16. Gripping the Cue - Furling and Unfurling of the Fingers

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Barry Stark Snooker Coach

Barry Stark Snooker Coach

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Barry demonstrates the furling and unfurling of the fingers when cueing. He explains how it will help you to cue in a straight line thus striking the cue ball correctly.
Barry Stark, Senior World Snooker Coach, Snooker tutorial. #cueball #snookercoach #snookercoaching #billiards #worldsnooker

Пікірлер: 59
@Navid7h 8 жыл бұрын
wonderful information! short, precise and effective. thanks barry.
@barrystark2730 8 жыл бұрын
+Navid H.Tehrani Thanks for the comment Navid, I hope your game benefits from the video.
@nukiepoo 4 жыл бұрын
Love ya Barry! Paul From America
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 4 жыл бұрын
nukiepoo. Many thanks, great to hear from across the pond.
@JeezVince 11 ай бұрын
Im only playing carom and "american" pool : You're wonderful.
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 11 ай бұрын
@jeez. Many thanks.
@g2gggg 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Barry, great videos. I have one question related to the grip part. When you are down on the shot, you are consciously unfold the hand or you focus only on the backhand action and let the hand unfold by itself. After trying what you advise here i observer that i tend to concentrate too much on unfolding and im not sure i pull back straight
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 4 жыл бұрын
g2gggg. When you start to do any thing that is different you will have to concentrate on it but after a period of time it should become natural and you can then concentrate on the shot you are trying to play. As you take the cue back the fingers should unfurl, not release, they never lose contact with the cue they just ease their hold on it. How far they ease is an individual thing and this is where players differ and it needs a lot of work to get it right, good luck with it.
@MEECHIO 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Barry, my grip of the cue is slightly different to your tutorial. My grip is tighter and my thumb sits directly on top of the cue, pointing towards the tip end of the cue. This is something I started doing when I started playing years ago as a teeneager and nobody said you need to change it although I don't think i have ever seen anybody else grip the end of the cue the way I do. I play in a local league - West Midlands Division 3 - Best Break 48 and I am in my early 40's. Should I consider changing my grip to the 'standard' grip as per your tutorial and will doing so better my game from where it is now. I tend to struggle 'sometimes not all the time' with power shots and cueing straight be it from distance or fairly close range. Many Thanks
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 6 жыл бұрын
MEECHIO. I have seen one other player play in this manner, useful and could make 50 plus breaks but limited in some of the shots he could play. It boils down to how bad you want it, changing for you would be massive but essential if you want to progress in the game. Rest assured you will have to go backwards but ultimately, providing you get it right and are prepared to work at it your game will improve.
@MEECHIO 6 жыл бұрын
Many Thanks for your reply Barry. We have 7 games left of the season and my plan in the summer is to revamp my grip totally. My team mate said exactly what you've said in that I've got to be prepared to take some steps back before i can go forward, but my game will be better for the change. Thanks again for uploading these videos, they really are brilliant!! I will let you know how I get on...:-)
@kumakumaa8146 5 жыл бұрын
Hey there Sir Barry i've got a quick question. When we get down on the shot, does the elbow being slanted to the right side by about 10 to 15 degree affects the line of shot. Because its quite unusual......my wrist is not twisted or anything.
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 5 жыл бұрын
Benson. It really does depend upon what is causing it, possibly you lack a little flexibility in the shoulder joint, if so maybe a visit to a physiotherapist may help. If that is not the case don't worry too much about it, cueing straight is what matters and that is still possible. Ray Reardon had the same idiosyncrasy but it did not stop him from becoming six times world champion.
@kumakumaa8146 5 жыл бұрын
@@BarryStarkSnookerCoach ohh i see......i understand thank you for your help very much. And i think i know how to fixed it. hopefully it doesn't stop me from becoming Seven time world champion hahah....
@zhangken9884 8 жыл бұрын
besides I find the biggest difference for grip between pros is the how much areas the little figures contact the grip in the ready position. As you show it seems all the area of little figures touch the cue. However like, Ken Doherty, Ryan, Mark Allan, only less than 1/3 little figure touch the cue. Another is should the cue around by the whole palm in the ready position(front pause), like Jimmy while ? Sorry to ask so much detailed questions, but indeed snooker is sophisticated and these questions matter Thank you very much
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 8 жыл бұрын
As I have highlighted in the video the modern grip concentrates on the front of the hand. The remaining fingers unfurl on the back swing and re-furl onto the cue during the execution of the shot. This principal applies to most of the modern players but it should be noted that every ones anatomy is slightly different and as a result their grip will be formed slightly differently. Some will unfurl the rear fingers a lot, others only a little. Some will address the cue ball with what looks like a full grip, others with a very delicate grip. One thing is for sure, if a player has a problem with his game the grip is one area a coach will examine.
@nathanreese1010 8 жыл бұрын
Him Barry, super appreciative of these videos, may I please ask if the re-furl of the cue is a "squeeze? Also wondering if you're generating the power with the forearm or wrist? meaning wrist is only acting as a "holster" for the cue. Kindest Regards Nathan
@theznooker 3 жыл бұрын
i know that the thumb should be pointing down, however should the thumb be straight? bcaz my thumb stays close or in other words, the thumb has bent all the way one more question! how do we cock out our wrist? should we do it or not tnx
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 3 жыл бұрын
Snooker. Without a cue in your hand just make a circle with the thumb and first finger and notice the shape of the front of the hand, now bent your thumb with it still touching the first finger and you will notice the shape of the front of the hand changes. This can and does cause problems sometimes by necessitating the wrist or grip to modify slightly so that the cue can be delivered in a straight line, always better to keep it simple and uncomplicated. On the second point watch Neil Robertson, Shaun Murphy or Kyren Wilson. Yes they use their wrist, Kyren most of all but all three keep the wrist in one plane there is no inversion or movement outwards, flamboyance will always hold you back at some stage.
@zhangken9884 8 жыл бұрын
Dear Master, I wanna go deeper and ask for the grip. I find there general two types when we pull the cue back. First as you show that "release the figures while upper arm, elbow remains stable. Another like John Higgis, seems he does not "release"the figure. His grip always remain the same. But in order to pull the cue straight back, he DOWN the upper arm and elbow to pull the cue back. For sure he does not down the elbow when hitting to drive like Rocket, this is another topic most people cannot copy I know. My question is what is difference between the two type, and how we know which type is good for us. I believe some serious fans will have the same concern as me. Thank you very much.
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 8 жыл бұрын
Firstly let me say that top players do unfurl their fingers its just a question of degrees. Some do it a lot, others only slightly. Even John Higgins unfurls his fingers, it is largely dependent upon the length of the back swing and the amount of wrist used by the player. Let me say that what you see on the television is rather deceptive, also you seldom get a view of the players grip from the back while he is playing the shot. If you did I'm sure you would appreciate my point. Players who drop their elbow tend to get through the ball a little more than players who don't, facilitated by slight alterations in their grip as they play the shot, or going past their chest, or both. Ronnie drops his elbow while Judd Trump does not, I'm sure you agree both play the game rather well, whatever suits the individual is right for him.
@zhangken9884 8 жыл бұрын
+Barry Stark Snooker Coach appreciate, yes what I look like from TV may wrong. I will watch Shanghai Master Game this year, and will find out an opportunity to watch them play in practice room. Last year I met Wilson in the hotel lift, I stay that hotel as well. It is existing~~ Thank you for your valuable advice
@zhangken9884 8 жыл бұрын
+Barry Stark Snooker Coach master, you are absolutely right. I am a volunteer interpreter for Shanghai master and watch their play very close. As you said that everyone did open its grip. The view from TV is a big difference than the truth. I watch Ryan Day practice, his grip much much different than I saw in the TV. He also teach me a little bit. By the way, I watch John beat Selt 5-4 yesterday.In my humble view, Selt has some problems with his grip because he refurls his fingers not natural, I find out.
@malcolmwatson3917 7 жыл бұрын
barry im after a lesson how do I go about it with you, cheers malcolm
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
Malcolm. I'm afraid because of family and other commitments I don't have time for private lessons at the moment.
@theznooker 6 жыл бұрын
1:11 your middle finger in here is abit bent and this is exactly my grip shape at the end of backswing, and i feel that my middle finger is abit bent and i feel that middle finger has abit tension or in other words that middle finger is being used as a trigger finger. but in your other recent grip part3 you have mentioned that you should use 3rd finger as a trigger. please do watch 1:11 when you are showing the extreme version of unfurling grip, your 3rd finger is relaxed but your middle finger is bent , which confuses me. how can you use your 3rd finger a trigger right there, when your middle finger is bent and it has more contact with cue im almost hopeless with this grip triggering thing , and i cannot find a good coach here to help me. i hope you can help me either by a good explanation which i really appreciate, or make another advance video thank you
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 6 жыл бұрын
ART. It is not so much what someone sees, it is more about what the player feels. If you are getting confused go back to my original video on the grip, take the cue back with the first finger, open the hand but do not let them lose contact with the cue, Just feel the third finger and just let it happen, keep working at it and it will happen, as with any new skill it will take time. Good luck.
@TheDgmccool 7 жыл бұрын
How do we position the flat part of the cue stick? I notice you position it into your palm, giving your fingers the rounded part. Is this important? Does it matter? Cheers!
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
dgmccool. It does not matter in the slightest, just personal preference.
@samfr8370 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Mr. Stark I would like to ask a question. Most of the players move their middle finger of their bridging hand while aiming for a shot. I noticed that the gentleman in this video has the same action. What is the reason for that?
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
Meysam, I talk about this in one of my videos on forming a bridge. A lot of players do it and don't realise that they are doing so. There is no beneficial purpose for doing it, its more of a nervous little thing that happens when they are concentrating or indeed feeling a little tension.
@samfr8370 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir.
@xeorexgoalstv6457 6 жыл бұрын
my grip when i did the same then i lost control on the stick and the angel of my shot always did wrong.. how i can over come with this situation?
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 6 жыл бұрын
Xeorex. I believe the grip is of vital importance when playing snooker, concentrate on the front of the hand feeling the cue in the "V" formed by the thumb and forefinger. No doubt initially there will be a little tension but as you progress you will find it easy to relax, please don't think this can be learned overnight it takes time so please be patient. Again I will say use the power of video, video yourself and study it, I am sure you will find something that is not quite right, then work at it.
@xeorexgoalstv6457 6 жыл бұрын
thanks barry i really like it and i always try to learn fro your videos. you are good coach .. thanks alot i hope we can learn more from your videos..
@theznooker 7 жыл бұрын
Is it important to keep the thumb as straight as possible ? I tend to bend my thumb although its hanging down but it's bent The grain on cue tends to move to right after delivery and do you think ways causing this ? Tnx
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
ARTgamer. It is important to be consistent, some players let their thumb hang down, others don't. Most players rotate their cue slightly as long as it is not excessive it should not be a problem
@gmonkey808 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Barry. Would you describe the action as a swing or a hit ?
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
gmonkey. I don't believe either of those words describe the action very well, we do talk about a back swing and hitting the ball but really its more of a drive through the ball.
@theznooker 7 жыл бұрын
my grip is firm and loose, however after the delivery i tent to squeeze the cue to take the impact or force of the cue once i hit the cueball. how do i stop squeezing ? i only squeeze when i play medium to power shot. when i squeeze i can see that i dont cue straight the normal thumb+forfinger grip doesnst work for me, can you please please make a video showing various tpyes of grip and how people should experiment them. recently i am trying to pull the cue back normally, but i only deliver the cue with the last 3 fingers, and i let the thumb+forefinger to be relaxed that way i can avoid squeezing, but i need a video from a professional person like u , tnx
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
ARTgamer. It is inevitable that when you play medium to power shots that there will be some tightening of the grip onto the cue, but the better players keep this to a minimum recognising that tension can cause errors in cueing. The wrist needs to work in harmony with the elbow joint and to do this it is advisable, on the backswing, to feel the cue on the fleshy part of skin between the thumb and the forefinger. This area of the hand can be felt on the cue irrespective of the rest of the grip.
@gopalbudhathoki344 6 жыл бұрын
Sir..when i unfill and refill while cueing my cue rotate means it twists...how to avoid it help me..
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 6 жыл бұрын
Gopal. This could be that you are inverting your wrist excessively on the back swing, place yourself on video to see if you can spot the cause. Please don't be too concerned if the rotation is only slight, this will not affect the shot as long as it is slight and you are cueing straight.
@gopalbudhathoki344 6 жыл бұрын
Barry Stark Snooker Coach thank you..
@sankalpkatara6346 7 жыл бұрын
Mr. Stark is it ok if the grip tightens a little at the point of impact(specially when not hitting the ball softly)? I'm not sure but what I could observe you sort of tighten your grip when you shoot the ball.So can you please comment on that?
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
sankalp. It is inevitable that the grip tightens as you deliver the cue on power shots, just try to minimise it as much as possible.
@sankalpkatara6346 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your help Mr. Stark.Keep up the good work.
@andreastomuta6349 5 жыл бұрын
This grip work for pool??
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 5 жыл бұрын
Andreas. Of course, it will work for any cue sport.
@kumakumaa8146 7 жыл бұрын
Hello bary got a question here again. I found out something about the grip consciousness want to know whether its right or wrong. When I'm practising on my delivery I found that there is a different between letting the cue go automatically during the back pause and delivering under control makes a difference. Like say that I'm going for a screw back shot when I pause at the backswing and just focus on the the object ball and just letting the cue follow through I can hit where I aim but when I'm focussing on the object and pause at the backswing then my senses goes to my hand and deliver under control it feels like my cue shift slightly up from the back spin point that I aim. Does it really makes a different?
@kumakumaa8146 7 жыл бұрын
Because some people told me that I shouldnt be aware of the grip like you say the on furl and re-furl and just letting the cue follow through naturally but sometimes doing that I feel like I'm not delivering the cue on point. well I always stay still on the delivery and head doesn't goes up at all. I'm confuse
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 7 жыл бұрын
The grip is one of the most important aspects of an accurate and consistent cue action. It should be a natural thing but for it to become so a player should know what it feels like, the parts of the hand that have contact with the cue and then practise it until it does become natural. The transition between pulling the cue back and sending it forward is an area that also causes some players a problem, it should be smooth and unhurried allowing the cue to do the work rather than a players muscles.
@kumakumaa8146 7 жыл бұрын
Barry Stark Snooker Coach okay I see that thank you very much!!! I will keep practising till it becomes natural.
@kumakumaa8146 7 жыл бұрын
And thank you so much for answering my question. If there is anymore I will come and ask you again thanks so much!
@kumakumaa8146 7 жыл бұрын
Hello barry actually today I caught one biggest mistake that I didn't realize at all for a very long time after seeing your video and what you told me. Well when I say that some people said to deliver the cue naturally, well my version of naturally was just relax my grip hand and just deliver the cue but that one mistake that I didn't notice is to stop at the chest and I always throw away that ending position and just deliver the cue where it wants to go. no wonder that I can't cue on the line when I play long pots although sometimes I can but my grip up till my elbow will shake left and right when at the ending point or during the delivery. That also causes me as to why sometimes I can't score simple shots. But now that i realize it and I practice about 100 shots now its even better than before. Well I just want share this because there might be people outside that don't realize such simple thing and overlooking it. Thanks for making this video it really helps a lot!
@mustafaansarie 6 жыл бұрын
does the pressure on flashy part of v remains the same even on delivery? i mean the ring shape which created via thumb and forefinger stays the same and the pressure the same? on these 2 fingers and on v part?
@BarryStarkSnookerCoach 6 жыл бұрын
mustafa. As you take the cue back there will be a small amount of pressure on the fleshy part of the "V" this should be kept minimal but will obviously vary among different players. Now you play the shot and some players will maintain the contact with the "V" others will relax it altogether as they follow through. What suits one player will not suit another, try to find what works for you.
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