Get a Blaze Orange shirt and Backfire hat here!
@LonestarROB Жыл бұрын
@Backfire Purchased a shirt. Love it! You should seriously consider contacting BunkerBranding ( owned by Matt of Demolition Ranch/Off The Ranch ) . Great merch company. Similar ideas and beliefs as yours. With the help of his reach/popularity I think y'all can do big things together.
@elsaladoafortunado9566 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work I just place my order for a hat and a shirt. God bless you.
@drainbamage8656 Жыл бұрын
Great info and wonderful examples. The laws aren't that capable. You can get your children into hunters safety course and the government has to stfu. If not you just find the attorney that wants billions of dollars and sue that LEO section of whoever told you it's illegal or tried to do anything against you for allowing your child to hunt. Only laws that make any sense and should be respected are: 1) Bright orange to deter morons from shooting hunters. 2) not hunting at night or too early in the morning (with common sense applied for safety) No shooting near homes. No shooting in towns. No hunting over an open bait area without the licensing. Did I miss any common sense and logical laws that should be followed by Hunters?
@drainbamage8656 Жыл бұрын
@@Honkers716 all of the political world is driven by emotion, all politicians are just emotional crybabies that try to use laws and half ass picked, 1% fact to an entire ordeal, using that 1% fact to try to corrupt people from their own beliefs and as it is now, is trying to suffocate all freedom in America. The whole "respect trans" bs where they're demanding we call them what they want, not by a respectful term that goes to the only two existing genders in any universe. Point being, he has a point, and yes, he's semi -emotional about it but far more accuracy and even when he speaks with emotion he doesn't sound half as self entitled as politicians do. Ultimately the point is this: if you knock him for the same thing politicians do and say his material isn't suited for this category, do you also tell politicians to stop using a homicide with a gun as a reason to strip all Americans rights? If not...
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
@ Yesterday is a hard word for me, said trump Scrolling through even a few cursory post, probably the first 30, and there’s zero overtly racist comments. Not saying there’s none, because let’s be real, there’s always an idiot. But let’s also be real here, any time someone starts off with “Liberals have ruined…whatever it is” will result in liberals coming out of the woodwork to scream stupidity like “your comments are full of racism” or “how dare you say that cities are evil” etc ad nauseum. And to be frank it’s not just traditional “liberals”, but also hunters. A big third rail/sacred-cow of the hunting world is the Pitman-Robertson act that applies an excise tax on ALL firearms and ammunition to pay for fish and game departments in all states. If you want to see “conservatives” get upset, dare to call the P-R for what it is: an illegal and unjust tax on a Constitutionally protected right. No other right includes a participation tax just to use it. Not to mention that many people who purchase firearms are *not* hunters, but are doing so for self defense. And self defense is the *only* reason the 2A exists, not hunting at all.
@curteaton Жыл бұрын
Ironically it's not the rural hunters reducing the animal population, its the over populated sprawling cities destroying viable habitat.
@rustyshacklford245 Жыл бұрын
@@Honkers716 you clearly don't understand basic ecology
@xc8487 Жыл бұрын
@@Honkers716 Modern factory farms are terrible for the environment.
@ScottGostick Жыл бұрын
@Curt Eaton Consider how your statement changes if you knock down the sprawling cities into single family dwellings spread across the landscape! It becomes overpopulation. Meaning cities actually curb the issue of urban sprawl reducing the overall impact on the land. The concrete jungle may well be ugly to the outdoorsy folk but a 20 story apartment building is far less damaging the than 200 houses with 1 1/2 acre lawns.
@curteaton Жыл бұрын
@@ScottGostick hehe, 200 houses with 1.5 acre lots would still be part of an overpopulated sprawling city. I wasn't arguing against densification. My point was more about the unsustainable portion of the population always telling the sustainable folk how to live.
@Jbonneville6572 Жыл бұрын
And the people from the cities going out in a 300 mile radious and leasing out all the farm ground to hunt on. Back in the day you could offer to help a farmer a little with some chores in order to hunt his land but now it's give them $5,000‐$10,000 to maybe see a deer.
@daltonwhitcomb769 Жыл бұрын
Been in a stand with my father from 3 years old, got my first deer at 7 with a muzzle loader. Humble part is my first deer was the smallest one in the group that come out, but was injured so I decided to take that deer instead of the bigger deer with it. Made my father vary proud for that decision. Being raised to respect our way of life and the game we take at such a young age has benefited me in my life.
@randmayfield5695 Жыл бұрын
My first hunt with my dad was at 4 years. He was a life long member of the Canvas Back duck club in Fallon Nevada. I would hang out while everyone drank whiskey, played cards, lied to each other, and drew the next day's blind locations. I'd sit in the blind on those cold fall mornings and just loved being with my dad. He took me on a chucker hunt up on the Black Rock desert. My mom put a Saint Christopher metal on a ribbon and put it around my neck. I wasn't having any of that so I chewed it off. Sixty-three years later I carry it in my wallet. Lol
@jillbluerei4806 Жыл бұрын
Can't teach an 11 year-old privaetly how to hunt in the wild, but you CAN teach a classroom full of 5 year-olds about "alternative live styles" while on the tax-payer's dollar. Yeah, I'm optimistic about our future.
@11jakpot Жыл бұрын
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
I am not familiar with many states, but I know in Alaska at least he is missing the mark completely. Children are very much allowed to hunt, but if they want to harvest big game it has to be on an adult's tag until they are 10 years old. In fact, if they have passed hunters education they can hunt small game on their own even while under 10.
@TheTriptamineDream Жыл бұрын
Should be able to do both.
@jillbluerei4806 Жыл бұрын
@@TheTriptamineDream If you think 5 year-olds should be taught about sex in a classroom, then you're part of the problem.
@kosiekoos9408 Жыл бұрын
@Sputnik-1 someone taught u sex at 5?
@thomashughes5321 Жыл бұрын
For someone who was raised on a farm and hunted since 1974 you are spot on! About 15 years ago I made a list of states that I will never hunt or hunt again because of their policies
@vincentvilay1407 Жыл бұрын
What is the list, if you don't mind me asking? I'm just curious.
@rubberbandman1410 Жыл бұрын
I second that notion.
@richardbarnes4699 Жыл бұрын
I live in Utah, got my hunters safety 6 years ago and have drawn a tag exactly 1 time ever. It's impossible to learn how to be a hunter when you never get a tag. I've given up.
@gabeelkins9059 Жыл бұрын
Get your small game licens and get back to it man
@THall-vi8cp Жыл бұрын
My buddy here in CA finally drew a deer tag after seven years. Fortunately he had a successful hunt but he's not so sure he wants to continue. He has much more success hunting turkey and waterfowl. I don't intend to hunt deer for that reason, but if I can gain access to good pig hunting areas, I'll go do that. Most of the best public lands are completely surrounded by private property and have _zero_ public access, so we'll see.
@richardbarnes4699 Жыл бұрын
@@gabeelkins9059 I got nobody to hunt with. It's too much to figure out on your own.
@adrianhernandez916 Жыл бұрын
@user-oi1xn7fq9t, when I was stationed in Southern California, that was a huge issue, I was faced with turkey hunting that region of the state. I had the opprotunity to hunt deer, quail, duck, dove, and rabbits so I capitalized on that. I also never fished.
@msa4548 Жыл бұрын
I've bought a license every year since I was 16,even if I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get out. But now that the funds from the license sales are being funneled to anti hunting programs, I don't see any reason to continue to buy them. On top of that this past season I really wanted to get out, but between the weather, a new job and changes to the season I never made it out once. So why should I pay for something that will never be used.
@patcrouch6779 Жыл бұрын
True story here. When I was 5 years old my dad use to take me rabbit hunting. I carried my trusty double barrel cork gun. During one of our hunting trips my dad stepped over a creek, I had to jump across the creek. When I did I shot my dad in the rump with a cork. He asked me what happened I told him I had my finger on the trigger. He made me go over and set down beside a large Oak tree for the entire day of rabbit hunting. Do you think I learned anything from that?
@bryonslatten3147 Жыл бұрын
An all-day punishment for a 5 y/o? That’s abusive and he should have reminded you about safe handling before you crossed the creek.
@KenRen-hw8uv Жыл бұрын
I’m just thankful for this Backfire Community that has common sense. It’s comforting.
@TannerSwizel Жыл бұрын
Deer population 100 years ago in the US was around 300,000. Deer population today is over 30,000,000. In 100 years the deer population has grown by 100 fold. Estimates from the 1980s believe that in 1500 there were anywhere from 24,000,000 to 34,000,000 deer, so we're already back on the high end of the pre-euro population. On top of that, these deer do not have nearly as many predators with grizzly, mountain lion, and wolf numbers being way lower than in 1500. Only the coyote has recovered, and they don't easily kill deer often enough. They need to open up hunting regulations on all three of the common deer in the US. Elk in the East is still recovering after they became extinct and the Western variant was introduced a few decades ago. Overall the US elk population is still at about 1,000,000 today as opposed to 10,000,000 estimates in 1500. We still need to let them build up a bit, but they've grown by 20 fold from 50,000 in 1900 to that 1,000,000 today. In 20 years I wouldn't be surprised if Elk populations reached 5 million with all the extra red tape hunting laws being introduced and the reintroduction to the East starting to really take off
@thadhenkel-hanke134 Жыл бұрын
In the great state of Wisconsin, one of the first years of no age restriction deer hunting, 5 deer were registered to hunters less than 2 years old. Wonder why there was a law? I agree that parents should make the decision, but...
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly why the laws exist like they do, and I want to give Jim the benefit of the doubt, but the way he presented this topic was awful. I know in some states although children under a certain age cannot get a big game tag themselves, they can certainly hunt on an adult's tag. It isn't a restriction on teaching kids how to hunt, it is a restriction on sending 9 year olds out into the woods with a high powered rifle.
@c.m.cordero1772 Жыл бұрын
@@paulwarta5533 yes…this. It’s not restricting teaching kids. I think he’s just knee-jerking this one.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
No, let’s be honest. This is the problem with E-checking game. To your point it wasn’t long ago that most women who got a license and tag were questioned by the tag dealers or warden’s if THEY shot the deer or if their HUSBAND shot it underneath their name. E-reports have probably allowed more poaching than ever before because in many states there’s no tag that has to be physically notched. Here in Oklahoma with my lifetime all I’m required to do before I leave the woods is affix a tag if some sort. Could be a sticky note, my own reusable tag with a zip tie, a piece of paper and some tape, something. Who’s to say that by the time I get home (which for me is less than 1 minute) because my house buts up to a WMA) that the tag didn’t mysteriously disappear. If you want to stop stuff like that then require individuals to go to a registered check point. And 9yo? Seriously? There’s LOTS of 9yo completely mature enough and capable enough of handling a deer killing cartridge. A 300blk or 350lgd is going to be very low recoiling. My hunting partner’s 8yo just got her first deer this year with a 350LGD, missed her first last year with a 30-30. A 2yo? Obviously someone is being stupid and should get in trouble.
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
@@soonerfrac4611I would be inclined to agree with you completely on the topic of E-tags. Although there may be ways to help with the issue, it is far too easy to print of 2 identical tags. The concern with a 9 year old hunting on their own is not whether they can handle a high power cartridge, but whether they are good enough with ballistics, sense of bearing, and common sense not to accidently shoot someone else with a big game rifle. I am completely in support of allowing children to hunt with an adult, but giving them their own tag when under 10 seems unnecessary (maybe 10 is too old, but there should be a lower age limit somewhere, and 10 seems reasonable to me). Small game hunting is a different topic too. I do not know about other states, but Alaska also provides exclusive youth opportunities (10-17yo) that in some sense make up for the restriction prior to 10. However, once a youth is 10 they can hunt remotely with no adult present, or if they are in the populous areas, they can hunt alone after passing hunters education. To specifically address your point though, it is not that there are no 9 year olds who could safely do it, but rather that the majority of nine year olds are not deemed capable. If this is a concern though, the states with boards of wildlife are open to public input and it could be changed.
@slugoo6474 Жыл бұрын
@@paulwarta5533 massve difference between a 9 year old and a 2-7 year old.
@demizer1968 Жыл бұрын
I started taking my oldest hunting with me when he was 5. Of course, we never got any chances and his gun was a toy bolt action, but they were some of the best memories ever.
@1645308 Жыл бұрын
That's awesome. My two daughters were about that same age when they first shot my AR15/22.
@dogleg6669 Жыл бұрын
Utah has bigger problems than you stated. I'm 46 born and raised here in Utah. I have been hunting all my life. I have put in for every draw and for the last 9 years unsuccessfully. I'm forced to buy the Elk archery tag in order to hunt. The issue there is that tag is unlimited for both residents and non-residents. To make things worse, the last week of the archery elk hunt overlaps with the opening week of the youth rifle elk hunt. Utah, as a whole, is more focused on getting big bucks from non-resident tags and couldn't care less about us residents. Just my 2 cents.
@toddboone333 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always wanted to hunt out west. I’m in Kentucky. But I agree with you. There should be far more benefits to the residents of each state. What someone should do is provide a network where land owners could get paid like an Air B&B with a nominal fee schedule. I’d let someone hunt my 100 acres that are packed with whitetails for a chance to shoot Sandhill Crane or Coues Deer. It could even support people who don’t hunt, but have coyote or prairie dog problems.
@killertruth186 Жыл бұрын
I did heard about a story from a guy, who did give a “hunter” where the deer was actually at. And the same “hunter” was just killing more deer than the said “hunter” should’ve. And it scared the deer away. So it actually made the guy distrustful to hunters. I have only heard that story some time ago. And the said “hunter” had an AR-15. So, the lack of education of hunting and the etiquette is making the “normal people” disliked hunters. And thus trusting a man with a badge because of for some reason to be better than the said hunters. I wished I could remember the story in detail and not butchering it. But I had put my thoughts in it. And this was in Utah as well.
@sapperROSS Жыл бұрын
That's why they raffle off a shit load of tags. Utah is corrupt
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
As a non-res I am for the unlimited tags, mostly because it’s what Oklahoma does as well. We do have elk but it’s a whole different story on that. But tags are all OTC and zero limits. Elk and bear do have quotas that must be checked daily, and muzzle loader fall bear generally closes opening day or maybe the 2nd day. But deer tags are plentiful and always available. My issue with virtually all the western states is that the tags are OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE! As you said, they see it as a money making venture not management. Even if the tags were unlimited and had better pricing they’d probably have better returns on their investment.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
@ Killertruth186 Exactly what is wrong with hunting with an AR? I’m no fan of 5.56 for anything bigger than a coyote, but it’s a favorite cartridge in Alaska for many natives to hunt with because it has zero recoil and is incredibly accurate. Not to mention that the AR platform is very versatile, the same rifle that a person uses to protect their family with can easily have the upper receiver swapped in seconds and completely change to a more powerful cartridge. Several 6, 6.5, 270, & 30cals that an AR can be chambered in.
@James-WM Жыл бұрын
We (men) have to do better of reaching out to our local representatives and letting them know what we don't like. The government does not have the authority to tell a man when his children are ready to hunt with him. Imagine a government mandating orange clothing, hunting age, or cartridge selection between 1776 and 1940. Crazy stupid.
@backfire Жыл бұрын
@icerman855 Жыл бұрын
I'm a lifelong resident of Utah (55 yrs) and hunted deer at 16 yrs old (minimum age requirement back then). Then years later, the age requirement was reduced to 14. Then some greed govt sucker somewhere invented the hunting lottery system and greedy Utah jumped all over that bandwagon. I haven't hunted since that system was implemented. I was a recreational hunter back then and bought a tag, but mostly went for the social aspect of the camping holiday with family and friends. I didn't care if I got a deer or not. Now, with the lottery system, most of us non-serious hunters faded away it seems. As another commenter said, hunters nowadays are "die-hard" and serious. I go to the shooting range regularly, but just lost interest in hunting because of the govt greed and bureaucracy. The only way to fix this nonsense is simple. If ALL hunters everywhere joined together and boycotted the lottery systems nationally and other nonsense, etc. by not hunting for one season, the DWR's of the world would get a wake up call as their funds would dry up.
@imafreakinhistorian2169 Жыл бұрын
If Tennessee did that, we would have an awful lot of outlaws .
@benkeachy Жыл бұрын
I'm a new hunter. Scored my first whitetail this year, my second year hunting. Had a great time and learned a ton thanks to KZbin and this channel. I actually took it using a savage ultralight that I learned about on this channel. 🙂 I am a bit depressed about how expensive and difficult it is for a normal joe like myself to participate in the hunts that drew me to this sport in the first place. Hunting bull elk in timber with my sons is the dream for myself for sure. I agree that the Regs are ridiculous. That's been one of the steepest learning curves for myself and I got lucky my first year out that I didn't violate some of the rules that I was misunderstanding.
@D_Boone Жыл бұрын
Save up for the big draw hunts and do DIY hunts in the mean time. There are a lot of hunts that can easily be drawn and done for fairly inexpensive. Yes, it will take work, but what good thing doesn't? The regs are there for both the hunter and the wildlife. There is no problem with 99% of regs, just uninformed hunters.
@EndoftheBlock7224 Жыл бұрын
Glad you made it into the community.
@ExF1Guy Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your first deer!
@onarampage247 Жыл бұрын
Just have to live in a state that has elk. It's expensive for me to go kill a white tail in most states. Game animals are owned by the state not federal governments. Look at Texas or most states back east. Not very much public land at all. So in my humble opinion, if I can't go there and hunt Because those states didn't set aside land for public use and I have to pat through the nose to hunt private land. Why should someone form those states beagle to come to my home state and hunt our land for pennies on the dollar. Fair is fair.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love public lands! It’s why I moved to a CoE reservoir that is also a state WMA, in fact the WMA fence is literally my back fence then it’s 200yds to the lake itself. That said, it is absolutely positively *NOT* the government’s job to set aside lands for people to hunt. Be it state or federal government.
@johnshields9110 Жыл бұрын
I wish to say that learning to hunt, shoot, and care for wildlife can be/should be part of a learned family tradition. Finding a place to hunt, is a big quest in it's own now. My 4-5 year old daughter sat in a cold, windy deer stand with me, in the shady saddle of a ridge looking for bear, and in a hot farm truck as I varminted hunted. She later learned to target shoot with a kid sized Anshutz 22 rimfire, and later a MKII Ruger. She lives far away now; she thinks maybe only women should have guns? She has a small Smith for personal protection; a 30 Carbine for SHTF. I made sure to get all of this in when she was a child as I had to move to a big city to work like many others. She lives in a big liberal city now too. She puts out peanuts for an asshole Jay bird on her balcony; gives blankets to homeless people on occasion. She still asks to go on a 'Critter Patrol' out into nearby country when she gets in to see me. People, put what you can into your kids before the Gov't and States rule away the places and ideas you need to pass on.
@mountainview540 Жыл бұрын
30 years ago (we were under 10) my cousin and I were deer hunting with 20 gauge shotguns and 30 30 or 32 win Special rifles....rules are different now
@letsdothis9063 Жыл бұрын
I grew up with similar experiences.
@ericspearo5731 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who has been around long enough knows it isn’t anything more then poor management and habitat loss. Despite what anyone will tell you. Hunters are actually the biggest advocate of game and habitat. It’s like the argument “we have tax problem” no we don’t have a tax problem we have a spending problem
@missourimongoose8858 Жыл бұрын
We have way more deer and turkeys in this country only because of hunters and the money they bring in buying tags
@drdes9609 Жыл бұрын
I was shocked when I moved to Virginia and saw the hunting laws. It’s a book, no trail cams on private land is grossly unconstitutional I don’t know how that can even stand muster.
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
Get involved with the Virginia Board of Wildlife Resources. Not attending board meetings is akin to not voting in elections; if you do not make your voice heard, you may as well not have a voice.
@bramvader8401 Жыл бұрын
You guys are so lucky to have the right to hunt as a civilian. Here in the Netherlands there are a few people who are allowed to hunt, there are not more than 500 new hunting licences permitted every year. We have no more than 27.000 people with a hunting licences. Keep fighting for your rights because those liberals and socialists most be stopped to preserve a fine and great tradition. Keep on making great content here God Bless You and youre family, Shalom from the Netherlands Abraham Vader.
@spacepathfinder1 Жыл бұрын
not everyone is capable to be a hunter. Forests are full of fools already.
@wigon2 ай бұрын
But what is the amount of habitat loss and has the population of game animals increased or decreased since strict laws were passed? It's much more than just an issue of freedoms.
@paulgroniger4494 Жыл бұрын
Right there with you. We are seeing similar here in the great state of Michigan… fewer deer hunters, higher prices, and more regulations. In 1952 the success rate was around 42% (approximately 480K hunters and 200K deer harvested) which rose to an all-time high in all three areas in 1998 of 74% success rate (785K hunters and 582K deer harvested) then a consistent annual drop to 2022 with a 52% success rate (586K hunters and 303K deer harvested). In that same time period, the price of licensure has increased drastically only to be outpaced by the expanding regulations bundled up in a now whopping 76-page hunting digest. We “followed the science” when the state’s wildlife scientists recommended outlawing baiting to prevent CWD a few years ago. Then “ignored the science” when the same scientists said they got it wrong and recommended repealing the ban the following year. Couple that with the increased price, confusing regulations, minute to minute control for hunting times, ridiculous age regulations, shrinking private & public land access, media that is anti-hunting, etc. and is it any wonder that there are fewer new hunters each year?
@brianburek1078 Жыл бұрын
Better vote out all the liberals that are passing the laws in Utah. Oh wait... I guess you better vote out the conservatives that are in office then.
@wigon2 ай бұрын
And when all the game animals are gone from over-hunting, hunters can always blame liberals or believe that it was illegal immigrants who ate all the game animals. :P
@christophercoupe5006 Жыл бұрын
You are the first American I have heard calling the loonie left 'Liberals'. That and some other choice terms we Canadians usually use for them.
@stanpersful4723 Жыл бұрын
I gave up hunting in Utah when I loved there because it was too confusing. I would literally drive to MT every year and buy my prior resident tag and elk hunt in MT. They would have "zones" with imaginary lines and in one zone it was at least a 10 inch brow tine to be legal (example) and the zone 10 feet away was any bull and 10 feet to the other direction it was cow only and the other, spike only. It was just too ignorant so I quit hunting. Utah lost that income and MT gained even more because prior resident tags were more than resident tags.
@Onthebluffs Жыл бұрын
In northern Michigan, schools have opening day of rifle season off. Opening week in general is like a holiday here. Everyone worth knowing is hanging out at someone's deer camp that week. We also have youth seasons that are popular.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
In rural OK we used to do this as well for several reasons. One is that many of the schools were near hunting areas. Probably the most important was that most the kids that hunted simply wouldn’t have been there regardless. Now it always starts on Saturday morning.
@ferris8773 Жыл бұрын
Amen! The DNR in Michigan is out of control.
@davidransom4476 Жыл бұрын
Heaven forbid the kids learn that meat isn't made in the back room of the supermarket and put in styrofoam trays covered with cellophane. My nephew took his son and I think a daughter into the blind at a young age, but I think his son got a doe with a crossbow. He also built up a rifle for them by necking up a .223 case to 6mm.
@echofoxtrotwhiskey1595 Жыл бұрын
6x45 is a sweet cartridge.
@Johan_Pentrose Жыл бұрын
Time stamp comments: 0:49-look, we get it. I was raised at an early age with firearms. Different time. You and yours might have greater access to a beautiful place like Utah. Modern Child development and psychology science , oh and the state of Utah might really have your child’s best developmental interest in mind despite your great parental wisdom. I guess for some crazy reason even someone with vast parental prowess cannot determine it would be a good idea to put your 13 year old behind the wheel of a car to drive or learn to drive-crazy bull crap. When you were a kid in the puckerbrush, schools would be cancelled for deer season. Seat belts in cars met a lot of pushback until these same folks got pushed through windshields, i digress. 2:37-look here, Mr. back to the future, you are framing this whole argument to suit this video. you buy a hunting license, tags are regulated according to the game we hunt, based on animal populations. You should cite references to make your videos less sensational. And more credible 4:47 I suppose, and I am just saying, it isn’t the number of hunters then and now, or our hunting equipment then and now, it is what we are hunting whose numbers are in decline. It costs money to get people to monitor animal populations and so forth. 5:11-look cost have gone up. Depart of interior, and park service budgets and others have been drastically cut back. You premise that these agencies sit around and contrive a way to bilk money from us is ridiculous….fees go up to allow us to continue to hunt in protected areas. 5:27-what is wrong with you? If your your children, god forbid, kept getting hit and injured or killed by cars and they said a vaccination would keep them on the pedestrian sidewalk--WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY? (I know, an extreme example to drive a point as it were). Oh God 6:00 you have a beef about the blaze orange requirement? I have stories. People watching your videos have stories.. HEY there is nothing funny about this. You will influence some hunter NOT to wear BLAZE ORANGE because of this reckless portion on this video. It on you if morons get killed. 7:30 shameless way to line your pocket. I am really surprised. Every dollar should go to a health recovery fund for every knucklehead shot because of this reckless campaign….Outrageous. 8:20 you really make us all look bad. Crazy wingnut conspiracy theories about corruption? You should stop this. Make a video about where hunter’s fees for licenses and tags go. Search and rescue, you have to pay for logistics, personnel equipment. You just don’t get how this all works and you really are doing us a great disservice with this disinformation. Liberals and conservatives are hunters, gun enthusiasts and NRA members do not forget. Can’t finish your video.
@briand4306 Жыл бұрын
can you elaborate more (or make a follow up video) on the sale of public lands? This one has been an issue recently where I live. Conservatives passed a bill allowing the sale of forest lands that are inaccessible to the public. Almost immediately various municipalities attempted to sell perfectly accessible lands to generate revenue.
@gopackgo933 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I know Mike Lee, the Republican from Utah wants to sell off all of Utah's public land. I'd love to see a video about that.
@timkaldahl Жыл бұрын
It may be a liberal Ideology, but states are in charge of regulation. These ideologies are being implemented by conservatives. Actions not words.
@loulunetta425 Жыл бұрын
I was 10 when I shot my first round, .32 rimfire in a 1915 Favorite. 63 years later, still shooting.
@RWTupper Жыл бұрын
"Follow the money & you'll find where the corruption is" ~ STELLAR QUOTE!
@tightright7561 Жыл бұрын
Excellent! I went to Colorado with a bow that was 85% let off. Very challenging to address that on a holiday weekend as it needed to be 80% let off. I just missed it in all the regulations. Completely my fault. What difference does it make anyway? $700 out of state tag with no harvest. Just another war on good Americans.
@hunterh7026 Жыл бұрын
They "adjust" tag allocation to deliberately reduce the success rate. Convince me otherwise.
@Hokie200proof Жыл бұрын
Isn't really a liberal vs. conservative issue, more like misinformed people making laws... which is how any representative democracy works. If we don't educate our lawmakers, they will make damaging, misguided or feckless laws. There are plenty of stupid hunting and gun laws in traditionally conservative states. As you point out, given how few people hunt in modern US (far less than in the 80's and it's something like 1%-5% of the total pop) we are a tiny special interest. No need to divide it further by making hunting a liberal vs conservative issue.
@baitball4665 Жыл бұрын
Liberals are misinformed people lol
@baitball4665 Жыл бұрын
Dude is a hard-core conservative. He knows our morals and ideals are the only thing that is going to save hunting in the u.s.
@D_Boone Жыл бұрын
@@baitball4665 Right. Except that party of the conservatives wants to actively divest of public lands, which would destroy hunting...
@zachb.6606 Жыл бұрын
Great video, you make excellent points. I was born in the mid 70s and the hunting age for firearms deer in my state was 14. My grandpa taught me to respect the law, but he also told me that during the depression any game that wandered on your property was fair game regardless of season, age, or bag limits. lol. The camo issue is interesting...they've done studies and apparently there was nothing wrong with the old red buffalo plaid shirts hunters wore in the 40s - 70s. They broke up your pattern and made it easy for other hunters to identify you in the woods.
@keeganroberts461 Жыл бұрын
My dad took me deer hunting for the first time in 2nd grade, best experience ever.
@alexgenereux4704 Жыл бұрын
MN hunting in southern zone you have to use shotguns. Originally put in place to help increase deer populations Now deer are so heavily populated and we have CWD running rampant but it would be “unsafe” to allow hunters to shoot a rifle. Also begs the question if you want new hunters such as kids and women it probably would be best not to beat them up with a 20/12 gauge slug gun.
@stanpersful4723 Жыл бұрын
From the time I was 8 in 1979 until I lost my eyesight in 1996, I don't recall ever NOT filling my whitetail tags in AR and KY. We hunted for food and there were much less deer then than there are now. I didn't have vidoe games and cell phones and I spent a LOT more time in teh woods.
@tristanpedersen9056 Жыл бұрын
Wisconsin changed our law to 10 in 2009, and in recent years it has changed to any age which the parent believes responsible. This needs to happen more places.
@jjz814 Жыл бұрын
I live in Pennsylvania, where we have many of these regulations ( I grew up with them, started hunting at 12) Never thought other states had no age limits. So great video! 9 minutes in and I already ordered my T-Shirt. Gladly take my $31.89 shipped. You said you have only 400, they will sell out quick especially if you are a 2x or XL.. ( Noone wears a mens small in US)
@elimanning6520 Жыл бұрын
The state of PA sucks for hunting. I moved here 8 years ago from NY (border town) At theirs use to make sense before they went commie. But Pennsylvanias hunting laws must have been made by a drunk retard. Can't hunt on Sundays and the season is split up so bad it's not even worth learning. Literally have not hunted in 8 years. Can't wait to hunt again once I get my own property. Then I'm hunting whenever I feel like it lmfao
@jjz814 Жыл бұрын
In PA for Rifle Season you have 2 weeks to hunt buck, and you get one but doe you need a doe tag for. You have to mail in the tag request and they are limited. They are going to change it to online soon. Currently i got into fishing just because they offered licenses online.
@The_Draque Жыл бұрын
@@jjz814 and can't hunt on Sundays.... so stupid
@elimanning6520 Жыл бұрын
@@jjz814 yea see that's f-ing crazy!!
@elimanning6520 Жыл бұрын
@@jjz814 o and me personally I don't mind going to the store to get my license. It's the other stuff
@malcolm777b Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why you're talking liberal versus conservative with regards to hunting in these instances. First of all, you talk about selling off public lands. That's a right wing thing. Liberals as a general want MORE public land. Look at what politicians are calling on selling off public lands. Hint: it's not liberals.
@thomashoward1793 Жыл бұрын
Shirt ordered-can't wait to rock that here in WI-should be a hit at my next fish fry. Keep up the great work at Backfire, thanks
@griffintelco9661 Жыл бұрын
There's no question about government over stepping their bounds time and time again. The one piece of data that would be interesting to put into this video would be animal count (population '85 v. today) as it would drive home the point even further and take aware a counter argument that the animal population has fallen by the same degree as the hunters or more.
@D_Boone Жыл бұрын
Right. Because overpopulation was definitely the right way to go. Wildlife as a whole is WAY better off today than in 1985, and it's not even close.
@Dopey_Fudd Жыл бұрын
Ohio went from 19 for a tag for deer, to 25, now, it is 35 for one deer. I'm a duck hunter. All our money goes to deer, and none goes to small game. Additional there is only one warden per county...none of which you can get a hold of if there is an issue.
@rustyshacklford245 Жыл бұрын
Spending any time on public land here really makes you wonder where the funding is going, definitely not to making good wild game habitat and keeping the land free of garbage
@Dopey_Fudd Жыл бұрын
@@rustyshacklford245 absolutely! Trash all over. People calling themselves "hunters" with no ethics or respect for other hunters or the lands. People placing blinds and stands when it is clearly written as illegal. Hunter harassment, on and on and on.
@rustyshacklford245 Жыл бұрын
@@Dopey_Fudd a couple years back I had a guy driving his truck illegally all over the public land fields i was hunting, we definitely need more wardens
@Dopey_Fudd Жыл бұрын
@@rustyshacklford245 I had guys with a grow a couple of years ago walking past us. Every time they saw someone, they fired off rounds. Literally shots over heads. Warden said "I don't have time for it" when I heard back from him 4 days later.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
We have 3 wetlands areas on the lake I live beside. Of those the pumps for 2 of them haven’t ran a single day in nearly 4 years. In fact, the one working pump broke down during the 21-22 season and they robbed parts of the other pumps to make it work. Then this year (albeit during a drought) they barely flooded any of the one remaining areas. Even though the drought the creek that’s adjacent to 2 of the zones was completely full.
@alcalc8938 Жыл бұрын
We're basically the same as smokers....nearly all of the govt hates us but they love the money we poor into the system. I've given up all hunting except walking miles and miles every year for an avg of 1 quail covey flush every 2 years. This is near Lincoln NE. We have turkeys coming out our azzes but have to buy big game tags to hunt them, who wants to pay 20 or 30 bucks to hunt a bird that is more populated than sparrows.
@dakotatalteco Жыл бұрын
You should move to rumble. Also, I just bought my shirt, I hope it helps. Thanks for all you do. Also, I just shot my first reloaded ammo so thanks for all the reloading help, I'm having a blast
@sheethneaffer8614 Жыл бұрын
At least repost to rumble. I don't think it costs much extra time to post the exact same video that you have on youtube to rumble.
@baitball4665 Жыл бұрын
The problem for these guys is if they lose half they're youtube audience to rumble they aren't making as much money. Hopefully rumble will be just as lucrative as YT in a couple years. If he's demonatized already here then yea I agree he should double post. I know a couple conservative guys are in the same dilemma. Like "liberal hivemind" for example. Some guys can make it work but others its not as easy...yet
@wickedwagens Жыл бұрын
Agree with the kids hunting. My Daughter has tried to get mule deer tags in our home state from 12 years old and has not received a junior tag for 3 years now. We ended up taking her to TX where she was able to harvest 2 whitetail. We need to get these kids hunting.
@Adiscretefirm Жыл бұрын
I didn't know I was only supposed to watch this channel if I was conservative. I'll show myself out, but before I go isn't Utah on of those conservative states that feels free to interfere with all sorts of private decisions?
@terrythompson448 Жыл бұрын
@hunterwyatt3995 Жыл бұрын
Long term subscriber, I miss the old days of this channel being about guns, ballistics and gear rather than politics and click bait. I don’t come to this channel to hear political opinions nor give them, I come here for quality product testing and gun review related content.
@mxracer317 Жыл бұрын
It’s his channel. If you don’t like it, feel free to move on. That’s the freedom that we have in America. He owes you nothing.
@patrickgjorven7832 Жыл бұрын
New Mexico's politicians want to eliminate hollow-points, pistol grips, barrel shrouds, and all things semi-automatic 😒
@skippylippy547 Жыл бұрын
👍 Excellent video! LOVE the T-Shirt. ❤ I agree with every point you made. Thank you.
@jimweston8224 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly why I quit going to Colorado 24 years ago. They just look for some technicality they can fine you for and the prices have gone through the roof. I stay home ever since.
@guitargod4586 Жыл бұрын
Hunting funds the conservation and if hunting is taken away there will be over populations of animals
@NebraskaPharmer Жыл бұрын
Youth deer tags are available in Nebraska for non-residents on the cheap. There are some restrictions but not horrible.
@EagleRun23 Жыл бұрын
I am color blind, so the whole blaze orange thing is lost on me anyway.
@ngallakp62 Жыл бұрын
Thats a very serious point now that I think about it i have met several people that are colour blind and can’t see reds/orange very common in males
@EagleRun23 Жыл бұрын
@@ngallakp62 people forget about us colorblind! but no worries, I hunt my own property.
@c.m.cordero1772 Жыл бұрын
I live in California and blaze orange isn’t required here except for some bird hunts , so not an issue. Blaze orange ,measured by inches no less, is required in such states as Arkansas and Alabama. Go figure. 😅
@benjaminbenedict7779 Жыл бұрын
My son killed his 1st deer at 10 and his first bear at 11. I do think that the hunting regs have been getting ridiculous.
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
Hey Jim, I've watched a lot of videos on your channel, and they were extremely useful for choosing a rifle a couple years. I would question your assessment on this topic though. I think it is a good idea limit children under a certain age from having their own tag while allowing them to hunt under an adult tag. In Alaska where I live children under 10 cannot posses their own BIG GAME tag, but they can harvest an animal on an accompanying adult's tag (they can hunt small game alone if they have passed basic hunters education). Furthermore Alaska hunting, fishing, and trapping regulations are a set in place by a public process that is easy to attend and effect. I don't know if other states are the same, but when this is compared with the blaze orange or trail cam example, it is not really the government making the rules. Again, I do not know how the Alaska Board of Fisheries and Board of Game process compares with other states, but most of the stupid hunting laws are proposed by hunters and get in place because of public complacency and laziness. People need to attend their State regulation boards, and improve regulations! On a side note, the Alaska Board of Fisheries and Alaska Board of Game do not answer to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (the scientists) or the Alaska Wildlife Troopers (the enforcers), but the opinions of these groups are heavily utilized when considering regulation changes (This may be worth taking into account when writing those letters).
@bryonslatten3147 Жыл бұрын
AK hunting regulation is very different from WA.
@letsgobrandon416 Жыл бұрын
It's gotten to the point where hunting deer just isn't fun. Every restriction they can think of is thrown at deer hunting. Yet if I want to hunt anything other than deer, I can use any weapon/scope/caliber I see fit. Makes no sense at all. Want to hunt squirrel wit ha 308? Perfectly legal, I called Fish & Game and asked - but deer in the exact same part of the woods? Nope that's illegal because the bullet can travel too far.....🤪
@tobiasjohancoetsee6870 Жыл бұрын
Im from South Africa and got my first deere at 8 years, nothing wrong with this. If I take what I learned through hunting, I can only be thankful, my respect for nature is a key factor for my happiness in life.
@Chris-wc5ge Жыл бұрын
Awesome video! Could not agree more! Surprisingly of all the western states NM has done well in this regard. No orange required and can hunt big game at age 6. I’ve seen some kids who were ready to hunt at age 6 but my kids weren’t ready until 7. I like that I have the agency to decide what was right for my kids. It’s all about the tripod with the arca attachment! Game changer. People can say what they want, but a kid shooting from a tripod is more steady than an adult standing or kneeling without a tripod.
@kellyrick4365 Жыл бұрын
Just ordered mine. Thanks in advance for your kids doing what they are going to do. That is awesome!!!
@jerryrichard1857 Жыл бұрын
Unbelievable! In Illinois there is no minimum age for hunting! Including Deer hunting! Resident and Non-Resident alike. I just verified this on the IDNR website.
@waynesligar5948 Жыл бұрын
I started hunting with my dad when i was 3 and he made me walk every step with him and i started shooting a 22 at 7 then at 9 i got a 16 gauge hunting rabbits
@FullQuiverOutdoors Жыл бұрын
I helped author and testify for the “hunter heritage bill” years ago in Michigan to allow kids of any age to hunt. I agree, it’s up to the parents to decide. I know 30yr olds that shouldn’t be able to hunt and 6yr olds that are more responsible. Thankfully Michigan passed that legislation and we are now allowed to get our young kids more involved.
@brianlee6849 Жыл бұрын
I think you should run for office! If I lived in Utah I would definitely vote for you we need more people like you representing us. I agree with everything you said. Thank you 👍
@scottscheuerman6170 Жыл бұрын
Ya know what crazy here in Colorado you could be hunting muzzle loader and have to wear blaze orange but there was bow hunters out at the same time wearing camouflage
@Poppy_love59 Жыл бұрын
You have to remember that almost 100% of kids these days have been groomed by Disney to believe that every deer is Bambi or his Mom!
@lrac7751 Жыл бұрын
I remember the good old days, when the hunting regulation pamphlet was about as thick as the owner’s manual for a crescent wrench. Now when the book comes out, I need a few hours to sit down and study it
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
I’m sure it’s because I’ve hunted OK for nearly all of my hunting years, but ours seem fairly straightforward, at least for a resident. Some really stupid regs for specific WMA’s, but mostly they leave us alone. I started hunting in Tx and the regs there are so confusing that most Texans with the ability to drive out of state will do so. It is generally cheaper for them to buy an Oklahoma archery tag and hunt from October through January 15th than try to find a lease, or which WMA is open which weekend and what rules apply, when is the draw, are there standby spots, etc…
@bobbymabe2313 Жыл бұрын
Blaze orange is not for safety. It makes you visible to game wardens
@D_Boone Жыл бұрын
Lol. Right. that's why hunting accidental shootings went way down after the introduction, and the majority of them happen in turkey season in full camo.
@bobbymabe2313 Жыл бұрын
@@D_Boone It's a shame that you have to wear a certain color to not get shot!
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
There were also large amounts of “sound shots” during that era, as well as driven hunts. That means hunters in close proximity and shooting at moving targets. Group hunting also fell out of favor for solitary endeavors around the same period. Turkey hunting is a complicated situation because the hunter usually has a deke only a few yards ahead of himself and is actively making noises like a bird. It’s why it’s specifically recommended that if you’re using a deke you should be sitting against a tree that is wider than your shoulders by a couple inches.
@ryangriffiths2290 Жыл бұрын
And yet a 12-year-old can choose their identity
@markk9794 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow Utahn and father of 2 who grew up hunting with me, I have no trouble with limiting big game hunting to 12 and up. I'm not ready to have the exception drive the rule. And I know what mine were like at 12. They have carried since they were 18, and they now live amazing outdoor lives, but let's be honest. There is WAY too much paternal zeal to get a kid their first animal. It's gotten ridiculous.
@bryanradik7404 Жыл бұрын
I agree Jim is over exaggerating since kids can still hunt everything else in Utah. My son was able to get out hunting at age 9 and got his first animal (a duck) at age 11. He just got his first big game (antlerless elk) this season at 14. Jim was able to get his younger kids hunting big game just fine without taking up the limited tags here in Utah.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
So you’re saying that a guy should be required to travel out of state to 1: make tags available for other people, and 2: be able to circumvent superficial & onerous restrictions? As mentioned in another thread it’s ludicrous that people are tagging deer at 2yo & for the DNR to allow it. But it’s still pure nanny state for one man to tell another what his child is or isn’t capable of doing. Many are not mature enough as adults, others are just fine at 6-7.
@Do-Twice Жыл бұрын
Hunt all my life. Upstate ny.. well numbers I think lie! There's very few hunting places allowed on private lands. Old farms now sold to downstate people that do not allow hunting. Wish NYS would give tax breaks if they allow hunters on there land. 10yrs ago we had 150acres to hunt on private land. Now I am only able to hunt on 15. State land is over popular with hunters due to no hunting on private land. Especially now with new laws its insane
@williamthomasandshonnaback2397 Жыл бұрын
Great show. Love the ideas. It would be awesome like you said to have a few States have a super simplified system and see how that goes.
@shaynelhta Жыл бұрын
As an Alaskan, I will tell you that very few people are successful hunting up north. It may seem that a large majority of people are successful hunting because of all the social media photo ops that you see, but from experience, you will see thousands of people out hunting for only a handful of moose, caribou or whatever. Most of the hunters will just ride around on their machines driving the game further into the swamps and mountains.
@scotth8038 Жыл бұрын
OVERLOOKING the States mismanagement of both fish and moose... I quit hunting road accessible areas in my home state of Alaska because of that very thing, (not to mention having a few zingers overhead). The only problem with that is the accessibility. Not owning an cub or a boat is that I am looking at an 8K-10K cost of taking my sons or daughters on a hunt. The answer was there all along....God bless Texas! I can fly down there and hunt nearly anything for less than a fly in from 40 Mile. I might sound like a quitter, but I fill freezers at a higher rate and get a little tan while doing it:)
@rolandceehorne5349 Жыл бұрын
Alaska is catering to out of state hunters.
@tarungonneea4614 Жыл бұрын
Well… I think there’s some variance to that statement. SE born here, you have to be willing to work with other people to be successful. You’re not gonna find anything off the logging roads, you gotta have a buddy with a jet boat or a cub. If you think that’s an issue, why the hell are you still an AK resident? It’s remote and hard to access, and that’s the point. While it’s hard to hunt deer elk and moose, it’s really easy to trap. And if you are only going for a trophy, and not for sustenance. Maybe your priorities are wrong.
@jpaul1232h Жыл бұрын
I love the passion and I agree with most of what you said but please get back to more gun reviews. I deal with politics all day and want to decompress and see your usual cool videos. Thanks a ton! Potential disagreement: 1) what was the game population in 1980s compared to now? If game population is the same or higher now, than I agree that modern hunting equipment hasn’t contributed to success rates. However, everybody I have talked to said there used to be way more game. If that’s true then we can’t compare success rates straight across without also taking into account game populations over time.
@rolandceehorne5349 Жыл бұрын
I used to live in Utah in the early 80s, while mule deer have declined the elk population has exploded along with the turkey population.
@jpaul1232h Жыл бұрын
@@rolandceehorne5349 I would like to see actual numbers. I’ve heard both sides, some saying there are increased numbers and others, the opposite. Bottom line is if numbers have declined (as I’ve clearly seen where I hunt), that would explain the decrease of success even with modern equipment.
@ameliamccombs4313 Жыл бұрын
When I graduated from Utah with my biology degree I interviewed for a position with the state in Mountain lion control. It paid 10.50 an hour and required a bachelors degree. But yea, salaries are just so bloated. I ended up a biologist in the fed because it paid slightly better. There is a lot you do not see. A lot of money goes to private land initiatives and if there is one sketchy place it is paying ranchers for easements and quasi access, and managing the herds to their whim. Yes, those cows you see all over our public land decrease the holding capacity for ungulates and create the excuse for why predators we would otherwise hunt get gunned from a helicopter.
@1bobharvey Жыл бұрын
I read a college level coyote biology book (it was a very boring but highly informative book) a while back. It talked about the Wyoming fish and game of the early 1900's and how many coyotes they poisoned, aerial gunned, trapped, ect per winter. They even had a bag limit for golden eagles, that's how far they took predator control in the winter to keep stress off undgulates when food was scarce and during the calving and fawning of the spring. I was flying some Oregon FW biologist for an elk survey in the crater lake area of Oregon years back and asked them what predation data they collect and they had one lady who the previous year tracked 20 or so fawn doe pairs from birth till September. She said out of the 20 or so, roughly 14 were killed by coyotes and 2 were killed by cougars. So 4 out of 20 survived then? She said well, no. Another 2 fawns starved to death. Which made me ask "how does a fawn starve to death?". She replied their mothers were killed by cougars. Which upon further questioning didn't count as predation cause the cougar only killed the doe. So I asked "if I was poaching and shot a doe with a fawn, and the fawn died. Would I get charged with killing one deer or two?" And of course she said well 2 of course 😆. But when you do a study, you don't count that as predation? Which is a big nope. Funny thing was that study out of 20 fawns born, 2 made it to September, that's not even counting the ones that don't make it through their first winter... Point is, if you actually care about deer, elk, anelope, ect numbers you need to thin out the hunters who are in the woods 24/7 like they did in the old days. Although I will say Wyoming fish and game developing mange and releasing it in the western coyote population to replace strick 9 poison was a terrible failure, as it just made the coyotes in states like az look like something out of a zombie movie.
@Drgunzo616 Жыл бұрын
That's some good data and makes me more excited to start coyote hunting. It's open season in Michigan and will give me something to do when deer and turkey aren't in season. And hopefully improve the populations of the latter.
@1bobharvey Жыл бұрын
@gorzinplatz if you don't have much luck initially in open fields with rifles, start hunting the thick cover with a short shotgun. You'll kill a lot more skittish coyotes in thick draws than you will coming to a decoy in a meadow in my experience. If they don't get much pressure it won't matter. I've killed far more with a home defense length shotgun where I couldn't see more than 20 yards than I ever have hunting open country.
@Drgunzo616 Жыл бұрын
@@1bobharvey I have 3 acres that borders national forest with a lake to the South. Mostly forest with not many open areas. Lots of downed trees so good places to hide for shotgun range.
@zackolsen1 Жыл бұрын
I up-vote “hunting laws between states, especially bordering states should have similar laws” but I feel that would be the most difficult to change, since your dealing with 2 different municipalities. But in the end, all I really want is to cut out majority of the bureaucracy/ red tape/ ridiculous lotteries and just have fair chance of hunting places I want to hunt and things that I want to harvest, without spending a ridiculous amount of money, or waiting a lifetime in some type of lottery system.
@kevincollett1537 Жыл бұрын
I haven't seen it as an argument that hunters are too successful, I see it pushed as such and such a thing is not ethical or sporting. Kind of a similar push though. I will say in Idaho I do enjoy my muzzleloader hunts. I enjoy using a traditional cap and ball muzzleloader. I feellike Daniel Boone or something out there. Can't use inline muzzleloaders with optics and such here for muzzleloader only hunts. But yeah, they don't need to make it a rule. I'll choose to use my traditional Kentucky rifle on my own and let others choose.
@JamesWalker-ng1qh Жыл бұрын
It's almost like hunters are being forced to fund the demise of hunting by their states. Not unlike the working man being taxed to fund the demise of their values by the state.
@bikerbernie821 Жыл бұрын
My state of Nazi York just went to 12 and not all of it they left it up to the individual County, my County opted out. So even though it was not a thing in my family, my son and I took up hunting about 4 years ago for something to do. And our novices to Guns Plus I decided as the patriarch that I had a responsibility to teach the Traditions that go back Generations on my wife's side of the family. So my oldest grandson just started last year, and I am more than willing to go spend my money on gas, lunch, and other things out of my County, after all the other counties are close enough.
@camdeskjockey2355 Жыл бұрын
Good video! Many of us were not aware of some of these issues. I can't imagine not having been able to hunt before age 12 as I grew up. Especially with adult supervision, young people under age 12 can safely hunt and be successful. It allows them to learn and gives them quality time having fun.
@paulwarta5533 Жыл бұрын
Jim is conflating having a big game tag with being able to hunt. Even in California youth under 12 can hunt small game with adult supervision, and although I am not well versed in state hunting regulations, at least some states allow youth to harvest big game on an adult's tag (the minimum age to have your own tag in Alaska is 10).
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
Oklahoma they can hunt with a youth tag, below a specific age the parents must be nearby, after 11 or 12 not required. But it’s ultimately their tag.
@henrydando Жыл бұрын
Suprisingly in super liberal new zealand, you get a (free) permit, and go to public land, hunt, and go home. No tags, no seasons, no age restrictions, only rules are no hunting from vehicles, no night vision, no night hunting although with a different permit you can, and you can hunt on more land with one. only downside is to get the guns, we need licences (which takes forever right now, and soon will cost to the tune of $700, every 5 years) and we cant buy semi-autos, pistols need special licences (Soon to cost $1500)
@TheKrazykris Жыл бұрын
My state priced me out. It costs over $100 for the basic big/small game license. Then you only get one weekend to hunt (modern), so you have tens of thousands of people hunting the same accessible public land (that shrinks every year). It's really sad when you get out to someplace just before dawn and as the sun rises, the hillsides are covered with bright orange dots. It only really works in my state if you hunt with a bow. Then you get 3 months to bag your deer, and it's during the prime time of the year.
@urgamecshk Жыл бұрын
Where's this?
@hawkcheese3494 Жыл бұрын
Good video! I often get emotional over the government tyranny and coddling. Your views are logical arguments, that's appreciated
@marcp93 Жыл бұрын
Salut Jim je reste au Québec Justin trudeau c-21 bad tink juste de la marde pour les chasseurs et tireur sportifs
@jackbuendgen389 Жыл бұрын
One thing to keep in mind with the success rate and hunter numbers is that there's a different attitude towards hunting from the past to present day. Back in the day people would just buy hunting licenses. Are they going hunting? Perhaps. Maybe they'll drive down the road a time or two, or just hang out at camp. Whilst today's hunters freaking GET AFTER IT. Most of the time if someone says they're a hunter... They freaking HUNT. So maybe "hunter numbers are down" but I think hunter participation is way up.
@josephvoytus3694 Жыл бұрын
Disagree. The old timers (hunters of the 40's, 50's, 60's etc had VERY few deer compared to today & none of the technology or advanced clothing. They persevered thru determination & covering a ton of ground looking for a track to get on (in snow) or slowly "sneaking" (still hunting) thru cover. I have nothing but respect for anyone 60+ that hunted back in the tougher times. And yes I know many younger hunters hunt hard today.
@Olaf236 Жыл бұрын
@@josephvoytus3694 And we depended on the meat, it wasn’t a luxury, it was a necessity. In 1970, as I recall it was a 2 week season, we harvested 1 doe for 9 hunters. And if you knew my dad & grandfather, you would know there was no slacking. It was my 4th season. The following year the state cancelled deer season. We had some tough winters in the late ‘60’s in Minnesota, deep snow & extreme cold.
@bryanradik7404 Жыл бұрын
From what I have read, I think it is only east coast states where the number of hunters is down. Mostly the number is fairly constant, it is the percentage of hunters that is down because of population growth.
@volusia407 Жыл бұрын
While county governments across Florida permit clear-cutting countless acres of forest for development. Frankly, I'm tired of seeing dead baby bear, deer being hit in these areas as animals try to figure out where to go! Hell I saw a flock of 10-15 turkey standing in the road between 2 clear-cut parcels for 200 home sites.
@soonerfrac4611 Жыл бұрын
My father lives in just north of Boston MA probably 3 blocks from the water & has sent me pictures of a turkey literally standing on cars in the parking lot adjacent the condo. His employer is literally on the docks and other pix had turkeys walking between the pier and the warehouse 20yds from it.
@davep3163 Жыл бұрын
It's not liberalism to blame, it's corrupt govt over regulation & overpopulation. "Liberalism is a philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality and equality before the law...."
@modakkagitplugga Жыл бұрын
Considering the civil war had an 11 year old sniper with body count, more kids like Autumn's Armory should be well educated in firearms and practical hunting
@kensmith7567 Жыл бұрын
I don’t hunt or need the shirt - cool shirt though - please ask your kids to write another 5 letters. -Ken
@backfire Жыл бұрын
You got it. Thanks Ken!
@nicksummerfield5408 Жыл бұрын
I remember looking at game regulations and it was litterally a fold up brochure that would fit in your pocket and it was in laymen’s terms. Now we have to have 60 page document and requires a lawyer to explain it
@waynestalzer1776 Жыл бұрын
I remember at the age of 8 hunting by myself with a 22 ,12,and 410 best days of my life
@kathmanexotics3227 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Nebraska and our deer numbers are terrible this last season. Didn't even fill my tag, 2 years in a row tag soup... our numbers were too high and disease comes in.
@spider15hl Жыл бұрын
oh my god i just ordered the shirt right now!!!!!!!!! Watching from NJ Love the channel man. And yes... hunting libtards sucks
@backfire Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate the support. I was really nervous to press publish on this video--wondering what people would think.
@spider15hl Жыл бұрын
@@backfire happy you did. Made me think of how obscene the govt really is. All the permits and earn a buck tags my state deals with and wondering where all that revenue actually goes. Definitely happy you made this video. Thanks again
@jcloyd2004 Жыл бұрын
So I pushed the blaze orange rule here in Tennessee. By rule it is written that a minimum of 500 square inches of blaze must be worn while hunting. The minimum requirement will be covered by wearing a hat and hunting vest. Well I decided to wear my favorite everyday hat and the vest meets the minimum requirement of 500 inches. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! I argued until I was blue in the face that there should not be a minimum requirement for coverage if you are going to consider the statement after the written law as law (hat and vest).
@dstew3709 Жыл бұрын
New to all of this & didn't realize how infected it had become, thanks for bringing awareness
@lavernedofelmier6496 Жыл бұрын
Had a ranch with antelope, deer, elk and sage hens 25 miles from an exploding city, the expansion was like the tide coming in. After 15 years the wildlife was gone all that was left was people and coyotes.
@NovaDexter Жыл бұрын
when we were kids we would go squirrel hunting in packs of 6