I am here now 就在這裡啊 Just be here now 驚鴻一般短暫 As a swan swift into heaven 像夏花一樣絢爛 As the beautiful summer flowers 這是一個多美麗又遺憾的世界 This is a pretty and regret nature 我們就這樣抱著笑著還流著淚 We as such hug laugh and shed tears 我從遠方趕來 赴你一面之約 I come from a distant place to meet you 癡迷流連人間 我為她而狂野 I linger on the world with wild passionate 我是這耀眼的瞬間 I am this shining moment 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 as a passing star fire through the sky 我為你來看我不顧一切 To see each other I regardless of all 我將熄滅永不能再回來 Even I would die out before return 我在這裡啊 I am here now 就在這裡啊 Just be here now 驚鴻一般短暫 As a swan swift into heaven 像夏花一樣絢爛 As the beautiful summer flowers 我是這耀眼的瞬間 I am this shining moment 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 as a passing star fire through the sky 我為你來看我不顧一切 To see each other I regardless of all 我將熄滅永不能再回來 Even I would die out before return 不虛此行呀 The trip is not in vain 不虛此行呀 The trip is not in vain 驚鴻一般短暫 short as a flying swan 開放在你眼前 Blossom before your sight 我是這耀眼的瞬間 I am this shining moment 是劃過天邊的剎那火焰 as a passing star fire through the sky 我要你來愛我不顧一切 I wish you love me regardless of all 我將熄滅永不能再回來 Even I would die out before return 一路春光啊 Scenes of spring on the way 一路荊棘呀 Thistles and thorns on the way 驚鴻一般短暫 As a swan swift into heaven 像夏花一樣絢爛 As the beautiful summer flowers 這是一個不能停留太久的世界 This is a world which we can not stay too long