The FX True Ballistic Chronograph uses initial muzzle velocity readings in combination with ballistic formulas to estimate the projectile's performance downrange, but it doesnt take into account things like ( Altitude , temp ... ect) hope this helps
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@xxgimzyxx Thanks buddy 👍👍
@cliverkay3 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait Absolutely . Same as the golf apps that measure golf ball data . The initial speed is correct and the rest is extrapolated..
@UpNorthAirGunner3 ай бұрын
@cliverkay The pocket chronograph yes that is true, but not the True Ballistics Radar. It is taking multiple readings down range. Watching this video I called into question the other light based chronograph fluctuating by more that 20 FPS shot to shot. That is the real questionable thing I saw and not that they didn't match up. I have tested these units extensively and plugged in the data derived from this radar to hit targets out to 1000 yards.
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@UpNorthAirGunner Hi Chris , if we have done something wrong as said , tell us and we can address it. I would like to do it right .
@UpNorthAirGunner3 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait When I saw your results my biggest question was about why the other light based chronograph was getting such erratic readings with velocity variations so high and the FX wasn’t. I’ve done similar testing with other light based chronographs and got similar results where I’d get erratic readings and often errors with no reading beyond the muzzle. There seems to be quite a high amount of confirmation bias in this test as the light based chronograph you’re testing the FX against has been the standard equipment used in the past. Your test raises the bigger question of why were the readings so wildly different and with such a horrible SD/ES at distance with the light based chronograph. If you’re getting 20-30 FPS ES you’d see it in your groups at 100 yards. The FX True Ballistics Radar has been tested head-to-head against LabRadar, Garmin, and other available radar based chronographs. They all register within a statistically exact same reading. So to answer your question… I don’t think your test was wrong, but rather it seems like the interpretation of the data raises the question about erratic readings of light based chronographs. Just my two cents and what I took away from this video. Great test though!
@FXAirguns3 ай бұрын
Hi , There are a few reasons why you got mixed readings between chronographs "The cosine error occurs because the chronograph calculates the velocity based on the time it takes for the pellet to pass through the light beams. When the pellet travels at an angle, the distance it covers across the beams increases, making it seem like the pellet is traveling slower than it actually is. This is why it's important to ensure that the pellet is traveling as parallel as possible to the chronograph’s sensors." . May I ask what caliber you were shooting ?
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@FXAirguns Hi there , it was a .22 airgun shooting JSB 25,39’s . I have chatted to Chris and we will be out again to see if we can make this work . I am keen to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
@FXAirguns3 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait The TBC does track the projectiles as far as it can, if it can't for some reason it will take the data it recorded and makes a very accurate calculations for the rest of the distances based on the info it recorded. The smaller the projectile the more difficult it will get to reach far and collect data , thats why I asked about the caliber. Also make sure you aim the chronograph at your target with the aim thing at the top making sure the TBC is also in line with the barrel and not skew. Furthermore if you utilize the FX RADAR app in combination with the TBC you can get a lot more data out of it like drop charts etc ;-) . Good luck and we are looking forward to the new tests !
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@FXAirguns I am shooting 500 yards Saturday with my Airgun , I shall try and utilise the data in the chronograph as this would make things far easier . Let’s see how we go 👍
@stanke528Ай бұрын
Thank you for your effort 🎉❤
@TripleGRogerLaitАй бұрын
@@stanke528 no effort required , just dumb luck it seems ?? Who knew 😲
@chopperhehehe3 ай бұрын
That was all to much for me but thanks for trying to teach us lol 😊 👍🏴😁✌️
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@chopperhehehe lol , I got confused too 😀😀
@jammerjms4813 ай бұрын
Great video! Not to sure what was going on but always make me laugh 🤣👍🏻 keep um coming!!!
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@jammerjms481 I was a tad confused too 😀😀
@zulfiqarghizeri76322 ай бұрын
@davidcorder20213 ай бұрын
Interesting info Rog, entertaining as usual...
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@davidcorder2021 Thanks my friend. X
@AtlasAirgunsLLC3 ай бұрын
Great video
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@AtlasAirgunsLLC Thank you
@AtlasAirgunsLLC3 ай бұрын
Non of my clients like these after using them for a bit. They all get false readings and they end up buying a Garmin or a Labrador. Great testing
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
I shall test further my friend
@bill-w5h5l3 ай бұрын
as its an fx at least it didnt leak😂
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@bill-w5h5l I shan’t comment on that … other than . Hell yeah ! 👍
@leecolclough24923 ай бұрын
Grand stuff ive suspected theres a variation because the fx ,s are using some kind of algorithm my comparisons are between the fx mk11 barrel hanging one n and my local clubs scan which they use to test every thing for legality i do find theres a difference just measuring speed on selected sized and wieghed to with in a 100th of a grain thats ammo ive spent time on sortin somethings defo fishy like 👍 cheers triple g for the videos 😂
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@leecolclough2492 I’m here to help my friend 👍
@iiimilleriii2753 ай бұрын
So obviously payed youtubers telling their audience it's the best thing ever, with true readings while it's actual guessing crap as i suspected. Thanks for doing this actual test ❤. So you saved some $ for a lot of people now 😊
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@iiimilleriii275 This is how I see it , I might be wrong , I might have done something wrong … I’m guessing I haven’t . Thanks for your kind words buddy 👍👍
@LukaDukic3 ай бұрын
it would be great if you calculated bc manually and then compare the results
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@LukaDukic I can do that . I shall have a look now buddy .
@MountainSportAirguns3 ай бұрын
Its $1000?
@Juniantobaka13 ай бұрын
I like your air rifle, it's good and has good accuracy, but it's not sold in my country, Indonesia, and the Saber Tactical is sold separately, how much is the tripod? 👍👍👍
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@Juniantobaka1 hi there , the Tripod is £600 and it’s very very good .
@precisionairgunninghunting62653 ай бұрын
The FX true ballistic radar is only as good as the software/firmware it was designed with. From what I've seen it doesn't work, not to my standard anyway. The only way to calculate a true BC is to manually do it & not with guess work. Take Roelf Vorster (don't like marketeers) he set up his Crown with the FX & he was praising it to be the dogs bits but at 100yds in NO wind it was shooting 1"low, actually it was shite. So if the ones marketing their own products fk it up, don't expect anyone else to get it right. Yes it may work on some but on others it won't, do it manually it will work on ALL 🙂
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@precisionairgunninghunting6265 good point well made buddy
@precisionairgunninghunting62653 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait it's exactly the same as ALL the Ballistic scopes, they all need tweaking to get them to work, well my ATN 4K PRO with ABL1500 PARD DS35 70 LRF, ALPEX 4K LRF & the Zulus 5-20 LRF all need a tweak
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@precisionairgunninghunting6265 I bet they do . Give it good information in , good info out .
@stillair13 ай бұрын
Confused of Chelmsford says reverse engineer the FX stated drop at 100 to the actual drop . Do the same with the other thingymeabob readings . I feel another video coming on.👍👍
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@stillair1 Smashing idea . We will do that . I like it👍
@Airgunfunrich3 ай бұрын
The fx has to be making a calculation/guess because it has no way of knowing haw far 50m is unless it has a range finding device built in
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@Airgunfunrich I don’t know . I kind of hoped it would be great . It sadly wasn’t . Shame .
@Airgunfunrich3 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait tbh I didn’t know it would tell you speeds at different ranges, stands to reason tat unless t has a way of measuring ranges it has to calculate it. Unless you put it at said range an tell it it’s at the muzzle…
@Airgunfunrich3 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait on a slightly different note. What in your opinion is the most accurate chronograph? I tend to go with my LMBR as it reads slightly higher than my fx v2 , so at least (in theory) should be legal as I don’t have FAC
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@Airgunfunrich I only wish I knew buddy . Maybe the cheaper FX chrono that I use works ok . You don’t have to spend a bunch mate .As long as you are legal is all that counts . 👍👍
@dgg24123 ай бұрын
@@Airgunfunrich It knows how fast the pellet is going so knows how long it will take to reach 50 / 100 yards and takes a reading when it gets there. The only thing it doesn't know is how quickly the pellet slows down due to air pressure and atmospheric conditions (I'm guessing, I'm no expert)
@InfoLampkinsFlooring3 ай бұрын
Right Mr G stop messing around with that Steven Hawkins science an give us an old fashion shoot out between the Safari and the King that you PROMISED us I do have a dog in that fight as I’ve got the Safari and still waiting for a King both 2.5 fac to turn up GET ON WITH IT thanks for the entertainment
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@InfoLampkinsFlooring yes yes and YES ! I shall do that right away .
@anth16553 ай бұрын
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@anth1655 makes you think right ?
@roberthowe29103 ай бұрын
U probably opened up a can of problems 😂
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@roberthowe2910 I don’t know how , I just shot through a chrono and told everyone what I found . No BS no rubbish, just the truth . This is exactly what I found buddy .
@roberthowe29103 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait all good. Showing it how it is....
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@roberthowe2910 Buddy I don’t lie , not paid for this stuff . Just tell the truth and enjoy making vids . If you watch the vid and laugh … that’s made my day. 👍
@roberthowe29103 ай бұрын
@TripleGRogerLait always laugh delboy😀
@johnroberts34853 ай бұрын
Much better when not done on a Vlogs seem lazy
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@johnroberts3485 what do you mean ? What was done on an iPhone buddy ? Who is Vlogging ? Tell me all ?
@johnroberts34853 ай бұрын
@@TripleGRogerLait I t seemed to come out wrong .much better when done on a camera and not done on a phone.but do injoy your presentation
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@johnroberts3485it’s done on a Canon M50 MK2 … but thanks anyway . I don’t like 4K it’s how is like mate
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@johnroberts3485 hello ???
@dnap12453 ай бұрын
Try a SKAN
@TripleGRogerLait3 ай бұрын
@@dnap1245 The guy that made Scan lives up the road from me , Sadly he stopped making them .