@Jee Wei king 你要知道政治是没有你想象中的那么单纯的,假设今天当地反对党真的赢了,也未必能达到所谓的独立,毕竟还是存在很多的外在压力(可能会被中央政府对付等等),这个道理就有点像是PH的承认统考宣言一样,他们不是不想承认,而是以目前的情况承认了将会引起保守思维的人不满(他们是连签署ICERT,一个反种族歧视的东西都能反对的),另外,所谓的“本地政党”有时候只是来吸引选票的口号罢了,你知道的啦,那些政客在表面上好像都互相不满对方,其实在私底下都是好朋友,一起吃大鱼大肉,最后亏的只是人民。当然这次州选我也是支持pbk,aps,psb,就当作是给这些新党机会吧
Sabah and Sarawak is already independent. The matter is whether they wanted to exit the federation of Malaysia or not. Just like UK brexit, UK is an independent sovereign but left EU.
Of course want to independent better or worst need try only we know.
@adrianhiisssthecat37953 жыл бұрын
I used to wish for independence but it's nearly impossible and not a good idea especially in the pandemic decade like now. Internal factor: Do we have our own currency? Telephone code? URL address? Passport? Military defence? I don't see anything like these to be proposed. Speaking of military defence, here's the external factor: Whether UN will recognise or not, many new independent countries have terrible start. Some are concerned about that China can take the chance to bully new small countries with debt traps. I wonder which countries Sarawak will ally with? This plays a crucial role. As for Aspirasi, I suspect the founder has ties with China. I heard he is still working in a power plant in Guangzhou. And for Kenyalang, they are usually more like-minded but kind of weak, my region's candidate speaks rather terrible English as his ad suddenly popped up last night. In my best understanding and care, I voted for PH and I had no regret.
@小马-q4u3 жыл бұрын
If Malaysia split into two, neighbor countries will attack us and occupy our land.
@小马-q4u3 жыл бұрын
@Jee Wei king don't be too naive, if east Malaysia independent, Philippines, Indonesia or even Vietnam will invade us and occupied our land. Our land are rich with natural resources, they always eye on us.