Ah I was looking for something like Things I can use on my windows pc and has a one-time purchase option. Hate subscriptions.
@edpf85Ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. I really love Note Plan on my part! I have been using many apps… it is the one I prefer.
@zyan...24 күн бұрын
I particularly use Microsoft To Do and I think it's incredible and simple, one of the reasons I don't replace it is that there is no open source that is similar or superior to it.
@DannyHatcherTechАй бұрын
Hmm... interesting you had MS To Do but not Google tasks 🤷♂ Akiflow, Sunsama and Motion but not Morgen 🤔 These lists are always intriguing to watch. Thanks for the video!
@toolfinderhqАй бұрын
Akiflow, Sunsama and Motion are more task first. Morgen is almost there 😉 Google Tasks is more of a downgrade from Todoist, whereas MS To-Do has sharing abilities and better list management. That’s the logic aha.
@oarthurmarquezАй бұрын
Hey, which camera and lens do you use?
@doobiedouglasАй бұрын
Google tasks are always left out 😢
@zyan...24 күн бұрын
I tried to use it once, it didn't seem good for my use, maybe that's one of the reasons it didn't appear...
@ericl3441Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video.
@AlNemecАй бұрын
I feel out of the loop. Is todoist making changes that has folks looking elsewhere?
@toolfinderhqАй бұрын
Nope. Just for people who are looking for tools like Todoist, but they missed the mark on impressing them.
@botistelockhart5078Ай бұрын
Sorted 3 is dead ,
@CrazyDriverSwedАй бұрын
Maybe the most unnecessary video on youtube. There simply are no alternatives to Todoist. :)