Something that worked really well for us was treating it as a two push fight. Works especially well with a boosted garg. Either cheat death or resist fairie dragon help a boosted garg handle an entire phase. In the first round on the right, send the garg and push through that phase. It dies. Manage the map and the spawned fire eles. Either left or top when he comes around. Send one garg. As the phase is nearing a finish, send a second. Second phase ends. Everything dies. New garg gets on the scene. Push with chimaera or whatever else. Can still be a rush. It’s just a two part race versus the single push of old. We had a blue Garg in the boost so level 28. It easily pushed. I’d be curious to see if a green could do it too.
@aaduric4 ай бұрын
He is way too hard now 😂 Harpies with mining talent are very useful.
@Rawita864 ай бұрын
Harpies with gold grab are able to mine lode just below your core just after you play them
@ojh874 ай бұрын
@@Rawita86 Ohh good tip. Do they fly over the terrain or go around?
@Rawita864 ай бұрын
@@ojh87 over terrain, only one but its good to protect north, and one is enough to mine
@natasftw4 ай бұрын
Why didn’t you swap miner and garg? Current slot bonuses have them both get the bonus that way
@natasftw4 ай бұрын
And if I watched longer I’d have known it was just for the video tutorial
@ojh874 ай бұрын
@@natasftw Yeah just trying to show an accurate representation of the fight rather than bulldozing it with higher levels. I have accidentally had mini’s out of slot in the past though so always worth asking if I’ve just missed it 😂🙈