Wasn’t at one point Barry hungry for God? If a person is always taking action and never “stoping”, how will they realize God, unless spontaneously? Am I misinterpreting here?
@JPMonstie5 жыл бұрын
FunFishie The idea is to realise, more and more continuously, the inner void of stillness at all times, not just when being physically still as in meditation, which is not actually a natural state. One can be internally still (free of thought and emotion) while taking action as we all have to do in this existential realm. In fact, taking right action when required helps to still the self conscious mind as it resolves issues upon which the mind likes to feed.
@JPMonstie5 жыл бұрын
Barry was god hungry as you put it before he went to India and had his conscious shift into ‘god consciousness’. He has stated that one of the most effective ways to realise the cosmically conscious state is to practice acknowledging the good (= god) in everything (the opposite of what the mind does generally) which is the same as constantly, and internally, expressing gratitude for god, cosmic mind, divinity or whatever you want to call it. He also said (my words) this would also reduce self created problems and neutralise karmic learning.
@ChimesRS8 ай бұрын
@SalomiSmit8 жыл бұрын
The angelic realm? a lot of words that means nothing