We need a second chance season with Brian from bb10 on it. This dude had freaking Dan following his lead.
@BladeBlur Жыл бұрын
SERIOUSLY. I am glad at least they wanted him back in BB11, but the twist pretty much guaranteed Jessie is going to return.
@colinvanblaricom6573 Жыл бұрын
Personally I think Dan is a n overrated player. He struggled immensely in the pre-merge of both seasons. In the post-merge he was better but he played a non-winning game in BB14 with how he was sending all the members to jury bitter
@AsraliaX2 Жыл бұрын
@@colinvanblaricom6573 pre-merge?
@jaredbowen3527 Жыл бұрын
@@AsraliaX2 bro thinks this is survivor
@AsraliaX2 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredbowen3527 I loved when Memphis played his hidden immunity idol on Dan at the final 5. Too bad Jerry had won individual immunity that episode.
@DVal-bl7hm Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: in a pre-game interview from BB14, the houseguests were all asked what night 1 twist reveal would be their worst nightmare. Kara, Jodi, and Danielle ALL said that their biggest fear in the game would have been for former houseguests to be brought back again. Literally, the entirety of Dan's players in BB14 had their game plans disrupted because of the Coach's twist. lol kzbin.info/www/bejne/emqXgqKkqLx2mM0
@kharihammon9784 Жыл бұрын
Please do more survivor winner rankings + international ones too!
@kamfrusciante Жыл бұрын
7:10 that was cheeky 🤣
@becbec7879 Жыл бұрын
I don't get how you can argue anyone OTHER than Jillian is the best first boot. It is my personal opinion that out of every single person to leave week 1 (not first boot, obviously players like Cameron/Jodi/ect had worse circumstances), Jillian Parker had the most unfortunate series of events that lead to her eviction. Note: I am not claiming Jillian is the best player of all time. I am not even saying she was a good player. I am not even saying that she would have had a deep run on BB19 if she survived week 1, I am simply saying that out of every single week 1 eviction, so many things went wrong from Jillian (very little of them were HER fault) that it is almost comical how unlucky she was. Let's start with night 1. Jillian started out in a terrible position by not being given a friendship bracelet and immediately had to compete to avoid the block night 1. Unfortunately after several competitions, Jillian was on the block against Cameron and Christmas. Even worse for Jillian was that the three of them had to decide whether to do a vote or compete for safety. If they decided to compete, Jillian very likely loses to both Cameron and Christmas and is evicted night one. However, Christmas surprises everyone and decides to make it a vote. However, the men all decide to target Jillian right away and it is looking like she may go home. However, the women decide that since Paul joined the game, they can't afford to lose a woman and gain a male, so they all evict Cameron. This already starts Jillian off on a bad foot because it establishes her as a pawn, as well as someone who several people have already tried to evict. However, she gets to work and starts to build bonds and form an alliance with Megan, Alex, and Ramses as the "misfits." Going into night 2, Jillian wants that HOH. She spent day 1 on the block and doesn't want to go back there. So imagine how she felt when as soon as the HOH comp started, it was announced that it would be a team competition. And guess who is on her team, Josh. And as we all know, Josh goes first and takes the golden apple, earning himself safety, but making all of his teammates ineligible to even get to compete in HOH. This pisses off the HOH, Cody, who admits to us that Josh was his target and will most definitely continue to be his target. Immediately, Cody and Megan really begin to butt heads, and Cody sets his sight on Megan. Cody, already having tried to evict Jillian night 1, sees that Jillian and Megan are close and decides to use her as a pawn. Jillian is a pretty safe pawn. She has better relationships with the house than Megan, Megan is viewed as the bigger player, and players like Christmas/Elena, who were already in the majority were even beginning to bond with Jillian and try to scoop her with a number. Being nominated with your closest ally week 1 definitely isn't the best feeling, but when you're clearly the pawn and have better relationships, are more calm, and viewed as the smaller threat, all you have to do is hope your number 1 ally doesn't win veto. Even if Megan was to win veto, Cody was going to target Alex or Jason over Jillian, and she had better connections than those two players at the time as well. So at this point, Jillian was about as safe as a pawn can be. Unfortunately this is when all hell breaks lose, there is the whole "Pao Pao/Panda" gate between Megan, Alex, and Jessica. This triggers Megan PTSD, and she has to walk from the game. I really feel like at this point, Cody's HOH reign should have been null and void. In FACT, there is precedent for what happens when an initial nominee leaves the game before veto. In BB11, Michele won HOH and Chima/Lydia were nominated. Chima got expelled and Michelle's HOH reign was over. Cody's was no different. He nominated Jillian and Megan, Megan left the game. The week will surely be reset too right. Nope wrong. That is total bullshit btw, and if a competent player instead of Cody was HOH, him essentially getting to evict two people who he wanted out during his HOH could have really set him up to steamroll.. Okay, so Megan is gone and Cody is HOH. I wonder who he will nominate. Since his main reasoning for putting Jillian on the block was the ensure Megan would go home, with a new target, he probably wouldn't put Jillian on the block again. Maybe he would nominate the duo of Alex/Jason, both of whom were targets of his over Jillian. Oh, wait. What's that? Jillian is remaining on the block no matter what? So he doesn't even get to reconsider a plan? He just puts someone up next to Jillian. That doesn't seem fair to Cody or Jillian, but whatever. He puts Alex up as the target and Jillian is still a pretty safe pawn. All Jillian needs to do to survive is make sure Alex loses the veto, but even if Alex wins, the majority alliance agreed to backdoor Jason as a threat. So Jillian survives over Alex and Jason, and as soon as Jason isn't picked to play in the veto, it seems like Jillian is poised to survive this week no matter who wins veto. So about that veto, Alex wins. Okay, puts her in a little danger but the whole majority alliance agrees that Jason has to go. However, Cody starts to bond with Alex and actually THREW her the veto. Cody could have won the veto and kept nominees the same, but instead, he threw it because he admired her as a competitor. This is when Cody's wheels begins to turn and he decides to completely go back on his alliance. He decides that Paul is the veteran and that Paul needs to go. The problem is his majority alliance isn't on board with getting Paul out and Paul may have the votes to stay. (It would be close though. Jillian has Jessica, Alex, Ramses, Jason, and Kevin. Paul would have Matt, Raven, Christmas/Elena/Mark/Dominique. It would come down to wildcard Josh, and who knows what he would do. At this point, he was still totally on the outs, so it would have been a battle to get his vote.) So Cody makes the irrational move of betraying his majority alliance and opting out of an easy Jason backdoor (that the whole house besides Alex/Kevin/Ramses was on board with so it would have clearly went through) and puts up Paul on his place. This is the FIRST time Jillian is in danger of leaving, but that isn't a guarantee, she has a hard road of campaigning ahead and needs to ensure Wildcard Josh keeps her. She has the returning player card that she can use as an easy anti Paul campaign and that may work. Oh, what's that? You mean there was a fan vote for 3 weeks of safety on BB19? You mean they would do that on a season with ONE returning player with a pre established fan base against a bunch of people no one has any idea are? You think they would do that? That just doesn't seem fair. But that is EXACTLY what is done. Paul pulls out the pendant of protection and has to make a last minute decision. So he has two options at this point. He can put Jason up and try to restore his place in the house. This would cause Jason to leave as the majority wanted him gone. Or he can throw away any possibility of restoring anything and throw Paul's closest Ally, Christmas, up and try to squeeze the votes out. Instead of being reasonable, he goes for the latter and throws Christmas on the block. This is when things look BAD for Jillian. So Jillian has Ramses, Alex, Jessica, and Jason on her side no matter what. She also has Cody in case of a 6-6 tie. Christmas has Paul/Dominique/Elena/Mark/Matt/Raven. So she is already at 6. This vote is up to Kevin and Josh. Fortunately for Jillian, they aren't in the Power Structure at all, so if they were thinking strategically, they would side with Jillian, force a tie, and get a strong PHYSICAL player out week 1. Truly causing a split house. You know how I mentioned a PHYSICAL player when talking about Christmas. What happens next is simultaneously both one of the almost luckiest breaks that turns into an unlucky ensured eviction for Jillian. So Jason was giving Christmas a piggyback ride, fell, and injured Christmas. She has to be taken to the hospital and it was determined to be a broken ankle. That sucks for Christmas, but I'm sure they will invite her back to make up for the experience cut short. Jillian survived week 1 despite everything being against her, but in the end, she had a tragic, but lucky break where he opponent on the block broke her ankle and would not be able to compete properly. Not the best way to survive, but that hellstorm of a week is over. ....oh. You mean to tell me they are letting Christmas stay??? With a broken ankle? And she won't be able to compete in certain physical/endurance comps? So you are telling me the bodybuilder who is built up as this huge physical threat doesn't even have that going for her anymore? The ONE reason to evict Christmas over Jillian is that Christmas has competition beast potential, and with that gone, Jillian is a full player who can compete in everything (I'm sure she would suck at comps though lol) vs. Christmas who it's a crapshot if she will be able to compete or not. Christmas breaking her ankle and not being a full competitor is exactly what she needed to get Josh/Kevin on board with her and cause Jillian to be evicted in a 8-4 blindside. If ANYTHING I listed above happened differently, Jillian is very likely not voted out the 1st week. This is why it is more than my opinion, it is an OBJECTIVE FACT, that Jillian Parker, is the most robbed and screwed over contestant in Big Brother history. Argue with me, but you can't.
@thecamishere4344 Жыл бұрын
most certainly #1 most robbed first player and tbh probably player too if not Jessie from BB10 and 11 (more so 11 although in 10 the swing vote Dan was likely voting him out anyways). Still, ik I'm not talking about a first boot but Jessie had no reason to be nominated if April wanted Memphis out and although in BB11 Jessie's side was unlikable, the coup et Tat had no business existing especially in that game breaking of power knowing damn well Jessie was running the game. Speaking of BB11, Michelle nominated Natalie next to Chima. Not Lydia
@morbidpanda25 Жыл бұрын
For me its Steve, but Jillian is a CLOSE second. Jillian is for sure way more unlucky, but she hardly does ANYTHING right that week, its just so much goes wrong out of her control. Steve is less unlucky (to a degree. He got taken out by one of the best players all time manipulating one of the worst players of all time which.... hard to blame him for) but he does SO much actively good work the week he goes. He wasn't just being defended by FOUTTE. He was actively extremely close to Swaggy, Kaitlyn and Scottie, who were literally the core of FOUTTE. I have no doubt he would have been pulled in to the actual alliance by the end of week 2 at the latest. He was prime to do so well if not for Tyler pulling like 5 rabbits out of a hat
@queenzoroark Жыл бұрын
It isn't a sin to not put her on #1 too.
@DVal-bl7hm Жыл бұрын
Not only did the producers let Christmas stay for BB19, but they also did give her a second chance in BB22, instead of Jillian. What a world we live in, am I right?
@Mitsuki12345 Жыл бұрын
This is the strongest case I've seen for Jillian BB19. Props to all the effort you put into writing this! And I really agree with you.
@theanalysis27 Жыл бұрын
Amanda got screwed in more ways than one💀
@williamiceman9939 Жыл бұрын
Made me lol
@williamiceman9939 Жыл бұрын
@Natalie I know plenty of it
@AsraliaX2 Жыл бұрын
@Natalie You're insufferable
@MrCAXA-tq1yc Жыл бұрын
You should make a power rankings of every past season of Big Brother. That would be fun. Great video btw!
@hauntedhaunter6148 Жыл бұрын
Pooch and Coach would be the greatest duo of all time
@jimmyanderson5719 Жыл бұрын
Can you imagine them on the Amazing Race?
@ultimate-xw6jl Жыл бұрын
7:06 if you know you know 😂
@WilsonReviews Жыл бұрын
Honestly Braden reminds me of Andrew savage on survivor pearl islands. He treats Lydia terribly, which is asinine considering he needed her vote to stay (just like savage in PI)
@khntou4178 Жыл бұрын
For the mext lists I think you can go over the people from each season of Survivor and Big Brother who you think beats anyone if they make final 2. Limit the list to the people who actually make the jury though.
@jimmyanderson5719 Жыл бұрын
So, if we removed Parker and Jen and add Jacob, Steve is technically #1 :)
@justinpascal8332 Жыл бұрын
Sharon would be number 1
@helenkellerstampon20 күн бұрын
She returned she can’t really count
@BladeBlur Жыл бұрын
Wish Steve lasted longer in BB20
@jjccss_670 Жыл бұрын
Love these
@Daddyoh946 ай бұрын
Jozea sacrificed himself for the newbies and Nicole still got the win for the vets. 😂 RIP
@elitettelbach4247 Жыл бұрын
Lol at the BB9 bookends. Makes sense though! Also I find it interesting that when you select first boots in the way that you have, it’s an even split of men and women.
@jasmine1stan857 Жыл бұрын
If Pooch only had week 2 as his game he’d probably be the worst player ever
@draguru Жыл бұрын
Could you make a Big Brother 7 player rankings? Even tho i know who's gonna be at 1st i still want to see one!
@JuanRodriguez-tf7fh Жыл бұрын
That photo of Keesha is cursed 😅
@jeilastnamejei5831 Жыл бұрын
In more ways that one 💀
@whats_holden_up Жыл бұрын
1st Boot Rankings (will include Jodi, Jacob, etc) 22. Jacob 21. Joey 20. Jace 19. Scott 18. Justin 17. Amanda 16. Pooch 15. David (BB15) 14. Mike 13. Glenn 12. Jodi 11. Cameron 10. David (BB21) 9. Ashlea 8. Lori 7. Sheryl 6. Alison 5. Travis 4. Keesha 3. Steve 2. Brian 1. Dick
@goredongoredon Жыл бұрын
This was a fun video.
@CD-bj5qh Жыл бұрын
can u do this but for second 3rd or 4th boots
@ZavidWebster Жыл бұрын
My Rankings: 28. Jacob 27. Mike 26. Jace 25. William 24. Joey 23. Braden 22. Pooch 21. Annie 20. Allison 19. Teddy 18. Lori 17. Chuck 16. Anthony 15. Carol 14. Ashlea 13. Cornbread 12. Amanda 11. Sheryl 10. David (BB15) 9. David (BB21) 8. Glenn 7. Jodi 6. Cameron 5. Travis 4. Keesha 3. Steve 2. Brian 1. Dick
@superwilly55 Жыл бұрын
I correctly guessed the top 2 when you it came down to the last 6 to rank.
@CaidenTube Жыл бұрын
if it wasn't for kaitlyn i think steve from bb20 could have done pretty good he had decent challenge performances other than the hoh challenge and he had some good bonds
@eightmillionmaddies Жыл бұрын
Parker for BB second chances
@alpha_gem Жыл бұрын
If you kept Jacob and Sharon over Jen and Parker, would you put Sharon in the same spot as Parker due to the nature of her game being destroyed by her partner's gameplay in the same way?
@Paulbuslon Жыл бұрын
I thought Cameron of "BB19" was the first boot
@taralen1101 Жыл бұрын
He's not including Day 1 evictions. He's including the first person gone on a live eviction ceremony etc.
@jackblacks1fanaccount42 Жыл бұрын
Summer of Steve Robbed as number 1 #summerofsteve2018 Long Live the Summer of Steve 2018
@creativename72305 ай бұрын
i genuinly think matt from bb26 is at the bottom of this list, but gets stopped by jen
@seamino8329 Жыл бұрын
@NiteDriv3r Жыл бұрын
@birdinflight3861 Жыл бұрын
Bb23 is the only season I haven’t seen, and from what it sounds like I don’t want to
@JS-hk5op Жыл бұрын
23 wasn't bad. Not the greatest, but there's been worse. If you can get through 21 and 22, then 23 should be an easier watch
@thefoxoflaurels3437 Жыл бұрын
23 is pretty good, especially compared to 21 & 22. The endgame is sort of the inevitable playing out but that’s a lot of seasons. The characters are largely pretty likable and The Cookout are a far less obnoxious alliances than most power alliances and the two people in that alliance that are generally considered unlikable get their comeuppance