Beyond Possible: How the Hearing Voices Approach Transforms Lives

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Open Excellence

Open Excellence

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@mikeparkerEDyt Жыл бұрын
'...something in my life needs to die for me to carry on.' That made a lot of sense when she said that.
@kleinvisuals9905 Жыл бұрын
I heard voices for three years. I internalized all my pain, delusion, paranoia, anxiety and fear. It took several injections, church, grit, and intense pain to reduce the volume to the point that they are no longer there. I’m glad I know that there are people out there who also hear voices. I am not alone.
@AD_250 Жыл бұрын
Same. Have you ever tried to talk to the voices?
@kleinvisuals9905 Жыл бұрын
@@AD_250 Talking to the voices became somewhat of a routine for me. They became my GPS, danger sensor, moral conscience, and metabolic regulator among other things. Once I had the discipline to remove the pain and torment, the Voices behaved in three years. Since then, the Voices accelerated my learning speed. Every time they talk random things, I begin to learn new things everyday at faster rates. However, don't believe anything you hear from the Voices. They can alter the choices you make with permanent consequences. Be in charge of what you want the Voices to say and argue in your head any statement you disagree with. It takes grit, sweat, and practice.
@AD_250 Жыл бұрын
@@kleinvisuals9905 thank you so much for the advice. This past few weeks I've been trying to provoke them to do harm me and anyone in my family, but I always thank God for not letting it happened. I also become very hard to my words especially inside my head that I felt like I was very bad. But, I really want to stop arguing with the voices. Thank you so much for sharing your coping mechanism here. God Bless and take care everyone 🙏🏻
@kt1696 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you found a way through your pain. God bless x
@dibs1972 Жыл бұрын
I started hearing my mum's voice after she was murdered Infront of me at age 5 ...I then heard my siblings consistently throughout my life and they helped me until at 47 I got into a toxic environment and the voices turned on me. I was given antipsychotics and diagnosed with CPTSD and psychosis...I no longer take antipsychotics at 50 I'm learning to navigate myself through prayer ... God bless 🙏
@user-hc4ls5of3g Жыл бұрын
Try open dialogue
@jsch9173 11 ай бұрын
In my clinical experience (I’m a social worker), people with a severe trauma often hear voices, even though they did not have any diagnosable psychotic disorder. This piece exposes how the mental health system shames and degrades patients.
@janinelargent9220 Жыл бұрын
I am heartened to see that people are beginning to see that hearing voices can also be seen as a symptom of trauma that can be processed and healed instead of simply a "chemical imbalance". The human brain is extremely complicated but it is still "human"
@frankoffei227 9 ай бұрын
I think that's their opinion but to me if you reject positive voices, you reject life reality and you can become a victim of life.
@michaelcerullo5933 5 жыл бұрын
I am therapist and I conduct many Mental Health First Aid Trainings and always mention HVN as the most appropriate perspective within which to view voices and other forms of unique experiences. Since first reading about HVN in Patrick Tracey's book, Stalking Irish Madness, I have incorporated HVN's insights into my practice. Thank you for your courage and commitment to sharing the power and effectiveness along with your personal experiences.
@omartorres853 2 жыл бұрын
My voice is not normal to me,, my voice is Devine,, n is very wise,, i always though it’s YHWH,, n cuz of this voice I can understand Torah n what the words mean
@josephinegonzales-rosas8653 2 жыл бұрын
I hear voices and see shadows, or silhouettes in my peripheral vision or occasionally directly see a transparent or holographic image that has looked directly into my eyes. Its surreal.
@napoleonaquino3829 2 жыл бұрын
You're not having hallucinations or crazy. You're actually hearing the voices of dead people, angels, demons and/or elementals. Modern medicine which is only 300 years old, rejects the concept of a spirit world that the Bibles Old Testament, which is more than 3,000 years old preached. Well, if there is a God, then there are also angels, demons and other spirit entities. Since most people (about 90%) don't have a third eye/ear, they think people who can see/hear spirits are just crazy. Spirits communicate on a certain wavelength that ONLY you can hear/see, while others can't. Some times your third eye/ear opens after a traumatic event or near death experience. Spirits can also imitate peoples voices like those of your parents, friends even enemies. They can also create noises like screaming or crying people, footsteps, knocking on doors, police sirens, dog barks etc. Like people some spirits are good while some are bad. Some are bright, others are dumb. Most bad spirits want to isolate you by making people think you're crazy. There are also spirits who play tricks on you. The sooner you realize this the better you can cope with it. If a problem is spiritual, the solution is also SPIRITUAL. BTW this is NOT a substitute for not taking your meds. Take them if it helps. I've dealt with this problem for 25 years now..
@dauntlessdev9n499 2 жыл бұрын
I've saw shadow people a few times but only once was it bad bad. It was telling me to fight it sitting across the street with one or two more next to them. It took the form of someone I knew that always wanted to fight me. I kept yelling at them to go away. I was up for a week on meth. I've had audio hallucinations since high school tho. They always have something bad to say about someone. They actually pushed me to far an now I need o see a doctor
@tyriedle2658 Жыл бұрын
You gyys are makenn my voices go away now. Thank you
@SpirituallyAmbiguous 11 ай бұрын
How are you doing now?
@tyriedle2658 Жыл бұрын
I love you all you guys are helping me right now.
@DonKarp 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! Very important addition to inform the public of the reality of voice hearers and hopefully to put a large dent in the mainstream psychiatric diagnosis/drug treatment scenario.
@toricorless5438 2 жыл бұрын
I would be all for this if I could understand it. So, my voices were a big part of my psychotic symptoms. They were very involved in my delusions, and (at their peak) I was completely deluded and my “voice” was screaming at me in the *voice of God* telling me I was condemned to hell. I would give anything to derive meaning from this! But Voices combined with psychotic symptoms would normally make it impossible for the patient to understand meaning in a rational way. Because they themselves are irrational in the throes of psychosis. Right? My voices started (and then peaked) right after a hospitalization for a brain injury sustained from a seizure, and then became slowly quieter and less prominent over the course of 3 years. Now if I hear them they’re quiet enough that I can focus on the TV or play music through headphones and move on. So I don’t think I’m in a state of delusion, but I feel listening to the voices was what got me to a state of illogical thinking. When the girl being interviewed said she understands the voice telling her to Kill herself ACTUALLY means that a relationship in her life needs to go, I feel like that’s giving too much power to the root of the voices. Mine don’t seem like they provide insight that I’m not aware of (what I can make out that’s not just irrational.) It’s like arguing with a dream. How do you derive meaning from voices that are hostile and when given space, only become MORE hostile and MORE powerful over your emotions and seem just irrational and psychotic? Essentially, I don’t trust the voices. I have them locked up because its been the only way I’ve been able to have a sustained recovery and live a normal life. But it does take effort. And when they come back sometimes, I feel the same fear. I have no idea how you’re supposed to trust something that actively communicates that it wants you hurt?
@carolinemazel-carlton3174 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Tori- I am the girl (well, 40-year-old woman) who heard voices telling me to kill myself. When I think about what my voices might be related to, I find it doesn't actually give them more power. I find it gives ME more power because I don't have to take them literally and I don't have do what they say. I have supported other voice-hearers professionally for about 15 years. I find it is really important to not make broad generalizations about people who have this experience. And if I call a struggling person "irrational" and "psychotic" they tend not to want to share their experiences with me anymore. This leaves them more isolated and more disempowered when facing difficult voices. In the Hearing Voices approach, we believe that it is helpful to talk to others about the issues we are dealing with, rather than feeling ashamed or holding things inside. The vast majority of voice-hearers are trauma survivors. Often difficult voices can speak to areas of our life that need healing. Voices can provide clues as to what those area are.. for example, I might hear a voice that sounds like someone who hurt me in the past. Or a voice might express an emotion (like anger or sadness) that I have not been able to acknowledge. Voices can be very challenging! But often times they are just the messenger. Anyway, I hope this clarifies some of your questions!
@theresajeanette7849 Жыл бұрын
Hey you are not alone I believe you cause I'm going through it too.for two years but I've been contacting CIA cause there's a compensation involved in voice to the skull
@jordanduran859 9 ай бұрын
@@carolinemazel-carlton3174 hello do you still hear it now or has it gone away for you?
@HollyFord-z1e Жыл бұрын
When I started Hearing, I was hearing from My Son that passed away. He said that he is alright and roams ghostly. But lately, I have been hearing from others. I have heard from Neighbors, Police, Judges, Social Security Office, Family Services and People while passing. Something is definitely going on! I'm glad that I came across this Group. I will Keep Listening and Keep in touch!
@frankoffei227 9 ай бұрын
"It's transforms". Years back when I don't know any group about hearing voices in the world, the above statement is what my voices told me and gradually am seeing the reality part of the statement 🎉
@bethrivka68 5 жыл бұрын
Life changing.
@OpenExcellence 4 жыл бұрын
We now have closed captions in English, Dutch, Spanish, Hebrew and Chinese provided by amazing volunteers from around the world! Thank you, Hearing Voices global community, you are awesome. If you're reading this and you would like to contribute subtitles in another language, please email us at
@seeexy 2 жыл бұрын
@OpenExcellence 4 жыл бұрын
Just want to give a huge shout-out to the person who contributed the Dutch translation for the closed captioning. That is fantastic. We'd love to have other translations too if any of our friends out there are gifted in that way. We've recently had a request for Spanish in particular. To contribute, click on the video settings icon, then Subtitles/CC, then Add subtitles/CC. Thanks, everyone!
@puttershef 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, a friend has asked me to add Hebrew subtitles to this video but the community subtitles option was discontinued in September. Will it be possible for you to send me the English subtitles that are already time-stamped so I'll be able to translate them to Hebrew and send them back for you to add to the video?
@OpenExcellence 4 жыл бұрын
@@puttershef That would be so great, thank you! Will you email me at so I can send you the transcript?
@emmieboering1757 3 жыл бұрын
@daniellin4230 6 ай бұрын
基本上思覺失調症典型就是三大症狀:正向(幻覺幻聽妄想),負向(失去情感連結),認知功能障礙.正向症狀基本上最需要趕快治療,但其他也是需要處理.基本上藥物副作用不可能沒有.但研究已經證實,連即使重度憂鬱症(雖然也很慘 病理機制也很高)復發都需要持續吃藥更久或是一生.躁鬱更是,而思覺失調更是裡面機制非常強中的疾病中最嚴重影響最災難化的.停藥的人幾乎一年內又復發,原先藥物有效也大幅效力減少.因為連躁症,甚至憂鬱持續發作每次都會讓腦部再更大幅受損,何況是思覺失調.因此雖然可以搭配其他另類療法,最主要生理性的控制包含藥物治療是絕對不可避免與取代的.許多人崇尚表示這些只是汙名化,卻自己汙名化疾病為單純情緒思考問題而非精神疾病是腦部問題,如同開放性粉碎性骨折不手術也不吃藥只想靠中藥或復健,緩不濟急.這篇文章雖然以及台灣某社工(感覺真的非常不專業,鼓勵不要服藥,即使大規模各國證據強力證實的東西也可以自己汙名化藥物)發文感覺好像不用吃藥忽略就好.這或許適合藥物或其他正規治療穩定控制偶爾聽到聲音的人.但強烈病識感與生理上的幫助如藥物無法取代. 或許也有新穎FDA合格的治療方式但目前都是藥物為主,其他輔助.就像影片或是貼這轉發在台灣某網站的不專業社工類似, 即使真的幻聽被心裡想法改善有助於緩和,但當時急症期無藥物控制或停藥或單純惡化又嚴重時,病患病識感,妄想,負向症狀失去連結與對事物麻木感,加上嚴重認知功能思考判斷的反應能力變差且慢,又如何去應對幻聽甚至有時是幻覺??? 就算有效思考改善可以緩解幻聽的干擾,請問當負向症狀造成的人際障礙與認知功能障礙帶來的失能要如何去恢復與控制延緩每次發作的惡化. 覺得就有如壓力減緩,正念或諮商等心理調整,確實有助於病情減緩,但在憂鬱急性期如同地獄起床都沒力,還有力氣大幅自我覺差去諮商緩解嗎?加上重度憂鬱症等已經是疾病且又重度,腦中病生理機制已很高,大部分即使心理諮商也是正規治療也要搭配生理改善的實證醫學,如傳統藥物,近年來rTMS重複經顱磁刺激(自費)與新藥ES-KETAMINE(貴),甚至是臨床實驗證據力非常強的抗憂鬱藥物(也是麻醉劑)KETAMINE等都是可改變腦中憂鬱症病理機制並產生效果的方式,甚至是最後一線的電痙攣.但其中不管選擇什麼 理論上除非特例都一定要搭配最可能有效的藥物組合.才能讓其他新的治療改善能持續更久,也非鼓勵不吃藥.連憂鬱都是如此,何況是更病例機制嚴重的思覺失調,藥物停藥已經證實跟預後有大幅相關.真的覺得許多反污名化卻在台灣自己是病友或一般非相關科系卻崇尚其他非實證治療,就跟癌症被電台賣藥依樣,是雖無知造成但可恥可惡的事情.文中另外也患者故意提到好像思覺失調有時會並用多種藥物還同時很不好.事實無論躁鬱,甚至單極性重鬱症效果不好時除抗憂鬱劑本來就可以搭配情緒穩定(如鋰鹽,抗癲癇藥),或抗精神病藥等治療躁與思覺失調的藥物,低劑量的方式搭配加強重鬱症抗憂鬱效果.何況有些人是多種疾病一起.思覺失調除每個大腦機制雖都不同但百分百邊緣系統多巴胺爆表才看的到幻聽幻覺,這時鼓勵不吃藥等同放任腦部破壞卻要我們不吃藥不打針不住院在家練習冥想依樣無知
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
This is nice and comforting thank 😊 for sharing your stories
@brandonlamontcooper8141 Жыл бұрын
great work everyone.
@frankoffei227 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic to be here 👍 to realize that there are many different people's out there who are voice hearers like I do, I remember My voices told me one time that, "We are abundant in this world". and lo and behold, that's exactly what am seeing that makes me excited Day by day, Am looking for opportunity to share My story to the world 🌍, how do I go about it?, Thank you so much 🙏. Frank offei from Ghana in west Africa.
@seeexy 2 жыл бұрын
wow so helpful 🤯😲😲 ty 🙏
@Shanaevaz 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video guys
@jason-h-Poet Жыл бұрын
Great video
@hasaneurope4603 19 күн бұрын
@nira7552 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thank you for this video really insightful and informative. Thank you ❤
@tiarataylor1050 3 жыл бұрын
1:53 is what I was looking for. The food in the cover photo
@jenndenys769 4 ай бұрын
I could really use some help with my voices any suggestions?
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
It helps to be around people makes it better
@cindydieball6350 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Thank you! Oregon USA has, I think, about 10 groups. Atlanta, Georgia, where I live, has zero groups for hearing voices. At least not "hearing-voices- network."
@TmaadHMD 19 күн бұрын
Would be great to have an Atlanta chapter.
@JessiAlfredoNicotra 2 ай бұрын
Hey. I would love to talk to someone about this. I am shocked that so many people have been thru similar experiences. Really thought my life was over until a childhood friend recently let me live with em. Been about 6 weeks without the complete torture part of this. Is there an app or a forum or something like that or anyone who want to talk that has gained insight and can look at this as a positive now. ❤ I live in Norway
@toukendanshiwarrior2846 3 жыл бұрын
Does hearing voices make it harder for you to concentrate and hear or listen to external sounds (by ears)?
@carolinemazel-carlton3174 2 жыл бұрын
For some folks, yes! We have different strategies we use, some we share in common with other hard-of-hearing folks, like subtitles/live transcripts or texting instead of talking on the phone. Another common strategy is to take a break and listen to the voices for awhile so they can feel heard... and then returning to the task at hand!
@stainlesssteelrose1458 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I hear them almost 24 hours a day. It's like living with a House full of people who don't shut up. They can be rude and insulting. I hate this life, I didn't ask for it I went to bed normal one night and woke up with a crushing headache and terrifying voices from nowhere
@Shanaevaz 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes to be honest
@NoahRaj-i3w Жыл бұрын
​@@stainlesssteelrose1458seek some medical assistance, it should not torture you
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
I didnt think anyone else heard voices but many people do i have pain as i got older the voices rant about pain also its a constant battle. The voices i hear just rant all day
@shovelheadseven Жыл бұрын
Doesn't everyone hear voices to some degree? Everyone seems to hear different messages but for the most [part it seems completely normal and the way we are all wired. I understand the difference between thoughts and a voice we have no clue where it came from differ. The only real moment of a voice invading my brain was moments before my father died. His voice out of nowhere popped into my head and asked me a question.. Once I answered it the voice was no longer there. I could feel it had left. Then I got the call that he had just passed away. If we make people think they are crazy it is like abuse. If we are more accepting of things as not crazy but possibly aspects of our minds that we haven't fully understood exist than we can begin to expand our minds and reach other levels of the mind. Anything we feel others will hold against us or not understand labeling us will provoke us to keep it to ourselves and it is much healthier to discuss things see we are not alone and realize its just part of how we function. Otherwise we misconstrue what we are dealing with and make decisions that may make someone appear as crazy when they are just experiencing something we should know by now is perfectly normal. It is so easy to write someone off as nuts when they are really just misunderstood.
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
I hear voices too theyre always argumentive
@lrowe272 Жыл бұрын
The voices arent mean I just hear my name being called from time to time I hear them whenever I stressed or I don't get any sleep ,I have a mentally challenged house mate and their behavior stresses me out they sometimes keep me up at night and thats when I hear the voices.
@chooseyourenergy Жыл бұрын
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
😮 i hear voices also
@tripzville7569 3 жыл бұрын
And the moral of the story is please be very careful when dealing with mainstream EXPERTS in mainstream systems.
@serpentlaw5961 2 жыл бұрын
You are right. *Mediumship is hearing and seeing valuable entities.* For a person to profit from hearing voices, they need to *loose total control of the voices, and let the voices give advice, by asking them what they mean and WHAT they say about GOD...and your ears will pop with profit!* - Voices can tell of upcoming events and also uncover covered crimes. *Hearing voices can make you a profiler at murder cases, and also work as a medium who can tell sitters about names and persons without prior knowledge, because te voices will drop the hints of what to say. It is channeling.*
@martakadziolka7182 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry for the beautiful human that was accused of having a "brain-degrading" disorder. Kind of like Tom Hanks being accused of having a "brain cloud" in Joe vs the Volcano. I'm glad she wasn't sacrificed for "science"!
@lrowe272 Жыл бұрын
I sometimes hear voices but I am scared to tell my therapist I don't want to be placed in a mental hospital.
@falconking9091 Жыл бұрын
Yeah they will make things worse.
@tyriedle2658 Жыл бұрын
My name is ty
@dibs1972 Жыл бұрын
Hi 🙏
@tyriedle2658 Жыл бұрын
I,go to group about voices
@lechatleblanc 11 ай бұрын
i wish i could hear voices...
@dagrun3821 10 ай бұрын
No you don’t
@afigueroa1031 3 жыл бұрын
My voices are permanently gone now ^__^
@NoahRaj-i3w Жыл бұрын
@Justonlinetowatch 10 ай бұрын
Mineseemingly faded ironically after closure with my aunt before her passing. It became less, and I don’t wanna jinx it, but it’s been a good while, and I have headphones on a lot, and keep away from energies that could detail me. I am still weary for times I did…. For years..
@KMarr07 2 жыл бұрын
Well I would think if the voices were telling you kill and hurt people, you should seek help.
@carolinemazel-carlton3174 2 жыл бұрын
HVN groups can be very helpful places to discuss when voices talk about violence. It can be a scary experience but in groups we find we are not alone. Just because a voice is telling us to do something does not mean we have to do it. (Similar to people who have violent thoughts but do not act on them.) When we can talk openly about an experience it loses a lot of it's power. We may also find that the voice is linked to a past trauma when we have been hurt.
@KMarr07 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolinemazel-carlton3174 Interesting, thank you.
@fedoramcclaren4294 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolinemazel-carlton3174 this is indeed accurate ... ( :
@tyriedle2658 Жыл бұрын
I walk though darkness daily i live in a group home in the midwest in the usa my homes called the horizon house my Mom got me the internet in my own Room.
@Theonegov 10 ай бұрын
If you are having 2 way conversations with your voices - it is not mental illness.
@First-bb2fm 10 ай бұрын
interesting comment!? can elaborate on the point of view?
@Theonegov 10 ай бұрын
@@First-bb2fm The US government ( and others ) have been conducting large scale human behavior and remote brain control experiments using a variety of high technology electronic weapons that are also capable of transmitting 2 way voice communications to the selected targets or victims of those experiments. If you are having a 2 way conversation with your voices that is just like talking to them on the phone ( but without the phone ) it is very likely it is males using those weapons. The weapons are known as Psychotronic - Satellite - Microwave - Electromagnetic - Neuro-Electronic - Bio-Magnetic - NSA Remote Neural Monitoring. Experiments with these weapons are horrible attacks with No concern for the humans selected. These are also known as Targeted Individuals - Electronic Harassment - Organized Stalking
@Ladyly965 2 жыл бұрын
The Awaken people now hearing voices and seeing unexplainable things. Thats a Gifts from above. I had heard voice last year in audidable said "Rapture" message that Jesus is coming back. Wake up people. Listen to your heart and not those kind of people
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
I cant believe the pain the voices cause i hope they go away
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
Stigma is not good
@sentarenee4589 11 ай бұрын
Thyroid and water
@SallyWargo 6 ай бұрын
Stigma is not good
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