Рет қаралды 72
Talk to Benedict Encumberyak in the building just north-west of the Varrock lodestone, near Charlie the Tramp.
First, after initiating the miniquest, Go to Varrock Palace to collect the fox pelt. At the top floor of the north-western tower.
Then the Al Kharid Palace and Het's Oasis items can be done relatively quickly.
Then roof of Al Kharid Palace to find the toffee apple (top of the western stairs). The Het's Oasis item is right in front of the Statue of Het.
The White Wolf Mountain and Grand Tree items should be next via the Gnome Glider. At the grand tree climb down the ladder and the beam should be south of the Gnome guards.
Take the Lumbridge Lodestone and take the stairs to the top of the castle. The item is north of the bank, top of the stairs.
Go to Castle Wars. The item is located North-West of the Saradomin portal.
Go to Varrock, or use the Earth Altar teleport (Wicked Hood), the Invitation Box, the Skeletal horror Teleport, or the Fort Forinthry lodestone. Then walk to Paterdomus. The item is near the beacon, south of the temple.
Use the Wicked hood to reach the Runespan item (Low level Runespan portal).
Then use the nearby fairy ring outside of the Wizard's Tower (or a Portable fairy ring) to complete the Polypore Dungeon item (code BIP) (near the exam centre) and the Mudskipper Point item (code AIQ), as well as using the Legends' Guild fairy ring (code BLR) to travel to the Sorcerer's Tower top floor item.
Take the Bandit Camp, the Al Kharid Lodestone or use the grouping system to teleport to Liberation of Mazcab to tackle the Tuska's Corpse and Mazcab items.
Teleport to Falador, either using the Lodestone or the Falador Teleport to obtain the Falador Castle item. It is located on the top floor of the west side of the castle, near Commander Zilyana and the herb patch.
Finally, use Ashdale's Lodestone or a Games Necklace to reach Ashdale's item. It is located south of the lodestone, next to Magda.
#HimmelAce #Runescape