0:05 4 minutes left 1:05 3 minutes left 2:05 2 minutes left 1/2 time of 4 mins 2:25 100 seconds left 2:35 90 seconds left 1m30s or also 1 1/2 mins 2:45 80 seconds left (1m20s) 2:55 70 seconds left (1m10s) 3:05 1 minute left (60s) 1/4 time of 4 mins 3:15 50 seconds left 3:25 40 seconds left 3:35 30 seconds left 1/8 time of 4 mins 3:45 20 seconds left 3:50 15 seconds left 1/16 time of 4 mins 3:55 10 3:56 9 3:57 8 3:58 7 3:59 6 4:00 5 4:01 4 4:02 3 4:03 2 4:04 1 4:05 Finish (times up.)