I have travelled to all these 10 Western countries many times over the last thirty - five years. I do not agree with the ranking because the cost of living, racism, taxation, welfare services and cultural issues are not clearly factored in.
@sashamocha77202 жыл бұрын
@juncui5242 жыл бұрын
@qixianing53602 жыл бұрын
@@sashamocha7720 ,移民中介排的吧!大环境下中国人最不该去的就是这些地方!
@食德系福2 жыл бұрын
True. 😎🤗👍I agree too. Not enough elements if talking about retirement life...
新西兰公民可以凭新西兰护照在澳洲无限期居留,学习,工作,也享有澳洲居民的医疗福利(失业救济金除外), 反之不少澳洲人也选择在新西兰生活,尤其在新西兰退休。这两个国家是关系不是普通的密切。但是气候方面两国的差别还是挺大的。新西兰常年气候宜人夏天气温通常也不超过30度C,南北岛都有长年积雪的山峰。澳洲除了塔斯马尼亚之外几乎与冰雪无缘,夏天气温高达45度C并不少见。 有不少来自中国的老人在取得新西兰护照之后便前往澳洲与孩子团聚,反之亦然。 引用两国移民局网站的片段:新西兰公民抵澳时可获得Special Category visa that means you can live, study and work in Australia for as long as you like。 If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident you can visit, work and live in New Zealand. You do not need a visa before you travel to New Zealand