Congrats bethni!! 我應該算係你原始viewer😎 睇左你好耐了,到之後睇住你結婚、生兩個小朋友,覺得你唔止係一個好真心介紹,要繼續保持呢個初心喔❣️我相信呢101k subscribers 都係真心欣賞你的! 除左係一個有修養的KZbinr以外,仲係一個對自己有要求的媽媽,平時你老公唔係身邊都打理得井井有條,真係唔簡單。 Good bless to you Beth❣️
Congratz Beth~!!! 恭喜您10萬訂閱~!!! 真係好值得好好慶祝一下!! ❤️由您第一條片睇到而家,見證您由補習老師變為媽媽幾年來嘅成長,覺得好親切同開心,冇片睇會D有失落。我最鍾意睇「一打二」&「陪我過一天」& 「Kikki K 手帳製作」,您真係整到好靚,睇完燒著咗即刻忍唔住買咗本~!!轉眼間,您已經成為咗好厲害同叻叻嘅媽媽,好支持您買藍色同粉紅色手袋獎勵自己!! 比心機,做媽咪真係好偉大!! 我會繼續支持您!! 如果有幸抽中我,我想要Fresh,因為呢排真係太殘哈哈 email: thanks so much Beth❤️ :) 祝幸福快樂
@cherryhcyu4 жыл бұрын
Congratulation Beth💞🧸 由中學睇你睇到依家大學畢業,見證著你生小朋友易都同時見證住自己成熟。🥺 一直都覺得你係好humble,好有氣質,每次睇你拍片都同自己講一定要學你咁斯文同elegent。最記得同印象最深刻一段片係你好耐之前測試眼線筆,記得你好似係感冒都係泳池到拍測試片,好欣賞你好專業,真係比心機做每一件事💖除此之外,好鍾意你寫手帳同用水彩寫字既片,好欣賞你既生活態度💞 我最鍾意同想試都係charlette tilbury,其實skincare同make up都冇所謂。 Glad to witness your growth together with you and hope you could keep your passion and continue making contents and share your life with us☀️🥰Support you:)
Congratulation with your 100K subscription!!! 一直以來都好鍾意睇你無論係IG定係KZbin 雖然你片量未必好多同出得好密 但次次你啲product related嘅片都好informative 睇得出你真係好認真prep 睇完真係了解到好多嘢 絕對覺得你係一個重質不重量嘅KZbinr 由你結婚到生小朋友 比起睇你啲片 越來越鍾意睇你IG 因為睇你IG就好似睇個朋友嘅生活咁 我好欣賞你會同followers interact 明明睇你啲vlog都見你每日湊小朋友都己經好忙 但收到你DM reply嘅時候真係好開心 同埋你成日都會以followers嘅意見行先喺IG問大家意見 呢一點亦係令我覺得好被重視 作為你嘅follower真係覺得好幸福 另一個令我好鍾意睇你嘅IG & KZbin嘅原因係由你嘅片同KZbin都睇得出你係一個好認真生活嘅女生 用喺身上同小朋友嘅嘢都好小心咁做research 教小朋友 同寵物相處 樣樣都睇得出你用心嘅地方 望住你我就會想自己都可以好似你咁咁識得認真咁生活 睇住你湊ezra同妹妹 我就成日同自己講希望第時生小朋友我都可以好似你咁成為一個咁graceful嘅媽媽~ 真係好多謝你喺照顧一頭家嘅同時亦無忘記我哋呢一班followers, it is also our pleasure to follow an influencer that delivers high-quality content :) Wish you and your family health and happiness! 希望你可以一路再share多啲你搵到番嚟high quality嘅生活用品俾我哋睇啦~ 你嘅vlog其實我都好鍾意睇希望今年christmas會有weekly vlogmas睇啦~ 都係嗰句我唔介意你出得少片咖 我想試Charlotte's Magic Cream, you may contact me with Thankyou Beth!
Hi Beth, I’m from Malaysia but I’m going to comment bout what I like best about your channel anyways, just a small motivation for you to keep up the good work for your channel. I like your channel because it’s like having a companion in growing up, transitioning from the little girl who likes make up to getting married to becoming a mom. You are there just like a friend and helping me walk through all these stages together. Keep it up Beth, you’re always an inspiration.
Hihi. Do u find the etain Constance easy to match Ur outfit collection?
@YES369HI4 жыл бұрын
Congratz on reaching 100k🥳 我第一條睇你嘅片係防水眼線筆測試 到依家都好深刻覺得呢個youtuber真係幾有心拍片😂 全日要浸水真係唔簡單 之後睇你啲片覺得你係個好溫柔好有禮貌同最重要係有良心嘅youtuber 然後睇睇下你就宣布訂婚 依家仲有兩個小朋友 真係感覺好神奇 然後見到你照顧小朋友好親力親為 睇到都覺得大挑戰 🙈希望你嚟緊繼續過得開心 照顧好小朋友同埋自己 其實所有禮物都好好 邊樣收到都好開心 其中有兩樣嘢都想試下好難揀🥺第一樣係Guerlain嘅Météorites Happy Grow 因為未用過類似嘅產品所以想試 另一樣係valmont vline lifting cream 因為我水腫問題好嚴重 每日起身都好腫 所以好想試下 抽中與否 希望大家都要加油 Thank you for holding this giveaway💜
@irisho34354 жыл бұрын
Hello beth, congrats! So happy for u 睇左你好多年了,我諗我同你差唔多年紀,由你英國返黎已經睇你了,真係好耐好耐之前,原來你好多片都private左😢好似同你一齊成長咁,最記得個陣跟過你買好多野,EH cleansing balm都係因為睇你而買🥰我記得你超鍾意,又有rimmel foundation, p50, serozinc,講得出呢啲product都知有d歷史😂仲記得之前你有唔止一個channel,我全部都有subscribe🥰 又記得係你屋企泳池測試eyeliner, 粉底測試一天你係第一個拍(我心目中,其他人都係係你之後先拍), 又有年你拍vlogmas我有成日睇 你真係一個好用心的youtuber, 感覺之前你都hesitate 拍luxury collection, 但現在見你都拍得好開心❤️我都睇得好舒服好開心 你生左小朋友之後我覺得你更加溫柔, you are really my role model of being a mother! Thank you so much for your videos over the years ❤️ Email: 想試CT eye shadow or blush. Thank you very much beth, for your videos, and for your kind heart.
恭喜你呢,你係我最鍾意嘅KZbinr! 我已經唔記得自己第一條睇嘅片係邊條,但我好記得我有睇你嘅片係因為我早期懷孕嘅時候非常不適,當時日日都瞓係床,係you tube 禁禁下就睇到你嘅片,就係咁你嘅video就陪咗我渡過我嘅first trimester 喇!我最鍾意睇你執嘢同日常生活嘅片!多謝你湊住兩個小朋友都仲咁辛苦拍片剪片同我哋interact呢! Give a away我就唔join了!但都好多謝你咁有心呢!Beth 繼續加油!支持你🙌🏻
Hello Bethni, I couldn’t find the video of the language app you used for learning another language at leisure. Can you tell me which one you used and you still recommend? Thanks!
@bethniy4 жыл бұрын
Duolingo 😊
@wingyans4 жыл бұрын
Congrats Beth!!! 第一條睇你嘅片係MUFE Ultra HD Foundation 測試一天,果陣想買,所以係KZbin search到你~好鐘意你散發出嚟既氣質(you're so gorgeous!!!!),好老實咁將產品既優點缺點呈現出嚟,就算合作片都唔hardsell:)之後就係陪你執野系列,睇完你執,自己又會執。 直到你結婚,感覺到你好似童話裡面既公主,再到你有小朋友,好深刻你大肚果陣講講下會唔記得自己講緊咩:-p 原來都見證住Esra Esmae既成長!睇到你同佢地既互動,玩既野又好多元化,片好長,但會好想一直睇落去。希望你地一家人都繼續幸福快樂,將來待疫情退散,可以拍下同小朋友外出既片,都想睇你拍lookbook:) Email: My Choice: Guerlain Météorites happy glow / Charlotte Tilbury 胭脂
Congrat Bethni❣ I would like to try the Valmont lifting cream please❣ I enjoy watching your video about ur daily life with your kids as I have 2 kids thats exactly their age❣ I would definately love to watch more video about Hangbags collection and If you can share your tips on how to score a hermes that would be great too❣ My email is Thank you & All the Best❣
@mtt994 жыл бұрын
我冇咩太多野嘅野想講。🙈 但好多謝你一直拍片陪住我地過咁多年。無論係化妝到分享生活。多謝你肯同我地分享你自己嘅野 等我地都可以一直陪住你成長。❤️ Love you Beth xx
So happy for you, Beth! Been watching your youtube for almost 8 years. Your video recommendations are always fair and true from your heart. Love. Keep up the good work👍🏻
Hello Beth !! congrats for your 100k💪 ! For me , I love your daily vlog with your child most , they’re so cute and helped me reduce stress , hope you can continue with your faith in KZbin no matter what happened 💓 at last , I would like to have a try on CT pillow talk eye shadow 🤗 thanks so much for the joys you shared to us 💓
@lamelaine36784 жыл бұрын
@KayLee-ue7fk3 жыл бұрын
@KK_suju3 жыл бұрын
請問Beth妳介唔介意分享美國邊度可以唔配貨買到K28呀?我住喺加州~ thank you😊😊
@bethniy3 жыл бұрын
Chicago but many years ago lar
@KK_suju3 жыл бұрын
@@bethniy thanks for the prompt reply! Wow Chicago I’m surprised.. that’s even better than what Las Vegas or Honolulu would offer 😊
Same thoughts!!! Beth, this video is extremely informative, thanks for the generous sharing! Building up history is not easy, I m sort of running out of item-to-buy for bag purpose as well😅
@josephinechan94334 жыл бұрын
Hey Beth...congratulations on your 100k, now 101k 😂 subscriptions!! ♥️ 時間過得好快 一開始睇你youtube既時候你岩岩結婚 仲有左mcnugget 即係Ezra☺️ 覺得睇你既片好舒服 同埋有一種好親切既感覺 又可以認識到好多beauty既野😊 希望你可以繼續拍多d片!! Time files....原本今年既我都係準新娘 但因為疫情關係要改期🥺 相信大家都好想快啲度過呢段艱難時刻 你都要繼續加油呀💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽好欣賞你好用心照顧 Ezra同妹妹 睇得出你花左好多時間同心機陪伴佢地 又自製玩具俾佢地玩♥️ 希望你地快啲大家團聚👨👩👧👦 另外之前睇到你話希望藉住拍片可以記低同小朋友相處既回憶🥺 我相信....無論將來係點 你既家人都一定會愛你 就好似你愛佢地一樣! ♥️ Wish you and your family happy and healthy as always!!!! ✨ Finally would like to enter the giveaway💛 想要 Fresh mask set / HR serum 希望係戴口罩既情況下保持靚靚皮膚 預備做個美美新娘👰🏻 My email address is
Keep the Gold bags. As you grow older, likely you will wear more earthy colour clothes. It will match perfectly. And indeed Gold is hard to come by from store.
Omg I subscribed u when u were still in the uk while I was in high school and I now I already graduated from college. I feel like u accompanied me in my life journey ever since I followed u. Things changed but u still the beautiful soul inside and out hhh keep up the good work Beth 👏
Been watching your channel over 10 years, never miss any of your videos, congrats on your 100K. You deserve it 🤗
@Jdjjdndbdbbdjdjd4 жыл бұрын
請問你嘅bag organizer咩牌子?
@chuckie8263 жыл бұрын
beth will you get a picotin? 感覺上都好襯你
@bethniy3 жыл бұрын
I got one soon after this video😍
@chuckie8263 жыл бұрын
@@bethniy Pls do a video sharing your thoughts abt it!
@grapefruitbnb3 жыл бұрын
粉色嘅mini kelly 好靚
@smartlalala4 жыл бұрын
congrats beth!! you deserve everything! 我一開始睇你既video好似係2014 room tour,whats in my bag,開頭睇嗰陣係仲有英文channel既年代😂 你係我睇咁多個youtuber入面最鐘意既一個,好鐘意你因為你好humble,唔會因為自己屋企有錢而有架子,讀international school又去外國讀書但係仲好thoughtful地去將一啲英文term translate做中放令更多人聽得明。另外做事好有條理,睇得出你好用心同埋有要求。我由你拍拖睇到結婚再做埋媽媽,多謝你即使要takecare 2個小朋友都仲好用心拍video俾大家睇。 tbh 真係好鐘意好鐘意睇你同小朋友既video,你地既interaction好warm好開心,但係拍小朋友既同時你唔會利用小朋友做搵食工具,好欣賞你好認真咁盡媽媽既責任去陪住2個小朋友成長。見到你好錫ezra同esmae,ezra又好錫妹妹,真係好為你感恩。 我自己本身好鐘意小朋友,亦都想成為一個好父母,我平時會睇開啲育兒programme之外都好鐘意睇你分享湊小朋友既心得,感受到你好真誠咁分享俾有需要既媽媽。tbh 睇咗你湊小朋友既video之後我好想將來有機會的話都可以好似你咁成為一個好媽媽。 希望如果可以的話可以繼續睇湊小朋友既video,即使出其他video都會繼續support你!!!❤️ 我email address係 我想試Charlotte Tilbury既palette:) 加油!!!!💪🏻
@ThePsykoka4 жыл бұрын
@The4ever5204 жыл бұрын
1:58 聽到呢句我忍唔住都眼濕濕左,好warm,同埋一諗起睇你嘅片都差唔多6-7年,覺得自己大個左好多,時間過得好快,所以我就眼濕濕T T
@graceyu91374 жыл бұрын
I love your Hermès bag collection! My favorite is the Birkin 25 gold, hope you will do a detailed review for the birkin 25 gold! And congratulations on the 100k! Will continue to support from NY❤️
@adawu92564 жыл бұрын
好欣賞你一直的attitude and integrity 💕
@sannn70344 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Beth!! You did a great job! Look forward to seeing you continue to grow and thrive. ❤️❤️
@kerrypat67964 жыл бұрын
想請問一下配完貨之後,大概等幾耐先有包, 定係唔使等?馬上有包 offer?
@bethniy4 жыл бұрын
每次都唔同,睇SA同睇咩袋咩色😅 因為佢地唔係長期有齊d貨喺度架~ 甚至有d款要等1-2年
@leikawun4 жыл бұрын
Congrats Beth!🎉 you are defo my fav KZbinr!! Always love watching your product reviewing videos and vlog with your lovely family and thanks for your sharing always ☺️
@thea_esme4 жыл бұрын
birkin襯你✨nice colour👍🏻 will you buy roulis? quite nice too really enjoy the watching~yayyyyy¨̮ wanna start to invest in hermes too~ i would like to buy picotin or lindy first🙌🏻 which one you prefer? btw your lindy in 奶昔白真心超難買(咩款都難😂) really love their quality n history ✨and the rare handmade subscribed your channel for so many years and you still being so humble like the beginning , and definitely can feel your sharing heart support always💛💛
@Elainebellbell4 жыл бұрын
Hi Beth, congrats for your 100K. I have I can feel you have passion to take video on your vlog. Waiting for your house tour because most like your taste even furniture and your design. Proud of you, you can handle all the household chores, taking care of your two babies very well even thought your husband not always be your side. Understanding when you facing a difficult time without husband there and got something to solve this out. So nice can see your Hermès bag collection that is my
@wendylau51814 жыл бұрын
@cathylam3444 жыл бұрын
I m 5’3”; what size of Lindy, Birkin and Kelly would fit me without looking too big on me?
@sukilee38244 жыл бұрын
Hi~~ 您好,睇完你介紹手袋之後,最有興趣想試你介紹個支~~HR 抗衰老精華液,事關我剛剛個支已經差不多用晒了,所以希望被你抽中啦~ Good Luck for Me ~~ 其實我大多數你所有出 post 嘅片我每次也會追睇你的,有追看性,從你結婚,生小朋友也好似跟著你們成長,事關已經 follow 左你好多年了,~~~ 但令我印象中,令到我煩惱和壓力盡消嘅時刻,放下我手頭上嘅工作,就是睇到大公子吃飯/吃東西時,佢吃得好乖巧又醒目好快,既可愛得意勁搞笑、好盞鬼啊~~~ So Cute 🥰🥰🥰,而且佢又識得與妹妹照顧細微又細心,成日 😘妹妹~~~佢好可愛又醒目添~~~ Love U So Much,而且仲有陣時佢同波波~~玩耍時將個球兒拋比波波追追逐逐時,見到佢笑容燦爛,勁搞笑,比佢嘅笑聲令我可以減減壓,放下工作陣兒,~~ Thank So Much,佢嘅開朗笑容令我每次翻睇好多次添,佢令到我會~回心微笑,煩惱,壓力都可以拋底一陣,~~ In Future,我也希望你盡量抽時間拍多啲 姖/佢哋,兩兄妹嘅生活點滴,成長過程是我想你拍多啲出多啲 Post上左 ~~ Ig/ U Tube,謹祝各人生活愉快,開開心心,工作順順利利,身體健康~~~ Thanks 😘
@cmymanyi4 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Beth for the 100k subscription!!! You are always a kind and humble person which you deserve all the respect from us!!! Will always support you❣️
@nanananami56844 жыл бұрын
Congrats Beth! You have accompanied me through many times. I love your vlogs as well!
Has been watching your videos since you start being a youtuber! You are always sincere, humble and motivated whatever you are encountering! Would like to try anything you allocate, thanks❤️