Many thanks! Although, I don't understand Japanese, but I can always recognize & appreciate a good teacher. I have learned a lot from watching your videos. Thank you for sharing your talent with rest of the world.
@AKIDancingLifeLog Жыл бұрын
Wow , I can't find my word.Thank you very much for your comment. I hope someday I can made Eng ver. Thank you too!
確かに、音環境が整ってると尚更とっても爽快な気分になりますよね☺️ 最近はパパママクラスなどをやっているスタジオもあるので、もしタイミング合えば探してみてください〜☺️ 私もまだまだ未熟ですが、引き続ききままに踊り続けたいと思います♬ 曲はRave at Night /Tobias Bergson Music Playlist(でも使ってます☺️