Bible Study - Daniel 3 and the Parallel to the Mark of the Beast (6 Perfect Connections)

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Connecting The Bible - Deeper Bible Study

Connecting The Bible - Deeper Bible Study

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@jellyface401 8 ай бұрын
16:47 What is the connection between music and pagan worship? I feel some concerts feel less like social gatherings and more like satanic rituals for people to release their bad feelings and emotions.
@ericjohnston7663 Жыл бұрын
10:00 minutes, spot on as far as i am concerned
@stefcuiroche1512 2 ай бұрын
Does Arius, who professed Jesus as saviour, fit in with your ecumenism? Do the gnostics like Marcion, who was a bishop in Rome, also receive communion? What about Muslims? Do they also recognise the great work of Christ sufficiently enough to qualify as a brother? Do the Muslims not observe the father of Jesus as almighty God? How much error is deemed hate-worthy, as in the Nicolatians? BTW, your efforts and studiousness are beneficial and helpful.
@trobace Жыл бұрын
The second beast in Revelation 13-11 We were always taught for the last 50 years that it also represented a Kingdom, not an antichrist like the popular teaching of today teach. All beast and scripture is a metaphor of a kingdom.
@smokymountaincabinrentaltours Жыл бұрын
I think the image was an Obelisk tall and slim like a needle.
@vangildermichael1767 Жыл бұрын
I've always thought that the last anti-Christ. The one God tells me about that "if another will come in your image, him ye will accept". That one will be an (Artificial Intelligence) that we have built. This next version (before Christmas, or soon after), GPT5. It touts things that are crazy super human. I don't think Gods people will be on this earth to see another version (GPT6). I'm so excited.
@lisaw1072 2 жыл бұрын
The great deception is the church teaching disobedience to the laws of God. Just like the serpent in the garden...did God really say? Most throw away his his 7th day Sabbath...the only commandment he said to remember. Instead of following his set apart feast days? Which will continue in the new kingdom, the church has adopted pagan holidays. Repentance is turning from sin and walking how Messiah walked. What is sin? Sin is trangression of the law.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to address the great deception in more detail next year as I think it will be key in end times. People and I mean Christians will be willingly following the wrong person, who will be the Anti-Christ. I have alot more videos ready to go before then, but the deception video will happen. Keep watching, lots more to come. God Bless
@TheWhyIsThatSo Жыл бұрын
Lisa....The great deception IS the FALSE "church"......and the FALSE "religion" called "Christianity" that was created by Rome for political purposes, so as to control the ignorant masses . They teach "another Jesus" and "another gospel", just as the apostle Paul said they would .
@trobace Жыл бұрын
As you said Daniel 3 and Revelation 13 parallel one another. You said the penalty for worshiping the chapters is death. As you can see and daniel, everyone who did not worship the beast were not killed. It would be the same in Revelation 13. Those in the kingdom of god will not be killed. For Christ is in the control of judgment upon the earth. And according to Christ, it is the opposite. Those who worship the Beast, are the ones who Receive the mark of the beast and are killed.
@adamspencertanzola8215 2 жыл бұрын
The Pope declared a 7 yr covenant on the 73 anniversary of Yisrael and then confirmed it on the Feast of Trumpets in 2021. Fulfiling dan 9 27 and the Fig Tree generation of salms 90 10.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 2 жыл бұрын
Daniel 9 has not been totally fulfilled yet. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ got us to the middle of the week or 3.5 days. It is not a coincidence that the reign of the First Beast and also the time of the Two Witnesses are both 3.5 years. That 3.5 period of time of directly persecuting God's people will fulfill the Daniel 9:27 prophecy.
@TheWhyIsThatSo Жыл бұрын
LOL.......a person who is a TRUE follower of Christ would be neither, "Catholic", Orthodox" or "Protestant". His TRUE followers are "virgins" ( Revelation 14:4 ) They have not "defiled themselves with women" (false religions) . The coming "beast" is a confederation of "church and state".......meaning the FALSE religion of "Christianity" united with the governmental power of the "Roman Empire" short , another "Holy Roman Empire" that murdered MILLIONS of innocents who refused to bow down to them and their FALSE doctrines . NOTHING has changed today .......and so I WARN ALL who can "hear" me.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Жыл бұрын
I agree the Body of Christ is more than the 3 main sects of Christianity. It unites all the followers of Jesus Christ. But false religion of Christianity??? Are you saying that all Christians within the Churches of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestants are deceived and are part of the beast? That seems way too far out there. I do agree there will be another Roman Empire that will come on the earth as it had control over the world at the time of Jesus. Feel free to watch my video identifying the First Beast of Revelation. I use the parallel of Rome to reveal the government of today.
@jimmyjames7941 Жыл бұрын
There are true believers of many persuasions!!
@TheWhyIsThatSo Жыл бұрын
@@jimmyjames7941 ...If one is "persuaded" to believe lies then they can't be a believer of truth .
@TommyStahr 2 жыл бұрын
Exodus 13:16, Revelation 13:16, Matthew 5:29. I believe it's sin, simply. We're born in sin we must be born again. The Mark of God is the Spirit. We have the Mark of the Beast on us at birth. 6=man's #, 3=God's #. 666 man making himself God. Same old story since the garden
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 2 жыл бұрын
Please watch my video on Why is the mark of the beast 666? IT explains the mark. It's about Satan.
@woodshed_moments Жыл бұрын
Wow,, I think you're delving into some personal interpretation on this one, typically, when the topic of 666 comes up - people get willy-nilly with this one, which is weird because the biblical numerology is clear this is why the word catches our attention up front, admonishing and exhorting those who have an ear to hear, but uses the word wisdom. There is such a study known as biblical numerology in theology, simply... the study of the significance of numbers and their meaning in exegetical understanding. we are dealing with a very specific entity, and the entity is being unveiled in apocalyptic language… the number six in scripture is the number of man. If you recall, man was created on what day? The sixth day... what was his mission? he was to take dominion, subdue and to replenish, two of those were ascribed to man, one of them with the aid of woman. Satan's goal was to pervert that - by any means possible. So, John the Revelator is reminding us through the Angel of the Lord [Jesus], that the number is “6, 6 and 6” This is not a force multiplier, or an equation to try to apply, it gave us a six, plus a six and then adding of a six which tells us if six is the number of man, then this has to do with man... because it pertains to man. If so, we have to apply where it makes sense - where man was given dominion... the little horn came "out of the earth" - the difference between rising up out of the sea and rising up out of the earth are two VERY DIFFERENT origins - this is where people have to start paying attention to details. The mark of the beast represents the works of the hand, for people who are submitted to this beast, because they reject the gospel truth. - plain and simple So, 6,6+6… so, the number six obviously is a man [mere man], his office[who he claims to be], and his claim of dominion [the area he falsely claims authority over] this appears to be where the optics line up! And this is affirmed by The Book of Revelation repeating back to us who this son of perdition or antichrist thinks he is? remember the definition of the word satanic? It not only means "adversary," "he who opposes", or "against" - - it also means "instead of", or to "supplant" - - this significant, because this is what the Roman Catholic Empire sought to do... and is laying tracks to try to return one day to fulfill. Now, if you want symbolism, what did God change Israel's name from? He changed it form Jacob... Jacob means “supplanter”, and what does supplant mean? it means to place something “instead of” - to Israel which means “he who has striven with God” Now, as to this is the papal authority, they want their kingdom "instead of" the one true God's - one interesting note: the title one the popes habit has a blaphemous name on it "the vicker of God" in spelled out in Latin = 666 Wow! So, if you wanted numeric symbolism, there you go. Now, the Book of Revelation is rife with symbolism of the Roman Catholic Empire, and the Lord is coming back to correct it, Because of the tools, tactics and raw deception this entity had the nerve to try to advance in its entirely erroneous claims of self deity. remember, man was given free choice, and whereas I have compassion for the deception people who choose Catholicism under, remember part of that “strong delusion” or “spirit of stupor” that the Lord is going to allow to blind those who misprioritized his truth over their own personal comfort zone.. or we'll just use the term ‘ear tickling’ Remember these are acts of personal will, that have to be met with the reward of what the heart intended when they committed to the action, this is the Sovereign territory of the Lord God common man has no business trying to wield Authority in the area they were not giving them anything, God is the god of the heart, Satan has no Authority there so he plays with the mind which is why systems, rulers and authorities all designed To forge a decision out of the absence of the ability to know the heart, Satan knew the product of man's heart we would be doing right out the gate irrevocable and irretrievable, but since he does not, this is evidence of God's sovereignty and his power and his omniscience and he deals with man according to what's in his heart, or which is basically referred to as the works of the hand [ Ecclesiastes 10:2] there's good works and there's evil works… Which brings me to my next point, for those abiding in apostasy, why would Jesus say “depart from me you workers of iniquity I knew you not”, if they're going to be some in the very same and analogy that said when “we cast out demons in your name” Well, did you actually cast demons out in his name? I tend to recall in the book of Acts what happened to the sons of Skiba, the itinerant Jewish exorcists who had no relationship with God through Jesus, but had the nerve to convey some kind of authority to cast out demons - though they were effectively agnostics, meaning they had no knowledge or relationship with the Living God, through Christ Jesus, yet they were going to try to cast out demons in Jesus name, but they didn't even get that right they claim the relationship through Paul - that demon was like, say what?The demon knew who Jesus was, understood who Paul was - but didn't know who was trying to make a claim of authority? Guess what happened? you already know, that demon left the man who he was tormenting and ran after those who made false claims - of relationship… and humbled them Continuing to advance the case of God's mercy and Desiring that all men be saved And come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, but that's a choice… don't you get it? the whole purpose of demonstrating love is exercising choice and this is why God takes heresy and apostasy so seriously, so who are we to reduce the appearance of the severity God in his sovereignty takes on those who are trying to spiritually fake the funk… as it were - - the Epistles remind us briefly citing “those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” There is your grace and your mercy…But that is grace and mercy extended out of a choice that we have to make - He didn't negate the choice to be made to obtain mercy therefore the grace Which now makes the point even more hardline, understanding that good, sound, bibliocentric, Christological exposition and exegetical understanding has to start with the tools that the word gives us - in biblical numerology 6 is the number of man, adding to six is his station or authority… the last 6 are the people or area this office is claiming dominio; effectively - 6, 6 and 6 Which is why the Angel of the Lord, in Revelation exhorts us in this particular passage, let “he who has understanding” All of this to say, we don't want to get willy-nilly with Open Door policies spiritually, for a standard we didn't create, but are charged by our acceptance to maintain... not having spiritual open border policy, so this is where I will have to soundly and respectfully disagree with what I perceive from you is exactly that, doors far too open where they should be more Discerning and, and that's my only variation there is that I believe you're just lacking a little discernment here not for the desire to not know truth and understand it but we're compassionate potentially override discernment, Young fella. We need to remind ourselves on a regular basis, that the one thing that God is never going to do is trespass the free will he gave us, which is why we hear this capped off about the nature of man exercising his free will for good, or in perversion… to the very ending off the Book of Revelation man is given this admonition: “The one being unrighteous, let him be unrighteous still; and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he who is righteous, let him practice righteousness still; and he who is holy, let him be holy still." [Revelation 22:11] Why did the Angel of the Lord make distinctions in this passage? Cited are clear distinctions between righteous, unrighteous, filthy, and holy. Brother, with all due respect... clearly the pretenders are not going to make it, because [at the end of the day] they were not holy - we want to be merciful, we want to be compassionate, but not at the expense of the Gospel - Christ is not coming to bring peace... but the sword. Because that's what the Word does - it cleaves [Heb 4:12].... right from wrong, truth from error... or sorta and kinda from clarity. Adding to that, what did the Apostle Paul say about the Creightons? he said to do what? to “rebuke them sharply” Why would you say that? Clearly, they were perverting the gospel and living a bad testimony - so, you can't dilly-dally around with people who want to play ‘let's pretend we're Christian’, believers need to put that foolishness down swiftly… why? because when you don't it says something else - it's the "something else" we don't have the authority to lobby.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Жыл бұрын
You said...."Christ is not coming to bring peace... but the sword." Be careful Brother, it is clear from the Gospel that the sword of Jesus Christ is the Word of God that comes from His mouth. It is not a literal sword that brings killing. The killing will be coming from the AC. The division thing that you are referring to, means you are either going to be on Jesus' side or not, there will be no gray area. I'm aware of that verse and its meaning. But I'll continue to hit this ecumenical theme throughout my videos, that anyone that professes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior is my brother and sister in Christ. And it doesn't matter to me if they embrace bad doctrine from a church different from mine. No two churches agree on doctrine anyway. This is this channel's view between the sects of Christianity. Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox are all the Body of Christ. Let Jesus take care of the bad doctrine, but embrace all.
@woodshed_moments Жыл бұрын
@@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 I'm not the one that needs to be careful brother, and I believe defending a position that's not even represented in scripture but in part but then interpreting the groundwork that you're working on, you young fella need to be very careful, what I quoted insight it is very specific what I shared is doctrine, what you shared our feelings, this is all shared lovingly, I'm not digging at you but you need to be smart I don't need to be tutored by you you can't share anything that I couldn't reteach you... Which is precisely why there is an admonition on young fellows being given latitude in the church, you're young you're learning, you don't know yet you're gaining knowledge take the admonition lovingly because it's not meant to dig at you, but to illuminate a perspective you shared that is more emotional than it is biblical
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Жыл бұрын
@@woodshed_moments My position is not emotional. I only used the word careful because of the last great deception by Satan and the strong delusion that Paul talks about. My position is very scriptural. Satan is still out there and will try to trip up any Christian he can and get people to support the wrong guy. That's why the Anti-Christ is given a sword in Revelation 6. I hear what you are saying, but I believe I know how the end will play out and many will be deceived. I will continue to sound this warning to any who will listen. May God Bless you my brother.
@woodshed_moments Жыл бұрын
@@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Listen for the sake of thread argument, here I'm going to track this thing back to what's visible, you added something to something that didn't need to be there... that was the issue. A thing, that, if left at face value lent a great deal of incredulity to what you did provide that may have had value in it, You rebutted that your response was not emotional, I soundly beg the differ, in the world of reason, subjectivity is always emotionally based, objectivity doesn't track to emotion, you didn't supply objective, you supplied subjective... how do we know this? It was your own admittedly personal opining. Hence my comment and a good number on this thread seeing the same - again this is not a personal attack I wish you well and what you do, but you have to understand when you add something to a thing that seems out of place - expect questions or even modest challenges. Here's the thing, no one even cited anything particularly off about your post, That is to say - particularly. The issue was, the perception of an open arm / open door policy wokeism entreat… [I am not calling you woke] on how you chose to respond in the area of who we as Believers are are/are not supposed to have an open arms policy about, the gospel is in fact, an open arms policy, but that's walking through the door, then accountability isLaid throughout the Epistles, because that's what the epistles are intra-church accountability [1 John 2: 19-20] So, the modality in our walks starts as ‘come as you are’, but you're not to ‘stay as you were', that topic is half the book of Hebrews right there. Anyway, I'm going to put an end to these rebuttals here now, I wish you the best of what you do, saying you bring your best in what you do - pray before you post, and let the evidence speak for itself. Blessings - and maturity in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Жыл бұрын
@@woodshed_moments I was going to walk away, because of your supposed admonition to put an end to these rebuttals. But the thing is, this is my ministry and I do welcome disagreements to my methodology, interpretations or anything said on the videos. You have to remember, this is not just a conversation between you and me, these comments are for anyone else to read. And since this is my ministry, I have a responsibility to not let things go by that could lead others astray for where my ministry is going. Think of this as my house. I know in your heart, you are trying to help me see things from your point of view. But commenters such as yourself have to expect to be engaged with. The only thing I demand from all is respect and civility. Besides the patronizing tone, you have largely done so. I let so many comments go by, but will engage with select people on a daily basis. I did see your comment and saw something that I believe was out of place.....Jesus coming back with the sword. I've already put forward that view point could lead some to back the wrong person, such as the AC having a sword in Revelation. In fact this is a direct teaching from my ministry, that Satan is going to try and get Christians to follow him by grabbing their own swords or supporting the person that is doing so. It is not emotional, but if you wish to label it as such, that seems to be your thing. I back my ecumenical theme and words of warning often with scriptures in my videos. And the real reason I responded now was to the opening up of this perception of wokeism policy. Let me quote you: "The issue was, the perception of an open arm / open door policy wokeism entreat… [I am not calling you woke]" You did qualify that you are not calling me woke, just somehow I'm espousing that view or policy. But I think you miss the most important thing in my defense of ecumenicalism: I believe I say this precisely in my videos... "Anyone that says Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior is my brother and sister in Christ." That sentence is not just a throw away line or empty to me. The words mean something. I often say that the word Lord has to mean something such as Jesus being your King and letting Him govern your thoughts and actions. Which neatly matches your open arms policy at the front door but not stay as you are....We are saying the same thing at this point. The only thing I won't do is decide which Church doctrines are bad and which are good. I stay away from theology and doctrines on this channel. I find the arguments to divide the Body of Christ. How many different Churches are there and they all disagree on doctrine. I am vexed at the division we see in the Church today. My channel is really about connections and now using a new methodology to unlock prophecy. Time will tell whether the methodology is coming from God or my own mind. I will continue this espouse this ecumenical view no matter the sect. I acknowledge you are trying to help me in your own way. But I have to do what I have to do. I believe I know what will happen during the end times, this is not emotionalism, but trying to guide my brothers and sisters through the tribulation. God Bless you my friend.
@dltstop6001 9 ай бұрын
The bible tells you the sea is peoples ! Not the flood .
@robertgusnowski5495 Жыл бұрын
Your loud horrible music at the end ruins what would otherwise be a good video. Sorry dude. Just being honest. Your videos are deep, they need to listened to multiple times. I often get so lost in listening that the loud music at the end is like finger nails on a chalkboard. When I put your videos in a playlist, I have to fast forward at the beginning and again at the end. It is an absolute nuisance.
@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I can adjust the volume of the music. It doesn't sound abnormally loud compared to the video clips when I preview it. But I will try and remember to adjust down. God Bless
@robertgusnowski5495 Жыл бұрын
Thank you May the Lord bless you as well....... @@connectingthebible-deeperb5680
@trobace Жыл бұрын
Go back to the dream of Nebachanessa. The toes of the feet represent a spiritual scattering.. Being that the world is all under one language again which is english. That's why the scattering today is spiritual. The stone cut out of the mountain is the kingdom of God in Christ.
@vyacheslavsunday2285 Жыл бұрын
"Mene, Tekel, Uparsin" - the weight of the kingdom of gold(Babilon). Mene = 60 Tekel(shekel) = 1 Uparsin(u par shekel) = 1/2 + 1/2 The Weight of the gold kingdom is light = 62 Next king is Darius(62 years old) in 539 BC(was settled by Cyrus), but only one year and after Cyrus(the true king of all kingdoms) will be the King of Babylon in 538 BC. So 538 + 62 = 600 BC, the time of Babylon was the king of all nations. In that time 60 and 6 gold statue was made. 600 + 60 + 6 = 666 PS: 60 + 6 = 66 -> 605 - 539 - the period of Nebuchadnezzar (begins from Nebuchadnezzar II and ends by Belshazzar the "son" of Nebuchadnezzar)
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