I have read so many books and I was still not convinced or understood well with the explanations. Only when I listened to Bhante Punnaji the whole thing become clear to me. He is the best in explaining what the Buddha had taught. I am so grateful and feel so lucky to stumble on Bhante 's talks. Thanks so much for loading this video and other Bhante's lectures.
@loonwengfatt14164 жыл бұрын
I agree with you Jean.
@mahendraghonmode2923 жыл бұрын
Please read Buddha and his dhamma by dr B R ambedkar pdf download
@phoenixmekhi60013 жыл бұрын
i know I'm quite randomly asking but do anyone know of a good website to watch new series online ?
@lachlanchase58873 жыл бұрын
@Phoenix Mekhi I use flixzone. You can find it on google =)
A gift from a sotopanna. Our mission while sitting in meditation. Vipasanna meditation. When we become fluent in vipasanna meditation, we begin to realise the state of mind we are in. It is very important to know that state of conciousness so as to progress further. One must differnciate it clearly or how then one is going to progress without knowing. The path of vipasanna meditation is to calm the mind to the state buddhist call it samadhi which are vitaka (initial entry to first stage of calmness) that lead to vichara(sustaining of the first state of calmness) This initial state of calm is known as 1st samadhi. Upon one ability to hang on to this first samadhi, the mental progress will continue to develop further reaching the state of piti which is the second state of calmness. Usual meditator experience it say he feel like, floating, lightness, tear flowing and mind is calm without much problem to watch the breath. Then as one can maintain this state of mind with ongoing inbreath and out breath, one will reach the 3rd samadhi calmness of mind that spell bodily pleasure more stronger then before when in 2nd samadhi. Some meditator begin to feel very happy, some see bright light, some see mind sparking, some see shadow passing. These are strong concentration that bring about nimita from the mind that appear to be real but the meditator must not attached to it but continue to be mindful, free from attachment and to be calm. After this moment occur and if the meditator mind is strong are not disturb, distract, non attached, no delusion, non greed on this occurance, the meditator will be continue to progress to realize and aware that the breath become softer, subtle, disappear and nobody sensation feeling aslo disappear and here it is UPEKA. Very important state of mind to reach as one is like being in the moment of emptiness, nothingness, space Thinking still exist during this experience. Here very important not to get lost, gets excite, gets deluded and too many on going thinking will take you out of this upeka. So during this moment stay calm as you can see there is thinking on going but do not let thinking become master or you will be kick out of upeka. Stay calm stop thinking and be with the condition. During this moment while you are staying calm in upeka your mind or i shall say you 5 mental faculties are in behind making adjustment and trying to be balance to be upeka and if successful if it is auto able to gets balance(meaning greed, hatred, delusions are removed as that 5 faculties are capable to become balance or become neutral, when that happen, your mind will shuts down and you enter the streams of ariya. Sadhu sadhu sadhu This article is written out of compassion for one who seek the path so difficult indeed and this article is carefully written from the path that was reached as a gift to all vipasanna practioner from a sotopana. BUDDHAM SARANAM GACCHAMI
@amitvedpathak68056 жыл бұрын
sadhu sadhu sadhu always enjoy bhante ji;s dhamma discourse , they are very simple and easy to understand . same with this discourse
@protodhamma Жыл бұрын
1:34:02 “What is most important is the thoughts that you have now.”