ዮርዳ ብዙሕ ሰብ ኣሕምማ ኢያ.. Sex ግበሩ እንዳበለት ዓያሹ ኣወዳት ይሰምዑ ግበሩና. መዓክታዊ.. ጅግና ሓያል ክብሊኦም ይገብርወን.. ገሊኡ ዓሻ.3-5 ንለይቲ ይገብር.. ወለል ኢልዎ ኣይሰርሕ ኣይምሃር Intelligent men they do less sex.. To reserve their energy.. Use it to get degrees and work hard be rich... I ve never seen promiscuous men and women strong and healthy.. Especially all.. Prostitute are mentally and physically sick. Like yordanos, monkia..Etc Be smart.. Be conscious of your body mind spirit.. After evry activity,. Sex,, drink food... Even persons you meet.. If it is bad.. Stay away 😊
@shishaydrar9825 Жыл бұрын
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