Battlepasses SUCK

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Outro music / @galax1
I'm finally back with something I thought I would try, talking about a topic rather than discussing a game. There are some things you may notice like older battlepasses being shown (my fault for being slow as ever lol) but the points I make still stand.
Follow me on twitter / nanokkyt
Intro: 00:00
Fortnite: 03:52
Rainbow Six Siege: 04:50
Overwatch 2: 06:59
Destiny 2: 08:27
Clash of Clans: 10:27
Halo MCC: 11:39
Halo Infinite: 12:51
Conclusion: 14:50
End notes: 15:31

Пікірлер: 836
@dredgenbean6299 Жыл бұрын
I would have no problem with Battle Passes if it wasn't for the predatory use of FOMO to get sales. Minecraft Dungeons actually has the best Battle Pass system IMO because they stay after the season ends.
@SG-fm9wd Жыл бұрын
Halo does the same thing as well
@Mi_tala Жыл бұрын
codm also had battle pass vault which basically bring back previous season bp tho it will change rotationally like one of the bp get remove for 90 day.
@xXDeiviDXx Жыл бұрын
Doom Eternal also has FREE battlepasses called Events which ever since id software stopped updating the game they just kept cycling them every 2 months, and also there's bonus objectives that give a ton of xp to help you level up the events faster.
@themetalsunyt8810 Жыл бұрын
Since when did minecraft dungeons have a battle pass?
@dredgenbean6299 Жыл бұрын
@@themetalsunyt8810 About late 2020
@carlmwaamba9846 Жыл бұрын
While I agree the halo infinite battle pass is full of bloat and not really worth your money, the fact they don't expire is something which really cannot be overlooked. For me the single worst thing about any battle pass is the FOMO (fear of missing out). Having to grind out a game because I want to complete the pass, whether that's to get my currency back or to get a specific cosmetic is a horrible experience. It completely sucks the fun out of the game by turning it into an actual job. They make you log on every day to do your daily challenges and play modes you have no interest in. While it might not be the best bang for your buck, the halo battle pass is the only one in the entire industry other than DRG's which is actually pro consumer, simply because it respects your time. It doesn't force you to play when you don't want to since nothing goes away forever and is always obtainable somehow. Same with DRG just a different system. Point is, the cost effectiveness of a battle pass doesn't matter since at the end of the day it's just money which you can earn back. What you can't earn back is your own free time.
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Really great points here. I think this is the third comment that includes Deep Rock Galactic and if I played the game I would've included it. Maybe thats for a battlepasses suck 2 video lol
@LightCrib2 Жыл бұрын
I wish Destiny 2 would follow Halo Infinite's non-expiring battle passes
@dougpleppen3803 Жыл бұрын
@whitefang4566 i'd do terrible things for that
@i24kpandamonium26 Жыл бұрын
Halo infinite wasn’t the first to have non expired BattlePasses, it was a game called Vigor, a free exclusive Xbox game by Bohemia Interactive, the same company that made DayZ
@crisperstorm Жыл бұрын
Keep in mind the premium pass doesn't expire but the free stuff does. Or at least that's how season 1 and 2 were which is scummy as hell and they waited until a week out to tell people the free content would get paywalled
@roguebananas402 Жыл бұрын
imo THE BEST battle pass ive ever seen in a game is deep rock galactic
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
I've never actually played it, I would've included it but I wanted to cover games I currently/used to play so I didn't give battlepasses for games I don't play inaccurate representation. I might have to give the game a try though
@potato3457 Жыл бұрын
Also sea of thieves battle pass is nice
@Theholyhamsandwich Жыл бұрын
@highfivemistertorque4537 Жыл бұрын
Warframe is good too and its free like deeprock
@hellkaiser1366 Жыл бұрын
​@@highfivemistertorque4537 do you mean the radio in Warframe?if that is what your talking about I dont think they count it as a battlepass
@serensoriano6890 Жыл бұрын
My main issue with battle passes is just that you, most often, cannot go to a previous battle pass. If it wound up costing slightly more to access an old battle pass, I'd be fine with it. I wouldn't like it, but it'd be preferable to dealing with companies making you be afraid of running out of time.
@IDoABitOfTrollin Жыл бұрын
Halo MCC and Infinite do that
@dangerouslyspooky7962 Жыл бұрын
Its a smart way to do it, by adding a sense of urgency when you see something that you want possibly going away forever. it makes you more likely to impulse buy. 10/10 Marketing
@piotr78 Жыл бұрын
​@@dangerouslyspooky7962 it makes me not start games that are already on season 12. Double edged sword!
@Whiskers--5 Жыл бұрын
A VERY unknown game called “Super Animal Royale” does that, old ones are 750 and current ones are 550
@LoneSWarrior Жыл бұрын
Exactly. If it wasnt for fortnite I would be playing sar more often
@rtristan8572 Жыл бұрын
Lootboxes ARE gambling, it has been proven many times before that the psychologically effects are basically identical and that normalizing lootboxes on kids can lead to gambling addictions. As for battle passes, as one wise person whose name I can't remember once said, "It's like going to a store, paying for a piece of clothing and getting told, now you can come here everyday for the next month and sew the cloth you want, but if you don't finish in time we keep the money and the clothing.".
@DominatorLegend Жыл бұрын
The best "Battlepass" I've seen was the one in Yugioh Master Duel, mainly because it was actually free, you just needed to spend a somewhat high sum of earnable in-game money to get it, which was quite easy to grind. Once acquired it was basically just giving you higher money rewards per level-up and then exclusive pfps and mascots.
@phoenixvance6642 Жыл бұрын
6 days of daily missions is enough to get it. Only problem is the only good BP rewards are UR dust and SR/gems to a lesser extent, N/R dust is worthless since 100 gems can get you a pack with 80-120 cumulative N/R dust (average 85), whereas 1 BP tier gives you only like 6 dust
@legendarydeadweight6372 Жыл бұрын
As most people point out, the biggest issue with battlepasses is fomo. I really liked the battlepass when i played fortnite (actuall og season 1 player), because there wasn't any other battlepass at that time and I played a lot of fortnite. I completely quit fortnite after season 5 though and play a bunch of different games and my attitude towards the bp completely flipped. BPs are designed not necessarily to get your money, but instead to keep your attention. They are relatively cheap and good value only if you play the game a lot. But its an analogy for a abusive friend that doesn't want you to hang out with anyone else. Even with these "good" battlepasses like apex for example, if you take a break you can lose the season's evolving skin. It made me completely burn out of the game, because I was logging in just to finish the battlepass, not because I enjoyed it. At this point i'd rather have lootboxes instead, but the thing is battlepasses are even more effective at bringing money than gambling. They make you play the game, and the more you play the higher chance you have to buy something from the store. And if you don't have the time to complete season's battlepass, most games have "convient" paid level skips. So if you don't have the time, just pay instead. I already came to accept every company trying to milk players for money, but this is milking player's time and it's really sad. There's another issue I personally have with bps, say I want to play a game that is already several seasons in, I see what was in rewards of past battlepasses, and sometimes there would be some amazing looking skin that I would never get, since its an exclusive and it just kills any desire to play the game afterwards. I don't even mind dropping 10$ on a game i don't enjoy playing at the moment so that i wouldn't miss on the cosmetics if i decide to return later, this is how deep they already got me. This does sound ridiculous, but that's the current state of predatory monetization. I notice more now that I just stop caring about all the cosmetics for these reasons. Cosmetics are cool as a player expression element. But fomo sucks so much it's kind of depressing.
@piotr78 Жыл бұрын
Halo infinite's battlepasses are not time gated AND can be purchased after the season is finished ✌🏻
@ImInForAWuppin Жыл бұрын
What I find really funny is your point that battle passes are more profitable than lootboxes, not because you're incorrect but because everyone seems to miss that key detail. The swap from lootboxes to battlepasses wasn't some massive industry win, it wasn't some massive legal win, it was a corporate change which got some really, really, really good PR due to luck. Battle passes are basically everything wrong with mobile game monetization wrapped up into one neat little package, usually just without the pay-to-win. FOMO is the reason mobile games give you a dozen temporary deals right as you log in for the first time, daily challenges were designed to habituate players into playing a game (literally causing what I can only describe as a Pavlovian addiction), and even the "nice" stuff we get as players like the occasional 10 free premium currency is just a rebranding of those gems mobile games give you to burn a hole in your pocket that aren't quite enough to actually spend on anything. Battle passes successfully capitalize on all of that and more, and then double down on it all by re-releasing over and over again each season, while somehow managing to not get any flack for it. I mean really, just look at the use and abuse of sunk-cost in regards to not only the end of the season, but also being able to level the paid pass without buying it. That's one of the mental biases which is a primary cause of gambling addiction. BPs don't even stop taking advantage of those people, they just do it in another, more subtle way. It blows me away how people seem to have an "any change is good" mentality around all of this when it's so blatantly abusive.
@madamebkrt Жыл бұрын
@@ImInForAWuppin Well said, I couldn't agree with you more.
@vice7423 Жыл бұрын
Literally how I am with Fortnite atm lol. Got into it when they introduced Zero Build and realized that the game IS fun (I was the type to think Fortnite was a kids game full of sweaty builders that crank full towers when one bullet is shot. So basically very unfun.) I play the game regularly with friends and I enjoy the game a lot. But playing with them I've come to also realize that I missed out on so many cool cosmetics. For example, recently for the Flash movie Epic has put a lot of DC based skins (Batman, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, etc.) and one of them was Beast Boy. As someone who absolutely loves Teen Titans I bought him, and Starfire when she was sold last year, and now have two of the five Titans. Until my friend told me that I'll be stuck with four of the five, if Cyborg or Robin get put into the game, because Raven was a bp exclusive. When I heard this I was extremely bummed out because I can never get her now. She's forever stuck to that one bp when I wasn't an active player. That's just my example there are other skins I'd love to have but can't. Which goes to your point of FOMO being depressing. You miss out on skins and emotes that you could really want, but your punished for not being active at the time. It's almost kinda demotivating in a way. Knowing how the Fortnite community is (especially the toxic day one sort) put the wrong type of value into skins. Instead of valuing a skin because of the fact it's a nice skin, or it's their favorite character, etc. They value it because it shows that they're "OG". To that kind of player it's a status symbol. As someone who wants Epic to implement older bps into their Crew subscription (since they give you Rocket League's bp included) I'd love to have a second chance to get cosmetics I've missed out on. But to the "OG"s of the community it'll ruin their status symbol, or those that see monetary value in them, so they'll fight against it instead of supporting newer players. It ruins the fun when you play a game like Fortnite, where skins and emotes are a big part of the experience, to know in the back of your head that your favorite cosmetic can't be obtained.
@legendarydeadweight6372 Жыл бұрын
@@vice7423 That's funny, because I quit the game exactly because they started nerfing building and making the game much more casual with all those cars and airplanes. I was one of these sweats lol. But I totally get you. I'm not a fan of crossover skins, but there were some really nice skins in BP since I quit and making them unobtainable doesn't entice me to return at all. Even tho I do have some of the most "og skins" like season 2 black knight or whatever it was called. I don't even feel that they are any special. I'd say it's reasonable to have a couple of exclusive skins for really early players, like the season 1 shop ones. If they release season 2 skins for everyone I wouldn't care, it would actually only give me hope that some later bp skins that I want would return. That won't happen though as bp are marketed as exclusives and tbh as much as I hate bps, breaking promises is even worse. If they said they are exclusive they stay that way.
@eoinokelly3080 Жыл бұрын
as a town hall 13 i cann tell u that the clash of clans battlepass is a great value and exactly what the players are looking for
@RiceCake420 Жыл бұрын
As a town hall 14 I can confirm that you are completely right
@TBCspider Жыл бұрын
​@@RiceCake420as another fellow town hall 14 I agree
@WaxyBoi 11 ай бұрын
As an almost maxed townhall 15, I can further confirm the gold pass is so unbelievably high valued and shouldn’t be compared to console or pc game passes.
@cheesy384 Жыл бұрын
The clash of clans season pass is more about boosters than it is skins. They might seem worthless at lower town halls but at higher ones where things take weeks to upgrade you can save so much time with it
@johnred5267 Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel through recommendations and love the video! Def going to go through and watch more. You’ve got good editing, script, and an eye for making good content. Cant wait to see what more you make! +1 Sub
@SurprisedCat123 Жыл бұрын
Another great video! That Lightfall video is one I’ll be looking forward too
@gabeschneider6973 Жыл бұрын
Deep rock galactic has an amazing battle pass. It’s free and any cosmetics that you don’t get go into the world pool!
@PTXLPTSAS Жыл бұрын
Rock and Stone
@jonathannash8471 Жыл бұрын
@Rhavet- Жыл бұрын
Rock and stone!
@terrariaisverygood2860 Жыл бұрын
Great video man, i got this recommended to me randomly, i was so surprised you don't have more subs, but if you keep making theses bangers you'll skyrocket, love the content man, great job 👍
@ChaosRaych Жыл бұрын
My only issue with Destiny's season pass is that it does not contain Silver. Nearly every other pass contains the game's premium currency, not Destiny. I don't buy the passes individually (I get them with the yearly expansion), but the price has gone up to 1200 Silver ($12 USD), even though Silver is only sold in bundles of 500, 1000, 1500 & up.
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
I wanted to address some things I've seen in the comments... ONE! No, I haven't played deep rock galactic, I'm tempted after this video though. TWO! Are there other battlepasses besides these ones in games you play? No, not that I play. THREE! Halo Infinite does in fact have credits from season 2 onward, genuinely don't know how I missed that FOUR! This was written, recorded, and edited BEFORE the price increase of Destiny 2 season passes was announced. While I don't think it's the most worth it anymore I still think that it's not too bad in a vacuum for the money. FIVE! All because I said the Destiny battlepass was good doesn't mean I think all of Bungies monetization is good. I kinda hate the way the game is monetized and have for years now. Also yes I saw Aztecrosses video
@taktika4764 Жыл бұрын
black cock galactic 💀💀💀
@GeneralDMadness Жыл бұрын
Hahahaha, it's deep rock galactic. And yes, it's as good as what people tell you it is
@deuce4377 Жыл бұрын
Battle passes are good if done right alot of people have done it right like destiny and I hate say it but fortnite as well
@WeakestBrazilianMale Жыл бұрын
I was about to scream about Deep Rock Galactic until seeing your comment, it's a great game with a great battle pass, please play it, Rock and Stone!
@Sam-yp1zi Жыл бұрын
BY THE BEARD, you must plat DRG
@SpagTheDwarf Жыл бұрын
fortnite did battlepasses perfectly and somehow every game that trys it does it worse (except deep rock of course but that battlepass is free im talking about paid ones)
@projectx7453 11 ай бұрын
@thatoneguywhodidthatthing Жыл бұрын
criminally underrated channel. can't wait for persona 3 video!
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
That's not gonna be for a little bit since I've had to restructure the release of content. Expect it around August
@jonkbonk7107 Жыл бұрын
I think the reason it worked well from the early fornite days was because it was such a new system with seasons and it gave good rewards for your money. I remember the grind to get dark voyager in season 3 and feeling a sense of accomplishment after i got him, it wasnt a bad reward, but the battle pass and the other things you could get made up for the time. Then the other companies started to implement seasons and battle passes like activision and ubisoft. Warzone worked, although not in the long run, but being able to get the two seasonal weapons without buying the battle pass was a good decision, and the prizes werent all that bad, but it was filler up until tier 70, when the skins and rewards started to get good. RB6S and Destiny ruined it completely IMO, as RB6S was a clear cash grab that it made you have to pay for tiers as progression was slow, and rewards that looked incredibly bad, and destiny failing to even launch seasons on time with its battle pass so slow you could get to tier 20 in 3 months time, and dragging seasons with little to no content that it caused their player base to leave until dlcs like the witch queen came round a year later. Battle passes were a fun idea until they completely got exploited and infected every single game you played.
@williewillikers9631 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem I have is once a season is over, you can *never* get those items if you've missed them. That or they arent resold often, I've missed out on alot of cool things purely because I don't have the time to dedicate to multiple battlepasses like they're a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th jobs.
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Tell me about it, I have a 9-5 as well as making videos AND two battlepasses recently, one I'm guaranteed I won't finish
@imconfuseddl1436 Жыл бұрын
PvZ GW 1, I used to grind for those sticker packs on the weekend. It’s was my CoD equivalent because I don’t know what it was about how the game modes were played but it was ADDICTING. Seeing that end of game screen and seeing the coins rack in, ooohh, pure bliss for elementary me.
@nicholasbrooks3997 Жыл бұрын
00:32 seconds in and you’ve earned a sub my friend. I’m in STICHES! 🤣 That raw reaction is quite literally what I would have done and the exact take I would’ve had
@Badgerpaw Жыл бұрын
The best Battlepass system I have seen is Super Animal Royale's. Previous BP's remain available after the season is over, and you can even purchase a BP you missed out on (albeit at a slightly higher price). In addition, you can have an old BP running concurrent with the current one, completing both at the same time.
@mey7614 Жыл бұрын
I actually really like Lost Ark's battlepass. You get materials, pets, mounts, a skin and a wallpaper (which are incredibly hard to get). You can buy two different versions of the pass, one for just the materials, and one for the cosmetics. You can buy one and later just pay the difference for the next. I use everything i get from the pass so i dont feel like i end up with a bunch of random stuff i cant or wont use. Its standardly priced, which is still a little expensive. But its really good stuff in there. And the skins ive seen in the passes are pretty good too.
@that_cat21 Жыл бұрын
out of these i've only played destiny 2 and i quite enjoy the seasons. i don't like that the activities go away (rip sundial and expunge/override) but seeing the others it seems like a really good deal. it usually has great ornaments and its easy to finish if you play casually once or twice a week. also i think it's good that the free tier gets the exotic and important materials that f2p players probably wouldn't get by playing (assuming most f2p players are casual or solo players).
@Malam_NightYoru Жыл бұрын
About siege battlepass: Breach charges are not necessary. They made it so players that cannot grind the 100 levels could just relax and unlock what they wanted, instead of needing to pass all 100 ranks for an item. It's a really cool addition from devs
@RhysRTX Жыл бұрын
Great video. I literally just bought the MCC to relive my childhood on halo 3 and reach, and I didn't realize it had a free progression system, awesome video keep it up man u deserve wayyy more subs
@madcheeseburger3783 Жыл бұрын
My issue with battlepasses these days is every game has one now, and having to put the amount of time necessary to finish each one in the games I play without spending money is almost impossible for me
@kidfdf2157 Жыл бұрын
Great video, ive been wanting to see a video that represents the ideas and beliefs i have towards corporate greed showing in video games and battlepasses specifically
@fishxss Жыл бұрын
I think that the best battle pass I’ve seen is the plunder pass in sea of thieves because everything is free on the main track but if you pay, you get a (almost) full cosmetic set that can later be in the shop for a higher price
@LD-sx9pr Жыл бұрын
I feel like for R6 you forget the other Achilles heel is that some battle passes do not grant you enough R6 credits to buy the next one, I remember I bought one and even after completing it I didn’t get a return or profit on credits because it was a smaller BP
@abzu2358 Жыл бұрын
Here's a little correction for 7:30 segment. You actually can buy stuff for new heroes with legacy credits but only if you have enough to do so. Everything that came out with them by default is purchasable except item shop skins. Unfortunately it's much more expensive than items for old heroes
@nicholasalicea1364 Жыл бұрын
I like how of the battle passes I saw in the thumb nail but MCC’s doesn’t suck because you can earn the unlock points by playing the game.
@Amoroph Жыл бұрын
In the opening of the video I was going CRAZY listening to the music fighting between if it was from the Evangelion OST or not
@devdutdutta8796 8 ай бұрын
In my opinion paid BATTLEPASSES don't belong in PAID GAMES. That's it, adding a paid battlepass leads to content which would ve been given to the player as a reward for progressing, gets locked behind payment. Another detriment becomes that the player is denied the freedom to choose what they want to unlock. Instead it is blocked by a tonne of fluff that is put there to waste the player's time and artifically increase the lifespan of the game
@deltadark5748 Жыл бұрын
yiipppppeeee nanokk upload
@shep1818 Жыл бұрын
Something I like about the d2 battlepass is its super easy to unlock everything. I notice games like fortnite and apex cock block you at teir 80 or 90 with challenges if your doing a late grind and stop giving you challenges that reward you a lot of xp. making you forced to play more of the game than really needed with less rewards. in d2 the seasonal challenges are extremely forgiving and seasons I didn't play like haunted and plunder I still got teir 100 during the final week because the challenges give you a ludicrous amount of xp and thats something I appreciate.
@Swifto_Sweeper Жыл бұрын
Good video! I'm looking forward to watching more from you!
@jeremym7483 Жыл бұрын
Quick correction, Destiny 2's Battleground activities do not expire at the end of the year, they are added to Vanguard Ops. It is true that Non-Battlegrounds activities have been removed prior and likely will continue to but we get two sets of Battlegrounds per year. Also, Exotic Weapon Quests will soon no longer be getting removed entirely and will instead live in the coming soon Exotic Mission Rotator which will cycle through them on a regular basis. It will not launch with every Exotic Quest made before but it is assumedly going to happen with all of them going forward.
@BasementMinions Жыл бұрын
I totally understand your frustration with 343 but I'd be mindful of accosting the entire dev team. From what's been leaked it's an upper management issue with hardworking devs being put through the wringer of corporate bullshit. So focusing your ire at the heads of the company and Microsoft should hopefully help to not encourage people to harass the lower level devs just trying their hardest with poor pay. :)
@freeland7962 Жыл бұрын
It’s pretty clear that 343 is very passionate about halo, but they seem to get hit with the worst of luck at times. A bunch of the team fired, and extreme time restrictions for what was supposed to be a huge game with a brand new game engine forced to release before completion. Halo 4, 5, and MCC show that 343 can do great things and listen to the community, and they would have no reason to intentionally release a barely finished game unless they just wanted to sabotage themselves. People seem to often forget that infinite was meant to be THE halo game. Like making a pizza and the manager forces you to give the customers the dough instead so he can get paid faster. Just recently they had to halt making multiplayer story cutscenes to bring more resources into gameplay. It’s actually pretty amazing how quickly they are working with how little they have to work with. The most likely main reason why so many things in the battle pass are copy/paste is probably because they simply don’t have enough time and resources to take attention away from the gameplay itself for more cosmetics.
@zackphy Жыл бұрын
Seasons where the activities are Battlegrounds aren't removed with the yearly expansions, they're put into the Vanguard Ops playlist. All the others are though like the current season's Salvage and Deep Dive. One thing though starting next season they're bringing back those exotic missions they removed(unfortunately not including the best 2 Whisper and Zero Hour) in a weekly rotator similar to the weekly Raid and Dungeon rotators we currently have.
@naskosokurov1815 9 ай бұрын
Well, that's the reason I bought Season 22. And the Whisper and Zero Hour missions will also be put in the rotator, just not yet
@DatBoiSaint Жыл бұрын
It's permanently burned into my brain when i see the word ELITE, i just immediately hear the CoD Advanced Warfare announcer going ELITE!!!
@emrickazor2610 Жыл бұрын
If I ever make a game with a battlepass, I am 100% gonna take a page from Minecraft Dungeons and Halo MCC. Build the thing into the game and reward players for just playing through the game. Sure in MCD, you have to pay a whole 4 dollars for the premium pass, but it's always active. So you can just finish the pass and then buy it if you even care. keeping old passes around is really what I think should be done. That or we could just purge passes from existence.
@stdlfr3418 Жыл бұрын
very great video!!!! Subscribed!
@GeneralCrazy1234 Жыл бұрын
i watched this video, came off thinking u would have like a mil subs or something honestly so underated. Youhave the same opinion as me and all my friends especially with the halo one
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Yo thank you! I really appreciate that. This whole thing stemmed from a discussion my friends and I had about the rainbow six siege battlepass and what was the most worth it. And yeah Halo infinite has been a point of contention for me for the past little while lol
@peterube4731 Жыл бұрын
The thing about the clash of clans pass is that it’s more about the booster and runes and the season bank rather than the skin and one thing you didn’t mention is that there’s a new pass every month and it’s five bucks so if you were to include two or three skins and a scenery every month it just wouldn’t be monitizable but that’s just my take 🤷🏿‍♂️
@aries23judd84 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention that it’s not really a grind because you can just finish most of the challenges passively just by playing the game 🤷‍♂️
@deepfriedteeth Жыл бұрын
Fortnite: Season 15226 Coc: “Oh i finished the battle pass, time to buy it.” D2: “I need to spend More money to play the full game?!” Warframe: “Omg DE PLEASE it has been 3 years since you made an actual season!!” DRG: “Season end on June 11? Bah I’ll just get the items from cargo crates.”
@i_ruby Жыл бұрын
Hey! Great content dude keep it up Hope to see your channel grow bigger in the future
@ICDedPeplArisen Жыл бұрын
From what I recall, Rainbow 6 Siege makes their battlepass into a maze so that you can choose what items to work towards first, and usually when you see the things you want, you can use the breach charges which are unlocked every 8 levels I believe, to unlock shortcuts towards the items you want. In the current battle pass, I want the skin for an operator that's almost at the end, but instead of having to chip away at the battlepass to get to the end, I can slowly work towards it, unlock shortcuts and buy the skins I want, then once I finish that, I can unlock the other things operator's skins, weapon skins, and other fluff that doesn't interest me like weapon charms in the battle pass at my leisure. Certainly better than having to wait to level 90-100 to get the skins I want when I can unlock them at levels 30-40. I also really enjoy the bravo ticket system they include for reaching the end of the battle pass, lets me unlock those black ice I missed
@Lynxee3004 Жыл бұрын
Dude when I hopped on R6 for the first time since like 2019, I saw the Battle Pass and thought “wtf even is this?” 😅
@Mugiwara2k Жыл бұрын
The season pass for Destiny 2 used to be way better (Prior to Season of the Hunt), since they used to include ornaments for at least 2 of the seasons weapons. After their bone-headed blunder called Sunsetting, they stopped doing that and just filled those slots with useless fluff like glimmer. They really should start doing legendary weapon ornaments again, they added great value to the pass.
@knowwhoiamyet Жыл бұрын
Battlepasses suck. The instant I feel like I need to do something or miss out on what's in it, I stop wanting to do it. If a battlepass is in a fully paid game, I want nothing to do with that game. I paid for the game already, I want the game's contents, and I don't want to stress about missing out on something I paid for. One big thing that could make battlepasses infinitely less... Awful though, I guess I would put it... Would be just making it so that when the battlepass season ends, all rewards are given to players anyways. It's still not perfect, but in this way it gives players something to work towards and a reason to play, but if you can't/don't want to play during that season, you don't have to feel like you're missing out.
@Swifto_Sweeper Жыл бұрын
10:19 Bungie has addressed that they're gonna make the exotic missions playable next season by the way
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Yeah... forgot to mention that
@kolper6799 Жыл бұрын
"one yeah and 3 passes. Thats insane underproduction!" *smiles with tears in crossout.
@w_zizo Жыл бұрын
When it comes to bad games its never the developers fault but the greedy people in charge, I feel bad for all the game devs at 343 and even overwatch as their forced to make these shitty monetisation systems
@Bionicneobeak Жыл бұрын
it was a good video up until that 343 comment jesus christ
@smudgybard8983 Жыл бұрын
Battle passes sort of ruined my favorite game series. I've been a fan of Splatoon for a long time. I put 1,000+ hours into Splatoon 2 and was so hyped for Splatoon 3. Than they announced a free battle pass that would cycle through new stuff like victory poses, gear, (which is not cosmetic) and stuff to decorate your in game locker every month or so. I am not someone who likes to grind at all so this killed a lot of my hype but I assumed that it might not be as bad is it sounded. It was as bad as it sounded. I got burned out after about 2 months which never happened in previous games because I didn't feel this constant need to grind every day to get these items before they're gone. The older games just had new items just roll out into the shop for everyone to buy with earned in game cash whenever they wanted, there was no rush. I never saw anybody complain about this. This new model just feels like a trendy way to get people to spend all they're time on one game instead of just making a fun game. Which is why I think it was kind of lacking in new content at launch (and sort of still is). Sorry if I sounded mad in this comment, that was not my intention. I just wanted to talk about how this constant need to shove battle passes into games that don't need them can ruin them for people that don't like grinding, or just don't have the time to play that much. It doesn't seem fair to me is all. I appreciate whoever decided to read all this. Thank you.
@mayito43 Жыл бұрын
Me gusta en battlepass de Warframe se llama nightwave y tiene 30 niveles cada nivel se obtiene si consigues 10,000 y se obtienen puntos con misiones semanales por 3,000 las fáciles y 7,000 las difíciles Sin contas las diarias que dan 1,000 pero esas desaparecen después de 3 dias y contiene cosméticos, modificaciones, decoraciones, ranuras de armas, ranuras de personajes, y monedas para comprar más objetos y si sobrepasas el nivel 30 todos los niveles que siguen te dan monedas. Y se me olvidaba mencionar es gratis no se tiene que pagar.
@SG-fm9wd Жыл бұрын
FOMO is a big problem with passes, i failed to get items i wanted in the recent fortnite season because of a glitch, so that was pain for me
@chost-059 Жыл бұрын
The battlepass is so succesfull because creates monitary sunk cost AND time/grind sunk cost fallacy, while with normal skins and such the player gets attached to the game through monitary sunk cost fallacy, but with the battlepass the play has initial monitary sunk cost but then for the duration of the battlepass the player also has to keep playing the game to what the paid for, as the player grinds the battlepass they also get effort sunk cost
@The316Official Жыл бұрын
Im not sure id even consider it a battle pass, but Warframe has a System like it called Nightwave. Each week you get a new set of challenges to work toward 30tiers of rewards. If you dont complete all of them they are given back to you after you complete a majority of the next weeks challenges. You earn credits from NW that can be used in the NW store for helmets, resources, and even mods to use on your warframes/weapons. The best part is every level after 30 gives you 15 credits, so there is always an incentive to grind after you got all the rewards. Tge best part? Completely free, no purchase is necessary whatsoever.
@callie3887 Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention Splatoon 3’s battle pass/“catalogue”. I think it’s great, since it’s 100% free and you can still get the items from it even if you completely missed it.
@ArchieCarnall Жыл бұрын
The issue with battlepass is when they lock gameplay behind it, like new heroes, in Overwatch ‘2’
@awiseauthor3456 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video and this is pretty random, but what game were you playing at 1:30 ish? I've been looking for a game like that for a while
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Hayai, it's usually pretty cheap on steam
@thomasdryer342 Жыл бұрын
aint gonna lie i was pretty suprised to hear anything good about destiny 2
@ludvig7473 Жыл бұрын
@Glasdia not really, its terrible
@Dewm02 Жыл бұрын
Felt every single word on the halo infinite section. Day improved. Thanks for making this video
@Miunim Жыл бұрын
4:35 Another neat thing about the Fortnite BP is that it's actually only $8 for all of that
@mr.harmuzad4201 Жыл бұрын
Valva actually says that they are abandoning the Battle Pass for Dota 2 moving on, due to the fact that each year only has that one battle pass update that only a certain number of players actually dip into.
@Noriaela Жыл бұрын
1:50 FINALLY SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. Its so funny to me how some of the issues that plague modern games came from Valve.
@mr_mcpillowyt8401 Жыл бұрын
This is such a Polished video, great vid sir 🫡
@Rainbowhawk1993 Жыл бұрын
Single Player gamer to Multiplayer gamer: “Wow, sucks to be you.”
@LoquendoversoIT Жыл бұрын
i like overall the battle pass, it gives you plenty of rewards which depending on how much you like the game or the theme of the season might be more or less worth to you, also it adds an additional feeling of progression though the game, like how back in COD you had to play and do challenges to rank up and earn prestige levels. The only thing i don't like in battle passes is THEIR TIME LIMIT, they expire, and all the rewards inside of them become almost "unused assets" for the game, which pushes players to play way more than they would like to even when they're not having fun with the constant mindset of "the game might be fun again in the future but i won't be able to use these things ever again if i don't unlock them". The closest thing i've seen comparable to a "fix" for this is in Black Ops Cold War and COD mobile, where older seasons content eventually become available in the items shop (even if at a comically expensive price). In a few words, Battle passes are cool, but they need to get rid of these FOMO exploits and either NOT make them time limited, maybe allow you to choose one battle pass to level up at a time and switch between them after matches, or make all of their content buyable in the store at a fairly higher price than it would have been by buying the battle pass and some level boosts. Adults have jobs, kids have to do their homeworks and study, forcing people to play your game overtime by keeping cool items as hostages is a toxic business practice.
@noturin Жыл бұрын
I know it's impossible to know about every games battle pass, but Super Animal Royal has the best design for a battle pass I've seen. You can progress through 2 different passes at a time, and buy past ones. Deceive Inc. Is a bit similar, you can purchase any previous battle pass, but I'm sure you're limited to only 1 at a time. Idk if SAR is still active, but man do I love the idea of progressing through 2 battle passes at once. Both games passes didn't expire either
@DjScribblez Жыл бұрын
As everyone else said, FOMO is the biggest problem. But i personally will always stand for bps. When I was younger, we never had dlc for games. There's so many things i missed out on from cod, halo, gow, battlefield, etc. Bps pretty much removed paid dlc from being a thing in multiplayer based games. It's so nice to not have to worry about not being able to play with friends because i don't have the dlc needed.
@Ironbaby08 Жыл бұрын
My only issue with battlepasses is Fomo since a lot of them have cool items but you always miss out on them cause you always start the game when the battlepass ends (and halo doesn't even fix this issue cause they still have fomo battlepasses)(Season passes)
@memphislabore607 Жыл бұрын
Brawlhalla has one of my favorite battle pass systems, the challenges help with giving some objectives while playing, and I have found ive been able to reach either the final tier or very close without spending any money at all, and enjoying the "grind" of it. And other skins are also in the shop and usually are outrageously expensive which is every nice. One of the games where the monetization of it doesn't heavily impact or make my thoughts on the game change, like with some bad examples of free to play games with similar systems like overwatch2
@angzarrpsyco Жыл бұрын
The "Freemium" Passes that Fortnite has had are very very new additions to Fortnite, the first one they did was for the first Dragon Ball Collab with the last one as of writing this being the May the 4th collab
@Dim71 Жыл бұрын
you shouldve talked about doom eternal's battlepass too, it comes for free with the game and you can get some very cool skins in it. glad that Id software dosent charge anything for that with their 60$ game
@an_aaxolotl Жыл бұрын
Deep stone lullaby jumpscare
@teynam Жыл бұрын
Team fortress 2 doesn't have a battle pass but it has a contracker. With it, you choose a specific contract to do, and after completing it, you get the item from that specific contract, and sometimes the game lets you choose between one of 3 different contracts to do. Imo that's a better version of a battlepass. Problem is valve abandoned the game, but still
@haruhisuzumiya6650 Жыл бұрын
The Splatoon 3 catelog is workable even if my nerves weren't exactly ok with hardcore grinding
@roam980 Жыл бұрын
Recently I come to realize how burnt out I am by video games featuring battle passes. It's hard to enjoy a game you like when much of the rewards you'd win is locked behind a pay wall with a ticking time bomb
@cherokeethan6226 Жыл бұрын
My favorite battle pass in any game is Deep Rock Galactic's battle pass. It is 100% free and you get a secondary pass that has, on top of the first battle pass, has free items too. The secondary is like a skill tree for items that uses little tokens to unlock the items. The greatest part about it is that after a season is over all of the items that you did not get put into the item pool. The only issue with this battle pass is that the items that get put into the item pool clog up the item pool. Other than that is it super easy to get tier ~100 because each season lasts around 6 months.
@NNYYLL Жыл бұрын
battle pass is nice if done correctly like on Halo Master Chief Collection, which you can select which one to activate and you can complete it anytime you want
@archonnova20 Жыл бұрын
My personal top 4 list of Battlepasses I actually like and that have been done right are...: 1) Warframes Nightwave (I like Nightwave even more then DRG's Pass because Nightwave has a catch up system where you can recover weeklies you've missed once you have completed the weeklies of the current week. This removes a whole lot of fomo) 2) DRG's Performance Pass (free; filled to the brim with cosmetics and ressources; always lasts for 5-6 months aka more then enough time to grind) 3) Apex Legends Battlepass (you at least get the premium currency, you've spend on the current Battlepass from the Battlepass if you've at least played through a season) 4) Path of Exile's Kiracs Vault (while quite expensive it rewards alot of cool and unique cosmetics; It's also not tied to dailies or weeklies, but rather to account progression in the current season/league)
@_ed21 Жыл бұрын
1) Also with new battle passes, eventually you will not use those items in earlier battle passes because there are "new and interesting items in new battle passes." Unless u really like the item or it is rare, you prob wont use it so their only good for a few months before a new battle pass is released 😭 2) not to mention that you dont feel like the items are unique as more people buy the battle pass than an item in the shop.
@noobus.4615 Жыл бұрын
my problem with Clash Of Clans' battle pass is that its basically required or you fall behind, and if you fall too far behind in coc it can take ages to get back up since every upgrade is either over a week or takes ur whole life savings
@JohnBoxer Жыл бұрын
Splatoon has a very user-friendly battle pass. It is free, gives some nice rewards and just requires you playing the game. When it ends, all its rewards are added to the base game through shops or a luck machine, both using in-game currency.
@theluckiestllama5750 Жыл бұрын
One great thing about a battle pass is you can always tell how awful a games monetization is by looking at it. Can you get enough credits to buy the next one? Are there unique cosmetics or only a bunch of filler items? Etc.
@Ferrivia Жыл бұрын
one of the only battlepasses that i kinda stand behind is the destiny 2 one bcuz it gives you somewhat coherent story, some recycled weapons and stuff to do
@epichasascythe4371 Жыл бұрын
I really like how minecraft dungeons does it. It doesn't dissappear forever when a new one comes out. You get to select which one you want to level and thankfully it's all cosmetic stuff minus gold and emeralds but those are fairly easy to get.
@vibe2118 Жыл бұрын
KZbin algorithm is crazy, I watched a Stryxo video about this same topic yesterday.
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
Yo you're the second person today to bring this up and before the first comment I had never heard of the guy
@dredgendorchadas6770 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that most of them are in games that don't work with them. Fortunately sense because it's a battle royal where none of the gear changes other than updates, on the contrary you have destiny 2 which is a looters shooter locking some loot behind the battle pass while not having many cosmetic rewards for completing the "difficult and challenging content"
@beanpole_brando Жыл бұрын
i do like how fast fortnite's can be completed due to the sueprcharge mechanic and the amount fo quests they give out
@guinve5971 Жыл бұрын
How to miss a witherhoard tutorial
@Monkeyman-qt1sm Жыл бұрын
The worst part about loot boxes are that my friends miss them…
@remouladenbaron4903 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe Deep Rock Galactic wasn't mentioned in this video
@Nanokk_ Жыл бұрын
I've never played it
@helheim4704 Жыл бұрын
with so many games having battle passes if you play 4 games with battle passes and want to complete all of them it takes soo much time to do that and not everyone has that time
@LazerDisk Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, I think the worst part about battle passes is how the battle pass is intrinsically designed to monopolize your time, and how over saturated the market is with them. Every game wants all of my time and punishes me for spending it elsewhere, especially if I’ve already bought the pass. I have no reason to buy a pass I won’t complete, and I won’t complete a pass if I don’t treat it like a job. Hell, I can’t even hop from game to game ignoring the passes because there’s practically no feeling of progress at all with them being the one and only focus of most games.
@Shadow_Symphony Жыл бұрын
Me finding the 15th battlepass in a row for games I was interested in playing: “Ah sh*t. Here we go again.”
@whoisskylight Жыл бұрын
Pokémon TCG live (online Pokémon card game) has battle pass too, but surprisingly it’s super generous and there is no micro transactions
@tanuargio9865 Жыл бұрын
Idk why Dark Souls footage was used on the section about lootboxes...
@TylerNinjaFortniteBlevins Жыл бұрын
I feel like out of all the things Plants Vs Zombies Battle For Neighborville did right, it was their Battle Pass. I feel like it deserves more recognition, especially since they aren't limited-time things.
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