Ban Magnamon X!

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Ай бұрын

Another Yap Sesh from ya boy, come check out the stream tn, we doing a tournament :)
/ marshmallowruffian

Пікірлер: 87
@kyleclements3445 Ай бұрын
I think its just jarring to have such a strong resonating force be introduced in a set since bt14/15 were kinda stale in introducing new strong decks. Realistically if you were to get rid of magna x we just revert back to bt15 meta which no offense was super stale because of mirage and nume. Those decks have run rampant for so long and there realistically is nothing stopping them outside of this wall. Listen im not saying the card isnt strong it is very clearly an incredibly strong card especially when paired with yellow vaccine as the high roll can be insane from that deck but I think the game would get stale without something new. Ive topped Nats, Ulti cups, and regionals multiple times this point on different top decks over the course I've been playing this game and relatively Magna x has not been the most oppressive deck I've played. Anubis was insane and ACTUALLY had zero bad matchups when at least magna has a spread of decks that it dislikes playing against. Honestly when Xros was best deck that felt waaaaay more oppressive. If anything nume is too fast and is stifling out a lot of the decks that can reliably answer Magna. Tyrant, Gracenova, Imperial, Birds can take one over on it but they just cannot keep up the pace with stuff like Nume/Mirage. Realistically looking at next set Magnamon isnt even the best deck anymore. DexDorugora just won the most recent Grand Asia Open and nume was eating all the other decks alive outside of that along with AncientGaruru variants being considered the boogeyman by most JP players. Just remove the yellow vaccine variation of the deck so it can no longer high roll and the card is no longer an issue IMO.
@MJ-oi6ul Ай бұрын
What is magna x weak too exactly?
@Makisotu Ай бұрын
​@@MJ-oi6ul swarm, decks with more dp, ace cards when not inmune, brick, it has to pay a lot of memory if you dont set field first and lets not forget the real cancer of the bt, Numemon deck
@marshmallowruffian8259 Ай бұрын
Ya i agree, I think I mentioned in the video how Nume is basically using Magna X like a guard dog, Magna X acts like a gatekeeper for decks that might have a decent match up against Nume preventing them from getting use out of a potential good match up into the best deck. This goes in the opposite direction as well with Nume eating up other decks that could deal with Magna x leaving other decks that want to compete to have the herculean task up having to be able to beat both wildly different decks in order to be able to compete, and i just feel like that may be too high of a restriction for decks at the current power level we have in the game. I do think Magna will fall off as an archetype, I don't know however if/when it will fall off as a tech card that you can slot into certain decks. It being the main threat and game plan probably wont be the best way to play it in upcoming sets obviously, as someone who comes from Yugioh i understand sitting on a towers is the best thing you can do for only so long as power creep keeps happening. The thing i try to hit at is, should decks that cant out a bigger than average level 6 who is unaffected a good portion of the time and provides some aggression, be pushed out of the format. I don't think so, but like I said in the video, its just my opinion.
@benjaminwiseman6567 Ай бұрын
Magnamon X himself is the problem. Yes, you can and perhaps should ban the yellow vaccine cards around him that allow him to cheat digivolution and trigger his own protection, but ultimately, Magnamon X himself is the problem. I think you can have a very diverse meta if you restrict the following cards: Promo Ukkomon BT16 Magnamon X BT15 Monzaemon X BT13 MirageGaogamon Burst Mode (this is really the problem card in Mirage because its unsuspend isn't once per turn) BT14 T.K. I would also restrict Belphemon Sleep Mode just for future-proofing. Cards unaffected by effects shouldn't exist.
@oreox1000 Ай бұрын
The sleep mode is an interesting idea.
@zukaras1 Ай бұрын
I agree with promo ukkomon Nume is a deck that been revelate for 3 bt/ex sets straight (probably more in the future) I say hit either nume x or rb01 monzae
@benjaminwiseman6567 Ай бұрын
@@zukaras1 hitting Numemon X kills the deck entirely. That would be like hitting BT10 Shoutmon in Xros Hearts. Monzaemon is a good hit, especially with BT14 as an alternative.
@zukaras1 Ай бұрын
@@benjaminwiseman6567 I know Nume x is what makes cheating a lv6 in to your various flexibility of it Ruin Mode or DNA Chaosmon with proper set up Nume deck should get direct limit hits not ban MirageGao putting the Burst Mode kills it you playing a wide board against yes it's problematic I would say the proper hit would be either Bt11 Mirage or one of the thomas
@jaaxc1036 Ай бұрын
No you can’t emissary from rapid into magna-x, but you can rapid into rapid-x via emissary
@marshmallowruffian8259 Ай бұрын
Hey guys, I appreciate the engagement and discussion, just try to keep the level of negativity to a minimum when replying to others. :)
@arejaybee Ай бұрын
I really enjoy playing against Magnamon becuase they often think they are invincible, but DP reduction that lasts until end of their turn along side good blockers/redirects handle it just fine. I run a Sukamon focused Etemon deck and pretty consistently take it down
@bretbeebe4061 Ай бұрын
This meta becomes way more fun if you limit magna X, Nume X, and Mirage. The tier 2 deck pool feels huge compared to tier 1. The other 02 kids' decks plus red/purple imperial would become tier 1.5 or 2 with those limits, too.
@SilentMagician7 Ай бұрын
BT15 was boring. Not thanks.
@lolhamhams Ай бұрын
Magna X is not good enough to get limited
@ZeroKOR1 Ай бұрын
To add what others have said, nume x is not the problem. Hit etemon because it is a problem, pair ban the ukkos so you can't run 8. Numemon is strong but you get rid of its best control and reduce its speed by hitting those two. Take out pata and magnamon x is no longer a crazy threat and you can see the boring Red Hybrid come back to check nume
@reubenhugo6450 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@marshmallowruffian8259 Ай бұрын
@@ZeroKOR1 I mentioned pair banning the ukkos in the video, I think that nume should be hit to an extent, its still performing as one of the best decks in the east like 3 sets later.
@ManhwaLoverBR Ай бұрын
Happy to see you growing, you deserve it!
@marshmallowruffian8259 Ай бұрын
thanks man, i saw you on one of the earlier vids, its nice to still see you around :)
@alasto67r Ай бұрын
I dont really care about magna X as much as I care about Yellow Vax armors. Regular Vee magnas are a tough deck but still not a complete shut down, and every other armor cope deck that tops magna X is more like a gimmick thats not a problem. Maybe its just because i play Myotismon and im used to playing around magnaX by just trashing around their sec. But yellow vax being able to get to Magna X for 3 memory or less is pretty ridiculous especially when they have access to arguably the strongest Aces in the format as well as the arguably most useful floodgates in the format.
@kananschleyer4696 Ай бұрын
Finally, someone with sense.
@alasto67r Ай бұрын
@kananschleyer4696 I dont even think anything should be banned or limited. EX6 and on really shut down these decks, but maybe a choice restriction on magna would be helpful, at least with the patamon and magna X.
@oreox1000 Ай бұрын
@@alasto67rhow about limiting Magna X with other vaccine cards not named Magna X?
@alasto67r 28 күн бұрын
@oreox1000 if it was just limited from patamon, I'd be okay, honestly, because I dont think MagnaX should lose out on Goldveedramon. I also dont really care if im playing against a terrier rapidx deck, and they randomly have an awakening and magnax teched in. It's tough trying to decide what's a choice restriction for magnaX because whatever you restrict is going to hurt Magna, and I dont think it's a problem card the way people make it out to be. My issue is more with the current yellow engine that also gets MagnaX, making it a problem.
@dredgevine Ай бұрын
I think reason why magnax itself wont get hit is they dont want a repeat of apocalypsmon. The set just releases and the best card, one of its secret rares, gets limited before anyone can use it. If they do touch it, itll be either indirectly or theyll wait 2-3 months, maybe a set or 2
@pkr7639 Ай бұрын
Armegeddemon is a diaboromon lv7, I think you mean the appocalymon from bt15, right?
@dredgevine Ай бұрын
@lawx4819 Ай бұрын
Wooo another video, I also like your video commentating your ultimate cup rounds giving in depth thinking process 👍
@Noojtxeeg Ай бұрын
Great points. In your example with Mega Digimon Fusion though, Sadly Numemon can already get turn-2 Ruin Mode. Turn 1, play Geremon, pitch PlatinumNumemom. Turn 2, digivolve into Numemon X, swing and die to security, play PlatinumNumemon for free and digivolve into Ruin Mode.
@oreox1000 Ай бұрын
As a Beelstar enjoyer I was saddened by Garu X hit. Finally having an engine to keep the deck competitive was nice, but I get why it had to happen.
@kananschleyer4696 Ай бұрын
No limit patamon & emissary
@reubenhugo6450 Ай бұрын
@reubenhugo6450 Ай бұрын
Just limit Magnamon X
@kananschleyer4696 Ай бұрын
@@reubenhugo6450 ok
@KenshinKura Ай бұрын
I think bans/limits make improvements if you look for them, I've replaced Blossomon with Pistmon in my Bloomlord deck and I feel like it's even better.
@pkr7639 Ай бұрын
I really like your idea on the ukko pair ban/limit. I hope if they ever choose to limit ex5 etemon, they do something like this. Since it is a really fair card in it's own deck, but I can see it being a problem card paired with any future leven 6 ace cards. I don't want to loose the abillity to play him at 4 in a suka-metalete deck. Just make him only being able to be played in decks when all lv6 cards have etemon in name or something like that.
@MJ-oi6ul Ай бұрын
Everyone says magna is fine just because he counters broken decks like numemon or mirage maybe the banlist can counter those decks by hitting them so we wouldnt need such a broken card and if they did get hit magna would be tier0 for sure!
@tabuukiller13 Ай бұрын
Id give two arguements against magna X. First name one deck because i am legitimately curious on what decks are shut off by magna X that stand a chance against miragegao, imperial, nume ukko and pure yellow vaccine. Also for “oh no decks can do anything but sec bombs.” Purple gets screwed but two somethings big that work are ace and lingering effects. Is it strong and holding decks back. Yes. Is there no counter play? Outside purple no
@ZeroKOR1 Ай бұрын
This is partially what happens when you do not give Wargrey any useable support for over a year. 🎉
@rustywolf-tcg Ай бұрын
Purple has plenty of outs to magna x. Shine, collision, alliance, SoC has taunt into valk.
@jessegrieb6557 Ай бұрын
Tell me if im trash but this my list and ill give examples to each one Limit to 1 Miragegaogamon bt11 - I absolutely love this card and the deck its in my actual favorite deck of all time. That being said i do believe good players could play around the gain memory when drawing from eff but this card could create toxic play environments for new players . My reason for hitting this card mainly for what players cant control. In combo with training this evolution is at worst usually free or youre netting memory could bounce a body or burn a security. Plus outing this card is rough because you either have to have an out already in hand or you have to draw an out ane you get hard punished for digging which is a basic game mechanic. Emissary of Hope- Cards having potential of evoing into a lvl6 for 1 is a game design issue thatll continue to have future issues when creating new lvl 6vaccines. MagnaX or RapidX turn 2 creates polarizing matchups that is hard to deal with so early into the game state. T.k bt14- this card confirms the whole combo for patamon to have free evolution and safe to raise out takes the RNG of Patamon and is constant value throughout the game and tamer memory gain is near uniterractable in this game. The debate is usually emisary has to go no matter what but what do we hit patamon or tk. I choose tk over patamon because patamon can be interracted with floodgates and promoting without a lvl4 in security sometimes just loses you the game. Tk takes that issue away. Full Ban Ukkomon(s)- For me i want both ukkomons gone however i could live with just the promo since the bt16 one has at least an evo cost. Wont spend too much time on this since everyone already knows why this should be hit. Accelerates gameplay decks like numemon who dont really utilizes the raising area just benefits from the aggro that this card can provide. Honorable mention NumemonX to 1- not sure if we should hit the engine untill we hit ukkomon because the deck will lose alot of ground for sure. Flotating to a lvl6 can be a sacking feeling for sure tho.
@StellaEFZ Ай бұрын
Mirage doesn't deserve a limit much less a ban. Mirage only plays in it's own deck and what you said about it can be said about it ever since it released way back in BT11 and it hasn't been that much of a problem, it's a strong deck but that's it Ukko should be limited and not banned, give them the GabuX treatment and problem solved, however, this will invariantly kill Numemon and really hurt some other decks TK and Emissary are honestly fine, if we're gonna limit a card it should be Patamon instead EDIT: Numemon X only needs to be limited if ukko is free, otherwise the deck will be completely dead
@th3_crappi3_kill3r Ай бұрын
You can't limit Magna X. Armor relies on it too much.
@sebastiandian Ай бұрын
The same happened to Promo GranKuwagamon and the deck is now dead (Also Apocalymon at 1). How a deck "relies" on a card is not an argument if the card is nuking the format. Literally we just jump from a Secret (Apocaly) that can only be Raid'd to another one. Personally I will just leave the game till this mess is fixed or after BT17 because the only response we have to that deck are the new ACE cards from upcoming sets (Also, we have no news of where are they going to place the LM02 cards)
@th3_crappi3_kill3r Ай бұрын
@@sebastiandian Magna X is not even that great, look at recent top event results.
@oreox1000 Ай бұрын
I think BT14 TK is far more of an issue than Patamon itself. The gain is obnoxious.
@Makisotu Ай бұрын
Ban Monzaemon X* there i fixed it
@icdinero3992 Ай бұрын
Why ban magna x and not the other staples OOORRRR numemon x anti ???????
@bretbeebe4061 Ай бұрын
Nume X needed a stipulation on it's inheritable!
@marshmallowruffian8259 Ай бұрын
I literally have slides dedicated to Numemon and other staples and talk about potential bans.
@icdinero3992 Ай бұрын
@@marshmallowruffian8259 honestly I just went against magna x and yeah ban magna x 😹
@gtown4786 Ай бұрын
I can beat magnaX and numeX with phoenixmonX. I lose to mirage, tyrant, and imperial though
@oreox1000 Ай бұрын
Elaborate please. Curious.
@Smmdf120 Ай бұрын
I play magna x, i feel the card is strong not unbeatable, suffer from low dps often, if oppo has a big blocker u are prettymuch screwed and cant regain the immunity, if there is a stupid ass deck is numemon, a deck that literally is fast and doesn’t suffer anything, delete a piece? Fine i will play 2 more for free, also dp- and dedigivolve and the new aces and shine ruinmode, all of this can be played in that braindead deck, would be fine if it was a slow deck but is not and draws like 4-5 card per turn
@joebalsamo8770 Ай бұрын
When I think of future proof, I'm thinking of o.g. mem setter t.k. ; it would be funny and a little nuts to see that card get hit or banned
@benjaminwiseman6567 Ай бұрын
BT14 T.K. is much worse though. He's essentially a 2 cost that loads security and keeps gaining memory.
@reubenhugo6450 Ай бұрын
Why destroy other peoples decks because of one card?
@alasto67r Ай бұрын
Maybe instead of a full-on ban, we need a choice restriction like with the infinite combos. Like pata and magna X
@OpZeroFilms Ай бұрын
If they hit nume they hit magna. One won't be hit without the other.
@benjaminwiseman6567 Ай бұрын
@alasto67r Ай бұрын
I'm not trying to be rude, but legitimately, what makes you believe that? Is it because hitting one would basically be saying the other is going to the top, so you have to hit both? I just don't understand how they are connected
@OpZeroFilms Ай бұрын
@alasto67r the trifecta we have at the top rn is keeping each in check. Limit magna x, numex and Gao to 1. Format will shift to a positive.
@OpZeroFilms Ай бұрын
@alasto67r if you only hit one, the other two become neigh unstoppable. If you hit two and not all 3 teir 0.
@Melgus Ай бұрын
@@OpZeroFilms then bt17 arrives and you have no one to fight ancient garurumon. Christ No thanks. This format, from tournament results is good. It just doesnt forgive older decks like bt15 did.
@t0shikita42 Ай бұрын
Believe me. We all hate Magnamon X atm. But Im honestly ok with it not being restricted and or banned. Once Ex6 comes around, we'll be able to get around Magna X fairly easier then we are as of right now.
@captingamer29 Ай бұрын
cope Bad set
@rustywolf-tcg Ай бұрын
Not everyone hates magna x, some of us are good at the game instead
@StellaEFZ Ай бұрын
@@rustywolf-tcg this is cope. I don't hate Magna X but he's definetely strong and I don't like building my deck around having a bigger beatstick than my opponent's magna x, I play Leomon ffs Just a small edit, I know BanchoLeo can stop him for a while but it won't mean much if my opponent is playing vaccine variant
@rustywolf-tcg Ай бұрын
@@StellaEFZ "I know I have an answer but its not an instant win so I dont care" Alrighty bro, just would appreciate if you'd stop doomposting cause you werent handed the game on a silver platter.
@StellaEFZ Ай бұрын
@@rustywolf-tcg If that's how you understand my comment I'm afraid you don't know how to read. I was gonna list all the ways you can deal with Magna X but that's just not worth it because you don't even play this game
@SilentMagician7 Ай бұрын
How about just learning how to play against and around Magna X? Have you considered that? The card is easy to play around.
@captingamer29 Ай бұрын
Go ahead
@Avacadoloco Ай бұрын
Please elaborate. I love the "just do this" solution with no further explanation lol.
@rustywolf-tcg Ай бұрын
​@@captingamer29 Off the top of my head: Alliance Collision Taunt into ace/block Shine -15k Go wide Sec bombs Stun magna I ran out of decks that are competitive before running out of ways for them to answer magna
@SilentMagician7 Ай бұрын
@@Avacadoloco Go do your own research? I’m not going to do your homework for you. Magna X is a skill check for players, and if you don’t know/understand how to play around Magna X, that is a you problem. And if you think Magna X is bad, I can’t wait to see all the whining when BT17+ is released. Magna X is tame compared to what’s coming.
@MJ-oi6ul Ай бұрын
But that shows the game is going into huge power creep
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