00:00 해물된장찌개 해줄까? 먹을거야? 아직 배안고프지너? 배고파? 해물된장찌개 해줘도돼? 맛없으면 어떡하지?정재일? 00:10 휘야, 나아직 소개안했어! 다시들어가봐바 안어두워? 괜찮아? 00:19 흐흫 아, 바보처럼 나오는거아냐?괜찮아요? 00:23 저는 계속 서있을건데! 앟ㅎ아냐아냐 농담! 아이,,나랑다르잖아요~ 나는 중간에 쫌 앉아있었지만.. 00:31 깜짝놀랬잖아~~ 형~~! 00:35 근데봐바 여기봐바 아까여기 안하얬어 00:39 나 이름 적어놔줘 가볼래 00:42 아 배고파앟! 00:44 아 빨리 딴거틀어~~ 아빨리 딴거틀어엉~ 00:49 미안해~ 00:50 아 게뜨거워! 00:52 뭐갛ㅎ뭔소맇ㅎ 00:53 내일은 너무 연예인같을까봐? 맞대ㅋㅋㅋ
@danielaokoroafor6414 жыл бұрын
Please what did he say?😭
@jonathanparker94494 жыл бұрын
SOUL TREE FOREVER PHS LOVERS from the beginning, 00:00 may I cook sea food soy bean paste stew for you? wanna eat? aren't you hungry yet? are you hungry? what if it doesn't taste? jungjaeil? 00:10 휘야, I didn't introduce you yet! will you go back there again? you okay that? isn't it dark? 00:19 lol, ah am I look not handsome now? is this okay? 00:23 I'm gonna stay stand! ah! lol no, no it was just a joke! nahhhh we were in the different situation~ I set in the middle of performance... 00:31 you shocked me~~~ bro~~! 00:39 will you wright down there name(shop) I wanna go there 00:42 ah so hungry lol! 00:44 ah change the music X2~~~ 00:49 sorry~>< 00:50 ah it's dang hot! 00:52 whatttt lol 00:53 (do you think) I might be too celebrity tomorrow? lol (he) says yes lololol I'm not good at translating, but I hope you understand a little more about our captain. If you could, me and all of soultree and even parkhyoshin will happy for you🥳