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@FilipGostic Жыл бұрын
fucked up
@fennisdembo34 Жыл бұрын
it depresses me
@Flying-Flo Жыл бұрын
@@fennisdembo34 Impossible to watch indeed. I feel you...
@Αναστάσιος-σ8υ Жыл бұрын
I disagree with many of the things that you said. One of the myths is the current generation of players are more athletic more talented than ever. WRONG. It's easy to seem athletic when there is no defence around you. But the various Bancheros and Wembys wouldn't survive a minute against the Karl Malones, Michael Cages and Rick Mahorns of the past.
@coachj618 Жыл бұрын
Refs should at least call illegal screening and travelling...
@Kodreanu23 Жыл бұрын
Remove the defensive 3 seconds rule. There is absolutely no need to have it anymore. It was brought in, in fear of low scores. We got that out of the way.
@andreamazzeo4306 Жыл бұрын
Good point. Honestly, just look at fiba rules and there are a bunch of good ideas there.
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
I honestly believe that would make the game way more interesting. As well as the number of games. The NBA has enough talent/skill/athleticism to still have 100+ games. And big centers might have a place in the league again
@Kodreanu23 Жыл бұрын
@@AugustasSuliauskas Agreed 💯 percent. If there was a concern before that offenses would be boring, they've evolved so much that taking out that rule will not suffocate games too much. What would happen if they remove it, I think the power drivers like Giannis and LeBron will be less efficient. So my theory is that they will not take that rule out until Lebron retires, since his shot chart is getting more and more simplified (bunch of layups and occasional three pointer). I can not claim this 100 percent, but let's see. P.S. I've posted here youtube link to D'Antoni's interview but it got deleted, I don't know why.
@divkovic14 Жыл бұрын
Not sure on this one. If applied, there would be much less drives/dunks/layups and more mid-range/3pt attempts. And since circus layups and dunks are the only highlight material worth watching these days, I'm not sure if removing def 3s would be good for the NBA, and they know it. IMO, nothing can revert the NBA to the previous state. Basketball has evolved to this, 3pt is worth the most and it is better to shoot 10x 3pt than any other shot. So everyone started shooting. If you can't shoot, you need to be athletic. 90% of current players are in these two categories, if not both. Rest of the league are niche players that have a specific role, but they don't get that many minutes typically. Euro basketball all the way! Hope it won't evolve like NBA did.
@Kodreanu23 Жыл бұрын
@@divkovic14 People are getting fed up with dunks highlights. The game is becoming too boring and something needs to be done about it. I think they will wait for Lebron to retire and then go for an experiment.
@ono3869 Жыл бұрын
I love it when a coach calls a timeout to draw up a play. Then the play ends up being a pick and switch leading to a step back 3. Real imaginative!
@timnic9242 Жыл бұрын
or they are not able to inbounce the ball and call another timeout
@rafikz77 Жыл бұрын
Phil Jackson during a time out : “iso for Michael on the elbow”
@illDefine1 Жыл бұрын
@@rafikz77yes. It is how you win a game consistently owned by top 5 players. Euroleague doesn't have enough talent to understand.
@captainobvious90 Жыл бұрын
Brad Stevens was a master at drawing after time-outs plays, its a waste that he is in the front office now
@dennisdezarn5895 Жыл бұрын
Players are totally incapable of fighting through a ball screen. It's like taking your shoes off inside a house in Korea, it's just customary and expected to switch. To not do so would be consider rude. Almost unthinkable. And anyone close up to a jumpshooter is getting called for a foul because the shooter is gonna spazz out like he just got tased.
@londonrhodes2429 Жыл бұрын
You have grossly underestimated the way the rule changes have infected the modern game. There are no travel calls. There are no carry calls. There's no hand checking etc.
@perfectbeat Жыл бұрын
Yep! I agree.
@Violaphobia10 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why traveling doesn’t get called. I understand the “rule” that if you dunk it then it isn’t traveling, at least that’s cool.
@liukang8510 ай бұрын
@liukang8510 ай бұрын
@@Violaphobiayou just summed it up. Not calling travels makes for more highlights. It's people like you who are to blame lol even when going for a dunk a travel should be called
@buckstraw92510 ай бұрын
Traveling wasn't really ever called in the Pro game but yeah, it has gotten worse.
@mikebozik Жыл бұрын
The biggest thing hurting the NBA is the lack of enforcement of the rules by the refs. I counted several instances of traveling and carrying the ball in your video... Stack on top of that all the rules changes that weaken the defense. The game has "sold out".
@liukang8510 ай бұрын
💯💯 and everyone who keeps watching it is to blame as well
@Anim3Gamer10 ай бұрын
I think the rules for traveling need to be updated. All these different moves like the euro and the double step back take advantage of dribbling rules and things would change if those rules are changed. So remove def 3 rule, hand checking, and change dribbling and things would change quickly back toward defenses.
@zeroisnine9 ай бұрын
@@Anim3Gamertoo many and1 wannabes watch to ever enforce the rules
@atlien19888 ай бұрын
@@Anim3Gamer they updated the rules which is why you see all the nonsense. In the past all those would have rightfully been called traveling. Elgin Baylor was dazzling with the _Eurostep_ back in the 1960s.
@CephlonMayngrum Жыл бұрын
I remember going to a game a few yrs ago and realized none of the players were sweating. This made me remember how Michael Jordan used to literally sweat more than anyone ive ever seen
@badmoon710 Жыл бұрын
Great point
@genustinca5565 Жыл бұрын
Todays NBA games are like video games.
@kono5933 Жыл бұрын
Did you notice that in the first quarter or what lol they do sweat every game
@filipesantos6894 Жыл бұрын
Air conditioning has improved in modern arenas, helping players sweat LESS, although they do still sweat later in the game and when they have played more minutes.
@micbroc6435 Жыл бұрын
Not a big fan of Dennis Rodman but he worked harder in practice than these guys do in game.
@turdferguson8704 Жыл бұрын
I think it would be more exciting if each team had 100 timeouts. Really keeps the flow going.
@straightlead8 Жыл бұрын
They also need to add more reasons for fouls. Also increase instant replay challenges
@543whitey Жыл бұрын
huddles after every play like football!
@RavenMobile Жыл бұрын
It would also be great if they had an extended hour-long meet-and-greet session with the fans to sign autographs at halftime. They could also stand to have some raffles and silent auctions announced between plays, longer intermissions, and national anthems sung for each player's home country at the start of each game.
@j19games24 Жыл бұрын
@@RavenMobile At the halftime show, every single play of the game is analyzed for at least 2 minutes each.
@michlo3393 Жыл бұрын
Changing the shotclock from 24 seconds to 3 minutes.
@justinle8787 Жыл бұрын
They just need to give more power back to the defense. The rules are relatively the same back then and now but how refs interpret them are different. Most screens nowadays are moving screens, guys constantly carry the ball with their hands under the ball, too many travels... It's like if you let the offensive players run wild and bend the rules, they will do it duh lol
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
Id give your comment 10 likes if I could. When the ball handler can take 2-3 steps without a dribble because they're carrying the ball this gives the impression of better athleticism. There are countless clips of players going from the 3 pt line to the rim with 1-2 dribbles. Traveling is non existent too. It's all become so absurd. And yes the moving screens are a joke. You even have guys blatantly lowering their shoulder and using their forearm with their momentum while setting screens to know the hell out of defenders. And it's rarely ever called. You can think Adam Silver for the monstrosity that is the NBA now.
@brandongrabel6307 Жыл бұрын
This 👆....bring back hand checking and let them actually play defense. There's less effort to close out on shooters for fear of "taking away their landing zone" and getting called for a foul, sometimes a flagrant 1. It's not that these players are just so much better than 10 years ago, defense gets penalized for most of the contact even when the offensive player is clearly the aggressor. So sick of watching offensive players bulldoze their way to the basket and getting favorable foul calls, when the defender is back pedaling with his hands straight up in the air.
@asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa8725 Жыл бұрын
@@brandongrabel6307i love how the nba commissioner himself said they were changing the rules specifically to make the game easier for offensive players. Now a decade later, you have many people claiming players are just better today... I feel bad for ray allen and reggie miller when people say steph is the greatesr shooter ever, i felt bad for kareem when lebron passed his score. Look how irritated kareem looks when he passes that ball to lebron. Maybe curry is a better shooter then ray or reggie, but they arent playing the same game so how exactly does someone make that statement without any mention of the rule changes.
@brandongrabel6307 Жыл бұрын
@@asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa8725 agreed, I can't imagine steph having the same effect in the Reggie Miller era. Obviously he'd still be a great shooter, but would he be able to do it at the same rate in a more physical game at his size? Maybe he could, though the fear of giving up a 4 point play was a lot less back then. I think we can thank Reggie for starting the sticking out of the leg on a jump shot to create contact lol.
@asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa8725 Жыл бұрын
@@brandongrabel6307 if it were more blatant, like for example say they widen the rim by a foot. We wouldnt be saying oh players are just better shooters today. We would say no, they widened the rim by a freakin foot, ofc they shoot better. At least most of us would. I can understand kids and people who didnt know baketball until recently. But when i hear people like kevin garnett saying the players today are just better, i want to tell him kevin, you were a shooting big man who could handle the ball decently. You dont think you could dominate under these soft rules?
@aramondehasashi3324 Жыл бұрын
It's already been said by many but the solution is to bring back the rule set they had before that didn't nerf defense and call the obvious violations like traveling that happen constantly.
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
What exactly were the rules that nerfed defense? I've never seen them explained.
@HoltsTricks11 ай бұрын
3 second rule in the paint@@Knightmessenger
@judebachelet782210 ай бұрын
@@Knightmessenger handchecking being removed and leniency on travels/carries
@twostop689510 ай бұрын
@@Knightmessenger defense never used to have to worry about how long they are in the paint, the 3 second in the paint defense rule is new, it used to just apply to offense
@Knightmessenger10 ай бұрын
@@twostop6895 defensive 3 seconds seems dumb. It would be like having offsides in hockey for the team crossing their own blue line and wondering why there are suddenly so many breakaways.
@chrisguevara Жыл бұрын
Changes to officiating: Call traveling more often Don't let players carry the ball Allow hand checking Call more offensive fouls
@InfiniteQuest8610 ай бұрын
They don't allow hand checking? You can put your hands all over everyone and it never gets called.
@chrisguevara10 ай бұрын
@@InfiniteQuest86 There are levels to hand checking. Hand checking in the late 80s and early 90s allowed you to push on the offensive players hip fully extended, I remember correctly. But at all falls under the hand checking rule.
@InfiniteQuest8610 ай бұрын
@@chrisguevara Maybe this doesn't carry over to varsity (high school) which I see way more of. Literally every kid has their hands all over the offensive player. Both hands at once. One hand at a time. Reaching in for the ball. Pushing on their back and hips. Like nothing happening out there resembles anything stated in the rule book.
@stellviahohenheim9 ай бұрын
Let white people play too
@jmgonzales77018 ай бұрын
make the court smaller in dimmensions as well like Europe and also eliminate corner threes.
@samuelfomoadams4612 Жыл бұрын
In agreement about offensive being too easy right now. I would love to see removal of 3 sec in the key and fouls called on defender when the offensive player initiates the contact.
@StandardGabriel375 Жыл бұрын
*in the voice of Mr. Bean* "Oouuuu. I like!!"
@emiliothepoet Жыл бұрын
Yup but they would force Lebron James to foul out and average 0 points a game
@Rdude4444 Жыл бұрын
@@emiliothepoethow do his balls taste?
@rogelioatempa1115 Жыл бұрын
@@emiliothepoetget the hate out your heart.
@basstheangelo Жыл бұрын
@@emiliothepoet LeBron will never foul out ever. He has too much IQ. He can read the defense better than anyone in the league, even the coaches.
@nickos9190 Жыл бұрын
I think Orlando is showing how you can be succesfull with a different style. They are so fun to watch cause, they remind me of a European Team, lots of ball movement and cutting on offense with a team oriented approach. On defense they hustle and use their length to pressure the ball and play the passing lanes.
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
I had them in mind to mention during the video and now I'm sad I forgot to actually do it. One of a few teams showing you can be successful with a different style in the NBA. Surprise of the season so far
@marcozambelli3642 Жыл бұрын
I like also Minnesota Timberwolves they are playing great right now
@nickos9190 Жыл бұрын
@@marcozambelli3642 you are right, seems Like Players who played the world Cup experienced what Teamplay and hard defense can do to level up their games. For Orlando, Paolo, Franz, Mo, Goga and Joe played and for the wolves Towns, Edwards, Anderson, Gobert all did too.
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
Good one too!@@marcozambelli3642
@nickos9190 Жыл бұрын
@@AugustasSuliauskasmaybe a Video Idea how NBA Players and Teams can benefit from international Play (Like the world Cup). Markanen, Towns, Schröder, Edwards, Mo Wagner, Franz, Banchero, Bogdanovic they improved so much by playing internationaly. Got their comfidence up and play really good as a result. The top two suprises of the year have each 5 Players who played the WC
@obi-juantacobi8552 Жыл бұрын
Just bring back the hand check. Bring back cut bumps No more post release shooting fouls (outside of flagrant or bonus) Let players play defense without getting whistled for breathing the same air as the offense.
@DavidSeymourOfficial11 ай бұрын
1- Remove defensive 3 second rule 2- Reduce number of regular season games 3- Extend the 3 point line 4- Allow teams to play physical defense again with less frequent fouls called Fixed!
@georgerogers116610 ай бұрын
Alternating possession would help with #4.
@spacelion476310 ай бұрын
Reduce the number of reg season games? Hell no...
@georgerogers116610 ай бұрын
Reduce the number of postseason games instead. You can't allow half the league in the postseason in basketball. Too top-heavy.
@megaslayercho10 ай бұрын
Yes to all of the above except number 3. I dont think 3 point line should be extended,it should be outright removed completely. Beeing able to score from a big distance,bypassing enemy deffense all together is powerfull enough as it is. With current skill levels in NBA,I am even willing to bet that if we remove 3 point line and remove any extra points for shooting from afar,players would still end up tacking more shots beyond the 3 point line than mid range shots, because they are just that good.
@Conservativemanusa9 ай бұрын
Hear me out,no fouls...maybe I'm ahead of my time.
@jameshealy4096 Жыл бұрын
I think you're not talking about the real elephant in the room, the 3 pointer. This is what happens when the outside shot is easier to get (more space) and more efficient (worth more points). The key tradeoff of basketball is supposed to be: harder to get shots inside are more efficient, easier to get shots outside are less efficient. Instead the 3 pointer messed it up.
@samuelcolin2775 Жыл бұрын
The 3 pointer became too efficient. It is now just as efficient for some players to take a contested 3 as a contested layup.
@warpeace8891 Жыл бұрын
I agree totally. What happens if we get rid of the three point line entirely and all baskets are two points? A game of basketball might break out. Simple solution to vastly improve the game. I can't see a downside.
@thequiethypemedia Жыл бұрын
@@warpeace8891then it would be the same problem centered around layups
@warpeace8891 Жыл бұрын
@@thequiethypemedia - I am no expert, and maybe you are right but I don't see how. There will always be an advantage of shooting from range because it can give time and space that is not available in the key. Encouraging more action closer to the bucket is good for everyone.
@thequiethypemedia Жыл бұрын
@@warpeace8891 ok that makes sense
@Sardonac Жыл бұрын
When sports get boring or broken, leagues change the rules. This happens frequently in baseball, where the whole game depends on a fine balance between pitchers and hitters, where an imbalance either way breaks the game. In basketball, rule changes have kept Shaq from running amok, from overly physical games, etc. So the only real question is: how should the NBA change the rules? I'd appreciate a video on some of the options which have been proposed.
@full6330name Жыл бұрын
Warriors brought this 3 point shooting style but in their prime I loved watching their offense. It was super interesting with lots off things happening. What I don't like to see is when all teams just constantly play some sort off pick and roll/pop again and again...
@robertpalmatier2699 Жыл бұрын
Dallas mavericks with Steve Nash way before them. The warriors under Don Nelson before them with Baron Davis running small ball. Steph is one of the greatest shooters ever and was the first to master 80 feet behind the line. But plenty of teams were run and gun offense before the current Dubs team.
@balthorpayne Жыл бұрын
@@robertpalmatier2699Eh, Warriors are not run and gun. Those older teams were more like "Put up more shots asap" like older basketball games from the 60s. Warriors try to get better shots with tons of ball movement but have an offensive howitzer in Steph who can just put a goofy shot up from anywhere and make it seem run and gun. Warriors are more organized than those older teams just getting up shots.
@TheTariqibnziyad Жыл бұрын
Wait for the playoffs, the league still can't replicate GS motion offense, and of course they can't replicate Curry, GS is a playoff teams when fully healthy
@MentalStillness Жыл бұрын
The thing I respect about Golden State wasn't the three point shooting it was the ball movement, team defense. When they shot threes they were running plays not just chucking threes all game.
@soleworkz Жыл бұрын
Rockets made it official they took more 3’s per game than any other team before the Warriors were known for it.
@reneg3126 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of the zero step rule and points will go down. Also start to actually call travelling. But I doubt that will ever happen.
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
What about the 3-second rule in the paint is gone? I think that would already drastically improve the game. Hand-checking too. These athletes can be absolutely amazing defensively when they are 100% and have energy. Like in the playoffs. The FG% go down like crazy
@sincorddnb9155 Жыл бұрын
But then LeBum would never score.
@mr.sinjin-smyth Жыл бұрын
Bring back hand checking also.
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
The zero step rule doesn't even exist. In the actual NBA rulebook I mean. I know refs officiate the game with that silliness but it's not a rule and has never been a rule.
@Ohandori Жыл бұрын
@@roboninja3194 the gather step (the same thing as the zero step) was formally added into the rulebook in 2019
@chanendlerbong Жыл бұрын
Regular season is ruined but at least playoffs were good last year
@gracehughes3795 Жыл бұрын
This is why knicks fans love the team so much. relatively balanced offensively (no excessive threes) and extremely gritty on defense, they still play old school basketball (and we know they aren’t good enough to win a championship) but my God are they easy to love and fun to watch.
@ntdscherer Жыл бұрын
I would be interested to see some exhibition games with no 3 point line, to see how that affects the game.
@mopanda81 Жыл бұрын
There's also a personnel problem. If we eliminate the 3 point line but still have teams geared to shoot all their offense then it's still gonna be shooting dominate. The 3 point line was in the game for DECADES before we ever evolved to the point where people are shooting the majority of shots from behind the line.
@Gnofg Жыл бұрын
It would end up eventually looking like this. We need to eliminate the corner 3 pointer and move it out to 28 feet. This makes the mid range game important. Watch the speed of the game in the seventies. People moved without the ball and real fast breaks. kzbin.info/www/bejne/g32cpWytm5KYrNEsi=ViTvFUU71pJZZDex
@Darkmagecurt Жыл бұрын
@mopanda81 gotta start somewhere tho..personell will figure itself out with time. Big basketball fan all my life and it's a snooze fest to watch today.
@GS-vb3zn11 ай бұрын
Erasing the 3-point line would be a good start. Would the game still be shooting dominate? Yes, but not as much. It's a risk/reward thing. Shooting from nearly 1/2 court might not be as enticing for 2 points.
@NealBones10 ай бұрын
Find some old games from the 60s.
@poym4320 Жыл бұрын
nba punishes the defender too much with ridiculous soft calls, illegal picks, carry ball etc. i cant even finish a full game cause its that bad not real basketball anymore fiba even with not perfect refs is still more fun to watch and ive been watching the nba for 35 years its just sad
@ilikewater9302 Жыл бұрын
for real im tired of talented defenders that have to hold back because of shitty rules. every point looks so free for the taking and its so boring to watch
@davide6679 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. And the funny thing is that every time I open you tube there is a new video titled "nba is crazy this year", "in-season tournament is mind blowing right now", and such. It's ridiculous. These are my 2 suggestions for a better nba. 1. Less games = equal more competition; 2. Better referring =stop silly fouls for every contact and let the game flow
@noname-xz2ns Жыл бұрын
Less games will mean smaller paychecks for players and we know how the players will react to that
@Creeksmallmouth Жыл бұрын
They just have to push and push and push it.
@lolnothanksbill Жыл бұрын
million dollar cry babies
@TyTimeIsAwesome Жыл бұрын
Agree, but the ref issue will never get fixed. Why would the NBA fix it anyways when those guys are the ones rigging the game for the league?
@jastrology4192 Жыл бұрын
Less games=less injuries=happier world for everyone
@eduardobranco8349 Жыл бұрын
I have been saying this for a couple of years now. The 2010s was the best nba basketball ever. The stretch 4 was still just starting to become popular enough, but teams like the spurs still played splitter and duncan at the same time and it worked wonderfully. Also, you are right. The 3 sec defensive rule doesnt make sense anymore. It is clearly outdated and should be removed
@curtiszyr Жыл бұрын
80s is the best no 90s is the best no it’s 2000s now you say 2010s everybody just need to stfu
@eduardobranco8349 Жыл бұрын
@@curtiszyr right... in a comment section about basketball we need to shut up. We shouldn't be able to express our opinions of what era was the best. Thanks for being the thought police
@curtiszyr Жыл бұрын
@@eduardobranco8349 yes STFU it’s not that serious 🧐
@ToumapassarZEZOCA Жыл бұрын
@MemoTea Жыл бұрын
You were born in 1998 probably. 1980s-1990s, was the golden era.
@douglassun8456 Жыл бұрын
Two thoughts: When the 3-point shot was introduced, it was an interesting wrinkle. It added an additional dimension that you had to consider. But it's inherently unexciting to watch, compared to a post-up or a drive to the hoop. So when it becomes the main form of offense, the game becomes more boring to watch. There's an old boxing saying that, "Styles make fights." It's interesting when fighters that use different styles face each other because you want to see how they interact with each other. Same in team sports; when everyone plays the same way you don't have that kind of intrigue.
@right8630 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely If they allowed more physical play I think it would solve this.
@donttrendonme Жыл бұрын
They really do okay different thought. Bucks, Warriors, Nuggets, Heat, Pacers, Magic, Clippers (still evolving) all have different ways of playing and are at the top of the league
@Matalito Жыл бұрын
The old timers were right. The 3 pointer killed basketball. It has to go away to eliminate incentives to take lower percentage shots. Just like homeruns ruining baseball. When that has become the primary scoring method, instead of a bonus, you're playing a different sport.
@megaslayercho10 ай бұрын
In my opinion there is a very elegant very simple solution to all modern basketball problems and it's not some major super innovative rule change ,quite the opposite ,it's just about going back, back to 70s basketball. Back to the time when there was no 3 point line. Back to the time when lifting the pivot was called travel. Back to the time when there was no defensive 3 second rule. Back to the time when you couldnt just play for cheap fouls as an attacker, bumping your self into stationary deffenders and than crying for foul(when according to OG basketball theory and rulles,it should be foul in favor of the deffence,not the offense, modern basketball has turned this rule litteraly 180 degress of where it should be) We dont need a 3 point line,beeing able to score from a distance,thus bypassing the need to get throught the enemy deffence ,is powerfull enough at it is(infact with the current level of skill in the NBA,I am certain even if we remove 3 point line today,there will still be plenty of shots taken from beyond 3 point line range,infact 3 point shots would still probably be more common than mid range shots). Not only would the above mentioned classic rules help to balance the game in every right way, making it more about team work, hustle, pacing and strategy ,rather than just spaming the same exact 2 possible plays 'allowed' in modern bball(basicly you either shoot 3 point or you dive and you play to get fouled and there is litteraly noting else),but on top of balancing the game it would also make the game simpler to learn, simpler to referee and it would diminish the gap between how casual and professional games are played(rules and balance wise). So when it comes to rules in basketball, just like many other things in life, less is actually better.
@right863010 ай бұрын
@@megaslayercho no absolutely not the three pointer is the only reason to shoot from deep. The math would be get as many 7 footers as you can if you remove the three and it would go bad the other way just allow defenders to be a little more physical and maybe instead of thee seconds make it 4-5.
@jicalzad Жыл бұрын
As a few already mentioned below, I think they could bring back hand checking. I think that most, if not all, players would be ok with that
@sumdude4281 Жыл бұрын
Yes, was thinking same.
@Shoot4Nothing Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree, that's the first thing I'd bring back. See how that affects 3pointers when the defender can actually defend.
@hardworkingcriminal4873 Жыл бұрын
Ive been telling anyone who'll listen that the NBA as a complete regular season product is unwatchable to a old school watcher.
@p8nisman-not10 ай бұрын
Even to someone who started watching in the late 2000s this shit is getting lame
@barkerm910 ай бұрын
The league is only entertaining if you find following the players on social media entertaining.
@LunaticTheCat10 ай бұрын
Regular season games used to be way more entertaining to watch. Players like Kobe would never take a regular season games off.
@chrisschaeffer96617 ай бұрын
The most Boring BBall ever. And I've been watching since 79.
@dasiro Жыл бұрын
revert a lot of the rulechanges since the jordan-era: allow handchecking, defensive 3 seconds and don't call every offensive player initialized bump a defensive foul. And while you're at it: decrease the amount of timeouts back to 5. Distance shooters aren't entertaining, because every second a ball is in the air there's no action going on.
@TheGold1knight Жыл бұрын
They also need to extend the 3 point line and push it beyond the corners. We can easily track the expected value of a shot depending on the distance it's taken from and a 3 pointer is wildly more valuable than a shot at the elbow, for example. Ideally shots from the elbow/free throw line and 3 pointers have the same expected value, so the entire court is used by the offense.
@MrDuncanquasar Жыл бұрын
I used to love the NBA, growing up in the Bird, Magic, and MJ era. All the way until the mid 2010's I still enjoyed it but now barely watch regular season anymore. I rather watch Euroleague and some top NCAA matchups.
@MFrrFrr Жыл бұрын
me too ,same
@acpliego Жыл бұрын
Regular season has no importance at all with 20 out of 30 teams qualifying to the postseason, that why there's no effort
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
@@acpliego Agreed. It's why you get the T-Wolves celebrating a play-in banner and a guy like KAT saying the T-Wolves making the play-in was a bigger accomplishment than the Nuggets winning the chip. And the new in season tournament is disgusting. I say disgusting because it's all about $. Gambling plays such an enormous role in that tournament and fans are not looking closely at how that tournament works and why it was implemented.
@uberneanderthal Жыл бұрын
Jokic is the only one worth watching
@Wyse_thoughts Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Regular season games used to matter. We wanted to see matchups with teams that hated each other. Also, every team played different. All games look the same now.
@luke401010 ай бұрын
This is why I watch 2014 and older finals games on KZbin. It's really fun if you can't remember who won that year
@TTony-tu6dm Жыл бұрын
The NBA now is simply an elaborate game of HORSE, with 5 guards throwing up three pointers and teams combining for 270 points in regulation. It’s time to get rid of the three point line
@SI-cd7xs10 ай бұрын
never happen. basketball rules are set globally. its basketball itself has been found out as a sport. it hasnt stood the test of time
@EdReed-r8n6 ай бұрын
@@SI-cd7xs Basketball is a flawed sport because of the three point line. It destroys the basic internal logic of the game, which is a trade off between moving the ball inside to get closer shots, vs taking further shots that are more open. It just took a long time to figure it out because after it was introduced teams kept playing the same way. Then eventually the statistics people said you need to be shooting way more threes, and they were right, but it ruined the game.
@staidenofanarchy4 ай бұрын
I heard someone call modern basketball "3 point golf" and I couldn't agree more
@Kosithegod Жыл бұрын
Every sport hits this point. It gets broken down into a science, perfected then it stagnates. The only way to keep it interesting is to keep changing the rules in interesting ways. I think keep defensive 3 in the game but allow more physicality by defenders. Not with their hands or, in the air but allowing them to bump more with their body would make the game way more interesting IMO.
@ACE99299 Жыл бұрын
That would probably lead to more injuries
@SauceKingg Жыл бұрын
Disagree, there's no other sport where you can concede a point even though the defence did everything right. There has to be a mistake made on the defenses part that is exploited. My problem with basketball has always been you can do everything right and still lose points all the time. But that's more about the sport in general
@KVAA10 Жыл бұрын
definitely not lol it boils down a lot to coaching.. you have to find ways within the rules to defeat that system.. no system is 100% full proof and has its flaws.. its up to coaches to find its weaknesses and figure out numerous ways to exploit said weaknesses.. that why weve seen a resurgence of the centre position and the last few MVPs were Centres.. post defence and defence at the rim is almost nonexistant now which actually make teams with elite centres going forward more valuable than lets say the star of most 3 and D sysytems.. another weakness in the 3 and D pick and roll system is the lack of defence in the mid range.. they admit it themselves when they say "we live and die if they take the midrange".. guys like Wade, Kobe and most of all Jordan wouldve torched this era because they shot these like lay ups which becomes a HUGE problem because at you dont want 3 pt shot or shots at the rim as 3 and D defence but what happens when those shots at the rim have almost the same percentage as shots at 17ft and you arent equipped to defend it.. also rotating the ball on offence significantly increases chances of scoring and is a major reason why team USA lost at the world cup.. teams just moved the ball way better than team usa who played 3 and d with a lot of iso n pick and roll.. this increase in scoring efficiency and likelyhood level out or in most cases trumps the benefits if the 3 and D system.. 3 and D isnt full proof in the slightest..
@DanielFolsom Жыл бұрын
@@SauceKinggThat's kind of an odd / unique way to look at sports ... (I'm also not sure I agree ... you could run a NFL zone defense perfectly, and there might still be a crack where a receiver gets open. Now, you could say "oh the offense exploited the weakness of the coverage" ... but you could absolutely say that about NBA offenses, too.)
@cedric7049 Жыл бұрын
If you take soccer, it has been so called "perfected" a few times, other teams copied the trend and every time a counter emerged. Rinse, repeat.
@Michalis_Sideratos Жыл бұрын
Guys have a regular talkshow about college bb. It's way more interesting than regular season nba. The solution is known for years and is simple. Make the court smaller. = tightens defense = less successful 3 point shots = 5 players actually participating in the game = interesting sport
@kingjasko Жыл бұрын
i wish we could have NBA play with FIBA rules...
@brkus2665 Жыл бұрын
Sure, the premium product of college bb. Like 90% of college hoops is an unwatchable affair if you aren't personally invested. Like your son is playing or you went to that college or that is like your town or something. For just a regular basketball watcher those are truly bad display of basketball.
@fica1137 Жыл бұрын
@Jonathan-A.C. Жыл бұрын
I just think allowing Defense more would solve it, while keeping many of the great attributes in the NBA, but I do vibe with that
@mr.sinjin-smyth Жыл бұрын
Bring back hand checking. Give the defense some edge again.
@Damackism Жыл бұрын
*Bring back hand checking. On and off the ball. *Get rid of the 3 second rule in the key. * Team and league wide defenses tailored to contain the 3pt shot. It annoys me watching games how players are so easily duped into giving up the 3 pt shot. I would happily give up a 2pt shot attempt in todays NBA than risk a 3 pt shot attempt. * Better, non rigged, and non biased refereeing. Refs have too much control over games pace and results.
@nomooon Жыл бұрын
Attackers who initiate contact shouldn't be able to draw the foul
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
@@nomooon Big facts. If you throw yourself into a defender and steamroll over him you should be called for an offensive foul.
@TheTariqibnziyad Жыл бұрын
As a GS fan i can confirm the ref part, we are the best team that moves the ball but we are punished for it
@luckerooni1153 Жыл бұрын
@@roboninja3194 I don't think you should get a foul it should just be ignored as regular play contact as it used to be. Refs are so fucking soft with the flop baiting.
@curtiszyr Жыл бұрын
That’s what the refs are there for lmaoo atp if you enjoy it just don’t watch 😂😅
@bobsyuruncle5102 Жыл бұрын
This is fascinating. In football (soccer) we have a similar issue. They have eliminated individuality and everyone is an athlete now. We just see teams dominating the ball and focusing on possession and it's more focused on the team or the system. Yes teams now are superior and would smash teams of the past, but it gets so boring watching attacking players just focusing on keeping the ball instead of ATTACKING. at least basketball still focuses on attacking.
@mikehunt3420 Жыл бұрын
Noticed some of this in scotland v spain this past cup. The game was just dull on scotland side. Spain played them like a violin
@tokilladaemon Жыл бұрын
eh i think football is pretty exciting, the quality as a viewer is defo better now than it was in the chelsea mourinho days. i hate oil clubs and what they represent, but from a purely sporting perspective i'd rather watch city any day of the week than jose's chelsea or wenger's arsenal. there are also clear strategic differences between the top clubs, city liverpool, real, bayern etc all play differently and what's good is that none of them are defensive
@jmgonzales770111 ай бұрын
@@tokilladaemontbh i play both footballs, both american one and european one but tbh i seem to like the american one more because at any moment it could be a big play. Something european football lacks tbh. Its not a criticizim on the worlds most beautiful game but i just prefer the roughness, explosiveness and tactics of american football.
@ezra551411 ай бұрын
Nba flops more than soccer now. At least soccer players are allowed to get physical. Can't even breathe on basketball players 😂
@BobSaint11 ай бұрын
Teams today are not superior, and they would not "smash" the teams of 80s. It's the same thing as in NBA - the organisations made the defence waaaaaay harder with the rules. In the 80s all the way up to mid-90s, a sliding start, even from behind, was not called if the defensive player made contact with the ball first. Today, it's an auto yellow card. This is why it's important to put things in context when comparing Maradona and Messi. Messi and Portugese Ronaldo wouldn't last 20min with butchers like Goikoetxea in the back. Btw, this is the guy that held the shoe in which he broke Maradona's leg as a greatest souvenir of his career in his cabinet.
@craigwest756 Жыл бұрын
You made every valuable point. We don't need less games, we need a more physical game, a man's game.
@aaronstark5060 Жыл бұрын
I think this is true for baseball as well. As much of a believer in sabermetrics, it has made for an inferior product in the field. And, much as you said for the NBA, teams no longer have personality in terms of how they play the game, all teams are being built the same, with the same philosophy and same strategies in mind.
@gamble777888 Жыл бұрын
Baseball already took steps to bring back certain elements that were lost or abused with sabermetrics. I don't think it's true NBA teams today all have the same personality. The Heat, Nuggets, Mavs, Magic all have very, very different play styles and identities just ot name a few.
@aaronstark5060 Жыл бұрын
@@gamble777888 Yeah, except it was kinda a band-aid on a bullet wound. The numbers don’t show much of a change. Stolen bases were way up, and that’s great, but batting average was almost identical and strikeout rates too. Walks and home runs were both up significantly, so the game still leans on the three true outcomes more than ever before. And besides all that, none of the rule changes that they made or can make will affect the root cause of the issue; batters now are all swinging for the fences and pitchers are all throwing 95 because the analytics show that it is the most effective way to play. And the worst part is that the analytics are right. That’s why this homogeny is likely here to stay. They’ve figured out the most efficient way to play the game and there’s not much room for deviation from those strategies.
@nerychristian Жыл бұрын
@@aaronstark5060 That's why I prefer to watch soccer. The rules haven't changed much, and teams are successful based on the tactics and formations they use.
@lethalfang Жыл бұрын
Sabermetrics tries to find the best way to win games under the rules of the game. Nothing wrong with sabermetrics. It is used to maximize winning by teams. The rules of the game need to adopt to incentivize the most entertaining product.
@aaronstark5060 Жыл бұрын
@@lethalfang Right, but the point is that it is so efficient that it has caused a homogenization of strategy and play style. Everyone plays the game the same because of it. Whether or not there’s anything wrong with that is a matter of opinion. In my opinion, there is.
@damodardas219 Жыл бұрын
Moving the 3 point line back and eliminating the corner 3 would lower the incentive to just shoot 3s all game.
@stldweller8 ай бұрын
You can’t move the line back further or you eliminate corner 3’s your feet would be out of bounds.
@henning14 Жыл бұрын
So true. These regular season games became so boring. Often even the 5 to 8 minutes highlight videos on YT are annoying 3pt-contest and easy lay-ups😅. It will never really change when every rich dude involved could make an another couple of millions more because money is the priority number 1.
@jakemccoy Жыл бұрын
All I watch are highlights nowadays. I never watch full games anymore.
@iddoboomgaard3538 ай бұрын
I wonder what would happen if you'd take away the 3-pointer, while enforcing offensive fouls more strictly. To be fair this'd be a huge change to the game, but it would stop rewarding long range shots, only leaving them as "easier" because players don't have to contend with as strong of a defense.
@arizonabusinessleague918 Жыл бұрын
As someone who passively likes basketball, my biggest gripe is about how no one has the right or ability to defend themselves or the basket. EVERYTHING IS A FOUL.
@Sandyttt Жыл бұрын
I'm a casual but I don't get defensive fouls. Sir I'm literally blocking you, WHY AM I GETTING FOULED FOR DEFENDING??
@arizonabusinessleague918 Жыл бұрын
@Sandy-ti5xb yeah, how is preventing them from having a free lane wrong? With the power of shooting now, the restricted area and three second violation maybe should be removed
@nicford1486 Жыл бұрын
Spot on. Without changes it will remain boring. I don't even watch NBA anymore. Eliminating the 3 point line from the corners (naturally letting it flow out of bound) and the 3 second defense rule would help. Additionally allowing more defensive contact or even bringing back hand checking. The way the offensive player can initiate contact and get a foul is disgusting.
@straightlead8 Жыл бұрын
They need to add a 4pt line
@benjaminbronnimann3966 Жыл бұрын
@@straightlead8 no that would make the already existing problem worse and would fuck up the spacing even more
@cfl4286 Жыл бұрын
This. I can’t stand seeing an offensive player drive into a defender and get a foul. It’s some bs.
@lk29392 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of the defensive 3 second rule, let hand checking happen, eliminate the corner 3, and bring the 3 point line back a couple feet. Make it a 2 pointer game where it is sometimes better to hit mid range jumpers than get banged on down low. Don't let the stars "load manage". Get rid of politics. The game will be 100X more watchable.
@Shadow-Scorp1on Жыл бұрын
I love nba and I dont mind 3 pointers, what im disappointed at is players that care for their stats and wait for rebounds, they dont bother in defence unless is an easy block with advantage, no effort in defence in defence and in general, Euroleague has strong defence and systems we dont even see in finals, far more enjoyable, nowdays is only individuality and no effort..its like each player waiting his turn to score and relax..no team effort either..
@imulippo5245 Жыл бұрын
and no risk when losing because of closed league
@agomez7740 Жыл бұрын
Those systems we see in the Euroleague are just not efficient enough to use in the NBA, most of the times the end result is a semiopen to open midrange jumpshot, a lot of times not even by the best midrange shooter in the team, and in the NBA those are alredy considered a win for the defense, unless the guy pulling up is really, really good in the midrange. If the offensive scheme is not generating more than 1 point per possesion there is just no reason to use it at that level. That's why the center post up died for years in the NBA until there were a few players that could score over 1 point per possesion in those situations, like Jokic and Embiid, and even now it's still limited to the few players that can make it work at that efficiency. It's the same reason the midrange shot or the off the dribble 3 are usually something only a few players get to shoot, because for everyone else the shot is just not good enough, even if it's open. It's like in chess, at high level up to the international master level you see all the openings, but once you get to the best grand master players in clasical chess (not speed games when they are trying to surprise their oponents) most of the time they play the same few openings that are the best ones and specific sidelines within openings to attack their opponent's prep work, because playing something that is solid but not as efficient is just giving up too much of an advantage to their opponent.
@illDefine1 Жыл бұрын
@@agomez7740 thank you for putting things into perspective. Needing teamwork to generate shots, in a game where you can simply score by pulling up on your defender, only signifies a lack in talent.
@agomez7740 Жыл бұрын
@@illDefine1 not really what I meant either. In the NBA they still need teamwork to generate good shots, such as layups and open catch and shoot 3s, it's just that a lot of the plays Euroleague teams run don't end up in those shots, they end up in the kind of shots that would be seen as bailout shots in the NBA, the kind that are usually reserved for the end of the possession and that almost all players can get by themselves.
@illDefine1 Жыл бұрын
@@agomez7740 I believe that is mostly due to the ability for nba players to generate their own shots when necessary ... which is truly the biggest gap between the 2 leagues.
@AlexDodig Жыл бұрын
Again, great analysis and I agree with most of it. But I am not sure if you are painting with too broad a brush here. Even if there is a clear trend, teams like Minnesota, Orlando, Toronto or Philly are showing right now that you don't have to rely too much on 3 pointers to have a decent season (so far 😅).
@divad23 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree from a “watchability” stand point, it’s boring to watch the same thing: -no mid range game; - teams missing 65-70% of their 45 three point attempts - pick n roll drives - and endless ticky-tack fouls… With that said, e.g Pacers have the WORST defence in league while having #1 offence….sound familiar? Yes. Kings had the exact same situation last season!… and were firsts round playoff BUSTS. In the IST finale, Pacers shooters and offence buckled under pressure. In fact, in the 3rd quarter, Lakers were 0/12 threes - and were leading by double digits, which goes to show teams don’t need to throw up endless threes (or even hit them) to win. Granted, not every team has the inside presence of Anthony Davis or Jokic, but teams enphasizing “play-making and “defence” are bucking the boring, analytics basketball trend. Any rule changes that make basketball chess again, instead of checkers, will help the sport
@collossuss10 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of defensive 3 seconds rule and remove the restriction zone.
@dennisrossonero Жыл бұрын
The regular season in the nba is truly abysmal. i would have loved to see these amazing players playing under Europe rules. Much more interesting.
@gooshnpupp Жыл бұрын
Remove 3 seconds rule + allow hand checking = problem solved
@Hermann4L Жыл бұрын
Imo the regular season should be shortened. And maybe some incentives linked to seeding at the end of the season, also the def 3 second rule getting scrapped is a good idea. Watching offense with no defense being played is so boring. Someone scoring against tough defense or a defending team completely locking down their opponents offensive possession is what we wanna watch.
@piedpiper1172 Жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why any sport needs more than about 20-25 regular season games. Beyond that and they just don’t mean anything.
@gustavorocha8643 Жыл бұрын
@@piedpiper1172most soccer national leagues have 34 to 38 games. I think it is a good number.
@donaldjgumpofficial5754 Жыл бұрын
@@gustavorocha8643It makes more sense when the league decides the title. Playing 38 games only for nearly half of the league to enter playoffs sucks. I imagine people find basketball and baseball hard to get into because it's nearly impossible to go to all of the games and it's so unnecessary when more than half of the league enters playoffs/wildcard like in basketball.
@gustavorocha864310 ай бұрын
@@donaldjgumpofficial5754 yeah, it makes sense. NFL seasons have a good amount of regular season games imo.
@SonnyBubba Жыл бұрын
Remove the 3 point line. Problem solved. It was a gimmick when first introduced, but now it dominates the strategy.
@oleyullah Жыл бұрын
i've restarted watching the NBA recently and it's super boring. Every game feels the same ,every team plays really similar and the flopping gets worse than in soccer diving
@JM-tj5qm Жыл бұрын
I don't think they "solved basketball" a lot of rules make defending too hard, if bigs could camp in the paint and hand checking was allowed you wouldn't see so many free layups and players would need to work harder for a shot. The thing about the 3 is probably true, players are just better at shooting from deep now. I would experiment with removing the 3 point line in the off season or something, see how players adapt to that.
@cfl4286 Жыл бұрын
This. Wasn’t it luka that something like “the defender can’t stay in the lane for more than 3 seconds. Just because of that you can have 10 extra points.” ?
@slowjocrow645110 ай бұрын
Make 3 point line worth only 1 point, and the paint worth 3. Then remove the 3 second defence rule
@alphinmesa-ks7st10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't get rid of the 3 point line I'd just make defense more of a priority again by adjusting certain rules to allow that
@ΠαναγιώτηςΑναστασόπουλος-η2ν Жыл бұрын
they need to bring back man basketball where hand checking no 3 second rule and harder contact is allowed that way we can witness true ball and not a 3 point contest.Its getting ridiculous
@stri2003 Жыл бұрын
They have made it showbusiness!
@marvinhenry927 Жыл бұрын
It's been that sports Entertainment in the US nothing beats the dollar by any means
@richdouglas2311 Жыл бұрын
The 3-point shot originated in the ABL in 1960, back when shooters hit barely more than a third of their shots from the field. Even when the NBA introduced it, it was still a low-percentage play meant to raise excitement. But shooters kept getting better and stronger, so the 3-pointer became so routine it's the preferred play. Dunks and layups are still good because they're really high-percentage plays. What this killed was the mid-range jumper and post play. So, now you have a game that is mostly boring (set shots) and a little bit exciting (drives to the hole). When there was no trey, the premium was on getting the ball close to the basket--the closer you were the higher percentage of shots you made. This emphasized post and other inside play. Time to lose the trey. (Even moving it back will simply delay the issue, not solve it.) Put a premium on play-making and getting the ball inside. Get rid of the crossover dribble (actually a double dribble), ticky-tack fouls (often initiated by the shooter), and traveling. Time outs are boring in every sport. But basketball is the only major sport that allows a team to call a time out while the ball is in play. Imagine a quarterback avoiding an inevitable sack by calling time out! As for these in-season tournaments, they're stupid. The problem isn't the schedule; it's the game play.
@kono5933 Жыл бұрын
I aged 15 years just by reading this stone age comment
@richdouglas2311 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully, pushing you past the life expectancy of a troll.@@kono5933
@DonSMDT Жыл бұрын
Idk I like the in season tournament and it's clear the players and fans take it seriously
@thirteenblackbirds4189 Жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what you said but how is a crossover a double dribble? I do think that if they called more travelling violations most if the game would be played on the sideline trying to get the ball in bounds instead of running plays. I swear some of these guys you could call a first down in football with how far they go while not dribbling.
@TheOnion12 Жыл бұрын
@@DonSMDTbecause they get paid a ton. Each player gets 200k if they win.
@Limrasson10 ай бұрын
This got recommended to me. I don't watch or really care for basketball. Still watched it and was still relevant, because this type development happens elsewhere as well. One tactic or strategy becomes so dominant that everyone has to use it or severely handicap themselves. I have great respect for those who still do their own style regardless, because just as it is here, it's usually an incredibly boring strategy. It is usually a somewhat cheap offense of course. But without defense offense becomes pointless to watch. If teams cannot figure out a way to defend, and it looks like they can't, then the game itself needs to change.
@AugustasSuliauskas10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment. The thing is that the NBA itself does not think they need changes. Comissioner Adam Silver has stated he likes the way basketball is played + it's obvious scoring records, highlights, and dramas are the things that move the NBA and allows to sign lucrative TV deals. Why would he want to change it again to a more defensive game
@unnwas Жыл бұрын
They need to extend the line, remove corners and remove the defensive 3 second rule. It would improve the game significantly
@alphinmesa-ks7st10 ай бұрын
Don't you think extending the 3 point line would make floor spacing already more of an issue than it already is for players to defend? especially for players like Steph curry who really can bomb it from 50 feet away..you'd be making it easier for players to score or get to the paint
@unnwas10 ай бұрын
@@alphinmesa-ks7st Sure, but how many Stephen Currys are there in the league? You could argue kids would adapt eventually but there's gotta be a limit
@unpl4y3d Жыл бұрын
IMO the NBA needs to change four things 1 bring back the handcheck 2 remove the defensive three second rule 3 remove the corner three 4 call travels they happen way too much and offense is allowed to basically do anything they want now this would definetly help the defense and actually make it diffecult to have a bag
@scott4825 Жыл бұрын
They have changed the rules and a big difference is that defenders aren't allowed to touch you any more, so those 3 point shots aren't defended. In the past 30 years, free throw shooting has improved by 3 percent, and a lot of that can probably attributed to guys back then going to the free throw line after getting clocked (hit hard) on the court. It's a different game.
@Alamoe1 Жыл бұрын
The league was ABSOLUTELY better around 2010. That era was special. Duncan, kobe, bron, Melo, wade, Shaq, KG, peirce, Nash, dirk, Drose, kd, Westbrook, Harden, Zeebo, Gasols, young curry, ect... Teams had different identities. Grit and grind, pass heavy spurs, super team heatles. Good times.
@benjamink7105 Жыл бұрын
Let's get radical: 1) Widen the court from 50 feet to 56 (you can also think of it as 28 feet from hoop to sideline). 2) Extend the corner three point line from 22 feet to 25 feet (where the sideline is currently) 3) Around the arc, make it at least 27 feet, possibly 28. 4) Eliminate the defensive 3 second rule Results: Offensive balance. Or, to be reductive, more mid range shots. On this new court, 3 point shooting is discouraged because of distance. Layups are now riskier because of the ever present big man. A wider area has also been created for midrange shots. In theory this will lead to more balance between 3 pointers, 2 point jump shots, and 2 point shots in the lane (including layups and dunks). The wider court also gives more room to the bigger, stronger, and longer players of today's game. I've been watching the NBA for 30+ years. This is a completely different game than what I grew up with. It has been optimized to death. Which is impressive, tbh, that we've essentially "solved basketball." But that also makes it boring sometimes. Will the NBA have the guts to make radical changes like the MLB did? We shall see. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
@tasarasable Жыл бұрын
If you draw the 3p line at 6.75 and allow 3sec in the paint for the defensive player, then you can go back. The problem is that if you limit the space and increase contacts there is a lot of officiating and calls that fans can^t understand and a significant drop off pace...Running and scoring is fun to watch and you pay for that even if you re not a huge basketball fan. For instance here in Greece there are more soccer fans that watch and comment on nba games than the euroleague which is much more difficult to watch.
@Rrr12677 Жыл бұрын
The Video we needed.
@jasonkazazis Жыл бұрын
the fact that rap music is playing during the game in the NBA is just insane to me lmao, how can you be so uninterested in the game that you have to listen to background music?
@FA18Hornetchannel Жыл бұрын
Remove defensive 3 second rule, allow defense and offense to be physical, not stupidly physical, just more physical. It’s basketball after all. And finally reduce the amount of games. The value of 1 regular season game is so low it’s isn’t worth to watch. NFL, so many people tune it to watch because a single win or loss can change so much. In high school bball, the low number of games makes them that more special, making you play that much harder. You reduce the number of games, they will play harder and be more fun to watch.
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
I've never heard as many NBA people saying wow what a physical battle as during this year's FIBA World Cup
@jumpman83 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the ability to travel and double dribble as long as it leads to points.
@etang5 Жыл бұрын
I think with the advances of recruitment and knowledge, it's hard to be different in philosophy than making sure players get good looks at 3pt shots. If every team can get a big, tall players that can shoot 3s now because that's the most efficient then it's hard to be different. I think this is why Jokic is so amazing. He also has a solid post game where nobody knows how to defend that any more while being able to shoot 3s and pass.
@jameslawrence9865 Жыл бұрын
If I were making a new rule to create a new dynamic, I would want to have each team to have their first 5 shots behind the arc eligible for 3 each quarter. After that - it's only worth 2. The exception - the final 3 to 4 minutes of the fourth quarter, so teams can "hail mary" their way back in a blowout. This would probably cut the three point attempts by 40%, because some sort of midrange OR shots in the paint would be much more worth it. I would also think that the less talented long range shooters would get less attempts from three and would have to develop other parts of their game to make an impact.
@isaaclaughter Жыл бұрын
Man, that take is actually refreshing to hear.
@vincentc3129 Жыл бұрын
Adam Silver is happy, the goal is just to transform basketball game into quick highlights watchable by tiktok generation
@koutroubasathanasios7322 Жыл бұрын
THIS. Thats it. Theres not much more to it to honest. But it cannot last, short attention span means consuming so much faster that it will soon have diminishing returns. If everything is a highlight, all the time, after a certain point, nothing is.
@Rockownz5150 Жыл бұрын
@@koutroubasathanasios7322 Do tiktok (or even KZbin) views bring in $, though? 12-16 year old boys watch the highlights and buy Steph Curry jersies, that's the business model?
@luisaomdr Жыл бұрын
Perfect summary
@pepelepew4621 Жыл бұрын
Awesome take. Ive been feeling this way for years Im glad you made this
@JustaGuy_Gaming10 ай бұрын
Hard to see a way to fix it. Half the problem is the rules, but the other is the fact the Ref's don't enforce the rules we already have like traveling, fouls etc properly. There seems to be a massive "if it would look cool on a highlight, it's okay" rule when it comes to basketball.
@vinniechan Жыл бұрын
there are too many regular season games with no stakes back in the days it didnt matter if you win 50 games someone might win the division title and take your play off spot so you have to compete and win every game
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
Well when 20 of 30 teams now make the playoffs it means the regular season loses importance. The 1st season of the play-in the Hornets and Spurs got in with 33 wins. Yea that 1st season was shortened but still. The next season the Spurs got in with 34 wins and the Lakers missed out by 1 game with 33 wins. Last season was a bit better as everyone who got in had 40 wins. But that Spurs team in 2021-22 was 34-48. You shouldn't be in the playoffs when ya basically lose 50 games.
@igoreca221 Жыл бұрын
I would say that removing the defensive 3 second rule, changing the 3 pt line to don't have corner 3's and being more selective on foul calls could fix a little bit.
@filiperufino303 Жыл бұрын
Removing the corner 3s is probably the worst idea I have ever seen
@igoreca221 Жыл бұрын
@@filiperufino303 just throwing ideas man, but taking away the shot that has the most value alongside a layup and making it just a 2pt, would reduce the spacing and we wouldn’t see that much easy layups, I’ve seen way worse ideas than this one that i said, but okay it’s your opinion
@simonanderson4858 Жыл бұрын
Defensive effort is higher than ever but the offense is just too good. Defenders have too much ground to cover now and officiating is offensively slanted. Rules around initiating contact are the first that should be addressed. Get rid of the 3 second rule. Would also like them to tighten dribbling rules so players can't act like running backs in between bounces. The defense needs to have a chance
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
Give defense a chance would be a nice slogan lol. Thanks for the comment!
@RwandaBob Жыл бұрын
this is why people love watching jokic so much. he goes out and plays real basketball, not a mimicking of how teenagers play in the park on 2k.
@luniz4209 Жыл бұрын
I find the current NBA pretty boring and miss the days of defense and good passing.
@hatermoko1074 Жыл бұрын
1. Make the 3pt line further away. It is OP at the current distance 2. Take away corner 3 or adjust the court width to make the corner 3 farther.
@perfectbeat Жыл бұрын
This is something to consider.
@audiocalls2822 Жыл бұрын
2:42 finally someone has said it. You can watch all the greats be great in the past, but the spacing was horrible and they wouldn't be the same in todays game.
@roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын
Yea they'd be much better. A guy like Jordan was obliterating defenses when the lane was clogged and there was less space. So what do ya think he'd do with more space and a lane that is never clogged? It's common sense that he'd be able to fly by defenders for uncontested dunks over and over. And he'd shoot a ridiculous amount of free throws because a defender's pinky finger touching any part of the offensive player's body is now considered a "hard foul."
@Joel_Pierson Жыл бұрын
@@roboninja3194It’s true. With MJ you can basically just think of what Jimmy Butler did the Bucks last postseason and think if someone did that basically every game. I wouldn’t say every past star but Jordan CERTAINLY would still be incredible
@pouihurmen Жыл бұрын
Jordan and other elite guards and wings who played in his era would be absolutely feasting today
@p.alterego3424 Жыл бұрын
relegation. make a second tier with less money. now every game counts. then you cant play without intensity bcs, even a mid table team is in risk to get into a downward spiral to relegation :)
@AugustasSuliauskas Жыл бұрын
Now that's an idea! But one that NBA will never implement haha
@nomooon Жыл бұрын
That's the best counter against intentional tanking
@deepcosmiclove Жыл бұрын
Just get rid of the 3-point shot. In the years before its introduction it was argued that the 3-point shot would ruin the game. It has.
@BoddickerOCP Жыл бұрын
Similar issue with baseball where analytics have turned the game into only two true outcomes the homerun or the strikeout.
@PharSyde6ix Жыл бұрын
I miss 90's basketball!
@zangetsu56 Жыл бұрын
I agree and disagree with your takes its mostly a literal defensive issue and referees have a fault in it too for being too heavy on the whistle, some teams dont value what a defensive player brings to the team unless hes putting out a monster number in a category, which is sort of fair but not really in this day and age.
@543whitey Жыл бұрын
refs call it as the league wants them to
@andrewcuda51 Жыл бұрын
It's not just that the regular season is too long. It's that every win and loss means the same no matter who your opponent is. In this new era of load management, why go max effort against a superior team when you can save the wear and tear on your players for easier wins? That's why regular season college basketball is more exciting to watch. A win against a superior team is worth WAY more than an easy win against an inferior opponent--and a bad loss to a bad team can cause a good college team to fall a great distance in the rankings. That's why I'm in favor of a ranking system in the NBA similar to (but less subjective than) college basketball's.
@zaveionchambers380911 ай бұрын
I think it’s opposite in the NBA a lot of teams and players don’t go all out some nights against teams with bad records the same way they would against a playoff team
@Mike-yq7ce Жыл бұрын
I disagree with the players are more athletic and talented. Post skills are close to non existent, travelling galore, poor shot selection, etc. Play wise it's pretty much high pick and roll, drive and kick/finish. The changes that should be made is to remove the defensive 3 sec rule, allow hand checking, and cut back the freedom of movement.
@rustygorelick738410 ай бұрын
Great, great video. I'd like to see the defensive three seconds rule removed and hand checking brought back. Hand checking could force players to space even further out, but it would also bring a certain baseline of physicality to the league that would make each matchup more engaging for the players and, as a result, fans. It would be good to see it trialled somewhere, maybe the G League for a season. Loved your point about the techno music during play - I've been to many basketball games in my life and the NBA is becoming sensory overload. I recently started watching hockey and they turn down the lights between periods... the NBA turns up the music and turns on flashing lights after every whistle and it's tiring, especially when your team is down 15. Lastly I think American youth basketball focuses on athleticism and developing a "bag" too much and should put more emphasis on teaching players how to manipulate a defense, get to a spot and get a shot off without much room, which Doncic and Jokic do better than anyone.
@shaneg9081 Жыл бұрын
They need to reduce the number of games and defensive fouls and increase the distance for the three point line. Sure, Steph can hit pretty consistently from an extra five feet back, but for most people, it's going to tank their % and make layups and dunks a lot more desirable shots to take
@gamble777888 Жыл бұрын
It's not so simple. Players paychecks will be on the line as so many players today are valued by their outside shooting. I don't see the players union ever agreeing to that change.
@drquack1217 Жыл бұрын
Less games for sure. I say 55.
@Shoot4Nothing Жыл бұрын
82 games was never an issue in the 70s/80s/90s/00s. That shit started when LebRon started taking games off. Players don't want to play like the previous generations did. They just want to be celebrities in the NBA fraternity.
@shaneg9081 Жыл бұрын
@@Shoot4Nothing I can't say anything about the 70s and 80s because I wasn't old enough to follow the game then, but I know Dennis Rodman was known for taking games off long before Lebron ever got into the league. It was always a problem, even if it wasn't acknowledged. Hell, this whole in season tournament thing was to make some of those boring, inconsequential games more meaningful. When a team like last year's Heat can barely care in the regular season and then become underdogs with a real chance to win the title in the post-season, there's a problem with the season.
@imulippo5245 Жыл бұрын
I would like to see the whole damn three point line going much further, and close corners by extending it to sidelines.
@adamprice3466 Жыл бұрын
Yes make the court wider to get rid of that easy ass corner 3
@omarholder9036 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter. Players have already future proofed any extension of the 3pt line into inefficacy because they already are capable of taking the shot from 6+ feet behind the line.
@adamprice3466 Жыл бұрын
@@omarholder9036 No, the corner 3 is still today the highest percentage 3 pointer like it has always been because it's shorter and closer to the goal.
@omarholder9036 Жыл бұрын
@@adamprice3466 I never said it wasn't. I'm just saying extending it is not likely to make much of a difference. Players already have range beyond that. They will adjust to the new distance pretty easily, and more importantly, widening the court makes closing out to the corner to actually affect a shot near impossible from the key. The last thing the game needs is more spacing, defenses already struggle to cover these pick and roll, drive and kick offenses
@adamprice3466 Жыл бұрын
@@omarholder9036 They don't have range beyond that because the percentages drop. The corner 3 has always been significantly higher percentage. Yeh everybody is shooting from Curry range now but very few are making them at similar rates to Curry.
@skyfuller7535 Жыл бұрын
To be fair the game that you are highlighting has the 1 and 2 offense in the league and the 30th and 27th defense. Sure this game is easy to pick apart and spacing is getting dominant, but contrary to literally the first thing you said the top 3 players in the league are probably Jokic, giannis, and Embid. Saying these players are hard to find in the league is weird when they are the best players. Also, the two teams that had this ridiculous game, are both not that good. Show me a Celtics nuggets game with similar "problems" and then I will begin to agree with you.
@alandpost Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I can't understand how anyone could find the Nuggets starters boring.
@panagiotisatmatzidis9972 Жыл бұрын
After 5 years, I cancelled my NBA league pass. Do I need to say more? I might watch MIL-NYC tonight for the in-season tournament, but the overall spectacle and the way faults are called in today's game makes the overall product ugly.
@cr-pol Жыл бұрын
I'd be in favor of getting rid of the 3 point shot. at least change it so that the area stops at the free throw line extended.
@rj2v Жыл бұрын
Get rid of the 3pt line and defensive 3 seconds. Job done!
@fadercreek Жыл бұрын
this might actually be it
@magicmerl7749 Жыл бұрын
I don't think players are more athletic now. I think the NBA selects more for skills like shooting and passing, and less on individual athleticism nowadays.
@StoneHarbor60923 күн бұрын
yea "more athletic" ?? Thats like saying todays football players are more athletic than Randy Moss, Mike Vick and Jim Brown (??? ummm. no) Its just the style of play is is conducive to one specific body type and skill set. Its boring
@mtmind3875 Жыл бұрын
The NBA has been having one of the best seasons as of recent years not sure how it’s “unwatchable”
@milikas Жыл бұрын
Guess you didn’t understand the point of this video :DDD
@bouzoukistudent8180 Жыл бұрын
taste preferences true can be different . what someone likes another one can hate . we talk about results . and despite our horrible taste you shaw what happend in the last world cup .
@neutral_narr Жыл бұрын
Too soon to say but the problems are still there
@yann1878 Жыл бұрын
@@milikas and he'll definitely understand more of it with what you said ;DDD
@kiferzablacanski Жыл бұрын
Nba 🤢
@TKVirusman Жыл бұрын
As a casual fan of various sports, basketball is genuinely fucking boring. This is not to put down the athleticism of the players but the way the game is ruled and played there is just nothing happening. Possessions are rarely interrupted, the challenge to an attacker is minimal, the allowed movements mean that there are basically concrete answers to every play and frankly, due to the way the game is designed, scoring is so easy in general that most games come down to who wins the toss up and keeps momentum. Compare it to rugby, football, solo sports like golf or snooker or even american football (which is objectively inferior to rugby and barely a valid ball sport) there is almost zero valid competition in the game. Every game and every player is pretty much the same.
@alextschopp3535 Жыл бұрын
They should add a dedicated defender on each team. A sixth player that has to stay on their half of the court. Also, eliminate the 3 second rule and 3 pointer. This would cut down on scoring and make baskets that are scored more exciting. Also, the dedicated defender and only the dedicated defender can punch other players right in the face.
@tbone7679 Жыл бұрын
Two 30 game seasons and 2 playoffs every year would be a mind-blowing change.
@chrisitalia8868 Жыл бұрын
And two basketballs at the same time would be a mind blowing Change
@littlelalo70 Жыл бұрын
And allowing coaches to move the opposing teams basket while they shoot would be a mind blowing change.
@noahd213 Жыл бұрын
Raising the rim to 20' and removing the backboard would be a mind-blowing change.
@ema2kolfiz828 Жыл бұрын
Fully agree and thanks for a so much needed video. I love nba but I can’t enjoy it anymore since GSW dynasty (for which I rooted for before KD). I believe this is fixable, but I am not sure business wise if ever it will happen: to me it would be sufficient to remove defensive 3 seconds and restore hand checking, or any good rule to simplify life to defence. This is crucial. Business wise I am worried Silver is aiming to get a more random than technical fandom, so 120+ games are better seen than 70+ (however, one of best series ever SASvsDET 05). EuroLeague and FIBA have the chance to reinforce their influence to hardcore basketball fans, offering a balanced product which smells more like a sport than a reality show. To conclude, as a basketball fan I agree that today’s nba is probably the best talented era, but I invite to focus on international competitions, where USA (and also international NBA stars) struggle to deliver: this shooting thing is real, but I haven’t still seen under FIBA rules anybody shooting lights out as in NBA games, even Steph is a normal great shooter at olympics. Why? Probably FIBA rules are so well balanced that limit this trend, so to win there you need shooters but also post ups and great defense, plus some coaching magician.
@EgirlPoke Жыл бұрын
This is why being a timberwolves fan is so great. We play real basketball
@wilishness Жыл бұрын
I’m Australian and have always loved the NBA!! The last 3-4 years though I’ve found myself watching more and more NBL.. particularly during the NBA regular season. Shorter games, more defensive focus, closer games, and less games on the season so they all seem to matter more. NBA playoffs are unmatched but the regular season is a tough follow..