One of main reasons why my English is still not enough to go to a graduate school is that I don't have a proper environment for keeping learng English. I don't have family or friends to talk when I am on off duty. Even when I am at home, I don't watch TV or listen to a radio because of no interest. So, how can I practice English? If I wanted to maintain this life style and the present job, I guess my English would be enough, but I want to get promoted and work as an educator or a specialist. Definitely English skills are crucial for that. So, I decided to change my situation. I started to watch movies in Neflix and purchased off line Learning English Courses, so I listen to dialogues and I speak to my virtual English teachers. Surely, I can say that I am getting help to build my English vocabulary skills from Uncle Jack. P.S: I have never watched any TV series Uncle Jack mentioned except Friends, but now I am considering to watch some of them if they are in Neflix. Thank for the information.