Watch her closely, her expression is priceless. She smiles and "seems to be happy" blissfully in the most of the song. But in the end when the song is about realizing that she was wrong and still missing her ex, the expression is also changed to sad expression. Damn, talk about singing from your heart
@伊藤鈴木佐藤田中4 жыл бұрын
別の人の彼女になったよ I became someone else's girlfriend. 今度はあなたみたいに This time he isn't like you, 一緒にフェスで大はしゃぎとかはしないタイプだけど the type that would get excited at a festival with me. 余裕があって大人で 本当に優しくしてくれるの He is mature, and treats me with kindness. 別の人の彼女になったよ I became someone else's girlfriend. 今度はあなたみたいに 映画見てても私より泣いてることなんてないし This time he isn't like you, who would cry more than me at the movies. どんなことにも詳しくて 本当に尊敬できる人なの He is knowledgeable about everything, he is truly a respectable person. キスや態度だけで 終わらせたりせずに He doesn't end it with kisses or an attitude, ちゃんと「好きだ」という 言葉でくれるの He clearly tells me "I love you" in his own words. 怒鳴りあいはおろか 口喧嘩もなくて No screaming at each other, no fights at all, むしろ怒るとこが どこにもないの I don't anything to be mad about him. だからもう会えないや ごめんね So I can't see you anymore, I'm sorry. だからもう会えないや ごめんね So I can't see you anymore, I'm sorry. あなたも早くなってね So hurry up and please become, 別の人の彼氏に Someone else's boyfriend. 別の人の彼女になったよ I became someone else's girlfriend. あなたの時みたいに すっぴんだって笑っていられる私ではなくて Instead of how I was with you, I don't laugh without any makeup on my face. 一生懸命お洒落して なるべくちゃんとしてるの Now I try very hard to be fashionable, I'm trying to appear decent. 別の人の彼女になったよ I became someone else's girlfriend. あなたの時みたいに 大きな声で愚痴を言うような私ではなくて Instead of how I was with you, I don't yell and complain. それをすると少しだけ 叱られてしまうから Because I get scolded if I do that. 夢や希望とかを 語ることを嫌って He dislikes talking about hopes and dreams. ちゃんと現実をね 見つめていて He trys to directly face reality. 正しいことだけしか 言わないから He only say things that are correct. ずっとさらけ出せず おとなしくしてるの So, I stay calm and not reveal my true self. だからもう会えないや ごめんね So I can't see you anymore, I'm sorry. だからもう会えないや ごめんね So I can't see you anymore, I'm sorry. あなたも早くなってね So hurry up and please become, だけど私はズルいから but I am unfair, だからもう会いたいや ごめんね So I want to see you, I'm sorry. だからもう会いたいな ずるいね So I want to see you, I'm unfair あなたも早くなってね 別の人の彼氏に So hurry up and please become someone else's boyfriend, 私が電話をしちゃう前に before I end up calling you. ------------------------------------------------- I want many people to listen to this song and her song. I hope these lyrics will help the people who listen to it.
@annisarossy61514 жыл бұрын
Thank u! It really helps me
@tigerli22624 жыл бұрын
aww u made this even more emotional for me QaQ
@adhitbontang45814 жыл бұрын
Really happy to see Yamo-san playing a guitar. Very cool👍🏻