Becoming uncultured: going 100% sober

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@jamiewhite665 7 ай бұрын
Oh wow!!! That was beautifully said! I quit drinking a few months after my 60th birthday. I didn’t drink during the day, but found myself wanting to”just one more” before going to bed. I realized I was going down a slippery slope that was not going to end well. Plus, I was having pains in my liver/gallbladder area that the doctors couldn’t figure out. So I just quit! I told myself for just one month, because I know that if I tell myself “never”, i will become obsessed with it. I actually didn’t miss it & didn’t want it. A few times I’ve had a sip of someone else’s fancy drink or really good wine, & was so surprised at how much it burned my throat going down. (Esophageal cancer runs in my family, as well as “what can I fix for you to drink”, not meaning water or herbal tea). As you said, I’m so glad on so many levels I no longer drink. It’s been over 11 years now, and that feels so freeing!!! Plus, I wake up a happy person, rather than a grumpy one. Thanks again for this video 💖. I’ll see you in Phoenix!!!
@pamelaj888 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Kyle. I am one of those people who regretted drinking alcohol but never have regretted stopping. I haven't had any alcohol for more than 10 years, it's one of the best things I have ever done, I do not miss it at all. I am proud to be uncultured. 🥰
@karenschoessler1178 7 ай бұрын
I've been sober for 6 years. And I do not regret one day. The day that I went sober it was just like it was time.... And let me tell you the angels were very supportive. For many many weeks. We all celebrated on a daily basis. How beautiful life is without being attached to the alcohol
@jenniferhaan7639 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Kyle! I have been alcohol free for a year. I rarely drank anyway. I grew up in an abusive alcoholic home, so alcohol has a different kind of meaning to me. I’m very proud to say I don’t drink when asked what I’m having, or I will ask the bartender to make an alcohol free creation for me. They love that!! Our wonderful bodies are not built to filter alcohol and drugs and the damage appears later in life. Love your channel!!
@jeancawley3413 7 ай бұрын
I am alcohol free 10years now Kyle. I had been a binge drinker, most of my adult life. My mum passed 11years now, it was not long after that I started my spiritual journey. As with a lot of families mine was made worse, with parents who drank alcohol. I am now 67 and have been so proud to say, especially to people I haven't seen in a long time. I DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL, Anymore. Why are people so shocked when you say this. ❤
@wildsunne5673 7 ай бұрын
38 years ago a therapist asked me to be alcohol free for one month just to see what that felt like. And that was the end of it. It is one less potential catastrophe in my life, and all my time belongs to me. As an artist I cherish all the clear moments as I create very cool stuff. And tho my social decisions did indeed change, just like yours, I very much enjoy that consequence too. Lastly, single parenting was a million times easier without any of the challenges of drink added on top. Bold move Kyle. Huzzah.
@Hazeljones88 7 ай бұрын
Bravo Kyle 🌟 I am so proud of you and this message ! This is the best video for all who are making the conscious choice not to indulge in alcohol! I also live in Nova Scotia ( New Scotland ) where drinking alcohol is huge social occasion ! I am loving seeing this shift to alcohol free and all the benefits ! Many blessings and a BIG thank You for all your offerings 🌞 Hope you are back to Canada soon ! 💕
@shannonseymour6213 7 ай бұрын
I was never a big drinker but decided at the end of 2023 , I no longer wanted alcohol. Best decision, discovered some awesome alcohol free wine . Thank you for this video ❤
@marnyr9610 7 ай бұрын
I'm allergic to alcohol and end up in hospital even from herbal medicine, I realised the people I was going out with weren't friends because they used to think it was funny to get me a spiked drink, but there's nothing funny about being sent in an ambulance to hospital because someone else thinks it's funny to see what happens, needless to say that group of people were not in my social group very long at all. Thanks Kyle for the interesting talks.
@chrisbryson6309 7 ай бұрын
So true about perspective on non drinkers. My grandparents would not have my family at the house when relatives visited because my parents were non drinkers and they all were. Don't know anything about my extended family because of this
@TedGeiss 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this!! I stopped drinking alcohol 26 months ago. Best thing I ever did!! ❤
@etherealintuitions 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I love how you said what you said! ❤️ I chose to quit alcohol 32 yrs and 9mo.’s ago. I live just out of Milwaukee, WI and again it has ranked topping out, both for the state and the city, on the list of alcoholism in the USA. So, there is just to much to say there but as you said it is not the easy in a ‘culture’ of alcohol every where all the time and every one. I really don’t even think about it any more when I have been out. But, especially for the younger crowd, I would love to hear about some of your alcohol free drinks, and sugar/gluten free is such an awesome bonus!!!!! I’m right there too. lol Love how you shine your truth!!!!! Man what a special teacher you are!!! Oh, and I just love your wonderful, and honest, humor!!! ❤❤❤
@fionahailstone1508 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing, I’ve been completely alcohol free for a few years now by choice. The benefits really do outweigh drinking every time. ❤
@firecrackerkitten4907 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, Kyle! 💖✨🙏 I have been struggling with drinking most of my adult life, and coincidentally shortly after my Chiron return in May, I just intuitively had a feeling that I have amazing psychic &/or healing gifts coming my way, but the Universe knows that I am not able to handle these gifts, always under the influence of alcohol in some way. I absolutely know that I lose my spiritual connection whenever I drink and of course the days following. So I’ve been viewing this challenge as God‘s ultimatum for me: “do you want psychic gifts? Or do you want to selfishly keep drinking and stay stuck in your life?” I am ready for my gifts and to fully realize my soul’s purpose here! I am 15 days sober today and super excited for the future! 🔥✨🤩
@juliedeaver2173 7 ай бұрын
I have been moving towards fully sober. The social side is the part I am gradually changing. Thank you for sharing your story and insight about the culture! ❤
@Indra_CR 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. I am completely agree with you. I have a similar story and I realised that when you decide not to drink (being completely sober) some people lose their interest in your friendship. Well, that results tells a lot about them...and it brings new people in our lives.❤
@colleenmcconville4072 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Kyle, have no problem anymore saying I don’t drink and asking for something alcohol free. I don’t miss the hangover at all. Thanks for all you do
@annschurman8624 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Kyle. I’ve come out so many times too. I also don’t drink much, and I have never regretted NOT drinking. I ve only regretted it each time I’ve been drinking. Now as my body is ascending, many elements of my health have changed. I wasn’t able to dye my hair, alcohol, even if a small amount, doesn’t agree with me. I gave up gluten and processed food including most excess sugar in foods. It’s my higher self talking to me. I feel so much better! Thanks for coming count once again. You’ve helped many ppl with courage to make it much easier for them to make this healthy choice. Much gratitude.
@mswalk9 7 ай бұрын
The culture is in Scotland is very similar to Australia..I use to drink like a fish but I would lucky now if I have one a year.. I think it good to have things in moderation..
@lk0608 7 ай бұрын
Love this attitude especially around calling the drinks alcohol free. 💕
@stephaniegooglyeyes8749 7 ай бұрын
THIS! It's been 4 years for me. I am from a state that literally "worships" drinking (WI). They're super proud of being the drunkest state. I feel like a bit of an outcast here, and lost a lot of "friends" but I love the Lake to much to go :D
@zhmw 7 ай бұрын
I really tried to enjoy alcohol drinks but I just didn't like getting light-headed and I would feel light-headed, just after 1/2 glass of wine and I couldn't find a wine that I liked the taste. So, I gave up trying to find an alcohol drink I liked. And now, I really enjoy tea, a cup of black tea is so comfy, and green tea is so meditative and calming.
@lilliannehenderson6337 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. I couldn't agree more. I have found this to be true too!!!!
@melody8diamond 7 ай бұрын
@julieensey3634 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your 2 years.
@donnabronner4837 3 ай бұрын
Yup. Been "uncultured" for many years. Even at church, people don't get it. Saves me a bunch of money, brain, and liver cells.
@kevans763 7 ай бұрын
Since my spirituality has come to the fore front I don't like alcohol anymore.
@susanzolton6730 7 ай бұрын
I love the visual of “shitting” yourself lol. I remember doing that. I like the word “unculturing” also ❤
@terrykayb1236 7 ай бұрын
@sandrae5609 7 ай бұрын
I’m so very happy for you! Thank you for sharing your story. I don’t drink for 3 reasons. 1. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. 2. It truly is poison that is being consumed. 3. Most importantly, to support my sober daughter. It’s so important to be ourselves and not allow others to make us feel bad about our choices. It’s their problem not ours.
@gillhiggins2613 7 ай бұрын
Hey Kyle, I did the wheat free no alcohol, for my health and problems back in 1997. Other people reaction can be quite bizarre and sometimes even quite aggressive. I realised those people usually have a relationship with alcohol that isn’t good, so see you as the mirror they’d like to be looking in, so never take it personally! I’ve also been accused of not being fun, by a friends friend, she had to go home early as she was so drunk, and I was last woman standing! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻I would encourage people to become uncultured, just for the experience, you’ll be shocked at how alcohol rules society! Be a rebel become uncultured! ❤
@lunalucid 7 ай бұрын
Lol We're the same age, I grew up in Germany - it's very similar here. Especially beer, I guess. 😂 And I'm having to guess because I've never drunk (no, not even once), never smoked, never consumed any other drugs, except for chocolate occasionally. 😂 I just didn't want to, so I said no. As a consequence I wasn't invited to parties unless people knew I didn't drink and figured it would be handy to have someone sober enough to drive them back home, in which case I declined. I went to a bar a couple of times in my 20s because an acquaintance worked there and more than once I had to stand up and end conversations abruptly because someone repeatedly tried to talk me into consuming alcohol or other drugs. So I left. I have zero regrets. I feel that I didn't miss out on anything because of my choice, most certainly not on "life", nor on "social life" as people often claimed. Sure, not everyone understood and respected my boundaries, but those weren't the friends I wanted in my life anyway. I wasn't interested in connections that needed alcohol as some sort of glue. Interestingly, being my own best friend and upholding my boundaries may have played a key role in ultimately finding those who could become real friends, even if it took a while. I guess the 2 cents I'm trying to add here with this monologue is: You don't have to start and stop to experience the benefits! 😂 I'm under the impression that there are more and more young people questioning how normalized drinking has become in the society they live in and even though I couldn't have cared less about being an outsider I really hope that more kids will have it easier and not even be drawn into this entire thing. And I'm all for supporting this. So thank you for sharing your story, Kyle!
@pierrettescarr1655 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this Kyle. I grew up in a drinking culture. In my younger years, I drank just because my friends and family drank, not because I enjoyed it. I got older, wiser and got married, and I am proud to say that my husband and I have been alcohol free for over 30 years now and never regretted it! We have stood up to family and friends who did not want to respect our choice of not drinking; it hasn't been easy but we have won the battle! Over the years, we have avoided parties and family gatherings specifically because of the drinking and how it affect some people and again, no regrets. I strongly believe alcohol is not needed in order to have a good time. Our three children grew up in an alcohol free home and now in their 20s, they very rarely drink alcohol and are more inclined to try alcohol free drinks!
@innerpeacewithdenise 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I need alcohol free and sugar free that’s not water 😂. I end up drinking water in a wine glass most of the time. I just quit weed in November and been off the booze almost 2 years …. Feels so much better
@cbecketmoon3358 7 ай бұрын
ok kyle! excellent just excellent. i consciously chose to quit drinking altogether about 5 years ago because I didn’t want to experience the low I was having every weekend… (and that was from one martini!) I was like … “why am I doing this every weekend to my body, and how would it feel if I didn’t? “…I am also an avid meditator/yogi/must-at-some-point-come-out-as-an-angelic )… thanks again for supporting those of us who have “uncultured “ ourselves. So much fun and liberating to be on the other side of all that toxic nonsense-- keep rockin kyle, you make this heart sing and remind me of who I am 🤗😇💙🦋
@Onecent703 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for leading the way for others to follow! I quit 35 years ago but I needed AA and I have never regretted my decision. I learned tools to help me to deal with emotions which I had been stuffing down with alcohol. 🙏❤️
@grizeldaxxx4568 7 ай бұрын
I hear You Kyle, we have the same sort of "culture" here in New Zealand. I also figured out that I started to drink in my teens , to shut the voices up, and dull the pain of my Childhood. Over the early years I put myself in some dodgy situations through self loathing and shame( which I finally figured wasn't even Mine to own), which of course added another layer. I did start to heal the many layers , and gradually slowed down my drinking as well. Then one day I read how even a month not drinking will be great for Your health , and on April Fools day ( perfect day in my opinion lol ) I decided OK ... I did not have any problems stopping and also got creative with creating drinks ..or even Coconut water and Mint .. and of course Water... one month turned to 2 ...then a Year and next April Fools it will be 5 . So many changes including peeling back the Layers of the Almighty Onion , clearing old voices and Being able the Hear "The Whisperings"of Higher Self . I did find going to Parties became a bit boring as I observed the shift in energies , so would leave then . It is interesting seeing the root meaning of Alcohol too x ... The word “alcohol” is said to come from the Arabic word “Al-kuhl” which translates to “body-eating spirit”
@MissDoreen 7 ай бұрын
Kyle, I hope you’re having a lovely evening! Thank you so much for all of your wisdom, love and support! Wishing you a bless Imbolc and play beautiful new super moon the first super New Moon of 2024. Amen and so it is.🙏🏽💜🥰
@michelecourage6501 7 ай бұрын
I have never actually enjoyed alcohol and growing up watched the effects of it on people with dismay. I never could understand the grip that it has on most people. As you say it is a culture. I also have on many occasion when I was younger, felt like I was pushed to the outside of the circle. I think I have always also been very aware of my souls wish not to let my defences down and keep my energy field clear. It does explain the lower vibrations people always feel during and after using alcohol or drugs. As we raise or vibrations we will naturally step away from anything that changes or alters and interferes with our vibrational field.
@SilviaN1 7 ай бұрын
I don´t drink alcohol either. I´m 49 years old, and I have only been drunk 3 times in my life. So I have tried drinking, but it´s just not for me. Don´t like it. As a teenager I pretended to drink. I walked around with a beer, so no one asked, why I wasn´t drinking. Today I don´t pretend to drink. I just don´t do it.
@susievanacounselling4924 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your honesty Kyle and inspiring words. I have just done dry January but am drinking again. Although it feels great being sober, i find it hard to keep going. Your video has given me a nudge to get back on the sober path, thank you 🙏🙏
@Tinyteacher1111 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations! You are doing the right thing! I know from having close family members having alcohol addictions. Bless you❣️🙏
@annamariagustafsson3852 7 ай бұрын
Great, congratulations! 🥰 Yes we surely start to drink alchohol to fit in to the culture. We long for connection so much and we hope alcohol might be the solution. But when someone embraces the culture too much and becomes addicted they might be excluded from society at large..
@jowatson2231 7 ай бұрын
I've done this!!!!!! Feel AMAZING. Totally recommend it. There was and is stigma, but if they're true friends, they'll understand, if not, they are not people you need in your vibe ❤❤❤
@albertawalters3731 7 ай бұрын
Bravo for you! Bless😇
@LF-Loud 7 ай бұрын
I have an autoimmune issue, not celiac. Drinking and eating so many things makes me sick.
@susanrodman9384 7 ай бұрын
Bravo, Kyle, and thank you for sharing! I thought I liked drinking wine until I did dry January this year.I started drinking daily when I retired and I lost 3 family members in three years (6 yrs ago)so I drank daily to cope and thought I liked it. Once I finished January alcohol free I decided to stay that way. (I don’t like the term “getting sober because I never got drunk) I feel soooo much better physically, mentally and spiritually! My eyes are open and I’m so thankful. So, what’s this with you being a witch? I’d love to hear more……
@GoldenBirdBrain 7 ай бұрын
Yes, please do a post or video on your favorite alcohol free drinks! Thank you for posting this-love and blessings to you.
@jos4650 7 ай бұрын
Thank you amazing share❤️❤️
@ConfettiTornado 7 ай бұрын
Hi Kyle, Thank you for sharing this! I was sober for two years many years ago, and was surrounded by “pushers” - I felt like the weird one 🤣 -people are cooler about it now. But as I “flirted” back and forth with leaving it, those 2 yrs were the beginning of a beautiful clarity that I had never had since I had my first drink when I was 12. As I look at it now I became sort of married to it. It was consistent (I knew exactly what I was getting) -it was something that always comforted me (sad!) and I knew it would always be there for me -until I realized that it was an abusive relationship that made me ill and that’s not a relationship that I will have in my life at all, ever again. So today, as I am committed to myself and my health, that includes no abusive relationships of any kind -and I’m so excited about the future! There’s already a lot more early mornings, energy, clarity, time, and money, honey! Bye booze, bye! 😂❤🎉💸
@kristinzajdel7901 7 ай бұрын
Bravo! I am 6.5 years sober and it’s been amazing 🎉 I love your bowls and your decks and books are fantastic too!
@RachaelCrowDrums 7 ай бұрын
YES LOVE you shared your story- I'm 22 years sober after growing up in an alcoholic home, i think theres such a social accpetance around alcohol but it holds a destructive energy and these places that serve it are full of entities ! The amazing book Esoteric Healing has photos of "spirits" that attach themselves to drinkers.
@barbaravasey8912 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. ❤
@jeannemitchell5135 7 ай бұрын
Sober-Curious. Love it!
@therainlover1834 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Kyle! I am considering going 100% sober and this video was really helpful and encouraging :) xx
@ulayee9927 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for that! That’s the first time someone speaks of this. My first step on my spiritual journey was quitting cigarettes. Quitting made me realize that I needed to learn to be able to face my feelings and fears. I decided I was strong enough to sit with uncomfortable emotions. I decided I could handle them. From that moment on cigarettes became useless. I have been smoke free for 24 years now. It came to me as a surprise that with quitting cigarettes I lost interest in alcohol as well. I realized I didn’t like anything that was controlling me. I’m nearly free of alcohol since then as well. I don’t enjoy it at all. The smallest amount gives me the funny buzz that is very unpleasant. I don’t need it at all. You are right about that becoming awkward socially though. People really have their ways of making you feel strange, or guilty about your non drinking choice. They feel betrayed by you. How dare you? Do you think you are better than me? Although I get it, a drink enjoys a company. It’s not as fun to drink by yourself. Although to some people my choice of not to drink feels threatening. It’s bizarre. Sometimes I’d get something small just to get people off my case. Anyway, funny enough, I too have food sensitivity to brewers and baker’s yeast and wheat. I guess I have a good excuse not to drink though.
@emilylacasse1 7 ай бұрын
Awesome, Kyle! Love this episode! I, too, have been alcohol free for a bit now and that was inspired by you ❤ I'm part of your Angel Team and Raise your Vibrations. I love how I feel. Yes, please, I'd love to see a video of your favorite alcohol free drinks. ❤❤❤
@kkeen1450 7 ай бұрын
This was Great Kyle 💖 I've been alcohol free for many, many years now and like you, I have absolutely no regrets about that choice. Much later though I discovered I was gluten intolerant, and giving up alcohol was NOTHING compared to giving up my favorite foods. Thanks for sharing "Becoming Uncultured". When I first looked at the title to this post I thought it said "Becoming uncluttered" I thought maybe you were going to point out to us that Angels won't show up if your place is "cluttered"! 😇 🤔🤭😅🤣
@desigeorgieva5705 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, Kyle!!! I was thinking about this recently, and the video came in the best possible time for me as a clear sign and idea how to try being alcohol-free. Thank you 🙏🏻
@brianmaureenzeehlorentz1926 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic! I love this. Thank you for bringing this up to the table. We need to "shout" this out very loudly! Peace xx
@doynamite 7 ай бұрын
Hi Kyle! I chose to stop drinking about a year ago and absolutely love it. It feel wonderful to have the choice, and to be more present. Would love to know your top alcohol free drinks!!!!
@heatherlee111 7 ай бұрын
Yes, please post some of your favorite yummy alcohol free drinks! I've really been cutting back. Lately, I'd rather have herbal tea. 😊 I used to have a glass of wine every day after work, but I am finding out that the further I get into my spiritual journey the less I want that wine. Great video!
@fm2078 7 ай бұрын
Can you imagine a civilization where drinking poison was so popular that everyone drank poison almost everyday! Cause that’s what alcohol is to our bodies…poison.
@johnmcdonough5514 7 ай бұрын
Great Video Kyle! Just being brave enough to tackle this topic! After reiki atunements my and the detox I felt little need to drink.. it really becomes only a sociable thing occasionally with certain friends, the rest of the time, I don't even think about it.
@dianehummel6969 7 ай бұрын
This is so great been alcohol free for over 30 years due to being sugar free and gluten free and yes friends and family can be difficult and just don’t get it after years they still ask “do u want some wine”…NOoooo!
@missb2580 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Kyle - you do make me smile & I love listening to you. I am 23 years sober - it's been hard at times but I never regretted it. Sometimes it's hard just being yourself with nothing to hide behind and we have to learn to accept who we are and the right people with stick with us. At least now I know every decision I have made has been made sober with a clear head. I think accepting who we are is the only way we can move forward in this world and if others don't like who we are that is their fault not ours. Alcohol can only ever dull our pain it never makes it go away 😇💕
@josephinesheninahmeylandch3219 7 ай бұрын
👏 Congratulation Kyle Gray💌, whit what, i have personlig, been, 100 % sober, sins🪽 d 8 december🪽 2002 🌱💚 💪 ♾️🕊🤍🧜‍♀️ But starten on, Minosoda On Majorgården Nordsjælland Denmark 🇩🇰Januar/ Februar in 6 weeks in year 2003 anyway. 🙏Wish you💋 all, the very Best, with what, a life with out alkohol 🍀🙋‍♀️🛡🙏
@shaunmarsh8328 7 ай бұрын
My whole family was from Scotland, I’m the only Canadian born…happy to report I’m now free of alcohol also 🙏 congratulations Kyle ♥️
@CandiJadeMoon 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for a great video Kyle. I joined a friend in being sober for three months about five years ago now. I realised then that alcohol made me depressed and feel lousy so I just never went back to it, don't miss it at all.
@StephanieLevy-pk5yj 7 ай бұрын
My AF story is very different and yet the result is the same. You just planted some fertile seeds. Beautiful share! Thank you
@Amanda_Butterfly 7 ай бұрын
I've never drank really. Used to have the occasional baileys "to be socialble" but haven't for ages and honestly I'd rather have a pot of tea!
@reikiuly 7 ай бұрын
I think that is Awesome, and I am uncultured myself :)
@mariann962 7 ай бұрын
going on nearly 3 years being sober and loving it. The unculturing in Denmark too :-)
@debbie5128 7 ай бұрын
@user-kl2ss8zs1n 7 ай бұрын
@Quinn222 7 ай бұрын
Good on you ! I quit alcohol 9 years ago and realised you don't need it to have a good time 😊
@traceywahl9490 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Kyle. I’ve recently given up alcohol and I feel much better already and losing weight. I was getting so fed up of having a bad stomach the following day and feeling low. Thanks again 💞💞
@laurenanderson161 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! You put this so well, it makes some people so uneasy to be around a sober person. Drinking started to fall away, then I started noticing the people around me drinking, what an eye opener.
@margaret6168 7 ай бұрын
I’m doing it!. I’m going alcohol free. I’ve done it before and I did feel better. What you said makes a lot of sense, and I don’t need to fit in. Thanks for this, Kyle.
@tinabramley6515 7 ай бұрын
I just can't physically tolerate alcohol anymore, and I don't think I can energetically tolerate it either. Same with substances like THC (even the medicinal stuff). Both make me feel ungrounded, uncentred and open to any old energy that wants to attach itself to me.
@jenniferhaan7639 7 ай бұрын
Lower vibrational energy looks to attach to the lower vibration people are at when drinking or using drugs. Good for you to notice this!!
@sivtapper2300 14 күн бұрын
I still drink sometimes even if never been a heavy drinker. I used to like whiskey and Gin and tonic. but today I almost can't drink that much especially since I become a reikimaster. I feel that my body dosent like it any more. I have a lot of alcohol in my home, but for the moment only guest drinks it. I know I still can drink whiskey and G&T but I have to tell my body days before if I'm going to a party och shall drink with friends. But I know that I'm soon will be stop drinking. Alcohol free drinks seems like something I will go for next. Thank you for your lovely energies.
@iamjackbalfour 7 ай бұрын
Coming up for two years. Best choice ever. Recommend anyone to make the leap and see how they feel 😊🙏🏼 Nice video, Kyle!
@KerryMcCabe-s5r 2 ай бұрын
I love this so much, thankyou for bringing this issue to light 🙏 My daughter and I have talked about this a lot as she has recently made the decision not to drink alcohol, as it makes her feel awful. I haven’t drank alcohol for years and I’m so glad I don’t. Really we need to reculture and realise how bad alcohol is for you and stop making it a social norm. Where we live it sounds similar to where you live. Drinking alcohol is an acceptable societal norm and used as a way to socialise most of the time. Choosing not to drink can be isolating as a result but I’m so glad I don’t do it any more and love living a hangover free life 🎉
@SilviaErhard 7 ай бұрын
So cool, so true ... thank you, Kyle. Greetings from beer-drinking Bavaria 💞👋
@debracisneroshhp2827 7 ай бұрын
Kyle, You are such a bright, ray of sunshine on this cloudy, rainy Southern California day__I so appreciate your Energy! You presented this subject with 'no judgements', offering another option for others to grow into their best Self. I always remember you saying, "I never mix my [S]pirits!" 😱😹😛 Love, Light, and Blessings. 🙏😇✨💫🌱🌿🌻🐝🌳🌎💖🙌😺
@SpiritualGiraffe3000 7 ай бұрын
KYLE i loved your video I WISH i had your video many years ago I AM SURE IT WILL HELP MANYTHAT IS VERY LOVING OF YOU i love your videos may you be blessed lots of love
@arynmcnichol6989 7 ай бұрын
This is great! I stopped drinking because it aggravates my anxiety. Most of my friends are BIG drinkers, but they totally support me. Still, this was really helpful. Thank you, always ❤❤❤you have great courage and that’s contagious ❤
@marthanichols8536 Ай бұрын
I don't think it's that kind of mock, it's mock as in faux, like mock turtle soup : )
@GeorgiexoxoTV 7 ай бұрын
Love this SO much Kyle! Growing up in the early 2000s and then going to Uni in the 2010 years not drinking was so hard as I was bullied terribly for it. I just knew from childhood that drinking wasn't something I ever wanted to do. In the last few days I have noticed so many of my friends are now not drinking as well and I adore the present evenings we can have together :) xoxo
@louisegreen9888 7 ай бұрын
I'm up for an alcohol-free drinks video 🙋🏻‍♀️😄 I think the more spiritually connected you are the more alcohol makes you feel poorly and you really just can't see the point or need for it. I was dependent on alcohol after my mum passed & I couldn't imagine going without alcohol to cope with the pain & grief I was feeling. But with time & friends in very high places 😇 I eventually sought help & got myself back to being just an occasional drinker. After having my children & over time becoming more spiritually aware I completely went off it and the smell of beer makes me feel sick 🤢 I can't really deal with the energy in a pub anymore it makes me feel overwhelmed. I recently went to a mediums night at a pub (I only went to support my friend) and I'm glad I did my Angelic protection 101 beforehand and I had to clear myself when I returned! It was horrendous! Don't mix your spirits guys 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would be interested to know your take on this Kyle?
@KStompin 7 ай бұрын
Oh this video totally resonated with me! Due to some healing ceremonies I had been partaking in, I realized just how much alcohol has influenced my life! I'm 46 years old, in Canada with a Scottish/English/Icelandic ancestry living in a rural area where this same "culture" is very much a part of. Once I had stopped drinking and eating gluten, processed and not as healthy foods I had the same beautiful revelation that is the best healthiest and most healing decision I could have ever made for myself! My spiritual experience has also accelerated upwards to the point I went through a full Spiritual Ascension process! I've 100% not been drinking since October. It's so beautiful! Thank you for sharing, it helps keep it real for others! I recently just discovered non-alcoholic wine! So fun!! ❤🎉
@SpiritMystery777 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Kyle! I have had family (Aunts, cousins) think I was weird for giving up alcohol. I would love if you did a segment on sweet non-alcoholic drinks. I always loved the fruity sugary stuff, but I need to watch my sugar due to gout. So, sweet low sugar stuff would be ideal! Thanks again! Love you and your keen fashion sense!
@sueschneider7722 7 ай бұрын
Kyle, I love you so much! I met you in person at Omega 5 years ago with Rebecca Campbell. I’ve been following you for many years before Omega. Your teachings have changed my life. I will become uncultured!
@KarenLawana 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Kyle! I have been sober for a short time now, and it is so inspiring for me to hear stories of sobriety from people I respect, like you and Collette Baron-Reid. My personal story is different than yours and Collette's, of course, as we all have our own paths. But it's so refreshing to hear stories of others that are reaping the benefits of being alcohol-free. Yes, I am embracing being uncultured!
@wisewomaninsights 7 ай бұрын
I haven’t had any alcohol since the first week of January and I’m not interested in going back to it. That’s not to say I won’t enjoy a top notch glass of wine from my dad’s cellar at Christmas, because I enjoy that, but I’ll be attending two events in the next few weeks where I won’t be drinking because I don’t want to. It’ll be expected of me, but that’s not my problem. It’s my choice not to.
@TheNellyusa 7 ай бұрын
I am choosing to be uncultured!! Since the beginning of this year I stopped drinking alcohol 🍷 And I’m feeling awesome and no regrets at all not missing it a bit 🥰 Much love dear Kyle/teacher ❤️❤️
@jkiddo4254 4 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I'm from your neck of the woods and totally hear you.... I hardly ever drink now and def feel better for it and had the same socially with folk not getting it. Ah well! Lovely to hear you talk about this 💕
@HeatherAgosta 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to hear about your favorite alcohol-free beverages. I'm really into carbonated hop drinks these days. I love herby carbonated bevvies without sugar. Cheers!
@charmaineg.9527 7 ай бұрын
Love this message! Thank you so much for sharing this, Kyle. And yes, it would be super interest to hear about the alcohol free beverages that are available. Bless ⭐️🙏🏻🩷
@Zsuzsanna66 7 ай бұрын
I'm so happy for you, Kyle, also I'm very proud of you! And congrats on your "coming out" in this subject. I'm from Hungary and alcohol is a big part of our culture but I couldn't be more uncultured 😊 Much love! ❤
@kimphillips9406 7 ай бұрын
I'm personally not interested in full-on sobriety, but I'd love a way to relax and quiet my mind that doesn't revolve around drinks. Meditation works, no doubt, but it's anti-social and rather time consuming. How can I find the relaxation of a glass of wine in another form? Any ideas? Thank you!
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