Thematic vs Technical Storytelling

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@superequinox4185 2 жыл бұрын
Idk about the whitebeard critique. Oda thoroughly set him up as a guy who *was* a gigachad, but clearly "over the hill" by the events of one piece. The first time we even see him in a book he has an oxygen pump, IV drip and is surrounded by nurses. Not seeing him win a fight in the story doesn't matter to me because it's implied he's won *many* fights in the past.
@itsblitz4437 2 жыл бұрын
100th Like 👍 here.
@sheenyhive 2 жыл бұрын
Iirc he was also stabbed through the gut by one of his crewmates. So he went into the fight with a massive handicap. Plus the mini heart attack that got him a magma punch through the chest. Oda went out of his way to cripple Whitebeard so that he didn't end the plot early.
@orbboom6119 2 жыл бұрын
Yeh the whole point is that even as a old ass dying man he's still such a threat to the WG and still almost got marineford destroyed and got ace out.
@C_Neutral Жыл бұрын
The war also inversely showcases Shanks' apparently insane power. When fighting Whitebeard, the Marines are obviously aware that the only reason they have a chance is because he's already significantly handicapped, but he is still a significant threat despite that. It has already been noted at this point that Shanks is no longer in his prime since losing his dominant arm, a significant handicap. Yet despite this, after WB's death and the fight becoming one-sided in the Marines' favor, Shanks has so much clout that he can still just pull up and single-handedly end the war just by demanding it.
@ZhaneDFrost 7 ай бұрын
@@C_Neutral his clout isn't the only thing that stops the war though. As cool as he is on that scene, his whole entire crew's clout and the fact that both side in the war had severely received so much damages are also major factors. And Shanks was clearly in his prime. When he lost his arm to save Luffy he hasn't reached his Prime yet. So it doesn't make sense for you to say Shanks is no longer in his Prime since he hasn't reached it yet when he lost his arm. And the fact that he has almost ten years to actually fight with his other arm. Losing a limb isn't a massive handicap as much as you think especially when you have an admiral who's literally blind existing being one of the strongest character in the story.
@ligmafigma9631 2 жыл бұрын
Aw sweet. Hey Lois, it's another bestguyever one piece video
@BestGuyEver 2 жыл бұрын
@zoulzopan 2 жыл бұрын
@@BestGuyEver ch 1044 reveal review??
@BestGuyEver 2 жыл бұрын
@@zoulzopan Doing those over on the Talking Pirates channel now, mang. It's up over there now, check the description for the link.
@zoulzopan 2 жыл бұрын
@@BestGuyEver I see thanks
@alphayell4598 2 жыл бұрын
Well One Piece is surprisingly only a small part! The main talk is about the different ways of storytelling!
@HyperbolicTendencies 2 жыл бұрын
You’re touching something here that’s been huge in the realm of film criticism on KZbin. Some youtubers will review movies as thematic experiences, and others will mock that notion, promoting ideas like “themes don’t save a poorly written story”. I think it’s refreshing to see someone acknowledge that these are essentially two sides, and not one of them is inherently right.
@itsblitz4437 2 жыл бұрын
Huh never realizes like that.
@truegamerking 2 жыл бұрын
I mean Just because someone says something has a theme doesn't make it good. You have to earn that theme through a well written narrative.
@DeadEndFrog Жыл бұрын
@@truegamerking thats the disagreement tho, great works of art usually have both, so that debate doesn't come up, its only when a piece lacks one of the two that people disagree. I personally prefer themes, narrative is highly overrated and usually falls into generic categories where the heroes journey is the most generic of them all, after a while its all too predictable, so i can't enjoy it, while themes can save even the worst pieces of trash. Thats subjectivity for ya The more interesting debate is between character and story writing in service of what? If it all follows the same beats, whats the point? Great characters can save a movie, great story can save terrible characters, great structure (tho rare, can save both) and themes have the same power. Thats preference for ya thankfully great works usually have it all
@truegamerking Жыл бұрын
@DeadEndFrog ok, so let me write you a story quick. Little Susey wanted to be an artist. She picked up a pencil and began to draw. Before long, she was the best artist in her class. As she grew up, she wanted to be a basketball player on the varsity team. After trying out, she became the best player in her division. In college, she wanted to be valedictorian, and by the time she graduated, she had done it. Susey's dream job was a particle physicist, a career which she was able to find and stay very happy with until she retired. A clear theme throughout this story is the ability to do anything you set your mind to with enough work and effort. Do you feel this story earned this theme? Do you think knowing this theme made the story better? I feel character writing and an internally consistent plot, along with a well-defined goal of what you want the story to be are the real factors that lead to a piece of writing being good. A well written story is the goal. A good theme is just a bonus. As for stories falling into specific archetypes, themes are no different. It's all about the implementation and the writing.
@DeadEndFrog Жыл бұрын
@@truegamerking i would count that as a terrible story that got saved by the theme, If she didnt change her desires and merely did what she wanted the first time around and was happy, then the theme wouldnt be as powerfull. The true comparason would now be to see how a story that you prefer would compare If it had the same lenght
@skeletingking 2 жыл бұрын
Disagree on Whitebeard, fights aren't everything, and Marineford were literally the last gasps of a dying old man. We see him go toe to toe with Roger in flashbacks, matching him in his prime. Just because when he shows up as a DYING OLD MAN and THEN EXPECTEDLY DIES doesn't mean you should respect him any less. He put Akainu and Blackbeard on his ass after being stabbed, filled with magma, shot and cut and penetrated by with hundred of wounds from that battle ALONE. Man literally BROKE Marineford but yes respect him less because durr 0-1.
@BinaryDood 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that sort of just cements some of Nate's aparent inability to grasp stakes. Even the dichotomy he made of "Thematic vs Technical" is a false binary. Just an easy way for him to come to terms with some prevalent problems he has with media, when there are far more strings on that web. Even if I buy into his "technical" viewpoint, there are multiple moments leading to Whitebeards defeat such as Marco's thoughts on him cutting himself off from the machines keeping him alive, his loss of his observation haki, him struggling with his heart, all things that insinuate WB being close to death. That is why this video is not very useful sans for a single viewpoint, puts multiple different aspects under the same umbrela, often conflating things that belong to the side not being talked about, from lack of understanding or omission. It's all just preferences at the end of the day, but one must also put themselves on the spot when doing something like this if they are to honest with themselves. Watch yourself saying all these things, who is that person? Does that tell me more about you or the subject of the thing you talk about? Because this barely told me anything about any of the media he spoke of (the ones that I already knew on my own), but told me a lot about Nate. That he is someone who needs to place an artificial ruler on top of what are, after all is said and done, absurdist fictions that were maleable from the start, and that obfuscates some other aspects going on in the things he likes.
@NotSomeJustinWithoutAMoustache 2 жыл бұрын
@@BinaryDood Is that Sans intentional or did the autocorrect kick in I can't really understand that part
@MichaelPhillips-jw4bj 2 жыл бұрын
​@@BinaryDood LOL It doesn't ''sorta cement'' anything . What are we ten years old? He has bad take on WB so lets extend that his entire view point? ' ''he doesn't like WB therefore his argument, every other argument and human existence is wrong'' You know you have too meet some burdern of proof for those claims you made right? "Thematic vs Technical" is a false binary'' ? How so?
@That_One_Guy-. 2 жыл бұрын
While I agree that fights arent everything, they are still a part of the manga that Oda decided to focus on, and thus is only reasonable that poeple would give them importance, after all, the narrative itself does.
@BinaryDood 2 жыл бұрын
@@MichaelPhillips-jw4bj I did not mean to say that he is wrong about other arguments. If "cements" or "proves" is too strong then use "points at". I did give some examples, but once again, that doesnt expand to every argument in existance. As for the false binary... ah, I could explain if I get the time and patience. But so far i'm not in a good spot, im sorry. Idk, try look it up. Essentially they aren't of equivalent measure. If you broaden fictions as things to be experience in the larger scope of life, then suddenly, out of its abstract box, technicalities become far less important than thematic components due to how it correlates to other facets of human sciences/experiences etc. Technicalities are left to the technical, equation, engineering, management, beaurocracy. Stories, if anything, get us away from that. The level of A+B=C discussed here is too hard for a soft art. Which is more so than even the normative sciences which incentivate intuition and personal experience on top of theory. A story is far softer and more maleable than that. Probably not the best explanation I could give but its my best for the moment.
@Toblinorino 2 жыл бұрын
I hope your doing ok Nate. It’s all gonna be ok.
@YeorickGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I liked Belle quite a bit, but to be fair for me it was a spectacle film. I was entirely enthralled by the visuals and music so the story flaws sort of fell to the wayside. I've sold it to my friends by describing it as: Beauty and the Beast, but its in an MMO and the villains are Reddit Mods and Trauma.
@thecoolerrats7144 2 жыл бұрын
The way Best Guy describes the song in Belle reminds me of one of the songs in Encanto. It’s one of my favorite songs, but Surface Pressure has the problem of not fitting the framing of the rest of the songs that happen in the movie. Like the other songs happen in the real world, or in the special magic spaces of their rooms, or with use of powers, but Surface Pressure happens like it’s in a room, but happens in the real world, yes she uses her powers, but her powers don’t involve the kind of things that show up.
@invictus_1245 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree the story telling definitely fell flat compared to the music and visuals but the visuals were amazing 3d anime never looked better. I think it might have been better served being made into a bunch of short 4-10 minute music videos that relied on visual and musical story telling instead of a full length movie where stilted story telling hurts it leaving more up to the watchers interpretation than what they explicitly tell us.
@razkable 2 жыл бұрын
I think he brought up good points...girls like emotional themes and fantasy and fairy tail stuff like signing...they don't think too much about rules and technical aspects to fiction aka how things work set up rules applications and little parts of world building as much as the big important media magic imagination escape stuff we project onto that conflicts with logic in our brains sometimes...I think girls thus can love something but not fully get it either so thas why they love it over emotions and not logic...if they thought about it more they may hate boys do..thus it's easier to make media for girls I feel...they accept anything
@GamerSisters 2 жыл бұрын
@@razkable It's not a girl thing.... It's just that some people like something to turn your brain off and not think about the technical stuff. I think about the technical stuff a lot and I know many others that do also. I do think that this movie was targeted to audiences that like Disney stuff, though, that would be more accurate.
@husk9835 2 жыл бұрын
you're selling it well
@16JPE 2 жыл бұрын
Technical movie: give me answers!! Thematic movie: we don’t do that here.
@TheLouis6555 2 жыл бұрын
I only saw Belle once, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I assumed the bruises on Beast were meant to imply that he was indeed being physically abused by his father, leaving no room for interpretation.
@benjunker 2 жыл бұрын
Have you ever read/watched World Trigger? It's one of the best technical execution of fights I've seen in anime/manga
@ThisAlbino 2 жыл бұрын
I'd go so far as to say the best. It also deserves recognition for the way it keeps its massive cast of characters relevant and interesting. Man I love World Trigger.
@treesaregreen 2 жыл бұрын
I love it too, mainly for the technical aspect, the realistic social interactions and slight politics
@_heartunderblade2451 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t it make less sense of Whitebeard won? He is in declining health, nowhere near his peak, and still managing to take on not one, but all three admirals. I feel like after getting stabbed by an ally, then an intense fight with Kizaru, expecting a man who is past his physical peak to defeat the strongest admiral is more of a stretch. If anything Oda was being the technical writer in this particular example
@mrbanks456 Жыл бұрын
His strength isn't even what makes him one of my favorite characters. I love Whitebeard because of how compassionate of a character he is. He's a saint among all the scum and villainy. A crew member could stab him in the back and he won't retaliate because he genuinely cares for them.
@Copefiend 2 жыл бұрын
One of my favourite fights in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was Risotto vs Doppio, because of how well it ebbed and flowed between technical and thematic storytelling. On the technical side, almost everything made sense, as a logical extension of both men's powersets; Risotto deducing the identity of Doppio by pointing out his reaction to Aerosmith, Doppio using one of the knives to magnetically point to the camouflaged Risotto, Doppio using King Crimson's future sight to predict how Risotto would kill him (which is then recontextualised at the end of the fight). On the thematic end, we're shown early on that Risotto is extremely focused on his mission, never letting his emotions get in the way of an assassination. In a grim and ironic twist, he was so obsessed and emotionally charged with revenge on his former boss, that he was blindsided and killed by Aerosmith. It's an incredible microcosm of the series as a whole, where Araki can tell grand narratives with clearly defined themes, while intricately writing his battles to an almost autistically technical level.
@venturelord32 2 жыл бұрын
Good point. I think Araki's Stand system is very good for this; the thematic side is the "foundation," every stand represents the core traits and personalities of their wielder, but the deductions that have to be made in the fights between Stand users are what allow him to create satisfying technical combat on top of that (plus each fight is a result of very different people and their goal/ideals clashing).
@pandaman2234 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's important to distinguish 2 types of thematic non technical stories. Like for example. A movie like Eraserhead that never makes any attempt to exist in reality, and is purely emotion and them, is fine. I think that this is only really a problem when a movie tries to present itself in a grounded way but then doesn't pay attention to that. Like If Belle was just an actual fairytale and not set in a game, most of that stuff wouldn't be a problem.
@papaaeon7210 2 жыл бұрын
thinking about this, while I do think that overall a theme that resonates with me is more important than technical "suspension of disbelief stuff" upon reflecting I do realize I greatly enjoy stories like Tower of God/Hardcore Leveling Warrior for the aspects of just having power systems with a lot more to sink your teeth into, or "skill wank" as it's affectionately called.
@justintsui2522 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, you fool! Don't you see, Suzue has Conqueror's Haki!
@curgunner 2 жыл бұрын
Actually a great tool for breaking down some of the issues I’ve had with certian shows. Definitely tend to lean on the technical side with what I enjoy.
@beatgu 2 жыл бұрын
You ever considered taking a crack at writing a story yourself, Señor Greatest Fella Eternally?
@BestGuyEver 2 жыл бұрын
I've dabbled, but I should do more sometime tbh, if for no other reason than to better understand the fiction writing process.
@beatgu 2 жыл бұрын
@@BestGuyEver well I'd certainly pay above retail price for a book written by you.
@jojonta2119 2 жыл бұрын
One Piece pic and "storytelling" in the same thumbnail is an instant click for me
@the_echoYT 2 жыл бұрын
Man Digimon was not brought up enough for this topic when its entire premise blends technical and thematic storytelling Specifically in Our War Game, Diaboromon is defeated with *both* axioms. The bonds between Taichi, Yamato, Agumon and Gabumon combined with the collective will of humanity who are physically watching the fight online give birth to the miracle evolution Omegamon. But on top of that, the overwhelming support being sent to Taichi and Koushiro through e-mail, which is a major endgame obstacle, is redirected to Diaboromon in order to cripple his processing speed and allow Omegamon to deal the finishing blow. I think that's why OWG and Omegamon landed so intensely and are still to this day iconic, defining elements of the franchise. It creates a very technically narrative for almost its entire runtime while seeding that thematic undertone (following up from Adventure before it) until it pulls both of them together for that final catharsis. Digimon as a whole is constantly juggling these two ideas in its very premise, the Digimon being very technical in their nature and construction while their interfacing with humans introduces a more loose, magical and thematic bond. To varying degrees of success, of course.
@joha5943 Жыл бұрын
His criticism of Kenji "going sicko mode" on the math problems at the end of Summer Wars is beyond bizarre. He was writing things down to keep track of the information, and when his time was dwindling down to nothing, he stopped writing things down to save those precious extra seconds. He didn't suddenly become able to do giga math, like Nate implied, Kenji took a huge risk doing the math in his head, and that risk payed off.
@magnolia4493 2 жыл бұрын
As I see it, being able to appreciate "thematic" storytelling is what separates the art enthusiasts from the avid cinema sins viewer
@Tohlemiach 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been having the same sort of thoughts for a while now actually, so having terms for these two things is really helpful. I basically noticed that I was being a hypocrite at one point because when it came to stories I liked, I could justify the weak technical details because the aesthetics and themes really spoke to me. Then I would criticize other shows for having weak technical details and people would defend it on the grounds of its themes and aesthetics. Demon Slayer has been the bane of my existence for this very reason. I dropped the show at episode 19 of season 1, which is funny because that’s the very episode that made it go viral on twitter. I couldn’t stand that every single fight up to that point just boiled down to an overconfident enemy winning the fight for the whole episode until the author just decided that the hero now understands what to do and goes sicko mode as the enemy is bewildered as to how they could possibly be defeated by a mere mortal. Then, to devote the most gorgeous sequence of animation I’d ever seen in my life to yet another ass pull (that immediately gets nullified in the following scene, btw) just felt too insulting to continue subjecting myself to. For some reason, however, this just does not seem to bother anyone else. People constantly use the excuse of “yeah the story is simplistic, but it’s good enough and is really carried by the characters” except the characters are all boilerplate as well. At this point it may seem like I’m just making the case for how I’m obviously in the right and only idiots would disagree with me, but even though that is in fact the case, it’s still going to continue to be an argument I will never win because sometimes a piece of art just captivates you in such a way that no level of poor writing can shake your love for it. I would know, since I’m a huge fan of the FFXIII trilogy. In my defense, I readily admit the stories are poorly told, confusing, and as a result not enjoyable, but the music, art style, and just the *feeling* of those games makes my heart melt. I guess it’s the same way for people who love Demon Slayer. Anyways, yeah, it’s an interesting problem that I think will forever plague the space of critical media consumption. Would love for more people to recognize this and be aware of their own biases and be able to admit when something has poor technical storytelling even if the thematic storytelling resonated with them.
@graylightning4181 2 жыл бұрын
Dropped Semen Slayer at ep 19 BASED
@devfromthebay2587 2 жыл бұрын
I was typing a bunch of paragraphs but then I realized its 2 AM so I'll just say READ THE MANGA Dropped episode 6, read the manga in a day, they're separate beasts
@Tohlemiach 2 жыл бұрын
@@devfromthebay2587 that's good to know. If the action goes faster in the manga I think I could handle it. I read Promised Neverland after what happened to season 2, and it was still fairly enjoyable even if most of the action was very technically weak.
@s3studios597 2 жыл бұрын
@@devfromthebay2587 Nah. Demon Slayer manga has the same poor storytelling and characters, just without the amazing production value to carry it and overall mediocre art.
@devfromthebay2587 2 жыл бұрын
@@s3studios597 Basic and poor aren't synonyms. If you're a fan of Japanese culture you'll appreciate it more.
@miamiyeah 2 жыл бұрын
Yea basically we want to be emotionally invested with the themes but need it be logically sound so we are sucked out of it
@SchmitzCinemaStudies 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that Belle is more thematic then technical and played its worldbuilding loose. However after they located where the Beast was, one of the older women did call the equivalent of Japanese social services. But they said something about not being able to come for 3 days because of a rule. So Suzu went right away. You're correct that the father could still do something worse to the boys right after she left but it didn't bother me much because there was an established government safety net coming soon to help.
@FlippySuper 2 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with what you said about the way they let the kids with the father at the end, it was a very dumb way to end it, and especially baffling after they tried to take the abuse so seriously.
@miyamotomusashi6450 2 жыл бұрын
I find it very interesting that Nates biggest problem with the chimera ant arc is what many people that dislike Skypeia say about that arc.
@TheBmb-ki8gj 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the first few parts of the video when you were talking about Belle and Summer Wars, but when you got to the One Piece section I really couldn’t agree with most of it. Some of the problems you brought up just weren’t things that I personally would EVER consider problems, I didn’t think they’re failures of technical storytelling at all. Just my opinion though, good video anyhow.
@andrewcampbell9277 2 жыл бұрын
Aw hell yeah it's my chance to pretend that I have a friend that's into One Piece
@6187490 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of summer wars i dont think he was activating 100% of his brain or whatever to solve an equation he didnt understand, what i got was that he was solving the same incredibly long and complicated equation he previously had to write down in meticulous detail. He only did that because they didnt have time to write it.
@EdgardoJCruz-dk5kv 2 жыл бұрын
Actually the father really did get physically abusive. That is why when in U pm The Dragon/Beast gets new bruises at several moments in the film. This is also why the Angel or the little brother could be seen still on the ground or very weak. His brother is shielding by taking the abuse for him. Hence why he instinctual need to flinch and hunch over in pain. It very much implied that during moments where gained new marks is that he was being hit in real time. Also it’s implied that Suzu looks like the their dead mother. Hence the dad had a “my god what I done moment” when seeing what could be the “ghost” of his wife. Though I admit there needed to be some proper resolution regarding the boys.
@Achalacha 2 жыл бұрын
Very interestiing. Now with these notions and your discussion, I understand better some clash with my friends about One piece and another shows. I'm more of a technical guy, I love to analyse the paneling/production and the things that make sense.
@KingOfHart34 2 жыл бұрын
Brah, don't question it. All you need to do to stop abuse is to just stand there. Guaranteed to end it. Then you can leave them with their abuser and mot bring the authorities into the picture at all.
@razkable 2 жыл бұрын
It's like in karate kid..instead of go to the police for a restraining order tell his mom or train him in actual martial arts miyagi chooses instead to make daniel was cars paint fences and sand floors...then is shocked when he is scarred and confused and starts getting hurt by experienced fighters he set the boy up to fight in a tourney he didn't know anything about smdh...really? I get he needed a trustworthy male figure role model and discipline plus respect and a mentality to channel his energy to tasks at hand but man...there has got to be an easier way than what he went through
@KingOfHart34 2 жыл бұрын
@@razkable Pretty much, haha
@TetrisChemist 2 жыл бұрын
my satisfaction with Belle was partially watching it at an exact time in my life when something like that could be at the height of resonance and it also being mainly a thematic and emotional piece over a technical experience. so needless to say, I quite enjoyed it. Granted I think watching it or listening to the music not through a theatre's sound system on a big screen as well takes away some of the impact.
@StephySon 2 жыл бұрын
I felt like it took me to a dream watching it
@hounddogs3048 2 жыл бұрын
Those Leyndell knights are owning your ass because you're not running enough vigor
@saucepirate8970 2 жыл бұрын
The end of summer wars where he "goes sicko mode" on the math problem isn't how math works. But the is a flow state you can reach when doing math where a large amount of what your doing you can do in your head. While writing is important for checks it technically isnt necessary for the pure computation. It's not what it is in the movie but I always thought it achieved the perfect emotional effect for what it feels like.
@mrbanks456 Жыл бұрын
Whitebeard's strength... IS NOT WHAT MAKES HIM COOL. You're missing the forest for the trees, Guy.
@GodswillUgwaJr 2 жыл бұрын
I felt I was the only one that disliked Belle and you said everything I felt so well including my issues with Luffy vs Katakuri and much more. I definitely grew from this talk
@starburstlover363 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who adores both Summer Wars and beauty and the beast style stories I was so excited for Belle and it just... did not work for me. You pretty much put my exact issues with it into words. I was honestly floored when I heard it got a standing ovation at the cannes film festival but, rethinking it after your video, I think I can finally understand how the themes would be moving enough for that. Definitly glad other people could get something out of it at the very least. Though, for me personally, nothing in it came anywhere close to the way some of those scenes with the grandmother move me in Summer Wars.
@StephySon 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry you didn’t like it. One of my friends said that, but me and my other friend adored it. It’s been interesting hearing the different thoughts on the film
@petercao1671 2 жыл бұрын
In my head canon the older kid took the younger kid with him to social services or something.
@pyrodontcutoffsoldiershand2746 2 жыл бұрын
Be careful, Digibro burned himself due to engaging in the same kind of madman's knowledge
@zoulzopan 2 жыл бұрын
What did he say and what happened?
@Exciya 2 жыл бұрын
@@zoulzopan Now you know that there is smoke, go find the fire. This is not the time or place.
@cookechris28 2 жыл бұрын
@@Exciya Correct response. Constantly discussing other people in comment sections is a plague.
@zoulzopan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Exciya all right screw it not worth
@choroyexplota 2 жыл бұрын
that nigga trooned out. clearly something was wrong from the start
@Robersora 2 жыл бұрын
I’m thoroughly in the camp of feeling it, that’s why I enjoy Ghibli and Your Name
@FafliXx 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get how you can call any Luffy or Zorro fights technical. None of them are really won through strategy, or some carefully laid plan that is executed. They always win by having "stronger wills" than their opponents, and getting up one more time. Half the time they pull out a new technique mid fight to win. Zorro and Luffy fights are literally just better executed versions of Fairy Tail fights. In general, the idea of technical and thematic storytelling being entirely separate is also obviously not true. They ideally work together, building on each other. Also on a slightly different note, the main problem with Wano isn't really that the fights are not technical enough. They are not very well paced. Simply too many characters.
@KirbySonicTeam 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a term I’ve been using lately to help myself understand why I like certain fights, and that is “conceptual power scaling” With these over the top characters in Shonen we obviously have to suspend our disbelief and take on faith a lot of the time when a hit is hard enough to take down an opponent. We don’t usually account for internal bleeding, whiplash, etc. For the Rob Lucci example, we have seen how far Luffy has come on his journey and how many times he has grit his teeth and taken punishment for the sake of his crew. So the concept of Luffy just punching really really REALLY hard to protect his friends works, because my belief that all of those punches from Luffy are the hardest he could possibly punch far out weighs my belief that Lucci and his will to fight for the world government could withstand those blows. As another example, in issue 175 of the Archie sonic the hedgehog comics we see Eggman absolutely curb stomp Sonic with this new mech he’s invented. It is obviously just expected that Sonic can beat Eggman, he does it all the time, so why do I buy that Eggman could with this fight? Well, first of all because Eggman had burned Sonic’s home to the ground PERMANENTLY, a location we’ve been in for 170+ issues, and captured all of his friends and family of his entire village into life sucking pods. So you feel the overbearing nature of Eggman over an alone Sonic. And second because the mech is armored with the ball and chain from the first sonic boss (a weapon you can’t damage), spikes on the body, and a bumper as a shield, which again in the games, is a field hazard sonic cannot break and actively deflects sonic. So when Sonic literally runs so fast he makes it to the other side of the continent and then back at Eggman in mere seconds I buy that Eggman can withstand the blow. Because conceptually everything frames Eggman as being above Sonic, mentally and physically. Even if I can’t know how hard everyone is hitting.
@HeyFella 2 жыл бұрын
This was great. It perfectly breaks down the difference between approaches. I happen to fall into the more thematic storytelling side of things than you but I appreciate your technical perspective even when I disagree heavily. I think the most recent chapter of One Piece and that talked about reveal deserves its own video. Thematically I think it contradicts things we love about the series and technically can be picked apart as well. The One Piece community both from the KZbinr side who seem to have some weird financial incentive to avoid criticism of the series and the fans who are plagued by “toxic positivity” need someone to get the message out. I think you’re the only person who could articulate it well. Again we all like the power up on the surface and I even like the clever meta aspects of it but it’s the context behind it that is the problem.
@animemasterbeats458 2 жыл бұрын
I couldnt have said it any better. I also am not a big fan of the current one piece chapter on a thematic standpoint and yes I really agree with you that people are sucking Oda's dick way too much rn and are scared of criticizing him. Nevertheless, one piece is still in my top 5 but it really has been disappointing these past few chapters.
@karma7892 2 жыл бұрын
how does it thematically contradict things "we" love about the series? lol I would love to have to talk about it if you care to expand instead of using vague buzzwords
@karma7892 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure you're articulate enough to expand on your argument ? if you have an actual argument that is
@laststrike4411 2 жыл бұрын
@@karma7892 You sound like an @sshole who would stretch the "debate" out into a war of attrition for the last word.
@clydu91 2 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, this is gonna be... interesting. And slightly unhinged.
@unowenwasholo 2 жыл бұрын
Preface: I'm going to reiterate a lot of what you said just using different words. I think you hit the nail on the head, so just take it as affirmation. I'm not media-literate, but one term I think is heavily applicable to the "Why This Matters" section of the video is "Suspension of Disbelief". I think this is the main threshold a story with implausible or magical elements battles with. Even the most 100% technically accurate story requires a little from the audience in terms of this when it comes to introducing anything that's not founded purely in the reality we live. That is to say, all stories because there is always going to be conveniences or things that get glossed over so that the story can be told without the details bogging it down. Also, nobody will ever write the "perfect story" so there's that. So to bring it together, I would say/agree that the thematic aspects are required to hook the audience and get them invested in the story and its message / payoff. The technical aspects are required so that they are allowed to suspend their disbelief without feeling like they're just getting strung along by a story that doesn't care about or take the care to ground details and make them relatable.* I think you brought up a great point that I think is applicable here: that the audience member's willingness to let their belief continue to be suspended, and so their sensitivity to certain types of inconsistencies or gaps in knowledge will determine whether or not a certain story will turn them off. I was thinking about this recently, how I love Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song despite being able to point out flaws that I really wish weren't there (mostly so that I could enjoy it more from the technical aspect). The theme hits me so hard, that I could likely give the benefit of the doubt if there were large plot holes; though, I would like it less if any of those conflicted with the themes that keep me invested. There are minor qualms I have with lack of information in some of the events, but I can handwave those because I want to and they don't mean that anything that did happen couldn't have. On the other hand, a lot of people like Re:Zero which is ironically written by the same author. I cannot stand Re:Zero. The reason is because I perceive too many technical inconsistencies with Subaru as a character and some with the pacing of the story. I like the rest of the world and the theming in the story. However, I cannot relate to Subaru in the slightest and I don't feel like the story has done a good job in making someone like me invested in his plight. As a result of these things, I feel no reason to suspend my disbelief for any of these flaws. Furthermore, there are things about Subaru as a MC that actively disappointment me, I feel like I'm being played by the author to elicit sympathy. Regardless of Subaru being in an objectively crappy situation, it feels overdone and manipulative. This serves to amplify my dissatisfaction with anything I'd already be critical of. If I try to, I can find aspects to praise about Re:Zero, but it will always go back to "but Subaru". It is because of this that I can understand that people that do relate to or don't mind Subaru would easily find Re:Zero to be an interesting and worthwhile story. *And maybe that's the crux (that you had said in the conclusion), Relatability. Can you relate to a stretchy boy on his quest to be the king in a world of pirates and magical fruit. Not in a literal sense. But if the premise alone doesn't turn you off and you begin to suspend your disbelief, and then you are given the information you need to accept that the things he does is plausible within the universe that's being told, it's likely that the thing that will make or break the story for you is how well you can relate to the character(s) in the story. That is to say, that you understand their motivations and how those motivations led to their actions. All the better if there's a specific theme or message or struggle that they're dealing with that allows you to move beyond sympathy into empathy. Anywho, great vid. You truly are the best BestGuyEver ever.
@kinshred1222 2 жыл бұрын
I can feel my MMICUL rising babyyyy
@jorgevargas3186 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@mrbro6882 2 жыл бұрын
Been watching your content since late 2017. Love your content!
@festa1999 2 жыл бұрын
In my recent re-watch of summer wars, I noticed mc reading about "Shor's factorization algorithm" in a few second scene in the beginning of the film. I though that was neat, so he's implying that is how mc solves the security questions. As to how realistic a human can do that (the film also said something about 30 or so people solving it in just a few hours), well considering it's designed for quantum computers and even those still can't do huge numbers it's completely fantastic. The movie has tons of questions like that such as what is OZ running on, but it is really fine though and I found new appreciation for the film.
@comicconman8826 2 жыл бұрын
"Greed island is better than chimara ant arc" Bad opinion detected
@BinaryDood 2 жыл бұрын
It takes a special type of insanity to think Greed Island is better than Chimera Ant Arc.
@turtlecosmic Жыл бұрын
“useless captain mid” hearing this after shanks did him in 😂😂😂😂
@zelskzerker2815 2 жыл бұрын
Planet With was the first anime to make me ponder this concept, because the anime is pure theme. The reason characters win fights is purely thematic, with no in-universe rationale. Personally, I am big on theme so I much prefer this to the polar opposite, but I can still see how infuriating it may be for some people for things to just occur. Heres to that Biscuit Hammer, by the same author, is just as theme heavy.
@thomasdevenish865 2 жыл бұрын
So this is actually very similar to a debate that has gone on for years in the western fantasy fiction world: soft magic vs hard magic. To give the brief breakdown, soft magic is the less well explained and much more malleable type of magic - it can do whatever the author wants it to do. Hard magic is the much more technical "this has a set of rules around which it works and you know what they are" type of fantasy power. The arguments for soft magic is that it retains the actual sense of something genuinely 'magical' and other-worldly, it still 'feels' magical and the more you explain how everything works the more mundane it all becomes and the less impact it has. This type of magic does, however, run the risk of resulting in author saving throws where they write themselves into a corner and just use magic to solve the problems. Generally you'll find the best soft magic actually has a few harder elements to it or at the very least costs and balances OR it is more used in instances that are not directly tied to how the characters solve problems. Hard magic really puts the emphasis on the skill and problem-solving capabilities or the characters. You as a reader know the rules and so the satisfaction comes from the characters finding solutions to their problems within the bounds of the system that has been presented. Conversely, it runs the risk of, as mentioned above, making the magical aspects of the story feel quite mundane and not truly 'magical' per se. Hunter x Hunter is one of the best examples of hard magic there is because it has space for softer concepts (specialists come to mind) and, because of conditions and limitations, can be pushed into the realm of almost anything being possible which for sure inspires that same 'magical' feeling of softer magic systems. However, where the comparison here breaks down is that, when well written, both types of system are very much workable and don't have to compromise the integrity of the story, whereas with thematic storytelling I think you really can just undermine your themes by neglecting the technical side of the story. Granted, if you're intentionally trying to create a weird dreamlike experimental film or something, having it be predominantly thematic makes a lot of sense, but the more you ground your work in a real or at least realistic space which has the pretenses of a consistent world, the less liberty you have in how much you can neglect your technical story for the purposes of thematic fulfillment. Personally, I think the best stories manage to achieve both very well - there is technical AND thematic fulfillment achieved without compromising one or the other. Very hard to do well but worth it I think. And just on Spiral Power in Gurren Lagann, I feel like the whole point of that is that it really is just a 'soft' magic that has the power to basically do anything. I never really got the impression that there was anything particularly technical about it which was also kind've the point - it represents unlimited freedom and really only has the limit that it will destroy everything if it goes too far. They baked in ass-pulling into the world building and I find it hilarious. I definitely think I find thematic fulfillment much more satisfying in a story than just pure technical fulfillment and for me the reason is just the staying power - I forget purely technically good stories quite quickly, but if something has a satisfying exploration of deeper themes and ideas, I think about it for years afterwards even if the story was not so technically sound. However, sacrificing the technical aspects of the story for thematics can also honestly ruin a really good story, even if it has some great thematic resonance. Anyway I got really off from where I started so boom pew pew fire lasers drills up in the air let's gooooooooo
@zoulzopan 2 жыл бұрын
great input, I don't read fiction in novel form as much as manga nor do I interact with the community so this is great insight to a similar medium that I hardly know about.
@StephySon 2 жыл бұрын
I spoke a bit emotionally before but lemme be better here, I get what your saying. It probably wasn’t the best written story, but some of my favorite stories aren’t known for their deep writing. My favorite stories are the ones that make me feel something, some of the most technical and brilliantly written films while I like did not leave an impact. The films that have always left an impact upon me are the ones that made me feel everything. When I first watched Belle I felt like I was flying, it made me feel happy, made me feel lovely (which was very much needed in what feels like never ending dark times) Hosoda San is very good at making you feel emotion. Summer Wars was the first anime film that legit made me cry. I didn’t even cry when ash “died” in the first Pokémon movie. But summer wars made me happy cry. It was so wonderful. I wish I could better put into words how his films have made me feel but I do also feel what your getting it with the thematic and technical talk
@suitNtie22 2 жыл бұрын
Very sexy video! I felt the same way with Belle where as my partner loved it! I just couldn't get past those technical story issues. I think at the end of the day though, the vibes are the main star of Belle. Just some good ol anime singin vibes
@nielsrijnders9126 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really interesting idea and reminds me of another story that has a very strong thematic and technical story. It is a murder mystery so I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum. The title is umineko no naku koro ni and it is about these magical murders that happen on the island of rokenjima. for the first episode the story is very technical becaus of its genre. it even follows the rules of knox which are rule knox created to make a fair and solvable murder mystery so extremely technical. and then we reach the end of episode 1 and get introduced to Beatrice who is the mythical ruler of this island and the one who has claimed responsebility for all these murders. but her introduction doen't happen on the island. after episode 1 the main character wakes up in this tea room which i will refer to as the meta-world this is essentially a world above the island where beatrice recides. a world where magic is real and she is the ruller. so very thematic. episode 1 ends with the main character and beatrice declaring war on each other seeing as beatrice just murdered the protagonists family. then in episode 2 the real fun begins. once again we have te same island and the same characters but the murders happen differently this is all stil very technical except for two things. one beatrice and the main character still reside in the meta-world above the island and whilst the murders happen they argue about how they were possible. Beatrice claims all the murders were done by her magic whilst the main character tries to explain all the murders trough human means. so a litteral clash between magic and reality. one thing they use to argue is the red truth which is text spoken in red and it is the absolute truth. so if Beatrice says in red all the victems came in trough this door than that is a fact which cannot be changed. the red truth as a concept can be seen as thematic especially later in the story but what it does is completely technical because it is the absolute truth. the other thing that happens in episode 2 is that we actually see the murders being commited but they are all done by Beatrice trough her magic so if we look at how a human could have done these murders her explanations are false but if you figure out the truth behind the culprit who Beatrice is and especially why she does this then you see a whole other story trough the magic scenes. some scenes were at first very weird and very magical and didn't seem to make a lot of sense logically so very thematic but once you understand the truth you realize that some of these scenes litteraly happend and the story also makes sense on a technical level. The main trick umineko pulls especially in it's later chapters with the meta-world is that a lot of stuf makes thematic sense and technical sense but we only see the thematic side or the technical side. the meta-world has a set of rules that it follows that some people on reddit have turned into a flow chart so everything does make sense but it isn't explicitly told to the reader because with the meta-world the most important thing is the way it functions thematicly. so the story has a very strong technical and thematic core but it only shows us one side. on the island we mainly see the technical side and in the meta-world and with magic we see the thematic side but just because we don't explicitly see the thematic side on the island doesn't mean it isn't there and the same with the meta-world. and the main thing it asks of you is it shows you the magical side and wants you to find the logic behind it because that leads you to the culprit which ultimatly is the goal of a murder mystery. sorry for the extremely long comment
@STKHub 10 ай бұрын
Great comment!
@LiquidInertia 2 жыл бұрын
Belle is summer wars for vtuber simps. Hosoda is has just retelling stories though, Boy and the Beast is pretty much just the Jungle Book. But Belle was supposed to be an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast (specifically the disney version) and that's just a retelling of that same ballroom scene.
@urapirate6618 2 жыл бұрын
Belle was a really tight movie until the sphere concert scene happens, when the internet police arrive trying to catch a beast for some reason. That felt quite random, compared to other Hoshoda movies it felt so random.
@ShimyIa1 2 жыл бұрын
Making this be a big edited video woulda been better than MMICUL. This is a way better thing to keep in mind when thinking about stories.
@hustheposum Жыл бұрын
Kinda reminds me of the discussion around last of us part 2. Its very much people who praise the game for it's themes it goes for and the emotions it tries to envoke vs the people who don't like it because of it's execution and the details regarding it's story.
@graylightning4181 2 жыл бұрын
Nate BASEDman Ever
@mike_rowave7621 2 жыл бұрын
contrivance is acceptable so long as what is achieved in the story with that contrivance is worth it, and this is why a lot of the time when people dont agree with or like the themes of a story they will just point out contrivances to rationalize to themselves why they dont like it or why it is bad, because when you dont like a story nothing contrivance could achieve for it would be considered worth it
@seanyd1235 2 жыл бұрын
Your a legend lad 🔥
@kunnykuni 2 жыл бұрын
Belle's blood looks like some very sticky Ketchup...
@heatfist117 2 жыл бұрын
Almost a whole hour of BGE Kino? Arigatou Nate-Sama.
@PlumpSort 2 жыл бұрын
I think there are technical and thematic storytelling shenanigans in Attack on Titan.
@OccuredJakub12 2 жыл бұрын
Thing about Spiral Power is, it is explicitly said it can do literally anything as long as it's done by a creature with DNA filled with willpower. So there are no logical leaps or asspulls with it. It is the perfect thematical story tool. You can have characters transform, create giant weapons, heal from damage, create shields... and you see over the course of the story how the small uses of that later evolve into the larger uses of it, and how even though it's used like a resource and energy source, it can also just be created infinitely, which is part of why the Anti-Spirals were afraid of it.
@MoonAnime 2 жыл бұрын
This topic taps into how I see world building in fiction. There's a balance to strike between delivering believability while not compromising the dramatic effect they could potentially bring to the sequences on screen. For Belle though, I wonder if there's a lot of those 'technical aspects' you mentioned being cut down for the sake of other stuffs. I wish stuffs like concept art books will answer those questions. Summer Wars seems to include more of those, and thanks to that it holds up to this day when the internet is such a huge part of our lives right now. (Watched it again recently, better than my first watch). Sorry I skipped the OP part straight to GL. Appreciate you point out 'why dish on other people's taste instead of try to understand?' and TB o7. Ultimately I think a good piece can mesh 2 together well, instead of leaving 1 side out. I think about this a lot too. Thanks for sharing.
@TurboToxin 2 жыл бұрын
I clicked on this video expecting to watch just a bit to get the gist, but it enthralled me for its entirety. I think this explains a lot of my taste. For example, I can't stand One Piece (blasphemy, I know). You explaining why you like the Lucci fight made me realize why I don't like it: The theme of Luffy "refusing to go down," just isn't engaging in the slightest to me. On the other hand, I still love Devilman Crybaby despite its faults because its themes just happen to resonate with me (also kino aesthetic). Themes are an reviewer/analyst's nightmare. No matter how well-executed a theme is, some people just won't resonate with it.
@RadioKnive 2 жыл бұрын
same way how some ppl can despise Berserk even if its written godly. Nothing is truly Objective which is why debating writing is so difficult
@MystyXsoul 2 жыл бұрын
Really awesome, why I don't like clannad while other's seem to love it seem bcs my technical expectations are higher.
@cartoonz1902 2 жыл бұрын
Summer wars Is just like the digimon movie 👍😎👍
@SamTheGumMan117 2 жыл бұрын
Hell Yeah Nate putting Luffy The Looney Tune God in the thumbnail and you know them latest OP chapters were goated
@Le_Samourai 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the hard magic-soft magic continuum. Gurren Lagann’s spiral power is soft as fuck compared to Hunter x Hunter’s hard-ass nen
@LPTheGas 2 жыл бұрын
You think Hosoda makes the same movie over and over, wait til you get a load of Makoto Shinkai. Dude never saw a script about 'young lovers separated across a vast gulf of space and time' he didn't like.
@StephySon 2 жыл бұрын
What movies has he made
@nuxoe 2 жыл бұрын
2:22 ah I think I know what’s gonna go on here 😁😁I’m down to face this whole video and and experience this enlightening high
@urethralbeads7771 2 жыл бұрын
Technicalities exist to justify the themes. If there are plotholes, the logic of the show is damaged. How am I supposed to take whatever lesson the show has for me and implement it in my life if it defies even in-universe logic? That is why technical flaws hurt the themes, although there is an appeal to excessively good technical writing on its own (eg. Death Note).
@oposdeo 2 жыл бұрын
I really liked Belle, it made my emotions doki doki. Plus I'm a real sucker for musicals, which has never been the most logically grounded genre. Definitely agree with all your complaints, just like, at the theater those didn't really detract from my experience as much. I tend to be more bothered by technical issues in shows that aim to intrigue with their technicalities, like Hunter x Hunter nen or the psychological warfare of Death Note. I was more negative towards Belle in the first half as it's world of "U" felt truly bland and uninspired, but later on, with the music, the spectacle, and the heroism, I came to forget those bothers. Still... the movie is just so, so stupid. Makes me feel a little embarrassed for enjoying it.
@RandoomDude 2 жыл бұрын
I guess the most important aspect of "thematic storytelling", or ideas with no real world counterpart simply by being magic or purely conceptual, is that the concept doesn't have logical inconsistency with a polar concept, or one otherwise incompatible without grounding it in the pure logic of reality in which all concepts materialized into something real can coexist. Gurren Lagann spiral power concept is able to keep a very consistent logic even with the idea manifested as magic in a conceptual world, because it's greatest opponent in the world, anti-spirals, operates on the same concept, and thus there's no logical disparity and spiral power is allowed to become fully thematic and nothing more technical needs to be added to support it. Unlike something like Love in Belle, which while it's also represented by magic means, the underlying concept doesn't hold because the conflict is love can stop violence, it doesn't hold consistency in conceptual space because they are two separate things, the concepts that define violence are separate from the ones that forms love, and the technical disparity arises from a show that doesn't have any real world logic to apply to differing concepts and just expects them to work through disbelief.
@RandoomDude 2 жыл бұрын
Computers and digital space by comparison to something like emotion is harder to use as a concept I think. Just because, them being logical and real world objects makes it hard to manifest as something magical. But if you were to make a "magical" computer, that comes out of nowhere and is made of aether and can download anything you want to just by wishing it, I think by itself it could work because it is still largely it's own concept, with things like "aether" as a concept just being "magical", things like "wishing for anything", being magical, so it remains consistant, all the logic is based of the same idea so it agrees with itself, even if it can't be real, it works thematically
@venturelord32 2 жыл бұрын
Funny that you mention Spiral Power, because the way I see it, Conqueror's Haki has the same thematic function in the narrative of One Piece. That's why it doesn't bother me when it comes up in in the story. The confusion occurs with Haki because Color of Observation and Color of Arms lean more on their technical causes and effects than their thematic sources, which muddles the waters when they're put into the same category as Conqueror's Haki. If Oda emphasized that certain traits of personality or Individual Will led to each one blooming-thus mirroring Conqueror's Haki- rather than it being a universally accessible power system, I think it would resonate with the overall story better and not stray into the cognitive dissonance that comes about when mixing the two storytelling devices.
@brownbricks6017 Жыл бұрын
I don't like getting too caught up in putting things into boxes, but this language does simplify how I might describe my experience with certain shows. The Netflix series Dark is a masterful display of technical writing, but the theming isn't as strong. Madoka Magica has incredible theming, but some flaws in the technical side of things. A lot of people clown on Erased's technical storytelling, but I'm just there for the emotional core of the story.
@Cany0 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video, but hard disagree. There is no thematic "vs." technical. That's a false dichotomy. There's only storytellers who are willing to put in the work vs. storytellers who are lazy (or in over their heads, shouldn't publish/share that specific story, and just move on... but it's mostly laziness). As you mentioned in your video, you can have both great technical and thematic storytelling, but the more important discussion is: If you accept that there are technical problems, then why are you letting the writer be lazy? Obviously we're all human and nothing we do is perfect, but we can also tell when something could have sat in the crockpot a little longer to fix major technical problems, especially when a layman (such as myself) can see glaring issues that tear segments of/every facet of certain stories apart, and *especially* especially when those same laymen can devise a fix for those problems when it isn't even their story that they created. Technical is generally harder to execute, so that's why you'll find the vast vast majority of writers gloss over that aspect as opposed to skipping over thematic elements that ought to be present. We all know that if someone likes a story despite its technical shortcomings that they resonated with the themes (or even just the visuals be they lighting, VFX, shot composition, etc.), but that's accepting mediocrity. They literally have worse taste. I highly doubt anyone on the technical "side" of this false dichotomy is willing to accept an airtight logical story that's also devoid of themes; For example, here's a story: There's a chair in a room. Fin. Now, I bet you won't find anyone on the technical "side" saying that that is a "good" story even though they won't be able to poke any objective or logical holes into. They just know it's devoid of the necessary thematic element. Even for stories where one can find flaws (basically every single one of them excluding ones similar to my chair story), technical enjoyers won't bash a storyteller for making small mistakes. To go with the crockpot analogy, there's a huge spectrum of states in which a steak in the pot could be cooked; Every single piece of the steak down to the sub atomic level could be juuuust right... or the steak could be on the opposite end of the spectrum where it was never put in the crockpot and is completely raw. The people who are on the technical "side" of the discussion aren't going to have problems when a milligram of the steak comes out a little undercooked, because they understand that humans can't reasonably achieve perfection to that degree. Everyone on the technical "side" loves themes too, they just don't want writers to be lazy to the point where half the steak is raw (or just outright missing). The people who forgive stories for glaring technical oversights, on the other hand, aren't on the "side" of themes; They're just fine eating slop. There's so much more I want to say and talk about (especially specific segments of the video; Like, Gon "not searching" for his father is actually logical, and one of the One Piece examples you gave had me raising an eyebrow and calling you a sussy baka), but I've already written quite a bit, am short on time, and want to go to sleep. I'd love to have a chat with you about this video (and the concept in general) if you can ever find the time, but otherwise, neato video. I like the new format and I think you should do this more often with topics that you don't want to commit a "fully" edited (and by that I mean edited to your normal standards) video to just so we can gather your thoughts on a given subject. Perhaps I will watch Summer Wars.
@jartism 2 жыл бұрын
Eh. Depends. I think some people lack imagination on the far side of the "technical side" and apply 100% real world logic to works of art in a way that reduces it to a mathematical formula with certain things objectively "wrong" with it. Anime is an absurdist creative medium and only have so much screen time and thus different creators will focus on different things. Sometimes certain technical details are brushed over for the sake of time or complication.
@Cany0 2 жыл бұрын
@@jartism Yeah, they're brushed over because the writers are too lazy to find a solution that applies the technical aspect in certain part of their story. There is *always* a way to seamlessly apply the necessary technical aspect to a story; It's just whether or not a human's able to make that discovery is debatable on a case-by-case basis. And if there really is no possible way to get the steak cooked past 50% after spending insane amounts of time trying to find a fix, then maybe it's time to move on. Drenching the steak in more seasoning is just lazy. If you think the steak truly deserves it, then you can let it go or get assistance from a "better" chef. Don't put a 50% cooked steak on a plate, even if some people will love it because of the layers and layers of seasoning.
@jartism 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cany0 I prefer a music analogy to a cooking one tbh, I find that minor technical mistakes have no bearing on the overall quality of a work because if the plot, themes and characters are all up to a significant level and convey the story effectively emotionally. every piece of media has flaws, and again this is only to a certain extent. a lot of people who talk about objective flaws n media tend to be spouting subjective criticisms themselves. no one cares about "erm but how did he have so much blood in him though, human beings do not have that much blood haha jojo bad" which I've seen people genuinely cite as a negative aspect of jojo (just using an example) it comes across as missing the forest for the trees. so wrapped up in the bad brush stroke in the corner of the painting that you don't see the whole thing for what it is. one can still enoy the overall experience while remaining aware of the little mistakes. but seeing critics making those technical logical aspects the most important thing is just saddening to me lol
@laststrike4411 2 жыл бұрын
@@jartismThese spergy know-it-all Mauler wannabes are such a headache, man...
@anthonyguy2416 2 жыл бұрын
i feel like this is adjacent to Lexical vs Impressionistic Thinking
@LukeWyldfire 2 жыл бұрын
reminds me of your aot episodes on khantent. the themes were able to carry me through the choppy technical writing for a long time, but towards the end everything just nosedives in quality.
@SnipeMD Жыл бұрын
It's literally just "The Rule of Cool". Is it believable that a person averted a nuclear satellite crash by doing the math out in his head and diverting its course? Not at all. Is it cool to see the person stop the satellite at the last minute by just doing the math in his head? Absolutely it is. Movies will sometimes bend, twist and break rationality and realism for the sake of making an entertaining movie or story.
@lorhus8439 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Best guy, really interesting.
@roar4000 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see you again bro keep it up.
@TheCreepypro 2 жыл бұрын
was only going to watch for ten minutes ended up watching the whole thing damn you bge and your interesting takes on things I'm seriously going to bring up these points about thematic and technical story telling anytime I get into in argument about media so thanks also white beard is still the man even if he is 0 for 1 cause of those themes baby!
@crazyxtreme2 2 жыл бұрын
An hour long BGE banger featuring One Piece and Elden Ring? LETS FUCKING GO
@verrojackson8223 Жыл бұрын
Belle really messed up with dealing with the Beast and his little brother, it's offended everyone I know that's had to deal with abusive parents. Seeing Suzu get off the train greeted by her loving father and community after doing almost nothing to actually help those boys ruined the movie in every viewing, because a friggin' sweet hour long music video doesn't really balance things out. We already made concessions to lack of realism earlier in the story, why not just bring the boys on the train? She's already doxxed, they could go into police protection in her town.
@hvnman_f4 2 жыл бұрын
Children of the Sea is VERY Thematic holy shit.
@BinaryDood 2 жыл бұрын
yes, and amazing
@hustheposum Жыл бұрын
Wow I actually thought you were memeing about greed island.
@naheemquattlebaum2267 2 жыл бұрын
I think the dad didn't hit her because well, "she doesn't belong to him". Most abusers - especially parental and spousal ones - hurt others as a form of domination. They control others by force because they feel their relationship gives them the right. Suzu is not his child. If he punched her, he'd be punching someone else's child, someone else's "property". Though poorly executed, that somehow made him realize the monster he actually is and that freaked him out. It's not so much he's afraid of her, but now the secret of him being an abusive a-hole is out and it's something he can no longer hide from.
@mr.scarytheterry5039 2 жыл бұрын
Hey you might want to reach out to the guys at the EFAP (Every Frame A Pause) podcast about this. I think you'd find a great deal of productivity in it.
@thomasffrench3639 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, they pretty much lack the understanding of thematic storytelling. So they have like half of the tools to determine quality.
@mr.scarytheterry5039 Жыл бұрын
@thomasffrench3639 I'm guessing you don't actually watch their show.
@thomasffrench3639 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.scarytheterry5039 I have, but it was way to infuriating to continue. Also half of their points they can get across in a forth of the time.
@mr.scarytheterry5039 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasffrench3639 The whole point of the podcast is to drag out the many ideas that a few bad sentences can thoughtlessly gloss over.
@thomasffrench3639 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.scarytheterry5039 naw, they just waste time with superfluous words and repetitive points.
@YoBot22 2 жыл бұрын
This whole video sounds like a long version of cinema sins and the critiques just feel like nit picking over addressing any actual issues that makes the story worse unless one’s going into a piece of media looking for them
@Puapka 2 жыл бұрын
minute into this video and i no longer remembered why i ever subscribed to you in the first place
@nelsonwang2753 2 жыл бұрын
Don't be fooled folks. The monthlycasts come out in variable intervals of time, with a month being the absolute minimum. :(
@BestGuyEver 2 жыл бұрын
I can't deny it. In my defense though, it is really FUNNY that they take longer than a month to come out! :D
@makkusuunfilwin1852 2 жыл бұрын
I guess he really was... The Best Guy Ever.
@tavvyprods1275 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best, but a major detractor for me is his cursing which I cannot stand. He doesn’t even respond to any KZbinrs’ comments.
@laststrike4411 2 жыл бұрын
@@tavvyprods1275 Bro, what?
@tavvyprods1275 2 жыл бұрын
@@laststrike4411 I tried getting into him once with his Gurren Lagann review but his cursing by using the f-word is a turn off for me.
@3rdHalf1 Жыл бұрын
I hate Beauty and the Beast from the bottom of my heart. It is a story about young girl who finds flawed older man and tries to fix him. This is the worst thing for little girls to look up to. While I think Belle as a worse version of Summer Wars - It was better version of Beauty and the Beast. Belle was a story about girl who overcome her mother’s death by becoming strong as her mother.
@eddytennyson9546 3 ай бұрын
...Have you tried watching Beauty and the Beast?
@ramseyhassan9941 2 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this channel via GabiGang and One Piece 101 and think this guy is dope. i'll love to hear his thoughts on manga superstar Tatsuki Fujimoto
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