BBC-Experte Gary Lineker: "Deutschland auf dem richtigen Weg" | Sportschau Fußball

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Sportschau Fußball

18 күн бұрын

Das macht Hoffnung! England-Legende und BBC Fußball-Experte Gary Lineker sagt über die Zukunft des DFB-Teams: „Es geht jetzt in die richtige Richtung nach der offensichtlichen schweren Phase. “ Was Lineker von der englischen Mannschaft hält, wie er über den VAR die Handspiel-Regel denkt und warum er in Deutschland zum Currywurst-Fan geworden ist, hat der BBC-Experte und Ex-Nationalspieler Englands, Sportschau-Experte Thomas Hitzlsperger im Interview erzählt.
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@SpacemanSpliff101 16 күн бұрын
Danke, dass ihr das im orginal gelassen habt.
@a.n.2849 15 күн бұрын
Nein! Glaubst du in England würde ein Interview auf Deutsch geführt werden ohne Übersetzung? Die Engländer sollen gefälligst mal Deutsch lernen!
@mth9979 15 күн бұрын
​@@a.n.2849Naja, die Deutschen können mehr Englisch als die Engländer Deutsch. U know 🫠
@SpacemanSpliff101 15 күн бұрын
@@a.n.2849 Es ist ja bekannt, dass manche bei einglisch überfordert sind. Deshalb gibt´s ja auch Untertitel. Mir geht es eher darum ,dass ich unverfälscht hören kann, was gesagt wird.
@robin_123 12 күн бұрын
@Redlo-jh9hq 16 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker spricht über Fußball mit unvergleichlicher Leidenschaft und Expertise. Sein direkter und offener Stil sowie seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Zusammenhänge verständlich zu erklären, machen ihn zu einem herausragenden und unverzichtbaren Experten.
@mfsars1075 15 күн бұрын
Er hat außerdem einen Podcast ("The Rest is Football") mit Alan Shearer, der sehr empfehlenswert ist.
@Sammy-mz3ri 12 күн бұрын
Da merkt man auch nochmal, wie krass in England die Leidenschaft für den Fußball ist. Lineker ist ja beim BBC, was bei uns wie ARD oder ZDF ist.
@jemimallah2591 11 күн бұрын
@@Sammy-mz3ri wer sind die gleichwertigen Experten im deutschen Fernsehen? (tut mir leid für mein schlechtes Deutsch, 'ch bin Schottisch)
@egoist1749 15 күн бұрын
Klasse, wie Hitzelsberger bessere Interviews führt, als die meisten Sportmoderatoren.
@CamiWiz 15 күн бұрын
Thomas Hitzelsberger ist ein fantastischer Interviewer. Er fragt nicht einfach stumpf abgelesene Fragen, sondern besitzt die Fähigkeit ein dynamisches Gespräch zu kreieren. Er geht auf die Antworten von Lineker ein und dringt mit gedankenvollen Rückfragen in die Tiefe vor. Dieser Mann sollte in diesem Bereich viel häufiger tätig sein. Bravo, Herr Hitzelsberger!
@wedwardes 14 күн бұрын
He's a bit Prussian stiff. Needs a Weißbier before the interview.
@killkenny3720 13 күн бұрын
I agree with you, he is a good interviewer. Carefully listens and let's Gary talk, whilst also engaging and making normal conversation in places. Excellent interview 👌
@robin_123 12 күн бұрын
Er würde vermutlich auch gerne mit gedankenvollen Rückfragen in die Tiefe Linekers vordringen
@simontitze1739 16 күн бұрын
Two lovely persons discussing! I love how calm, gentle and genuinely interested Hitzelsberger is. And how well he expresses himself in English. Representing Germany really well.
@silewis9396 15 күн бұрын
Deserves dual citizenship here in England is you ask me. Great guy
@aldozilli1293 15 күн бұрын
@@silewis9396 no only Klopp and Henning Wehn can have that
@falk6121 15 күн бұрын
@@aldozilli1293 I think, all three of them don‘t want it.
@robinwarner3332 13 күн бұрын
I agree that Thomas makes a very good impression.
@Florian30 15 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker ist soooooo reflektiert und man kann so viel lernen von seinen Gedanken und Analysen und dazu noch sehr sympathisch. So ein tolles Interview und alles auf English. Das ist wirklich ein Meilenstein im deutschen Fernsehen.
@ThorstenHGNolte 15 күн бұрын
Great interview. Love the fact that Garry is being honest about Englands shortcomings. Great chat between two pros. Well done gents!
@wolfgangpolzer248 15 күн бұрын
Die unterhaltsamsten und kenntnisreichsten Fußballexperten. Ein Genuss, ihnen zuzuhören.
@BastianSchick 16 күн бұрын
Super, dass das Interview nicht übersetzt wurde!
@ottakringcalling 16 күн бұрын
@@BastianSchick Einmal oben rechts auf cc klicken, dann gibt es Untertitel.
@StefanCron 16 күн бұрын
Es gibt einen deutschen Untertitel
@marcus25g 15 күн бұрын
@@BastianSchick from my experience most younger generation Germans speak good English . Grüße aus London
@nathan_flo19 15 күн бұрын
@@BastianSchick es ist die Weltsprache.... irgendwann sollte man sie lernen wenn es einem stört. Zu mal deutsch 20x schwerer ist als englisch
@cabriocat 15 күн бұрын
@@nathan_flo19 was ist dein problem? ich glaube nicht, dass er das sarkastisch gemeint hat
@davehoward22 15 күн бұрын
Im english and allways admired german football.(i did live there though for 12 years,detmold and sennelager)
@Muschelschubs3r 14 күн бұрын
Let me guess, as part of the BAOR?
@andreasmi5120 15 күн бұрын
Was für ein cooler Typ Gary Lineker. Lieb es einfach, wenn ein Brite sich so gewählt ausdrücken kann und dann auch noch so viel Charisma und Expertise dahinter steckt. Unabdingbar, dass das Interview auf englisch hochgeladen wurde. Eines der besten Interviews ever der Sportschau.
@mortanos8938 13 күн бұрын
As a German who grew up in London I can immediately tell when someone is from Germany by their accent. I have to say, Thomas Hitzlsperger's English is sound and next to perfect. As for what Gary was saying, I could not agree more, especially regarding the ridiculous Handball rule. Great Interview.
@kapuzinergruft 3 күн бұрын
Why is it ever so important for Germans that their English sounds perfect? Has it to do with Churchill's quote: The hun is always either at your throat or at your feet... People coming from Europe's South hardly ever eliminate their accent while speaking English and they couldnt care less...
@darkstar8098 15 күн бұрын
Gary ist so ein positiver Typ kann man nur mögen. Sein eigener Podcast The Rest Is Football mit Micah Richards und Alan Shearer ist ultra witzig und pure Unterhaltung.
@Dave09666 16 күн бұрын
Tolles Interview, danke für die OV.
@mainstream1909 16 күн бұрын
"The Hammer" and Gary Lineker 😁👍🏽
@robinzabel 16 күн бұрын
Danke für das Original ohne Übersetzung. Zwei Fußballexperten unter sich. Und die britische Perspektive von Lineker ordnet die deutsche Sicht auf Handelfmeter und das Spiel der deutschen Mannschaft ein. Hilft. Find ich gut. Auch spannend, was Lineker über die englische Mannschaft sagt. Das einzige, was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann, ist, dass er sagt, dass Southgate habe den Jungs Gemeinschaftsgefühl (13:40) und Anstand (13:49) beigebracht hat. Ich weiß nicht, was dann in den ersten Spielen los war - da gab es diverse verächtliche, wegwerfende Gesten verschiedener Spieler nach Fehlpässen. Und ob Bellingham (merkwürdige Jubelarie mit Strafgeld im Anschluss) und Pickford (Elfmeterprovokationen) da beim Thema "Anstand" aufgepasst haben, ist zumindest fraglich - hätten sie mit ihrer Qualität überhaupt nicht nötig. Letztendlich schaue ich vermutlich genauso verklärt auf die Teams, die ich gut finde. Guter Journalismus lässt Perspektiven eben stehen. Hab ich hier gefunden. Danke. :-)
@MsPataca 15 күн бұрын
Anstand ist doch eh langweilig. Gerade im Fußball. Wollen wir nur angepasste brave Musterschüler? Solange sie niemand verletzen, habe ich nichts dagegen, wenn die Spieler sich auch mal daneben benehmen und die Emotionen rauslassen. Sonst wirkt alles so steril und langweilig. Diese Strafen für obszöne Gesten finde ich auch vollkommen unnötig.
@Tom-jx2ij 15 күн бұрын
@@MsPataca 1.) Freundliche sympathische Interaktion in GESPRÄCHEN ist das eine - auch mal gegen den Strich argumentieren , nämlich da WO ES PASST - das andere. 2.) anecken-können ist super! - anecken-müssen nervt 3 HIER geht es um ein sehr anregendes, kluges Gespräch zweier Ex-Profi-Fußballer aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen und Generationen auf Basis gegenseitigen Respekts und Wertschätzung - mit einem tollen Ergebnis! Wunderbar! Darfst du langweilig finden, klar - nur: deine Argumentation ist schief.
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
I don't believe there was anything wrong with what Pickford did but I don't like Bellinghams attitude at all and believe he has caused unrest in the camp as I can't believe players like to play with him and he's playing in Kane's position
@Wind_Lord 15 күн бұрын
@@robinzabel Ich glaube beim „Gemeindschaftsgefühl“ Liniker meint nicht nür im dieser Championat, sondern mit Rückblick von wo unsere (ich bin Englander) Nationalmannschaft in dem letzten 8 Jahre gekommen habe. Sicher sind wir viel besser und kommen weiter im Championat als irgendwen in dem vorherigen 30 Jahre.
@robinzabel 15 күн бұрын
@@Wind_Lord Thank You for Your comment. It helps me to understand the situation the english team is at.
@mctribble 15 күн бұрын
Excellent interview. Thomas's accent free English is also astounding. Weiter so.
@MasterminderMr123 15 күн бұрын
Unglaublich gut im Original Ton ARD richtig Krasse Move
@philk9691 15 күн бұрын
Danke Hitze für das gute Interview. Lineker is a great football dude who has a good view and expertise on football.
@weedoholic4205 16 күн бұрын
Lineker ist echt der grund warum ich es england gönnen würde,höre schon die komplette em seinen podcast😂
@WexxisGreen 16 күн бұрын
Seine Einschätzung zu England finde ich extrem inkompetent. Es gab mal einen EM-bekannten Schalke-Trainer Tedesco, der wurde mit abartigster Spielweise Vizemeister und alle Schalke-Fans machten die Großmaul-Fresse, wir gewinnen und was kümmert uns die Spielweise. Ein paar Monate später in der neuen Saison kamen zum abartigen Spiel dann reihenweise Niederlagen und die Großmäuler schäumten "hängt ihn höher, wie kann man so einen Drecksfussball spielen". Die Fan-Wendehälse machten sich lächerlich und Tedesco wurde hochkant gefeuert. Gleiche Peinlichkeit hier bei Mr. Lineker. Da sitzt Mr. Großmaul, wir spielen kacke, aber geil wir gewinnen, das ist wichtiger, grins haha. Lass die Lusche mal im Achtel- oder Viertelfinale auf Spanien treffen und England hochkant, verdient und mit ihrem blamablen Fussball verfrüht nach Hause segeln. Da kommt Mr. Lineker-Hohlbirne-Wendehals aus seinem lässigen Schneidersitz und mit Schaum vor dem Mund, "Drecksfussball und hängt Southgate höher". Die haben bisher nur gegen bemühte Underdogs gespielt und schwammen mit ihrem Multimilliarden-Team schon mehrfach bäuchlings tot übern Kanal. Schalke lässt grüßen und seinen inkompetenten Podcast möchte man nicht gehört haben!
@user-cj1qc3cy3c 15 күн бұрын
Sind erst mal um Finale
@peterhammer6915 14 күн бұрын
As a half-German I have always had the utmost respect for Gary Lineker. Fantastic striker in his time and seems to be such a nice person.
@robinwarner3332 15 күн бұрын
Thomas is an inspirational figure already, both professionally and personally, and he seems to be a gifted Interviewer (never seen him do this before). I agree with Gary Lineker about the handball rules and VAR: it has become ridiculous. I hope that English fans show respect to their hosts.
@mikefriend1514 15 күн бұрын
Seeing this interview following England’s deserved win against Holland. We have finally found a formula for getting the best out of this team. We again played with a back three, wing backs and a high press. We have Foden, Mainoo and Bellingham operating between the lines. Foden was immense again and probably man of the match. The criticism’s of Southgate stem from his unwillingness to change a team structure or use subs, when everyone watching can see things are not working. He was guilty of this in the World Cup against Croatia. He did it against Italy in Euro 2020. And for 3 games in this tournament. But Bellingham saved him and England and now we have found a winning formula. We are not better than Spain. But we might just win. Southgate has been brilliant for England despite his flaws. He’s a decent man and loves his players
@zakkwyldesdmf13 14 күн бұрын
Hervorragendes Interview! Thomas sollte deutlich mehr Interviews für die Sportschau führen. Auch als Brückenbauer zu nicht deutsch sprechenden Größen macht er einen überragenden Job.
@thefundmusic 15 күн бұрын
Great interview. Well done Thomas!
@lastpenny849 13 күн бұрын
Football should learn from Rugby. have the Ref ask VAR a question and have VAR answer it. In Rugby, the Ref will ask "is there any reason, I cannot award a Penalty?". If VAR can't give a reason, it's a pen. The initial decision is key here. If the Referee thought it was NO penalty, he will ask "is there any reason for me to award a penalty?". Clearly not the same question. Great interview.
@milandjukic3589 15 күн бұрын
Well done Germany for doing a great job Hosting the European football this year ,,, Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Deutschland, dass es dieses Jahr einen tollen Job als Gastgeber der Fußball-Europameisterschaft gemacht hat ❤️🇬🇧😃⚽️⚽️⚽️
@GizziMoD 15 күн бұрын
yes they have hosted a great tournament.. well done
@homerp.hendelbergenheinzel6649 15 күн бұрын
danke fürs hochladen im original.
@OrdinaryStory01 12 күн бұрын
Kann mich den vielen positiven Kommentaren nur anschließen, ein fantastisches Interview. Toll in welchem dynamischen Flow das Gespräch stattfindet, wirklich stark moderiert von Hitzlsperger und eine pure Freude der Legende Gary Lineker zu zuhören. Find's auch klasse, dass hier keine deutsche Übersetzung vertont wurde 🙂
@MrChanolo 15 күн бұрын
England have a great team, but I just can't see how they can beat Spain the way they're playing. Yesterday it was ridiculous seeing the french players chasing the ball impotent and frustrated. They were losing 2-1 and it seemed like it was them waiting for the end of the game to come
@mcfch9625 15 күн бұрын
I am English and I agree 100%....Spain are a class apart and they are making all of the adjustments in the matches tactically to supplement the talent that they have.
@MrChanolo 15 күн бұрын
@@mcfch9625 Best of luck though!
@homerp.hendelbergenheinzel6649 15 күн бұрын
you cant see how they beat spain? just win the game. just win that one game. by scoring one more goal than them. its as simple as that. im 42 and im pretty sure i will see england and netherlands win something in my lifetime. they can do it, everything can happen, we not that since 2004. and england even doesnt need as much luck as the greeks.
@silewis9396 15 күн бұрын
@@homerp.hendelbergenheinzel6649 It's not that simple because Spain are incredible in possession and have many good goalscorers. England also does not have the underdog team spirit that many teams like Greece, Turkey or Albania have showed
@RyanKeane9 12 күн бұрын
You never know. It’s a funny old game.
@darrenwade3266 13 күн бұрын
Thomas, thanks for your time at West Ham. I was always a massive fan, you were a fucking beast. To Germany, thank you for a great tournament, however it ends.
@tomhermens7698 15 күн бұрын
Very good interview. Objectively Gary, well done.
@mth9979 15 күн бұрын
3 Dinge müssen gelobt werden. 1. Unsere Würstchen 2. Unsere Pünktlichkeit 3. Toni Kroos, der lebt zwar in Spanien aber wir wollen es trotzdem hören. ❤
@kapuzinergruft 3 күн бұрын
Der kulturelle Einfluss Deutschlands auf GB etwa gleichauf mit dem von Andorra... umgekehrt gewaltig. Für das größte Land der EU ein bisschen wenig. Selbst ein paar Jahre gearbeitet in GB.
@michaelkneale3825 15 күн бұрын
Excellent interview
@lukswlo 15 күн бұрын
richtig gutes interview
@green_wire 14 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker sympathisch wie immer❤
@etienneroberts9208 13 күн бұрын
As an English person it is nice to see a different perspective of the tournament. More of this please.
@klaus7227 15 күн бұрын
Einfach nur 👏
@RyanKeane9 12 күн бұрын
Really impressed with Thomas. I hope he does more of these interviews
@sukottora 14 күн бұрын
Forgive the comment in English, but I thought that was an excellent, insightful interview. Lineker is one of the greatest sports presenters on TV in any country but he often says he is not a footballing expert as there are many aspects of the game he doesn't understand, especially midfield play, but I think his analysis is always very good. I also like that despite the fact that England fans can be some of the worst in football and are often regarded in England as a national embarrassment (not all of them, but you know the sort I mean) Lineker shows there is a real love and respect for European football here in the UK.
@rogergoldman9375 15 күн бұрын
Der Hammer. Always a Villan.
@user-bb4on2sm3m 15 күн бұрын
Awesome and looking forward to visiting Berlin this Sunday. Come on 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@gattucio 12 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker könnte ich stundenlang zuhören - egal, welches Thema. And: Spain - Germany was the final already.
@fargodavilleitnotd6729 15 күн бұрын
Great stuff :)
@TB..... 12 күн бұрын
I'm going to Germany tonight to go to the final... A part of my excitement is visiting Germany. The people always seem classy and decent folk. I'm looking forward to meeting them.
@ritzberger8121 13 күн бұрын
Sehr, sehr gutes Interview, chapeau für das flüssige Englisch von T.H.
@beelez-xi1fi 12 күн бұрын
Great interview. Gary Lineker has been nothing but fair in his analysis and should be able to give his opinion on England's poor performances earlier in the tournament without reprisal. Long may he be the face of football on the BBC.
@mohammedmatagi7983 15 күн бұрын
handball rule should either be a deliberate handball, or if its accidental it should be given if it affects a potential goal
@n0name24 13 күн бұрын
Hat Hitzlsberger in England gespielt? Sein Englisch ist exzellent.
@lastpenny849 13 күн бұрын
Ja bei Aston Villa, 5-6 Jahre, danach West Ham, eine Saison und Everton 2.
@alchemistb 15 күн бұрын
Krakaur sausage m8 barbecued traditionally over coals (had 1 at the England V Denmark Fan Zone, 5 Euro ffs!). Turkish Dürüm (doner Kebab Wrap). My Fav = Mixed bag of Brötchens with a selection of Toppings: Frühstücksfleisch, Käses (various cheeses soft blue & hard), Pepper Mett (tata), Herrings etc Smoked Pork (Kessler) & sauerkraut (esp if drinking copiously) with Annas (Fresh Pineapple). I would have asked: Gary: Which German Wine you drinking, fav? Which snack Gary, do you have while watching a game? Walker Crisps Joke - my fav = Studentenfutter (Mixed nuts & raisins) & Lorenz Erdnuß Locken (a kind of Wotsits) various flavours, Wasabi
@HarmlessTed 15 күн бұрын
Great interview
@rl7586 14 күн бұрын
Curry Wurst great I love it Greetings from Australia 🇦🇺
@charlesparker6167 15 күн бұрын
Wie cool wäre das wenn England das Finale durch Elfmeterschießen gewinnt 😂
@martinkonig7202 15 күн бұрын
Both real gentlemen. Lineker a role model.
@user-cj1qc3cy3c 15 күн бұрын
Man merkt, dass sich die beiden respektieren
@timhoheisel8939 15 күн бұрын
Fantastic interview with a humble, former football superstar who got everything right; well, except his take on the penalty decision.
@bentwem3950 15 күн бұрын
what did he not get right?
@lunes-1 15 күн бұрын
Gary lineker to replace Southgate 😮
@holgerbock9838 15 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker for Germany
@edc1000 15 күн бұрын
Gary mate , we need a voice of reason, the world needs you, step up.
@midfielder8131 2 күн бұрын
My heart says England, my head says Spain! What a brilliant answer! I enjoyed every word of this conversation. And the German journalist was excellent. Real professional. It made my day.
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
I love Germany!!
@ndie8075 15 күн бұрын
@@dondamon4669 we love England
@AngelaMiles-o1p 15 күн бұрын
I love Thomas the hammer UTV
@FoxyFox999 14 күн бұрын
Hallo Gaz.
@carlkontermann5637 15 күн бұрын
"Berlin is a great city" ...oh you sweet summer child, Gary 😂
@HJU7 15 күн бұрын
Interessantes Interview das man auch als Nicht-Engländer gut versteht. Würde England auf der einen Seite den Titel gönnen , einfach weil sie so lange nichts gewonnen haben. Andererseits find ich es eine Schande mit so einem phantastischen Spielermaterial solch einen grausamen Fußball zu spielen....
@markusschmidt7513 15 күн бұрын
Lange nichts gewonnen ist ja noch eine leichte Untertreibung bei dem einen kläglichen WM-Titel von 66. Das Finale in Berlin wäre das erste internationale Finale, dass die Three Lions erreichen würden, dass nicht im Wembley Stadion stattfindet.
@fotoamateur1620 15 күн бұрын
"Spielermaterial" sagt man nicht, habe ich im ZDF gelernt 😅
@samsowden 12 күн бұрын
you can tell gary's a cricket fan by his appeal proposal xD
@Tilman9 15 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker als "BBC-Experte" im Titel anzukündigen ist eine absurde Untertreibung und Verkennung der Realität. 😀Immerhin im Text direkt besser gemacht.
@davidcarrol110 15 күн бұрын
England have shown the character of the old German mentality-very late equalisers,go 1-0 down and find a way to win. Expect to go 120 mins v Netherlands
@davehoward22 15 күн бұрын
suddenly getting good at penalties is helping😀
@memyselfandeye1 16 күн бұрын
Oh Iove,love,love Gary Linekers punditry on Football. It’s so exquisite! Recommend checking out his pod „the rest football“. So much fun to listen and to watch. ✨
@papael-seltastico704 15 күн бұрын
Stellt euch vor man hätte jemanden mit sozialer Kompetenz als Interviewer eingestellt oder nen guten deutschen Fußballer.
@wokeaf1337 15 күн бұрын
"Es kommt nicht darauf an wie man einen Turnier startet sondern wie man ihn beendet!" so, so, wie man ins Turnier startet ist also nicht wichtig...
@davehoward22 15 күн бұрын
so long as you dont drop too many points...Argentina ans spain won world cups after losing the opening game.Holland are in the semi after coming 3rd in the group
@wokeaf1337 15 күн бұрын
@@davehoward22 yeah and there are way more examples where teams got nuked out of the tournament after losing their first game.
@artisticKingfisher 15 күн бұрын
Einn Hoch auf die Qualität des öffentlichen Rundfunks!! Ein Genuss gegenüber manch anderem reißerischem Quatsch, den man insb. in den sogenannten "alternativen Medien" so sieht.
@jutswheezie 16 күн бұрын
I agree with Gary Lineker! Great expert - very nice man. I would not have given the penalty either because the Spain player did not intentionally try to stop the ball with his hand and I also think the rules need to be fixed. AI projected England will bring it home and although I think Spain is the best team of the tournament I wish the English well to finally do it!! And I loved our team during this tournament - I think there is a lot of potential and I had great fun
@badabing8884 15 күн бұрын
Thomas’s English puts a lot of English people’s English to shame.
@TheAciddropper 3 күн бұрын
Hitzlsperger mit angenehmerer und besserer Interviewführung als 95% der Sportjournalisten 😅
@mycosmos5234 15 күн бұрын
Cooler Typ, auch wie 2014 von unserer Mannschaft geschwärmt hat, alles bei KZbin zu finden, zeigt seine Größe.
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
Bellingham is England's problem as i don't think players like him and he's playing in Kane's position, Kane hasn't been a number 9 for years
@LostMonkh 8 күн бұрын
Thomas gut gekleidet. Gary im Pyjama 😂
@dpause10 16 күн бұрын
Ich kann die Meinung die man oft in diesen Tagen hört und die Lineker hier wieder mal aufgreift, dass uns nach 2014 die richtig guten Spieler gefehlt haben absolut nicht nachvollziehen! Mit Toni Kroos und Manuel Neuer allein hatten wir die vergangen 10 Jahre 2 absolute Ausnahmespieler. Und auch um diese 2 herum hatten wir stets Spieler die auf dem höchsten Niveau in Europa Fussball spielen. Die Probleme waren wohl doch viel mehr im Trainerstab bzw. im Umfeld.
@aldozilli1293 15 күн бұрын
Since 2014 those players have mostly been on a downward trajectory and not much new blood has come in. Compared to France, England and Spain Germany has not anywhere near as deep a squad of top players.
@dpause10 15 күн бұрын
@@aldozilli1293 I couldn't disagree more. Germany has had far worse teams be far more successful. And frankly in terms of talent and experience alone, the 2018 team was probably more packed than the 2014 team. Between Bayern consistently knocking on the door of Champions League victory and a number of our players collecting accolades abroad (not just Toni Kroos and his countless CL trophies) and considering that German youth teams have been extremely successful over the past 15 years with multiple championships at the Euros and World Cup, I think the argument that Germany didn't have the players is just nonsense. I will definitely agree that France in particular have been incredible over the past 10 years, but beyond that, there isn't a team in Europe that has had significantly more talent than Germany.
@aldozilli1293 14 күн бұрын
@@dpause10 England has the best tournament record of any European team since 2018.
@dpause10 14 күн бұрын
@@aldozilli1293 I am sure the French with 1 world cup, 2 world cup final appearances and 1 semifinal appearance would beg to differ, but sure England has done very well in the last 6 years! And if you want to include the 2016 finals at the Euros, France indeed have been the dominant force.
@aldozilli1293 14 күн бұрын
@@dpause10 England has made two semis and two finals in last 4 tournaments. That is actually better than France but agreed France did win one of those.
@willkronenberg3699 15 күн бұрын
Lineker-A real expert, not a self proclaimed one.
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
I don't think we have a better team than cole, Neville, Terry, Ferdinand, Beckham, Scholes, Gerrard, Lampard Owen, Rooney but they based it around Beckham who played wherever he wanted, never had a good gk, injuries,bad refereeing and had some terrible players like Mills, Murphy
@schmetterlingsfrequenz 15 күн бұрын
Don't forget: The English Women Team has won a title!
@davehoward22 15 күн бұрын
got to the world cup final aswell
@johnchristmas7522 10 күн бұрын
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
It wasn't English people racist towards Saka etc it was immigrants so im tired of tge English being racist narrative
@hnxry_752 15 күн бұрын
Lineker has grown on me as a pundit. However, his political views need to stay away as he is paid by the british public; he should remember that
@webMonkey_ 15 күн бұрын
Gammon alert
@ytnsanw 15 күн бұрын
He's perfectly entitled to express his views on platforms outside of the BBC. He has the right of free speech as a private citizen.
@hnxry_752 14 күн бұрын
@@ytnsanw it's in his contract he's not allowed to publicly be political 🤡
@hnxry_752 14 күн бұрын
@@webMonkey_ Monkey alert 🙊🫱🏼‍🫲🏿
@hnxry_752 14 күн бұрын
@@webMonkey_ monkey alert
@lilmoyinyang5812 14 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker is a knob
@yunuscobanoglu6136 15 күн бұрын
Gary Lineker in denial. England played the most boring football ever, barely winning against much inferior teams.
@davehoward22 15 күн бұрын
everyone knows this,including him
@MichaelH3948 15 күн бұрын
Single legged knockout tournaments are won with conservative approaches. There have barely been any sides in the last 50 years that have won international tournaments playing free-flowing attacking football
@Codex7777 13 күн бұрын
I guess you didn't bother listening to the interview then? lol. He pretty much said exactly that, at various points in the interview...
@VuclekBosnopurger 15 күн бұрын
Lineker: “Deutschland auf dem richtigen Weg” …und meint raus aus dem Turnier und lacht sich einen ab
@AmtmannAusTirol 16 күн бұрын
Lineker spricht Englisch; da bin ich mir sicher. Aber Hitzlspörga? Don‘t know
@MrJon909090 16 күн бұрын
Was genau meinst Du? Sein Englisch (Hitz)ist hervorragend!
@maat517 16 күн бұрын
​@@MrJon909090 enjoyable like lemon curd 😉
@tyronevaldez-kruger5313 16 күн бұрын
​@@maat517 Du verwechselst offensichtlich den England Experten Hitzlsperger. Ein Lodda Maddeus vielleicht?
@user-cj1qc3cy3c 16 күн бұрын
Thomas hitzelsperger hst doch auch in England gespielt, also spricht er englisch
@SmartVandelay 16 күн бұрын
Was ist das für ein Getrolle? Hitzlspergers Englisch ist sehr gut.
@midfielder8131 2 күн бұрын
Very good, very intelligent interview. Excellent questions excellent answers. I was delighted to follow this. It is so rare to hear Serious competent conversation about Football.
@midfielder8131 2 күн бұрын
Very good stuff.
@dondamon4669 15 күн бұрын
I don't think we have a better team than cole, Neville, Terry, Ferdinand, Beckham, Scholes, Gerrard, Lampard Owen, Rooney but they based it around Beckham who played wherever he wanted, never had a good gk, injuries,bad refereeing and had some terrible players like Mills, Murphy
@MichaelH3948 15 күн бұрын
Murphy never played at a tournament for England. Beckham only ever played on the right during that period and there's no-one else who could have played there instead of him
@thargoff 13 күн бұрын
Maybe the first eleven of England was stronger then if compared by position, but it would be close at least. But without delving into squads lists, I would think the quality of the squad overall, the squad depth is probably much better for you in England now.
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