Good video, the idle animations are very good, but since you're asking for advice: The first things that stand out are proportions and bullet trails. The heads of your grunts are a bit small compared to the bodies and the feet look just a tiny bit too large. I could be wrong about the feet though, it's hard to tell at lower resolutions. The hands seem to be the right size. The muzzle flashes can also be bigger. In your animation, they're about 1,5 times the size of an AR 15 barrel, but you can get away with a lot more than that. In most animations they are about half the size of the whole AR, but that can vary. The bullet trails are quite simple, instead of drawing them with the brush tool, most people (including me) just make a straight line for a single frame using the line tool. I don't know if dc2 has that, but if it doesn't you can draw a long, thin line from the tip of the barrel to the target. Again, this can vary, it's not an absolute rule. The rest of the issues, like sprites flickering, sprites not being on the same layer and low resolution, are all likely software issues. If your still using dc2, I suggest you consider switching to Flash 8. It's simple to use, allows for higher resolutions and gives you much easier access to sprites. I promise learning it will be worth the effort. Of course, you need a PC for Flash 8 and you would need someone to hook you up with a copy, so if you can't use Flash, dc2 is good enough. Your animations are very nice, especially for a dc2 animator, keep doing what you're doing!