Quite a "Punch List" for two weeks Shota San, but maybe not impossible. As for the Rattan trim, in the U.S. it's sort of the same, but I had a shop that did custom Interiors for RV's and aircraft and it was possible to treat non-fire-retardant fabrics with a flame-retardant chemical and personally certify that it had been treated with approved fire-retardant, basally the same as used for household mattresses, foam cushions and curtains. Aircraft required an official lab certification for a "Vertical Burn Test" to see that the material was self-extinguishing(it could catch fire but then had to go out within few seconds.) Many materials will do this without treatment. The lab burn tests were pretty simple and quick just send samples and they would send back and official report. The cost Used to be about $250. I see there are companies in Japan and China that do testing. Look at (vertical burn test - 品質 サプライヤー 中国から の ページ 4) UL-94 test may be what you need for Japan but I'm not sure
こんにちは、BAPPA shota! あなたのキャンピングカーと同じくを運転したかったら何の免許取ればいいですか? 私、愛知県名古屋市に住んでいます。Hola Bappa.shota porfavor que Licencia 🪪 necesito para conducir la casa rodante. Gracias