Context for the Black Cat and Spiderman comic, she's in her 20's and found out she was secretly trying to rizz up a high schooler because Peter was still 16 at the time. So she went "Oh naw, I don't even like R Kelly" and left.
@THENemesisXX998 ай бұрын
Nah Black Cat went too far, vomiting on him and looking absolutely disgusted. Thats vile. That's the kind of reaction that makes a man question their whole life. That just shatters self-esteem.
@chantristrammell60889 ай бұрын
You know i had to pull up to anything with Batman in the subject. Lemme go watch the original video. This dude is funny.
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
Right, don't be like me and be sleepin on zephfrie
@jermainespeid49349 ай бұрын
Nah Batman just hit the itachi post
@jermainespeid49349 ай бұрын
That crazy in the when you play as Catwoman if you leave Batman you get the bad ending damn that crazy
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
Yep, it had me hurt the first time I played
@Degdreams9 ай бұрын
Nah, that Superman thing was actually proven to psychologically work perfectly. That is if we were going off the idea that his glasses don't actually hypnotize people.
@TheWilku229 ай бұрын
18:45 bars 😂
@destroyercreater989 ай бұрын
15:50 … didn’t Batman break a militia man’s arm after he told him everything he needed to hear just cause?
@Windjammer199 ай бұрын
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
Yep I guess he don't like snitches either 🤣
@THENemesisXX998 ай бұрын
Indeed and that was Arkham Knight. I don't blame him. Man joined a private military to destroy Gotham and was a obstacle to Scarecrow. Batman was literally losing his mind and pressed for time.
@Javajuice0085 күн бұрын
Buddy was TWEAKING💀 24:03
@TheWilku229 ай бұрын
Wedding helmet indoors 😂😂😂
@CraigyWeggy7 ай бұрын
Conroy will always be MY Batman. RIP 🐐
@ville5ideniko959 ай бұрын
Not once but three times 😂
@bokuwaippikiokamidesu80807 ай бұрын
The Diddy face cut out took me out 😂 I'm done coach Arkham Knight suit facts tho 🎯
@junglekxngtalksanime9 ай бұрын
Shoutout Mark Hamil for Joker, Kevin Conroy (RIP 🕊) for Batman and Troy Baker for Robin
@troykearney95167 ай бұрын
Also RIP Arleen Sorkin (BTAS Harley Quinn)
@rfhextra9 ай бұрын
That was new best video.
@DaarekOfDaLandАй бұрын
6:35 On the real, soy sauce and honey is a very nice mixture. It's practically the base to a few different types of East Asian sauces.
@ReggieWolfАй бұрын
That's something imma have to experience cause separately they're 🔥
@LeonardoTyrone-sr4qz9 ай бұрын
Teen titans has Dick Grayson while arkham game had Tim
@shamartherealestsavage5 ай бұрын
My favorite Batman is the version in origins, bro Was Too much of a menace while being hunted
@ReggieWolf5 ай бұрын
Yea, that man was like I won't kill, but you will never walk the same
@shamartherealestsavage5 ай бұрын
@@ReggieWolf Fr 😂😭
@xest3y8339 ай бұрын
New fav KZbinr broo 😂😂🎉
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
@xest3y8339 ай бұрын
@@ReggieWolf theres no ways you should be this funny
@reebalamaka9 ай бұрын
As long as its not Thalia from batman beyond😂
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
True 🤣
@chauntalelcock22109 ай бұрын
That game is litterally my childhood
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
I played a Lil late but def had a crazy impact on me
@ShivenDuttАй бұрын
W video!!!!!
@ReggieWolfАй бұрын
Thank you bro
@Omnifity4 ай бұрын
Bit of context for the different Robin's, and I'm not well versed in the comics so bear with me. It's also a yap sesh: Jason Todd, the old Robin, was sent on an infiltration mission, but was caught by the Joker, where he was tortured for 2 years STRAIGHT. 2. YEARS. In that time, Batman actually forgot about Jason, leading for him to get a NEW Robin, that being Grayson. Sooner or later, the two meet, and something happens. Grayson was ALSO tortured by Joker, but Batman still remembers him. Hope that clears it up!
@THENemesisXX998 ай бұрын
The Batman games like Shadow of Mordor, got their roots with the Assassin's Creed combat. Before they went full garbage rpg. That said, Batman and other games like it, refined the gameplay formula.
@randomdudewatching9 ай бұрын
is anyone gonna tell zephfire_16 that harley quinn was played by a man?
@ReggieWolf9 ай бұрын
She was?
@randomdudewatching9 ай бұрын
@@ReggieWolf a man did all of her motion capture, thats why the criminals in the game say, did you know she use to be a man or sum like it. a female did her voice.
@flyguytone17279 ай бұрын
How am I homophobic when I own multiple homes lol 😅😅
@andrewfox56638 ай бұрын
Where is the extreme stuttering audio from? I bet it’s even funnier in context.
@ReggieWolf8 ай бұрын
I think it was a meme from a few years back try searching. "He stuttered his life away"