Basic Electronics Part 2:
@Stopinvadingmyhardware Жыл бұрын
Why would I turn gay for a Caribbean? When are you going to actually contribute to society?
@Nathan-eq3zs Жыл бұрын
He said he would let the cat out of the bag. Where is the kitty ):
@DonYeyoReaks Жыл бұрын
5:48:25 can you send a link to these videos?
@william4061 Жыл бұрын
@@DonYeyoReaks m Mum tdr mom xtc okoli Y
@banner7310 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious what does this class relate too? I'm trying to find stuff related to electrician work.
@theway6742 жыл бұрын
These sorts of classes are the only reason KZbin is worth anything if you ask me. I am very grateful for these classes, thank you
@vince91962 жыл бұрын
Nope, there are many many outstanding things to view on KZbin
@casedup2 жыл бұрын
So true. So true.
@TheAlignmentGuy_TM2 жыл бұрын
It depends what you search for. I watch a lot of camping, vintage computer, auto repair, travel, and other things here. Lots of unhealthy junk, too, but when I can't figure out how to put a Tesla into neutral to work on it, I search KZbin. JMF TAG
@cokedupcat2 жыл бұрын
Then you're very narrow minded if you ask me. 🙃
@AaronD3132 жыл бұрын
theres nothing you cant learn on YT!
@ritahsu671310 ай бұрын
I am 40 years old now and majored in Japanese. I am not a technical guy but I want to join this world and be part of them. I am on my way to be a product manager in IT engineering now. Thank you for sharing this and helping me to achieve my dream. Thank you so much.
@sisi_life1999Ай бұрын
DUDE, I thought I was the only one that majored in Japanese transitioning into IT, thank you for making me feel like I'm not.the only one like this :) (DISCLAIMER: Technically didn't major in Japanese since my uni didn't offer it, majored in International Relations with an East Asian Studies minor, and took Japanese classes, but still)
@Kidvini202527 күн бұрын
@italonelli12332 жыл бұрын
I am the manager of a eletronic repair shop everything ive learned is thru youtube and this is no exception thank you so much for recording this course and sharing it with the world.
@stuuupidheart Жыл бұрын
I wanna open a shop too,where did you start?
@USA-GreedyMenOfNoIntegrity9 ай бұрын
@@stuuupidheartusually setting up your tax accounts…😂
@dannye76125 ай бұрын
@@USA-GreedyMenOfNoIntegrity Ain't that kind of sad? You want to start thinking about your own business and the first priority is probably setting up the extortion accounts first.
@carlgonzalez57894 ай бұрын
Manager and tech are not the same.
@JustNow4217 күн бұрын
Actually electrons are not moving very fast in a wire, just about working speed is right. However starting something the electrons will start moving very fast.
@alexandrudicu52122 жыл бұрын
You don't realise how important are this lessons to us university students from all around the world. A lot of teachers forget that students are not equal and they hurry to explain a lot of complex formulas without covering the basics. Thank you very much for your cobtribution.
@johnweigand302 жыл бұрын
It is also good to learn vocabulary, terms first in any subject before deep diving into chapter reads.
@abstractapproach6342 жыл бұрын
And stay up on your Mathematics, too much to learn to be struggling with stuff you should know
@ElronHumpperdink Жыл бұрын
@@johnweigand30 I like the way he was goofy sometimes or beat a joke or term into the ground … you’re not gonna forget it that way.
@huanzaolan675 Жыл бұрын
@briumphbimbles Жыл бұрын
University students shouldnt be studying at a university level without a fundamental understanding of the subject. They would just be (and seem to be almost universally) watering down and compromising the level of education that universities are suppose to be offering. If you dont know basic electronics then why are you taking it at university? Doesn't that seem wrong to you? That you are paying university to walk you through day one/ foundational electronics knowledge? That isn't what they are for.
@lancelot19533 жыл бұрын
Thank you to Washington Technical College, their teacher and to "Nerd's Lesson" for making these lectures available for the education of the community. This is a great service to humanity. May God bless you all, Ciao, L (Maine, USA)
@Tamarikankuro2 жыл бұрын
Hey we are Mainers!
@Lvatopesado2 жыл бұрын
@@Tamarikankuro - Maniacs!!!!?????
@itsnotenough95042 жыл бұрын
Excuse me do you have PDF book and can u send it to me
@Redonick2 жыл бұрын
ORAÇÕES A SANTA FILOMENA COROINHA DE SANTA FILOMENA Reza-se assim: 1 Credo... (na Medalha). 3 Pai-Nossos (nas contas brancas) Em honra da Santíssima Trindade, por Cuja glória Santa Filomena deu a vida. 13 Ave-Marias (nas contas Vermelhas) em louvor dos 13 anos em que viveu na terra a Virgem Mártir. A cada Ave-Maria acrescenta-se a Jaculatória: Santa Filomena, pelo sangue que derramastes por amor a Jesus Cristo, alcançai-me a graça que vos peço. Ou: Santa Filomena, pelo Vosso Amor por Jesus e Maria, rogai por nós. Por fim: Oração a Santa Filomena: Ó gloriosa Princesa da Corte Celestial, Santa Filomena, prostrado diante de Vós, rememorando as vossas virtudes E prodígios, minha alma engrandece Ao Senhor que operou em vós Tamanha maravilha de santidade. Querida Protetora venha em meu Auxílio para conduzir-me pelos Caminhos da virtude, para ser minha Fortaleza em face do inimigo infernal, Para me trazer do Coração de Jesus a Riqueza dos auxílios divinos que são Para este devoto a saúde, a paz do Coração, a solução de minhas Dificuldades, o bem-estar de minha Família, a consciência perfeita, fé, esperança, caridade e o consolo em toda tribulação. Milagrosa Santa Filomena, em Vós confio! Amém. Salve Rainha. CONSAGRAÇÃO A SANTA FILOMENA COMO PADROEIRA PARTICULAR Ó gloriosa Santa Filomena, Virgem, Mártir, esposa de Cristo, glória da Igreja Católica, ilustre feitora de Maravilhas. Eu, vosso indigno servo e protegido, Consagro-me neste dia por toda a Minha vida ao vosso amor e à vossa Devoção. Sim, eu vos amarei afetuosamente Sempre, e, depois de Jesus, Maria e José, carregar-vos-ei em meus Pensamentos, e falarei de vós a todos Aos que poderei levar a vos amar e a Devotarem-se a vós. Vós sereis, após Jesus, Maria e José, O objeto de minha afeição, minha Alegria e minha consolação. A vós, como a uma íntima e querida Amiga, manifestarei minhas alegrias; De vós, procurarei conselho para Minhas dúvidas, e a vós recorrerei por Conforto e auxílio em minhas Provações e tristezas. Dignai-vos, ó gloriosa Santa, receber-me entre o número de vossos Protegidos e amantes, e defendei-me a Todo o tempo. Ó minha doce Santa, querida Santa Filomena, eu ofereço e consagro meu Coração a vós hoje. Desejo-vos todo bem e alegria, na Medida em que possa eu também Contribuir para vossa fortuita glória. Em contrapartida, perdoai-me por Minha ousadia, querei-me bem para Que possa ser estabelecida entre vós e Eu uma corrente de afeição e amizade Calorosa e eterna. Eu jamais vos esquecerei, minha doce Advogada, e peço que vos lembreis de Mim para que possa ser vosso Companheiro pela eternidade no Paraíso. Amém. ATO DE CONSAGRAÇÃO A SANTA FILOMENA Ilustre Virgem e Mártir Santa Filomena, Cujo nome e milagres são conhecidos Até os confins da terra. Misericordiosamente deposito minha Confiança em vossa intercessão e Recomendo vossa especial proteção a Minha família. Obtenha-me a saúde da alma e do Corpo, pois nestes dias tenho Necessidade de ambas. Faça-me forte na palavra e no trabalho, Para que todo pensamento, palavra e Ação de minha vida procure a glória do Sagrado Coração de Jesus. Santa Filomena, rogai por nós. (3x) ORAÇÃO PARA ESCOLHER SANTA FILOMENA POR ADVOGADA Ó castíssima virgem, ó invicta mártir de Jesus Cristo como Ele flagelada pelos Algozes. Santa Filomena, eis-me prostrado de Corpo e alma diante de vós, a quem Escolho para minha amorosa Advogada, para que eu seja digno de Vossa intercessão junto do Altíssimo, Para meu proveito espiritual e Temporal. Bem sei que gozais do mais alto favor Junto a Deus. A Virgem Santíssima, faz com que Nada vos seja negado, nenhuma graça Que lhe pedis como o provam os inumeráveis prodígios que se operam continuamente pelo Onipotente e Misericordioso Deus por toda parte, onde se acrescenta o vosso santo nome Filomena. Ele, por sua sapientíssima providência vos escolheu para ser a nossa esperança, nosso refúgio e auxílio nas horas de aflição e desespero. Vós sois o nosso socorro neste século atribulado. Bendigo e glorifico ao Senhor pela glória e poder com que hoje vos coroa. Protegei-me, minha amada, santinha e fazei-me sentir os efeitos da vossa imensa caridade, alcançando-me a graça que com tanta urgência necessito.... Ó Deus, sede eternamente louvado e bendito em Vossos Santos. Santa Filomena, valei-me. Amém. Pai Nosso e Ave Maria, em honra do sangue da Mártir. LADAINHA A SANTA FILOMENA Composta pelo Cura d’Ars, São João Batista Maria Vianney Senhor, tende piedade de nós. Jesus Cristo, tende piedade de nós. Senhor, tende piedade de nós. Jesus Cristo, ouvi-nos. Jesus Cristo, atendei-nos. Pai Celeste, que sois Deus, tende Piedade de nós. Filho de Deus, Redentor do Mundo que Sois Deus, tende piedade de nós. Espírito Santo, que sois Deus, tende Piedade de nós. Trindade Santa, que sois um só Deus, Tende piedade de nós. Santa Maria, Rainha das Virgens, Rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, cheia de abundantes Graças desde o berço, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, fiel imitadora de Maria, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, modelo das Virgens, Rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, templo da perfeita Humildade, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, abrasada no zelo da Glória de Deus, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, vítima do amor de Jesus, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, exemplo de força e de Perseverança, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, espelho das mais Heroicas virtudes, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, firme e intrépida em Face dos tormentos, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, flagelada como o Vosso Divino Esposo, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, que preferistes as Humilhações da morte aos esplendores Do trono, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, que convertestes as Testemunhas do vosso martírio, rogai Por nós. Santa Filomena, que cansastes o furor Dos algozes, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, protetora dos Inocentes, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, padroeira da Juventude, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, asilo dos Desgraçados, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, saúde dos doentes e Enfermos, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, nova luz da Igreja Peregrinante, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, que confundia a Impiedade do século, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, cujo nome é glorioso No Céu e formidável para o inferno, Rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, ilustre pelos mais Esplêndidos milagres, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena, poderosa junto de Deus, rogai por nós. Santa Filomena que reinais na glória, Rogai por nós. Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, perdoai-nos, Senhor. Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, ouvi-nos, Senhor. Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, tende piedade de nós. V. Rogai por nós, santa Filomena. R. Para que sejamos dignos das Promessas de Cristo. Amém. Oração: Nós Vos suplicamos, Senhor, Que nos concedais o perdão dos Nossos pecados pela intercessão de Santa Filomena, Virgem Mártir, que foi Sempre agradável aos vossos olhos Pela sua eminente castidade e Exercício de todas as virtudes. Santa Filomena, rogai por nós.(3 Vezes) Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, perdoai-nos, Senhor. Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, ouvi-nos, Senhor Cordeiro de Deus, que tirais o pecado Do mundo, tende piedade de nós. V. Rogai por nós, santa Filomena. R. Para que sejamos dignos das Promessas de Cristo. Amém. Nós Vos suplicamos, Senhor, que nos Concedais o perdão dos nossos Pecados pela intercessão de Santa Filomena, Virgem Mártir, que foi Sempre agradável aos vossos olhos Pela sua eminente castidade e Exercício de todas as virtudes. Santa Filomena, rogai por nós.(3 Vezes)
@guitarman_36932 жыл бұрын
i agree, thanks !!! and the prof. is a joy to listen to. he has stories, jokes, sound effects , an attitude similar to my own. most importantly, he has a ton of knowledge on the subject.. !!!
@Londonbridge978 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t have any formal training or schooling but I’m currently a medical device repair technician and watching this video has helped me a lot with my job. Thank you so much
@sluchaynayakotya1386 Жыл бұрын
it will be so cool if Joe Gryniuk would need your device and you will be able to thank him personally
@ta7743Ай бұрын
Can you help how to get into medical device repair area as repair tech like you without formal training or schooling?
@Nerdslesson4 жыл бұрын
Actual Lecture starts at 9:15 TIMESTAMP ---------------- 0:00 about course ----------------- 9:15 Fundamentals of Electricity ----------------- 1:03:07 What is Current -----------------1:59:05 Voltage ----------------- 3:34:29 Resistance -----------------4:57:27 Ohm's Law ----------------- 5:53:30 Power ----------------- 6:31:42 DC Circuits ----------------- 7:43:22 Magnetism ----------------- 9:26:11 Inductance ----------------- 10:03:26 Capacitance i upload new courses every week to stay update please subscribe my channel.
@ismail.dalhatu3 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@adacheikh44823 жыл бұрын
Waaaw very successful thanks a lot
@alfredhercules3 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot♥️
@binaryglitch643 жыл бұрын
You should pin this so it shows up at the top of the comment section for everyone (your own message always shows up on top for you... but that's not necessarily true for your audience.) I watched hours of it before noticing this comment...
@bastianm54782 жыл бұрын
Hi Nerd's lesson, is it possible to activate Automatic subtitles on this video? It would do us a huge service to watch this and understand it in all the languages of the world!!
@InputBlackBoxOutput2 жыл бұрын
As an EE, going through the basics feels nostalgic but gives me huge dopamine boost
@Nerdslesson3 жыл бұрын
TIME STAMP Recommended Book for this course : Introduction to Electronics 6th Edition Basic Electronics playlist Actual Lecture starts at 9:15 ---------------- 0:00 about course ----------------- 9:15 Fundamentals of Electricity ----------------- 1:03:07 What is Current -----------------1:59:05 Voltage ----------------- 3:34:29 Resistance -----------------4:57:27 Ohm's Law ----------------- 5:53:30 Power ----------------- 6:31:42 DC Circuits ----------------- 7:43:22 Magnetism ----------------- 9:26:11 Inductance ----------------- 10:03:26 Capacitance i upload new courses every week to stay update please subscribe my channel.
@ravikumar-jg1rt3 жыл бұрын
@m101ist3 жыл бұрын
It's a long course and I like the time stamp. Thanks from UK Wales.
@stevenolsen31622 жыл бұрын
Where's the part about running from Popo?
@brendachinyanda99322 жыл бұрын
}} 0
@goodie2shoes Жыл бұрын
I never paid attention in school and a lot of this stuff never really got through to me. I love the ability to catch up with the help of these amazing lectures.
@stevendefiori52622 жыл бұрын
As a former AT&T Teletype Tech that actually worked on a nuclear sub command center, your electronic teaching is epic.
@carsonfranklin62392 жыл бұрын
I have been in IT for 20 years, I graduated with a BS in infotech. There was no requirement for a class like this. There is no question that there should have been.
@brentreed48602 жыл бұрын
Great teacher. I didn’t realize how old these videos were until I realized that he hadn’t referred to smart phones, talked about Lithium batteries being new and described 2022 being so crazy far off date in the future.
@c1ph3rpunk2 жыл бұрын
I came to watch these as a refresher, I haven’t touched electronics in 40 years. The fundamentals are so fundamental it’s virtually the same as my dad learned in the 60’s and taught me in the 70’s. It still amazes me how basic it all is yet can be used to put a human in space.
@michaeleaster18152 жыл бұрын
2:05:07 The instructor mentions the "current event" of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, I think? If so, this is from 2011.
@brentreed48602 жыл бұрын
@@michaeleaster1815 You are correct. Good catch
@epochseven41972 жыл бұрын
@@michaeleaster1815 Thanks, I was randomly curious how old this video was.
@BenGras7 ай бұрын
Fwiw 9:13:00 he mentions cellphones and “going out and buying a terabyte harddrive”
@jasonwalters32323 жыл бұрын
I feel I'm the slowest guy on the planet but this guy makes this stuff INTERESTING and SIMPLE!! THANK YOU.
@normanbell2362 жыл бұрын
I totally agree, very impressive
@Nighthawk6812 жыл бұрын
Wow! Where was this instructor for 75% of my college career!? Why can't they all be like this!? God bless him!
@AnonymousBosch31582 ай бұрын
The internet is amazing, things you can you can actualy learn. Thank you for making this video available here, and thank you for your time to record it!
@ear4funk8142 жыл бұрын
This guy is great ... never had this many practical examples in a lecture ever. Having "been there and done that" I can conclude that you are very lucky if you have a professor who will bridge the gap from theory to practice ... they're rare as hens teeth since most brainiac professors go straight to teaching after they acquire their PhD ... so you learn the practical stuff afterwards on the job (nice to get some hints like this ahead of time).
@caracolcaracolito6279 Жыл бұрын
I am reading 📖 / learning languages (Albanian, Russian, Serbian, not to mention Spanish, English and German that I already know 😃) do I agree with you 💯 that KZbin is "only useful" for stuff like this. Ok ok, It might be useful to look at history and the cultural differences between the languages. But other than that...naaaaah...😊
@mehboobshaikh285 Жыл бұрын
Can you please help me with 4 videos of testing equipment
@chickenstrangler3826 Жыл бұрын
@@caracolcaracolito6279you responded to the wrong comment.
@caracolcaracolito6279 Жыл бұрын
@@chickenstrangler3826 I Do not remember the discussion at hand 🖐️. 😊
@peteleoni96652 жыл бұрын
Professor, you sir are a saint. I am sure there are a few of these students who are worthy of having you. You are a better man than I. I applaud your patience, I applaud your perseverance. This is a strange era we are living in and respect is not something that many people understand must be earned. They feel they are automatically entitled. I am sure there are some there that deserve the honor of you teaching them. Hats off to you sir.
@JatPhenshllem Жыл бұрын
@russellstephan68442 жыл бұрын
Chapter 1 nitpick: Matter has mass. Weight is the property matter exhibits when in a gravitational field, i.e., force. Mass and weight are two completely different concepts.
@kentran5990 Жыл бұрын
I am glad that KZbin can bring such knowledge available for everyone. It’s such a great cause making this world a better place.
@Silent-Lucidity2 жыл бұрын
I met so many individuals with the same personality and approach to teaching throughout my education and career. This presentation brought back so many awesome memories!!
@Kratos_TM2 жыл бұрын
He's similar to my only electronics teacher and I loved that man, this is a great video
@ElAnciano920712 жыл бұрын
RE: Drift of electorons. Electons don't flow at the speed of light in a wire. The effect travels at the speed of light. My favorite anology is putting ping pong balls into a vacuum cleaner hose already full of ping pong balls. Put one in and one pops out the other end PDQ. The individuals don't travel that fast, but he effect does.
@jimrudolph28642 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I like the way Joe teaches. He takes his time to give a lot of real life examples to reinforce the theories. When I was in school, everything seems to be in a rush.
@nkel61112 жыл бұрын
its called rush to profit---i remember
@AmbuBadger2 жыл бұрын
@@nkel6111 In the same vein, when my wife was in school and hadn't decided on a major yet, the counselor advised her to "just take a bunch of classes to pad your credits and see what you like!" I told the wife that was a surefire path to student debt.
@tyronefrielinghaus34672 жыл бұрын
Much better to go slowly an CONCEPTUALLY before the formulae. At University you're often..almost always...just given /taught the formulae without much context and explanations. Bad idea.
Maybe as John Taylor Gatto (R.I.P.) had repeatedly emphasized, schooling is NOT education, but a conditioning making us into willing and obedient industrial cogs (read "slaves") discouraging most of us from thinking of our own.
@e-man20813 жыл бұрын
This guy is great. Listen to the first few minutes even if you aren't interested in electronics. Good advice for studying anything.
@Loonstadk2 жыл бұрын
Watched the whole 10/11 hours at work! I’m a training electronics technician with no formal school or training so this to me is gold as I want to pursue a career in electronics. Thank you so much for this. I’m from the uk, also would love to do the quizzes (I doubt there availability)
@allenmongcupa98882 жыл бұрын
Hope I can also do the same as you Brother :)
@gcd82832 жыл бұрын
I believe if you get the 6Th edition of the book, it has the self tests in them.
@johnwheeler17332 жыл бұрын
1.5x speed is great for these videos
@tttttttt84822 жыл бұрын
I'm studying on my own, also. Downloaded a book for free in internet, copy of a college book on electronics. At the end of each chapter it has quiz questions
@SimonCas2 жыл бұрын
Also watching at work! Lol
@tonytanks13872 жыл бұрын
Expiration date on a lithium battery in 2022... "We will be flying around on jet packs by then"... Love it! Awesome Course! Electrical instructor here just trying to learn more about the electronics. Love your teaching style. I cover some of the basics you have covered here. You have clarified a few points for me and I look forward to the rest of the lesson! Thank you!
@amyorramonperalta5428 Жыл бұрын
...."2022: nope!" LOL!! Thank you so much for the availability of this class! I was just graduating high school in the very early 2000's and could have been a student of your class sir. Hearing the instructor talk of things like Tivo and Plasma TVs are lovely bits of nostalgia, yet this information is still as invaluable today as it would have been back then. I so appreciate that it's still available to learn, even 20 years later :-)
@Revoltick Жыл бұрын
You are a life saver, I need to take a test to keep my job as a traffic safety tech and this class has every bit of information I forgot about!
Brings back good memories, meet the first teacher that was working this class a long time ago great teacher, Worked a couple of years in computer repair with Lee at the onset of the class in the 90's .
@liamkoni15192 жыл бұрын
My first entre into "electricity" was with the US Navy Electrician's Mate manual back in the early sixties! Mr. Gryniuk's lesson brings back those days and fills in a bit more. I am now retired but thanks to that 'basic training' I have gone on to enjoy a fun carrier from audio to computers working for corporations and my own business where I still enjoy following the amazing evolution of technology today.
@draidt2 жыл бұрын
I still have my Navy Basic Electronics book published in 1956
@TortureBot2 жыл бұрын
keep on keeping on my friend. Electronics are great! Cheers!
@jimross25652 жыл бұрын
I've watched up through chapter three so far, and he is good. I see he may seem to dwell on some subjects seemingly forever, but he gets his points across. I am like him. I have never taken an 'official course' in electronics, but learned basic electronics when I was ten years old from tearing down my dad's old late 50's era truck radio then going to the public library and checking out every book I could to learn what all those weird parts did. Before I graduated high school I had built several simple gadgets and showed them in school as science projects, and repaired the PA systems in both the school auditorium and the football stadium. I was a junior in high school when I was asked to actually teach basic electronics to the senior science class! I bet none of you ( unless you've been in electronics as long as I have) have ever seen a mica capacitor, a square block about an inch square a quarter inch thick, with a wire coming out of opposite sides, with two rows of three colored dots on top to signify the ratings! Or heard of a 'loctal' tube! I have used his 'water' analogy teaching the senior electronics class, and also in teaching my friend electronics. He is a professional plumber, and the water analogy really helped him because he already knew the plumbing equilivants.
@varshneydevansh Жыл бұрын
woah that's an amazing story
@commandericeman85882 жыл бұрын
Excellent instructor, I love the way he injects humor into his lectures, makes me want to listen up and pay attention so I don't miss the next joke. I also love his stories because they bring it all together as to what I'm learning. Helps me separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. I struggled in my high school electronics class only getting a C. And mind you I really wanted to learn the material. This course is really filling in huge knowledge gaps.
@AaronD3132 жыл бұрын
agreed, Joes an awesome teacher!
@playalot862 жыл бұрын
This man is so, er herm… “grounded” and hilarious.
@winowmak3r2 жыл бұрын
This is just great. I'm just getting my toes wet in messing around with Arduinos and electronics repair and this entire series has been invaluable. Don't be scared by the long run times. The bookmarks in each video are great for jumping around to something in particular if you're stumped. I really appreciated the real-life problems and context as well in the examples. Good stuff Joe!
@nox5282 Жыл бұрын
I recommend the arduino starter kit, it’s expensive but comes with a book with allot of projects. Do all the projects then try to expand on them. Elegoo has kits with way more stuff but arduino is very well written. Also pickup a book on c++ programming.
@HubertoMadalena-rz4xs5 ай бұрын
this is what youtube should always be all about. top class content and cool subjects and professionally crafted lectures. I will never quit youtube as long as there are videos like this
@georgesadler7830 Жыл бұрын
Professor Joe Gryniuk, thank you for an awesome video/lecture on Basic Electronics Part 1. This is a tremendous amount of information about Electronics from start to finish. Although I took courses in Electronics/Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland College Park, I did not learn as much in the classroom compared to this massive lecture. This lecture covers everything in Basic Electronics.
@Nerdslesson Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@neidan44372 жыл бұрын
This professor is great, I've only watched about 1 hour, but these lectures are really entertaining and engaging. Thanks for posting them!
@Edo9River2 жыл бұрын
Never too old to learn. I was working for the US Nave Research and Development Lab down in LaJolla Ca. This is a civilian organization, we had a contract in about 1983 to design a basic electricians training course. The cours would only teach what was absolutely necessary for a radar repairman in the Navy. NO other purpose was possible, needed or desired. We started wit the math and troubleshooting skills for understanding the concepts of a battery, and finished with a naval radar system. I was the lead curriculum designer.My content knowledge was the level of 1/2 of this teacher’s textbook and my practical experience was……….zero. So now I can advance a bit further.
@rbrahen Жыл бұрын
This instructor is a gem.. clear and concise
@traviswaynedoyle Жыл бұрын
Many, many thanks for putting this together. Thoroughly enjoying it. I am a fellow home-brewer as well and wanted to comment that you explained specific gravity better than any other explanation I'm come across so far. Thanks!
@RackGearAddict Жыл бұрын
This stuff should be taught to everyone in high school. Can you imagine how productive we'd be if everyone knew basic electronics...
@florenciomartinez36953 жыл бұрын
I'm glad i found this I'm a owner/tech of an automotive electric repair shop, and the amount of electronics these new vehicles have is outrageous, black boxes yes but how do i save customers money for some of these modules cost over 1000 dollars, so i need to learn at least the basics to repair these boxes, modules, i have learned to repair pcms, clusters, but that is with a simulator so it basically directs you to the problem on the board i need to learn how to troubleshoot a board without a simulator, thank you
@scottj44622 жыл бұрын
Lectures were very good for review. However, I strongly suggest spending more time discussing the difference between conventional current flow notation and electron current flow notation. The former is still widely used for circuit analysis, while the later was used in the lectures (which is "true" current flow). Therefore the left-hand rule, and direction of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor, were shown as opposite to how they would typically be explained using conventional current (the "flow" of "positive charges" from positive to negative) so were rather confusing to me. Ben Franklin gave us conventional notation since he thought electricity flowed from positive to negative, but even after the discovery of atomic particles and electron flow in the other direction, it wasn't changed and is still widely used today. Fleming's left-hand rule for motors and his right-hand rule for generators, and Ampere's right hand grip rule (also known as Maxwells' corkscrew rule) all use conventional current flow as the reference direction.
@russell45272 жыл бұрын
He is a master, never have I come across a lecture as this
@renecorla89452 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this course or lecture to people like me who would like to learn about basic electricity. God bless.
@draidt2 жыл бұрын
This took me back to my High School years 1958-1962, 4 years of electronics shop in the Vocational school I went to. Stayed in the field my entire working years.
@BigDraco1232 жыл бұрын
I wish my high school had a shop of some sort. I guess it’s too dangerous nowadays with these dumb kids. I graduated high school last year
@draidt2 жыл бұрын
@@BigDraco123 With your attitude, you are well on your way to being successful.
@nikhilgill9 ай бұрын
Wow what is your age @@draidt
@draidt9 ай бұрын
@bigstuff523 жыл бұрын
Had this 50 years ago in the service...Good job...
@rigofernandez8302 жыл бұрын
Wow!!!...awesome teacher!! .this is not just a job and getting a paycheck ...i can tell this is his passion--thats what makes him great.. 👌
@manuelrivera68732 жыл бұрын
ex submariner here. fire control ballistic. boomer. 7 patrols out of holy lock scotland. i have been listening to your video every day for the past 3 days and just revisiting basic electronics. did my advanced electronics in dam neck va in 1982. enjoyed listening. hope i am in your area in the future. buying you lunch and we could exchange experiences while on patrols
@adrianwaygood715613 күн бұрын
Holy LoCH.
@user-yb7im5ku2c2 жыл бұрын
This series is great. Mr. Gryniuk’s presentation of material really facilitates understanding on a practical level and speaks volumes about his experience. Best of all, his humor and storytelling are right up my alley. Some of the easiest multi-hour videos I’ve ever had the pleasure of using both to study and to keep from losing my mind at work. Bit of a long-winded tangent, but in the spirit of electrical geekery I felt the need to elaborate on something. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about anything or complain at me for being so verbose. Depending on the construction of a building and the year it was built it may well be fine to use metal plumbing pipe (and metal structural components, for that matter) as an earth ground. To the best of my (limited) knowledge, for life safety and property protection reasons the National Electrical Code defines the requirement that metallic water piping to and through a structure which originates from underground and which contacts the earth for 10 feet or more is to be used as one of the grounding electrodes (in conjunction with grounding rods) for the building’s electrical service. For the same reason, any other predominantly-metal piping systems throughout the interior and exterior of the structure (gas, fire sprinkler, etc) are typically, or required to be, bonded to ground. Basically, if the piping in a building were to become inadvertently energized, the resulting current “leakage” should effectively have a relatively low resistance connection to ground. If not, electrical faults and phenomena that happen to impart a charge to metal piping can pose a major threat to any living organism that might come into contact with either the charged piping or anything conductive that might be connected to it (faucets, sinks, running water, etc) That said, when done properly, the connections between the metal piping systems in a building and earth ground are quite sturdy and can facilitate considerably reliable references to ground. However, the instructor’s concerns about utilizing potentially bad ground connections in his home were reasonable. Without any knowledge of the kind of piping used throughout a structure or the methods with which it was installed, what could be a reasonable ground connection to a pipe in many situations may be completely isolated from earth ground in many others. Most notably, modern building techniques and materials and cost/time considerations by contractors and property owners have largely shifted piping practices toward non-metallic piping, especially in residential construction. In essence, the pipe delivering water to a building from the main source may or may not be metal, it may or may not go into the building as metal pipe, it may or may not be metal as it connects to all the fixtures throughout the building, it may or may not transition to metallic or non-metallic piping multiple times throughout the system, and it may or may not be connected to other pipes by means of metallic fittings. In these cases, it’s hard to imagine how there could possibly exist an intentional connection to ground. On the other hand, I work on jobs quite often where all of the fresh water piping is copper, all other supply piping was steel or copper, and every last bit of it was connected in some way to ground. So it really depends. A direct connection to the building’s earth ground near or at the main panel is ideal and favorable, of course. It may also be the only option aside from driving another ground rod somewhere near where you need it. Either way, the cost of conductor material alone may prove to be the limiting factor in deciding how to ground something if the main connection is on the other side of the building. Not to mention the varying quality of workmanship put into both the piping and electrical systems of a building. All in all, use your best judgement and don’t blindly assume without analyzing and testing as the installer in the instructor’s story seemed to do.
@Pherdywae2 жыл бұрын
This is awesome! I’m going to follow Electrical Engineering soon and these kind of vids is how I’m going to prepare myself. I’m currently listening every morning/afternoon when I’m going to my job/home. It’s a 1h ride so plenty of information every time!
@micheltenoriodeomena83182 жыл бұрын
Washington Tech is amazing !! Thanks Nerd Lessons. Education should be affordable for everyone!!
@tcutchi2 жыл бұрын
Just started watching this today, the presenter is incredible. Easy to understand with excellent pacing. Thank you! 2:30:45 Unfortunately, 2022 isn't quite going as he imagined, lol
@jayrod9252 жыл бұрын
LMAO I was thinking the same thing
@Oxytocin._.2 жыл бұрын
Any idea what year they're in at the time?
@hariranormal55842 жыл бұрын
@@Oxytocin._. It's probably 2010, +/- 2
@Oxytocin._.2 жыл бұрын
@@hariranormal5584 thanks
@greekpapi2 жыл бұрын
For all you young guys just getting into electronics please know its a GREAT future!!!! I have been working electronics and computers since the mid 80's and I have been making mid six figures every year since I started. Its been a great ride !!!!!
@DonYeyoReaks Жыл бұрын
Is there any books or videos like these that you recommend?
@elmacoturko2 жыл бұрын
I think I'm gonna take this course not for the electronics but for the great teacher. I will.
@scannerzero2 жыл бұрын
I love this .. goes back over 50 years ago ... Thank you for a wonderful refresher course ....
@rogertyler32372 жыл бұрын
I've Been Fixing Electronics ever Since I Was A Teenager. & I Never Set Foot Into A Classroom Cause The School Said My Eyes Wherent Good Enough To Do That Kind Of Work But I Set Out On My Own & Bought My Own Equipment & Started On My Own
@pscoanteneh12 жыл бұрын
I write this recommendation from Ethiopia i get a lot information about electronics and i would like to apricate your effort to teach as well as to disseminate a people with poor access of such level of education . Great work and keep it up
@flyerh2 жыл бұрын
I am from the UK.You are indeed a great teacher and although I am as old as you and more advanced on electronics than this course, Your kind of teaching appeals to me.You do make me chuckle with your Navy anecdotes.As an ex SF person in the Uk, I had a bit of a chuckle at the "active service " remark in reference to the Navy though.No disrespect intended, just a nuance.I will be searching for more advanced electronic lectures by you and hope you still pull up a sandbag and swing that chandelier ( British expression for ,telling war stories) bye the way I am also a commercial helicopter pilot aswell.Keep up the good work.
@WiPri0371 Жыл бұрын
I bought the book the Navy used (not sure if they still do) to train their electrician's by the authors Van Valkenburg, Nooger and Neville. Thick but small form factor. As thick as a dictionary. I 'studied at my own pace' using primarily just that book over 2 decades ago. Changed my life. This course is an EXCELLENT 'from the ground up' beginner, or a sublime refresher (if you don't deal with electricity on a daily basis, which I don't anymore. Only hobbyist.) It has served me well over the years. In regards to 05:38:00 - When I worked at a handyman company, I actually had that to happen (reduced voltage), but I had an idea before I got started that it was as the wiring is/was aluminum and prone to damage especially when it's an older installation. The homeowner had a non-contact V detector too which helped with that diagnosis. I explained it to him in simple terms - he was lost - so I showed him. Put the meter on - 89V. After eliminating the obvious components, I told him he likely had a wiring issue. "How long do you think it will take you to repair it?" "I'm not. I'm not going near aluminum wiring." Reason being that it actually was likely the wire is that it ran into the attic. He had been in the attic several times just in the last few weeks, much less anytime before. When I asked if the wire was tucked out of the way up there, "Oh no. It just runs straight across where I have my stuff." Yeah. I'm done.
@undesirable25602 жыл бұрын
This class doesn’t deserve this teachers humor!!!
@Iqbalahmed32 жыл бұрын
I didn't know I have watched it for more than 1 hour until I saw the timeline. A very beautiful way of teaching.💯
@JakeThomasCreative2 жыл бұрын
32:52 I bet they named the shells those letters so there would be room in the alphabet if they found more shells above or below the ones they already knew about. Thank you for providing these videos! As another commenter said, things like this are the true value of KZbin.
@EmanuelRaziel24 күн бұрын
May God bless you many times Mister Gryniuk, at least as many as the number of students you taught. Thank you very much to the uploader of this valuable material.
@StaticBlaster Жыл бұрын
There's a study method I've used while I was in school called the SQ3R method. It consists of surveying the chapter, the headings, skimming the text, looking at the illustrations, diagrams, and schematics. The second step consists of turning the chapter headings, subheadings, and topics into questions. The third and final step is broken down into three sub-steps: Reading the text as you answer your own questions (which may involve re-reading the text to make the material stick), Reviewing the material and Reciting it back to yourself. By the way, I like the instructor's sense of humor. He's really funny.
@georgen9755 Жыл бұрын
Surveying .....? what has surveying got to do in electronics ? in over four decades .......................people are still studying suverying and diverting attention of NCC ? camp ?
@StaticBlaster Жыл бұрын
@@georgen9755 You're taking it too literally. Did you not read the entire comment? Surveying means skimming the text and looking at the diagrams, illustrations, chapter headings, section headings, captions and sidebars.
@jinderbreadman6 ай бұрын
Glad to be alive where content like this is free. Thank you, WTC. Also was pretty fun to figure out *when* this lecture took place, based on the teacher's comments. Good to know that the basics from back then still hold true today.
@WojciechowskaAnna Жыл бұрын
this teacher is amazing, the examples are provides are so accurate, so well chosen and so relatable and speaking to the imagination!
@nevermankind Жыл бұрын
underated teacher for sure
@johndebono491221 күн бұрын
Joe, love your video. Just started a electrical circuits class. I take notes from your videos because you explain it well and bring it down to earth. Thank you!
@ShotgunSandwichENT2 жыл бұрын
Your a great teacher. These ideas can become very complex. The point is for learning to be fun, not painful, and you present things in a very digestible way. Thanks!
@PistonShack2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, I actually enjoyed watching it. I have to come back few times to get it 100%.
@Андреич-с4н2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, it is fun and not painful to listent to funny stories, anecdotes and jokes. Fun will go and pain will come later, when after this 11 hours long speech you ask yourself what actually you learned from it
@vikctorrkreedd64182 жыл бұрын
@ShotgunSandwichENT2 жыл бұрын
@@vikctorrkreedd6418 ur
@maxigunasekera8948 Жыл бұрын
i am really grateful for what you are doing for the whole human race teaching in an explicit very highly knowledgeable manner best part was when you mentioned that you do not expect from anyone anything from your students, only that they should succeed in their lives and be somebody that to be useful citizens to the Mother Country at large. very well said and I do wish that all of your students would do well. The way that you teach is very understandable. You would not believe I am 72 years old and my profession was Accounting, my last profession was as a Budget Analyst for Voice of America later known as International Broadcasting Bureue, Iranawila, Sri Lanka. it was sheer love for the Electronic field I followed your program of presentation and wow it was quite an amazing and very explicit way of teaching. that touched many Human beings all over the world at large. wish you good health and please continue your good work. May God Bless you.
@DANNYEL201223 жыл бұрын
One of the best channels on KZbin.. Damn
@kurt9232 Жыл бұрын
The best electronic learning series on KZbin. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@elitesoccerblogs49472 жыл бұрын
Such an amazing instructor thank you for sharing this knowledge!
@derekmarshall64279 ай бұрын
I'm only beginning Chapter 7 after 2 days. The analogies you use to describe the theories & laws make the information very easy to comprehend. Unfortunately I don't have to practice because I'm not in the class, but the information is addictive. I had to make myself go to sleep 1 night because I looked & it was 5:46am! Thank You....
@ClaireSweets2 жыл бұрын
I always wanted to learn electronics. This is great. Thankyou.
@ramlohit13 ай бұрын
Great teacher. Also good study method in the beginning & good approach to actually learning
@frankroper32742 жыл бұрын
I was an A/C tech...relays are pretty simple. It consists of contacts that are either normally open or normally closed. It states it right on the relay. So sometimes they get stuck open and sometimes closed all you need is a multimeter to check it. Very basic!
@danw6406 Жыл бұрын
listening to this all the way from germany. making knowledge accessible and easy to understand is the key for a better future. ty for your contribution!!!!!!
@adolphus20023 жыл бұрын
Good Day sir, I really enjoy the way you teach such a highly technical course. You really break it down. I missed this opportunity when I was younger. Your youtube videos are giving me a much needed second chance to catch up. I hope we get the chance to hang out when things finally click for me. Keep up the good work sir. God bless.
@Meraj-zr2ry Жыл бұрын
Thanks, mate, I am a qualified technician with knowledge of all the theories. But for fun and refreshing, watching your way of explanation in a Yanky accent is fun. I may listen to a complete course if get time.
@noelagno68292 жыл бұрын
A hexagenarian here, those were the days, the good old high school days.
@shimaalcarrim79492 жыл бұрын
One of the greatest uploads ever
@normanbell2362 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for these Great Lessons, we're most grateful for your clear and precise lectures
@normanbell2362 жыл бұрын
Thanks from Australia
@i.Explorer2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Can't thank enough. Running out of words. I graduated 19 years ago with Physics as my honours subject. Didn't understand these things then. I think I was not mature enough then to grab such understanding. Anyways thank you very much for giving us such a wonderful insight. May God bless you!
@fransmurati23703 жыл бұрын
As an educator, instead of saying R x R when discussing the formula, rather say Resistance x Resitance, it must be remebered that not all students have been working for years with these formulas, the minds focus gets distracted trying to keep up with the abbreviations. If you keep writing the abbreviations but fully pronounce them, then your students minds will follow your explanations on real time, instead of focusing on the "code" their minds will eventially build the bridge between the R and Resistance. Educators makes the same mistake during early math lesson. I think some of them are just trying to sound very clever.( not denying that perhaps they are as mathemathicians however they are failing as educators) All that I see that is happening in real time is the educator are testing his students short term memory, instead of focusing on them understanding the material at hand.
@WillieMakeit2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@tadpoleman38792 жыл бұрын
There's always critical nay sayers. My question is, if you really care about what the students need to learn, YOU BE THE INTRUCTOR THAT LIVES TO INSTRUCT THE PEOPLE THAT NEEDS TO LEARN. JOE'S STYLE KEEPS PEOPLE'S BRAINS WORKING. People need to think their way through. If they can't, they need to hire someone that will. You get what you put into your own mind. Joe isn't leading any body astray.
@donaldhuber11 ай бұрын
Very well done. Great memories from vocational school.
@Games_wizard013 ай бұрын
1:28:12 1:54:00 2:01:00 2:20:00 4:13:00
@VideoGames_Wizard3 ай бұрын
@VideoGames_Wizard3 ай бұрын
@Games_wizard013 ай бұрын
@RoyHoy3 ай бұрын
@RoyHoy3 ай бұрын
@jrmgodfirst Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much tr Joe and the entire team for making this class available, am taking these lessons from Uganda, am now undertaking a career in electronics, and this is my class, will connect with the college, I believe
@DavidSmith-gq4ll2 жыл бұрын
thank you Earl. (unfortunatly posthumously) I much enjoyed Part one at 81 years of age
@frankclarkjr63693 жыл бұрын
Just found the channel, I'm very interested although this is not related to my work, although maybe I should have directed my education in this field. I'm very unlearned in this, I'm hooked, thank you very much.
@daveroche65222 жыл бұрын
I've found the best approach to be 1) read all coursework/handouts/texts etc. 3 times (casually - just read, don't try to memorise/learn), 2) THEN, after a week or so, go through them again and actually study them, 3) THEN go back to the start and read them all again 1-2 week(s) after the exam(s). Surprisingly effective.
@monkeyseemonkeydo4322 жыл бұрын
What a lovely guy…the stuff he says really boosts interest in picking up knowledge from him… When I tried studying electronics I just got lost in equations and formulas…which of course are handy to know But his experience and knowledge/stories really help with understanding how to use this knowledge in a practical way. Numerous times during this video I’ve been thinking that’s exactly how I needed to learn or what was missing from when I studied years ago And 100 percent I used to find the tuning capacitor style tuners much better 🤣
@rrrtr92992 жыл бұрын
Teaching is not only saying a statement " (hold up.. i know some of y'all will disagree to this) But a great teacher know if he stands up and only say statements then only a short amount of student will understand, but! If he shows action,potential and time to his work he teach the world and that's exactly what he's doing... Great work guys ❤👍 can't wait for part 2
@WCM19452 жыл бұрын
Man, I wold have died for all the hi-tech gadgets you have at your disposal... I taught this in the early 70s and a box of colored chalk was a godsend for me! But it's good to know that elect 101 hasn't changed over the years.
@giovaniteixeira672 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the content. I'm a 29 yo brazilian who has been away from learning for some time. Always wanted to learn about electricity. It's never too late, I guess.
@DonYeyoReaks Жыл бұрын
Never too late.
@RoyHoy3 ай бұрын
I like his Navy stories!
@awarnesscarelessbn Жыл бұрын
This guy is intelligent and teaches appropriately in right order. This is perfect for learning.
@xXSuddieXx2 жыл бұрын
5:07 mark remind me of how passionate my grandfather was about electronic and why I am so adamant about KZbin University. I refuse to pay extra for something I can KZbin.
@TheBlaert9 ай бұрын
This is great stuff. I did a year of an electronics degree many years ago (before I stupidly dropped out) and the interest in it has always stuck with me. It's a hell of an interesting subject and well worth learning. Even just the basics