_"A star has no meaning without a starlight."_ - Ravi
@only4ju2275 жыл бұрын
Was that what was written at the end cuz if so I'm crying even more
@kwcl1765 жыл бұрын
jojoroo but there could be no starlight without a star
@QueenieBobon5 жыл бұрын
*wipes in alcohol*
@arnielynejan11515 жыл бұрын
My favorite line
@stasia61035 жыл бұрын
*cries in potato*
@sashad.19225 жыл бұрын
@mayb_on5 жыл бұрын
Truth >
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
For all those asking VIXX will not disband. They already said that as long there is one Starlight left they will sing for her. Leo always say we will be together for a long time. They will still be active while N and Leo are in the military just not as a grp but as individual artists.
@fizhng5 жыл бұрын
Omg thank u .. I was so lost ..
@caratcute63645 жыл бұрын
I don't really think they will be together again even if I'm still hoping for it but we need to see it as it is .. because N and Leo are enlisted but after that.. if they return.. Ken will go and then Ravi,Hongbin.. it's like an escalator .. :/
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
@@caratcute6364 this is not jst wishful thinking on the part of starlights. If u follow them, u will see the dynamics of their relationship with each other, their fans and their staff and boss. This is a grp of ppl who genuinely like each other and consider each other family, who genuinely love their fans, and genuinely love their work. They also have a good relationship with Hwang Sejun and are well paid. They often say that they cudnt imagine doing anything else but being vixx. And other grps like suju have done it before. So would VIXX.
@steffenstoll29285 жыл бұрын
I will Not too 😭😭😭😭🤞🏻❤
@caratcute63645 жыл бұрын
@Hyunjoo Jin what are you talking about ?.. I never mentioned the staff and all 😶.. VIXX is a wonderful group with amazing members ✨ well I'm just saying that since the members have a few months/1 year of differences between them (years).. N_1990 Leo_1990 Ken_1992 Ravi_1993 Hongbin_1993 Hyuk_1995 It would be difficult for us to see them again together since it's like a round trip... instead of their solo ... For Suju I don't need to specify that they were a big group with members who go by one not by two each years or .. they were still numerous after one left ..
@staybin19414 жыл бұрын
*"It's all okay, you did a great job and thank you"* That line is for Hongbin. 5 in our eyes, 6 in our hearts. Thank you Hongbin. VIXX OT6 forever.
@alwaysbestboi67305 жыл бұрын
You’ve done well, You’ve worked hard, Thank you
@rosarioaban52615 жыл бұрын
@gilmore1625 жыл бұрын
Will they back before army? Please tell me that I'm so nervous....when they back?
@imymename_8375 жыл бұрын
우리 빅스 7년동안 고생많았어 앞으로 걸어갈 길 우리 별빛들과 함께 걸어갈거니까 두려워하지 말고 서로를 믿고 의지했으면 좋겠다 . 비록 잠시 떨어져있지만 우리 마음은 떨어져있지 않으니까 항상 사랑하고 고마워 우리 빅스☆
@doloresmarchan39975 жыл бұрын
I didn't know how much i need this until i saw it... thank you VIXX, for your amazing talent.... We will wait right here... love you 💕
@nnm91134 жыл бұрын
이 글이 닿을진 모르겠지만 생각나고 보고싶어서 왔어. 그냥 마음을 전하고 싶어서. 매번 걷고있다를 들을 때면 마음 한켠이 뭉클해지는 것 같아 14년 그 때의 감정을 생생히 기억해. 아이돌은 누가 누군지도 모르던 나였는데 우연히 너희의 영상을 접하게 되었지. 어째서인지 더 알고 싶다는 생각이 들더라. 그렇게 다이어리도, 빅스티비도 하나씩 보고 무대도 보며 자연스레 스며들었지. 근데 세상에, 컨셉은 또 얼마나 멋있게 소화하던지. 지금 생각해보면 나로서는 너희를 좋아하게 된 게 당연한 수순이었을지도 몰라. 아마 내가 빅스의 무대를 더 일찍 만났다면 훨씬 더 일찍 별빛이 되었지 않았을까? 나는 그렇게 확신해. 너희가 뿜어내는 에너지가 참 예뻤어. 미래에 대한 불안 때문에 괴로워하고 휩쓸리던 내게, 뚜렷한 목표를 가지고 달려가던 너희의 열정은 존경스러웠고 눈부셨어.그 때의 빅스는 데뷔 2년차를 막 지나고 있었고, 신인의 시기를 지나 나아가는 기로에 서 있었지. 무대 밑에서는 아직 소녀감성 가득하고 따듯한 청년이자 소년들이었는데 무대 위에서는 어찌나 멋지게 날아다니던지. 그런 너희를 응원하고 힘이 되고 싶었어. 그러다 보니 소식을 더 듣고 싶어서 어느새 알지도 못하던 트위터를 깔아 사용법을 검색하고 있고, 공식 팬카페에도 가입하고, 등업을 위해 간절히 기다리기도 하고, 티켓팅도 처음 해보며 팬미팅이랑 콘서트에 가기도 하고, 나눔을 받으려 몇 시간씩 줄도 서 보고, 더 좋은 상들을 안겨주고 싶어 여러 투표에도 참여하고 홍보도 하고... 점차 더 높이 날아오르는 너희와 함께 걷고 있더라. 그리고 그렇게 공식카페 회원수 10만명도 넘고, 꿈의 경기장이라던 체조경기장 공연도 하고, 음악방송 트리플크라운도 달성하고, 5주년 전시회도 열고, 본상도 휩쓸게 되고, 연말무대로 왈칵 뒤집어 놓기도 하고, ... 차근차근 멋지게 달려와 올해로 8주년을 맞이했지. 그리고 너무 자랑스러운 우리의 별들이 되었어. 물론 이런 결과를 다 떠나서도 우리 빅스는 항상 자랑스러웠어 누구가수가 이렇게 잘났나 몰라~😌 이렇게 돌이켜보니 함께 쌓아온 기억들이 너무나 생생하다. 단체활동은 물론 라디오, 영화, 드라마, 연극, 뮤지컬, 다양한 예능들까지 누구보다 최선을 다해 달려왔고 달리고 있는 빅스가 너무나 자랑스러웠어. 내가 힘이 되어주고 싶어 시작한 일인데 정신을 차려보니 내가 받고 있는게 더 많더라고. 스탈라잇, 별빛이라 불러주는 목소리에 힘이 나고 행복했고, 전해주는 진심들이 따듯했어. 물리적으로 닿지 않더라도 굳이 말하지 않아도 서로 닿아있는 그런 관계이니까. 글로, 말로, 노래로, 사진으로, 영상으로, 행동과 눈빛으로 너희는 항상 충분히 와 닿았어. 그리고 우리를 지켜주기 위해, 더 단단해지기 위해 나는 결코 알 수 없을 괴로움과 아픔의 시간들마저 포용하고 견뎠을 너희임를 알기에 그렇기에 난 너희를 더 힘껏 사랑하고 응원할 수밖에 없어. 그런 생각이 들 때면 정말 꼭 안아주고 싶다 너희가 행복하면 나도 행복해. 웃을 일만 마주할 수는 없어도 아픈 시간은 조금은 덜 아프게, 조금 더 짧게 지나가고 그 아픔을 덮어줄 더 큰 행복이 우리 모두에게 온전히 닿기를 바라. 내가 누군가의 팬임을 넘어 내 개인의 삶 속에서도 더 멋진 사람이 되고싶다는 욕심을 가지게 해줘서 고마워. 나도 너희가 기댈 수 있는 존재가 될 수 있도록 노력할테니 앞으로도 서로 끌어주고 기대기도 하며 같이 나아가자. 더 많은 시간들을 함께할거니까. 우리만의 속도로 나아가며 우리의 계절을 맞이하자. 너희가 우리를 별빛이라 불러주듯 내게 별은 언제나 너희야. 우리가 있다면 언제까지나 곁에서 노래하겠다던 너희이듯, 나 역시 너희가 우리를 불러준다면 언제까지나 별빛일거야. 때때로 넘어지고 아파도 너희가 있다면 일어날 수 있어. 군백기를 보내며, 또 상상도 못했던 이유로 얼굴 보고 만나기조차 힘든 상황을 지나고 있는 우리이지만 견뎌내고 각자의 자리에서 더 멋진 사람이 되어 웃으며 얼른 만나자. 별은 언제나 그 빛을 잃지 않아 때로는 아프고 힘들어 깜깜한 어둠뿐이라 느껴질 때에도 별은 본래의 자리에서 빛나고 있음을 알아. 혹여 여러 번 넘어지고 지쳐 일어날 힘조차 없고 스스로의 빛이 너무나 어둡다고 느껴질 때가 온대도 조금만 쉬다가 누군가에겐 그 빛이 세상을 비추는 전부임을 기억하고 일어나줘. 너희에게 보낸 내 처음이 참 많아. 내 처음을 함께해줘서 고마워. 그리고 내 처음이 너희라 참 다행이야. 아프지말고 몸도 마음도 건강하게 행복하게 오래보자 빅스야 다 고마워 온마음으로짱짱많이사랑해내자랑
@nnm9113 Жыл бұрын
이 글을 쓴지도 2년이 되었었구나. 시간이 지나 우린 드디어 군백기 끝에 -ing 콘서트에서 서로를 마주했고, 우린 여전히, 아니 이전보다 더 따뜻하게 서로에게 닿아있어. 그대들은 여전히 나에게 자랑이고 자부심이고 기쁨이고 위로이자 행복인데 그대들에게 나는 어떤지. 꾹꾹 눌러담은 노랫말과 응원 속에 내 마음을 모두 담아 전하려 노력했고 빅스는 그걸 눈에 마음에 귀에 꼭꼭 담아갔으니 분명 전달됐겠지? 빅스가 빅스를 지킬테니 불안해하지 말라 했죠? 우리도 늘 함께 있음을 잊지 말길. 혹여 힘들고 지치면 우리에게 마음놓고 맡기고 쉴 수 있도록 우리가 잘할게. 우리 정말 오래보자 나 역시 빅스를 사랑하고 자랑스러워 고마워요.
@ddohyuny_1235 жыл бұрын
제발 하루에 100번이상 들어주세요ㅠㅠㅠ #괜찮아_수고했어_고마워 #잘했어_수고했어_고마워
@djboo77795 жыл бұрын
This group has created literally some of the best music in the industry and some of my personal favorites. I can’t express how much I love them.
@fatimazahramoroc74045 жыл бұрын
I Can Do evry thing hhhhhhh
@Даша3-н1я5 жыл бұрын
Yes. They are not as popular as they deserve. I'm not a fan, but every time I listen to their songs I understand how much their music is cool, uniq and has its own style of Vixx. This group for me is the personification of the word "K-POP".
@Emy-fv5ny5 жыл бұрын
Not only the music, their concept were really cool, too.
@leonixs895 жыл бұрын
I never regret stanning VIXX. Major love for both VIXX and STARLIGHT!
@재희이-w8s4 жыл бұрын
진짜...내가 좋아한 유일한 남자 그룹이다. 항상 초심도 잃지 않고 열심히 활동도 해주고 이제 연차가 쌓이면서 뮤지컬.연기 등등 많은 분야에서도 활동해줘서 너무 고마워. 이제 군대를 가야하는 시기에 도착 했지만 항상 기다리고 있을께. 나중에 6명이서 다시 무대할때까지.. 빅스 사랑합니다ㅏ 별빛분들도 사랑해요!!
@leannmarkham67675 жыл бұрын
The most beautiful way for VIXX to say farewell for now, I can't wait for the day I see VIXX as a whole again, even though I got into other male groups first, I always class VIXX as my main male bias group, this song brought the tears that I've been trying to hold back knowing they're going to be inactive as a group for a while, maybe a new sub-unit to help me missing seeing them all.
@hdk-dh5kp5 жыл бұрын
What farewell? I'm a new starlight😥
@paularodriguez21525 жыл бұрын
Why are they going to be inactive? I have been listening to all of their songs lately, they are awesome!
@aryden115 жыл бұрын
The oldest members are starting military service this year. N is enlisting in March and I'm sure Leo isn't far behind. So it's going to be a while before we have VIXX as a full group. but we are Starlights and we are strong. We will be here to welcome them home.
@Alicia-sn6kz5 жыл бұрын
Some of them are going off to military but they are still a group right? Will the remaining members continue and the older ones join back later, or will they be on a hiatus?
@leannmarkham67675 жыл бұрын
@@Alicia-sn6kz I hope we get a new sub group but I think they may also focus on their solo activities.
@miaow47185 жыл бұрын
@user-up6ft8vv2u4 жыл бұрын
차학연❤ 정택운❤ 이재환❤ 김원식❤ 이홍빈❤ 한상혁❤ VIXX❤❤❤ This is how to cheer (?) in Korean. Thank you for loving Korean idol.Also, thank you for loving VIXX and liking it.Don't forget that they love us, too.Cha Hak-yeon is in the army.I hope you'll pray for his safe return. VIXX=빅스
@mangotango17895 жыл бұрын
*starlights including me are so lucky to have stanned this group that is named VIXX*
@mangotango17895 жыл бұрын
@Moonlight Dashwood wdym?
@mangotango17895 жыл бұрын
@Moonlight Dashwood because n and leo are going to enlist military i think
@hongbinsdisappointment87995 жыл бұрын
@Moonlight Dashwood they are not disbanding, two members are going to military its just that it will be a long time till they are back again as ot6
@weflexinhoodie11 ай бұрын
so many things have happened. time passed, life interfered, priorities changed, careers shifted, people grew apart, good fortune turned to bad luck, some left, some stayed. even more change is yet to come. there is one certainty tho : it was real. today i'm finally able to feel and hear that unfiltered pure honesty again in their voices here and in cha's words. those 6 humans were meant to be together, even if not for forever. and no one can erase or cancel that time from their lives. 감사함니다 빅스 !
@serenem10915 жыл бұрын
Our favorite Chaleader N Our favorite chic main vocal Leo Our favorite cute main vocal Ken Our favorite skilled rapper Ravi Our favorite sassy visual Hongbin Our favorite cute maknae Hyuk 'you've done well, you've worked hard, thank you' Thank you VIXX ilysm ❤️⭐
@neontiny5 жыл бұрын
i love when vixx dedicates songs to starlights :') im so proud to support talent
@nekromimi5 жыл бұрын
A year ago, VIXX was the group that got me into Kpop and so they will forever be the closest to my heart. I'm always going to regret coming so late into the fandom, but I appreciate even the short time I've had to be a Starlight. Hopefully in the future there will be many more times that VIXX and Starlights can be together, walking forward.
@emosaurik5 жыл бұрын
Baby's Starlit Universe same here.
@lameonardo_5 жыл бұрын
I found kpop thro bts but then I discovered VIXX and I went from 0 to 60 and I have never looked back. I’m a very late comer to kpop and VIXX, I’ve only just got here and my favorite boys are leaving😢 I’m gonna miss 6vixx so much but I will wait patiently for their return😊 so basically yeah me too xD
@starlasomni5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, VIXX was my first group as well and they're always going to hold that special place in my heart
@메디백8 ай бұрын
늦게 입덕했지만 앞으로도 계속 응원할게 고마워 빅스
@chaerunisay.25675 жыл бұрын
Just joined this fandom after Shangri-La promotions ends. And i regret not knowing them before. They are such a talented boys and i love their song so much. I'm glad i still have a chance to know them before they enlist. VIXX, please take care of yourself, I will wait for you to comeback again as OT6
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
If ur a starlight and u disliked this video u do understand that VIXX are offering their heart to u and u said no. If ur not a starlight and u disliked this vid then perhaps u dnt understand that this an offering from VIXX to starlights of their love, gratitude and sincerity. This is not a comeback, they will not even promote this. This is simply an expression of how much Starlights mean to VIXX.
@didyouseemyjibooty31115 жыл бұрын
''this is not a comeback'' girl this is there ''goodbye video''
@didyouseemyjibooty31115 жыл бұрын
vixx will not be coompleted anymore for 2 years
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
This is not a goodbye video. They are not leaving us or disbanding. They are simply saying good job, thank you for ur hard work. There are still 4 members who will be active ad individual artists.
@kpopsub87545 жыл бұрын
When Is their comeback?
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
@@kpopsub8754 they havent said anything abt a comeback yet
@safahassan75205 жыл бұрын
Vixx are the kings of vocals and thats FINAL!
@Roaresk2 жыл бұрын
아이돌이란 직업이 대부분 그렇듯 영원하길 바라진 못하겠지만 멤버들이 각자의 자리에서 또다른 길을 찾아가는 모습들을 응원하게 되는건, 아마 활동할때 너희에게 받은 것들이 너무 많아서겠지 빅스와 함께 걸어온 시간이 너무 큰 추억이어서, 잘 잊혀지지 않고 자꾸 지난 영상들을 찾아보게 되네.. 너흰 항상 최선을 다했고 그만큼 무대에서 반짝반짝 빛이 났었지 인생에서 빅스를 좋아했던 시간은 너무 소중한 추억이고 기억이라 가끔 꺼내볼 때면 행복해지는데, 너희도 힘들었던 시간은 잊고 좋았던 것들만 기억하면서, 우리 서로 사랑하고 사랑 받았던 순간 떠올리며 살아가자 내 청춘을 함께 해줘서 너무 고마워 빅스 멤버들의 앞날에도 행복이 가득했으면 좋겠어 !
@VIXXlight_VIXXComeBack5 жыл бұрын
This isn't goodbye, but til we meet again. We Starlights will love you forever and ever. And for all the music, all the laughs, smiles and tears, thank you.
@piqastarlight87025 жыл бұрын
Yeap..all music,laugh and tears..happy and sad moment..hard and easy days..all the memories make me stay..
@nains2455 жыл бұрын
I don't care how many years I'll have to wait to see them again as 6 after all this militar service stuff. I'll keep waiting because thanks to them I'm still shining, because of them I want to keep living. You did well and you will still doing well in the future and I will be there supporting you ★♡♡ VIXX thank you and I love you ♡♡
@reinamaeb.patiga79135 жыл бұрын
Why i am crying? I just cant take not seeing VIXX for a long time 😭😭 i love them bigtime! just promise us that you will be coming back as a group of 6 and we will wait for you forever 😭
@poppopi28925 жыл бұрын
Thank you everyone, for waiting them back.. ❤
@okapiflame3 жыл бұрын
It's 2021 and I'm still hoping to see them as 6 again someday. It won't be the same without Hongbin ㅠ ㅠ
@youneverwalkalone35843 жыл бұрын
@@okapiflame ahhh Im gonna cry seeing your comment😭
@DeimosOwO5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for everything VIXX, you're my favorite group of all time and you have gotten me through a lot of sad moments of my life, I'm proud of being a Starlight 💗
@mrjae29175 жыл бұрын
Are they will disband?
@caratcute63645 жыл бұрын
@@mrjae2917 nope .. two members are enlisted 😢 (N & Leo)
@mrjae29175 жыл бұрын
@@caratcute6364 omg N .😢😢😢😢😢
@caratcute63645 жыл бұрын
@@mrjae2917 😢💓
@hee74973 жыл бұрын
생각해보면 빅스 덕질할때가 제일 행복했던 것 같다 ㅎㅎ ㅠㅠ 저 날 앵콜 엄청 길어져서 10시 넘어서 나갈 수 있었는데 ㅜㅜ 정말 너무 행복했지 빅스 6명 전부 행복했으면..✨너무 소중한 추억이야
@Miss-Dreamer005 жыл бұрын
I'm just crying throughout this song. Thank you VIXX for existing, I hope that you guys stay together for many years to come. I'll miss you N, please stay healthy and happy! Thank you for being such an amazing leader. I'll stay by your side and support you guys regardless of whatever happens. I'm glad that I joined this sparkling fandom 3 years ago!
@MellowVIXX5 жыл бұрын
VIXX deserves the world 😍 let’s get the million views by tonight 💪
@lolajauvain81005 жыл бұрын
yes, fighting !!!!!
@neontiny5 жыл бұрын
vixx is very underrated. which is good because more than most of their viewers are starlights, but it's bad because other people are sleeping on talent :(
@jaybrielakoi77475 жыл бұрын
Mellow B. VIXX I don’t know if I’d go that far.
@yumiko01975 жыл бұрын
Let's share the MV to every sns we have
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
Come on St⭐️rlight let's get to 1M💛💛
@Alyxandriax5 жыл бұрын
I never thought I could love someone I’ve never even met as much as I love you guys. You bring me such happiness and good memories. I cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh. Thank you for always working so hard for us and thank you for always brightening the days that I’m down. I’m forever grateful for all of you. Vixx and starlight’s will always be together forever no matter what~ Please always stay healthy and happy my loves ❤️
@automne_pomme3 жыл бұрын
너희가 여전히 좋고 보고싶다 하고싶은 거 하면서 행복한 날들만 가득했으면 좋겠어 어떤 길을 걸어가도 언제나 응원할게 그리고 함께하자
@nikkihalcomb61795 жыл бұрын
I saw people on Twitter saying this is a “goodbye” song but I think it’s just a song dedicated to the precious ST★RLIGHTs out there! They probably put this out since N and Leo are enlisting soon as a way to thank us for being there and how we will continue to be with them! They are our six, bright, talented stars and we are their ST★RLIGHTs. You can’t have one without the other! We will continue to walk together forever! VIXX fighting! ST★RLIGHTs fighting!
@roserose22135 жыл бұрын
I believe in VIXX. In Hyuk’s interview, he said that VIXX members will still hold on to and believe in each other, as long as Starlights will always be there for them. In VIXX last messages for Starlights. Leo said that in the future VIXX will still be under care of Starlights.
@ekasuswantoo99135 жыл бұрын
there is no reason to separate between vixx and starlight ... walking together towards a brighter future like stars
@jojohana2615 жыл бұрын
@@roserose2213 Hongbin said something like that too in an interview when they brought up disbandment. He said that since the members got along so well and worked well together, they would stick together for some more time
@roserose22135 жыл бұрын
Mariëlle Weidgraaf Please see also their messages for Starlights. They posted few days ago in this channel. But if you want eng subtitle you can find it channel Starlight’s gift. You’ll know that they will be with Starlights for a long time.
@roserose22135 жыл бұрын
Jojo Hana True...they are family.
@janeflores57965 жыл бұрын
This is what I love about kpop in general, their unending gratitude towards their fans and VIXX never fail to constantly remind us that. From day one up to now, thank you so much! I 've never loved any group like this before. You've worked really damn hard to reach the spot you are in right now. You deserve everything this world has to offer. We, starlights, can only give you our worlds tho 😂😊😊🌟🌟🌟🌟
@시나몬-r7l5 жыл бұрын
이렇게 좋은 앨범 내줘서 고마워요❤ 당신들 덕분에 행복했던 순간들을 잊지 않을게요 언제 어디서든 행복하고 오래보자❤
@nyangarigatto6 ай бұрын
보고싶다 여섯명 모두 어디서나 행복하길💙💛
@holostarzennie44345 жыл бұрын
We starlights gonna wait for u guys we don’t care how many years it gonna take We are thankful for all the things u did to us
@Hannah-xr5pr5 жыл бұрын
Who else is crying? This is so beautiful! ❤❤
@ratataliu26325 жыл бұрын
Me crying like a baby now 😭
@PIKA_PICA5 жыл бұрын
항상 고마운 빅스에게 해주고 싶은말들이 담긴 가사라서 들으면서 따뜻한 기분이 들면서도 눈물스위치네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 뮤비보면서 팬미팅때 기억이 하나하나 생각나면서 여태까지 수고많았을 빅스에게 잘했다고 수고많았다고 그리고 고맙고 또 고맙다고 말해주고싶어요!! 여태껏 잘해와줘서 너무 고맙고 우리 늘 오래보고 늘 오래가자!! 지금까지 함께한 시간보다 함께할 시간이 많고 우린영원을 믿어♥ 변화하지만 변하지않는 빅스 진심으로 고맙고 고맙고 고맙습니다 :)
@scarlettracheljiu912811 ай бұрын
@calql8t5 жыл бұрын
you never walk alone vixx starlight will always be beside you :,) no matter what 🙆🏻
@starlightangel10045 жыл бұрын
Thank you VIXX for everything that you have given to us Starlights😭❤️❤️ and to my fellow Starlights Thank you for being the best fandom that VIXX could ever ask for🥰🥰
@akemi57265 жыл бұрын
I've been a starlight since 2014, they are the reason I fell so in love with kpop and I've never once regretted it. Thank you so much vixx for all the happiness and for helping me get through everything. Thank you so much for existing and I'll wait no matter how long I have to for vixx to be whole again. you've done well, you've worked hard, thank you
@hesterrine42995 жыл бұрын
Same here
@ahhahh17265 жыл бұрын
Chained up was one of the first kpop songs I ever heard and they are what got me into kpop so they will always hold a special place in my heart ❤️
@marylee35305 жыл бұрын
these words made me warm
@memovjg5 жыл бұрын
@choyojina2 жыл бұрын
이젠 적어도 공식적인 자리에서는 6명이 함께하지 못하겠지만 내 안에서 빅스는 항상 그랬듯이 빛나고 있어 우리 별님들, 이젠 우리가 별빛이 되어 줄게 오늘도 수고했어, 고마워
@KantanRyouri5 жыл бұрын
I have never cried so much listening to a vixx song before.. this song really got me emotionally. Thank you vixx! 수고했어_고마워 please don’t worry about VIXX future as Starlight will stay where we are... waiting patiently to shine for VIXX again and always. We will wait for you and keep supporting you.
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
KantanRyouri I've never cried so much at a song before
@KantanRyouri5 жыл бұрын
@@strongpowerthankyou9907 The video clips escalated the emotions to a new height too. I am so touched that N's dream comes true, which is going to the beach with all VIXX members. He said this year, he will make sure his dream comes true and he will drag all members with him even if he has to. Of course he didn't need to drag them. hahah! I read somewhere that VIXX will be on hiatus as a group until they discharge from military. T_T hopefully there will be a small VIXX unit instead?
@uvzp5 жыл бұрын
*_the lyrics are beautiful, take care cha hakyeon vixx will never be the same without u_*
@SlavicRat5 жыл бұрын
Leo soon too
@nobodyfromnowhere99185 жыл бұрын
N , Hongbin-ssi , Ravi , Hyukie , Leo , Ken , thank you guys for all your hardwork , for always showing us how much you love us and for always being so united to each other . Thank you for all our beautiful moments we had together and I hope there will be many more !❤️✨ N and Leo I wish you guys all the best and please take care of yourselves !We , starlights ✨will wait until you will come back and we will still support and love you no matter what . Ken , Hongbin and our maknae Hyuk I hope you will appear more on kdramas and hope you will have more time for yourselves , take care of you guys and be healthy !❤️ And for the love of my life , the person who inspired me for 2 years and still inspires me , Ravi , baby I hope you will have more albums and tours , but please have a hiatus and rest a lot . I know you love to travel and also to see your starlights over the world , but you need to have a break and take care of your health .Thanks for the amazing experience to attend your concert in Romania , it was simply the best thing ever . I really hope you enjoyed that night as much as we did and I hope you'll come back one day ! For vixx and starlights , let's stay united and strong , let's keep loving and support each other until the last time! [Romanian starlights loves you guys so much]❤️✨
@moon-oj3gf5 жыл бұрын
Kpop keeps me alive aw so which members are going to the military? Or are they _even_ going to the military? (Starlight ❤️💜💜)
@nobodyfromnowhere99185 жыл бұрын
@@moon-oj3gf Yeah they are and the first ones to go are N and Leo 💙
@mintmilkyway4 жыл бұрын
내가 그동안의 빅스가 아닌 빅스를 볼 수 있을까.. 2부의 시작이 이런 식으로 열릴줄은 상상도 못했는데 이젠 제발 팬들보다는 멤버 혹은 자신만 신경써줬으면 좋겠다. 팬들한테 너무 많은 걸 맞춰줄 필요는 없어. 그러니까 하고 싶은 일만 하고 하기 싫으면 하지 말고 그랬으면 좋겠다. 얘들아 아프지 말고 모두 다 오래보자. 영원까진 아니더라도 함께하는 동안 아프지 말았으면 좋겠어
@mintmilkyway3 жыл бұрын
다들 참 보고 싶어.. 여섯별님들..너무 예쁘다 그쵸? 참 좋아하는 곡인데 이젠 들을 때마다 마음 한구석이 아파와
@jae47165 жыл бұрын
I may not be there during your first walk I may not be an active fan I may not be able to afford the albums I wasn't able to go to your concerts I wasn't able to go to your fan meetings There are many things that I wasn't able to do during your walk but rest assured that I will do my very best to stay, walk and run with you forever. THANK YOU FOR EXISTING YOU'VE DONE AND YOU'RE DOING GREAT!
@behindzerosp5 жыл бұрын
They will be back! I am sure! Vixx ,every one of them love Starlights too much !
@johannahmanigro51935 жыл бұрын
@snickersbud87995 жыл бұрын
Nicely said 😊😊😊
@hongbinistic72165 жыл бұрын
Your coment...is really deep and beautiful...
@betxengi53885 жыл бұрын
@zacharygarces37665 жыл бұрын
Who else was crying through the whole video
@syasyaidyrazlan71155 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean 😂😂
@Lena-lo7fm5 жыл бұрын
How not to? 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖
@staeris48895 жыл бұрын
@@Lena-lo7fm Exactly 😭
@ambersu76735 жыл бұрын
@faeclove5 жыл бұрын
I'm not going to lie. Literally started crying and had to pause and take a breath.
@ichigometaknight5 жыл бұрын
I may not have been there for the beginning, but Ill be with VIXX until the end. Thank you for your hard work. You've done well.
@azzahrahumaira69555 жыл бұрын
this isn't the end
@SerenaSan865 жыл бұрын
Same... Sadly, i know them for only a few months and yet here i am, all teared up thinking about N and my Daeguni enlisting to the military 😔 I will miss seeing them ot6 so much 😢 I am so sad that I'll never get to see them live. Sad life of an international kpop fan.
@jehnyv.7075 жыл бұрын
Same here!
@nyxcheshire42475 жыл бұрын
@@SerenaSan86 This is so me. i just discovered them this month actually. Just a question tho, why cant they enlist all together at the same time right now. I mean we can endure the two years at least they will be all together afterwards???
@SerenaSan865 жыл бұрын
@@nyxcheshire4247 Good question, i wish they would have done that. I don't think they will continue afterwards, especially since their contract is due this year :/
@lifemy88743 жыл бұрын
나의 10대 학창시절을 함께했던 빅스, 우연한 계기로 알게 되고 레신셋으로 인해 그 때부터 그 때, 2014년 부터 무려 2020년까지 열정적으로 좋아하고 응원했었는데 지금의 나와 그때의 내가 다르듯이 지금의 빅스도 저 때의 빅스랑 다르다는 점이 참 씁쓸하고 아쉽다. 저 때로 돌아가고 싶고 그리운 마음이 가득이지만 이런 점도 이해하고 각자의 삶을 열심히 살면서 서로 응원해주는 게 팬으로써의 역할이란 거겠지. 철없던 시절을 보내줘서 고맙지만 여전히 철없는 건 여전한 대학생이 되었어도, 추억을 잊기 전에 되살려준 곡. 콘서트에 가기 전 그 설렘을 여전히 기억해. 지금은 각자의 사정으로 흩어져 있지만, 그 때처럼은 아니더라도 다시 뭉칠 수 있겠지. 빅스를 사랑하고 응원해. 힘들었던 나의 10대를 버티게 해 준 노래들에게도 감사해. 늘 응원할게. 멀리서 희미하게 빛을 내는 별빛이 ☆
@skylarbevis37835 жыл бұрын
I'm sobbing 😭
@biazinha45065 жыл бұрын
Eu não tô bem! Senhor! Acordar e ver o MV dos amores da minha vida! Eu tô surtadando aqui!
@mina90235 жыл бұрын
can't stop crying either 😭
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
Tbh who didn't!!!💀😫
@martinezsusie82045 жыл бұрын
@yumnagul70155 жыл бұрын
I'm crying every day 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@808Ladypride5 жыл бұрын
To VIXX: Thank you for being born. Thank you for giving me so much joy and entertainment since 'Only U'. I have cried with you when you got your first win. I have laughed when watching old VIXXTV and VIXX Diary. I am so happy and proud of you all and love you so much My fellow Starlights, thank you for also cheering on our boys, for giving them strength in hard times, and giving them joy like they have for us. Cha Hakyeon: Our precious leader. I am already counting down the days until your return. Cha Hakyeon fighting!!!! I cannot wait until we see OT6 and whatever happens until them, whether it be solo acts, sub units, etc I will be cheering on all of them. VIXX FIGHTING!!!!!
@biancaminmin5 жыл бұрын
I've been a kpop fan for about an year now, but I've only been a Starlight for 5 months now. Who knew that the little girl who watched Voodoo Doll on MTV would be now laughing, shedding tears, and listening to your music non-stop as a teenager 5 years later? Sometimes I regret not supporting you guys earlier, but I'm also grateful that I was able to discover about VIXX years later. Your music gave me the comfort I needed to go through my hardest days, your silliness made me laugh when nobody else could, you guys were my happiness for the past 5 months, and will always be. I'll miss you a lot N, I'll miss you making music and laughing with the rest of VIXX, but I'll be here waiting and supporting you until you come back. I'll wait patiently untill all six of you are together again, because I know you're giving your best at making great music and bringing joy and comfort to your fans, and so, I'll give my best in supporting VIXX as well.
@fareedasalim13335 жыл бұрын
@mongmong29685 жыл бұрын
Wellcome... to STARLIGHT
@user-ts4yf1ve4c5 жыл бұрын
저는 2012년부터 2018년까지 좋아한 팬이였는데요 어떤 특정그런것때문에 탈덕이아니라 다른 그룹을 보다보니 자연스럽게 휴덕하게된 그런 사람인데요..그래서 이 노래도 지금 처음 듣는데 뭔가 알수 없는 뭉클함..?? 2012년엔 초딩이였고 2018년엔 고등학생이여서 거의 제 학창시절을 빅스랑 함께했다고해도 무방한데.. 그래서 그런지 옛날 추억들이 새록새록이라해야하나 뭔가 목소리들을 들으니까 그리운 느낌이라해야하나 마음의 고향같은 느낌?.. 지금은 옆에서 응원을 하지못하지만..그래도 항상 변하지않는건 빅스가 그냥 평생 노래를 불러줬으면 좋겠다는 생각?.. 얼마나 좋고 좋은 사람인지는 알고있으니까 그냥 노래로 행복했으면 좋겠고 계속 음악을 했으면 좋겠어요 항상 응원하는 마음은 변하지않습니다 정말 사랑했습니다!! 멀리서라도 계속 지켜볼테니까 앞으로도 계속 노래해주세요 제발..
@JAAAHLU5 жыл бұрын
*ONCE A ST⭐️RLIGHT, ALWAYS A ST⭐️RLIGHT.* We will always be here for you, VIXX! 💞
@hyungucatboy5 жыл бұрын
I'm really crying while reading these comments. VIXX is my ultimate group, I can't imagine my life without them. When I heard their song for the first time, I was like "oh, they're okay". If I knew, how much these boys will mean to me I would become a starlight earlier. Thanks to VIXX I'm who I am now, their music helped me in the hardest times. When I'm sad, I listen to their songs, and I feel better. Years ago I was always laughing of the fans, that are this much in love with their idols. But, I've become one of them. Just thinking about VIXX makes me smile like crazy, listening to their music makes me feel comfortable. I feel proud and happy when I call myself a Starlight. Becoming a Starlight was the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you. When someone asks me: "What is VIXX to you?" I always think that the best answer is Home. Whenever something happens, I feel like VIXX is always there for me. Their music is always with me. My home is there, where VIXX is. And maybe you can think "it's just a stupid band" But this stupid band was always with me when I throught there's nobody with me. This stupid band helped me smile more. No matter what, I'll always be with you VIXX. Like you were always with me. Starlight. Edit: It's been two years. So much has changed. But I'm still here. I miss VIXX so much.
@cherriedblossom5 жыл бұрын
My goodness, this comment perfectly represents how I came to love VIXX and what they mean to me.
@rurueiriei5 жыл бұрын
This comment seems to have written my mind. I can not even think of a life without VIXX, bc VIXX is more than a family to me. I hope VIXX to see this perfect comment😭
@lovenlkrhh34934 жыл бұрын
that is what I want to say😭😭😭
@fa1ry0fsh4mpoo4 жыл бұрын
They are my ult too. I felt the same way when it came out. I always come back here to watch it. Waiting for them is hard.. but we get through this together! Vixx and Starlight FIGHTING! 💙🌟💛
@angelwoonie29164 жыл бұрын
Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is an exact way to say how I feel for them as well. This was a beautiful and nice comment I’m sure VIXX is happy to hear that.❤️
@Fanny-pq6hb5 жыл бұрын
who else here missing vixx?
@jinjinny60225 жыл бұрын
@bobbyplain37395 жыл бұрын
😭💕 i miss leo
@dazaiosamu29365 жыл бұрын
I do
@SanaKhan-kl4kh5 жыл бұрын
So bloody much 😥
@altheagollanos75915 жыл бұрын
*me so so bad 😣😣*
@ahyiu22199 ай бұрын
너무너무 보고 싶어요
@peachgi22435 жыл бұрын
I accidentally clicked on this and its the best accident ever
@ajijah28965 жыл бұрын
omg me too, and this vibe made me feel so sad😭
@sayedasafaalam19535 жыл бұрын
Yeah this is VIXX's last song together as a group until they all finish military service so the song is talking about the members and then the fandom and it's written by the leader so it's a sad song 😭😭
Oh no no, this was no accident this was a gift given to you by the gods of youtube. I received this gift too. LMAO that's so cringe🤣🤣
@peachblossom67835 жыл бұрын
Starlights, please keep twinkling brighter so that they can follow the lights and always find the way to comeback to us.
@작은섬-e5d5 жыл бұрын
아...진심 설레고 슬프넹...ㅠㅠㅠ 나도 가고 싶엇는데.... ㅠㅠ 아...엔행님 넘 멋져...내가 진짜 이래서 별빛봉이랑 슬로건을 질럿지...ㅠㅠㅠ 노래도 넘 좋고...하..진짜 보고싶어요 행님들...ㅠㅠ
@nandosoo4 жыл бұрын
Little did we know this is their last mv with complete members *cries*
@starlight_thepharmacist24204 жыл бұрын
@user8nbanhkd3 жыл бұрын
And I cry more thinking about the last up cut is HongBin...
@bonnajoyespares18463 жыл бұрын
@youneverwalkalone35843 жыл бұрын
Stahhhp Im gonna start crying again😭
@anonymousarmystarlight66822 жыл бұрын
This was the only 6VIXX song I've actually experienced being released after becoming a starlight 😭
@aliciaabdullah5 жыл бұрын
i'm not a starlight. i'm a stay, but reading the comments about starlights stories are so precious. yall hold your boys to your heart so well. i just wanted to applaud that and hopefully vixx will come back safe
@hyunjoojin17085 жыл бұрын
Thank you💖
@howdyjaehyung25305 жыл бұрын
@Alicia Abdullah Thank you so much
@stanvixxstanbapstantalent5 жыл бұрын
Most of us are who we are because of vixx, some spent their last teenage years with them. Either way they are a great inspiration and have helped some come out of depression. I'm not sure what fandom Stay is but I'm sure it's the same in that case too 😌
@hongbinsdisappointment87995 жыл бұрын
@STANVIXXSTANTALENTSUPPORTAPINKPERCENT Stay is stray kids fandom. They are new jyp boy group (p.s they are amazing and they talk about mental health in their songs)
@stanvixxstanbapstantalent5 жыл бұрын
@@hongbinsdisappointment8799 I know about them! I love the song voices
@trishamejia43915 жыл бұрын
I will miss MY PRECIOUS VIXX OT6 :(
@seon-hwa5 жыл бұрын
What, why? What happened?
@Xdqer.Yxw05 жыл бұрын
@@seon-hwa N is enlisting into the military...
@winter_jpg5 жыл бұрын
I’m watching this one day later because yesterday I didn’t have the strength to watch this... and as I thought it would happen, I’m crying... I love vixx so much, I will stay by your side and wait for you, forever ❤️
@shskrnl3 жыл бұрын
이 노래 나만 눈물버튼이냐구ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ들을때마다 눈물나 진짜.. 보고싶어 얘들아..
@_ncttaedream_bts52625 жыл бұрын
I wasn't ready but when I watched the mv and listened to the song I almost shed a tear. It was amazing and I'm super proud of VIXX and super proud of STARLIGHT, I love VIXX with my whole heart. SARANGHAEYO ❤💜
@veryimportantdoll5 жыл бұрын
BTS b shine X EXO I shed 1000 tears
@doveyui5 жыл бұрын
#VIXX Starlight will miss you so much and will stay faithful until vixx comeback, take care of your health 😭😭😭
@neucegg05 жыл бұрын
Whats happen to them??
@Lena-lo7fm5 жыл бұрын
@@neucegg0 N and Leo are going to enlist in the army this year. 😭😭😭
@doveyui5 жыл бұрын
@@Lena-lo7fm 😭😭😭😭😭
@elsannn38775 жыл бұрын
Leo is my bias and when I found out he is insisting this year I cried while dancing to Touch and Sketch 😭
@doveyui5 жыл бұрын
Yes same leo is bias and vixx my bias too 😭😭😭😭
@achakiraaa5 жыл бұрын
Recall and look at the back, it's amazed me how I'm stanning you guys as a teenager and now I am an adult. I am happy and had no regret spending my time with loving you guys. There are a lot of hard time, but we always there.. beside each other. Fight the hardest while thinking each other, it's really hard time but without know we pass it while thinking each other as a helper. Even there are small thought about give up but no action taken when you realize you with them, cheering each other. Thank you for all the precious time, let's keep going and made more beautiful memory as vixx and starlight together like the new start, with same feeling. Let's keep our promise and meet for a really long time. Let's meet for hundred, thousand, or million years. I'll be waiting for you guys always. You guys is our star and we are your light. We are nothing without you guys as same like you guys nothing without us. We need each other, that's why our relantionship is strong. I have no attention to letting go your hands, so let's keep WALKING on our path, together.
@artemischen40865 жыл бұрын
Same sis same ,= =,
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
block hate THIS MADE ME CRY!!!
@멘트가젠장이구먼2 жыл бұрын
처음으로 공식 팬클럽에 가입도 해보고 응원봉도 사고 팬미팅도 가본 유일한 그룹이었던 빅스 오랫동안 많이 좋아했었고 지금도 좋아하고 있는데 내 추억 속에서만 완전체가 되어버린 것 같아서 씁쓸하기도 하고 추억으로 묻어야되나 싶지만 언젠가는 다같이 모여있는 날이 있기는 하겠죠? 그 날을 기다릴게요 갑자기 추천 영상에 떠서 보러 왔다가 추억여행하고 갑니다
@Eaude-r2u5 жыл бұрын
잘했어 수고했어 고마워... VIXX.. let’s keep walking together till the end
@jasmingoles7485 жыл бұрын
Ravi in his solo songs, Leo and Ken in Musical, Hongbin and Hyuk in dramas and movies. N in military soon is Leo but stralight will and always be there the most mannered and managed fandom. The fandom that their idols can freely interact with them and a fandom that acts maturely. Fighting Starlight ♡ VIXX!!!
@adelina5135 жыл бұрын
I've been a Starlight for almost two years now, starting from just after I got into K-Pop. VIXX is my ultimate bias group and they have helped me in so many ways during that time. Some days, it feels like their music is literally what keeps me alive. Thank you, VIXX, for all the music and laughs and just being you. Thank you for everything. Just . . . thank you.
@SummerLangfordRWDCBSNL5 жыл бұрын
adelina513 they’re still going to be a group. Just N is enlisting. This may be a time the guys do more solos while they wait for him to return or they may make a new album without him.
@lovewords2270Ай бұрын
Proud of all 6 VIXX.
@trinity81055 жыл бұрын
My biggest regret is not discovering you all despite being a fan for years. I pray your time in enlistment is safe and healthy Cha Hakyeon, and that each of you, when the time comes, find yourselves more and become at peace with yourselves. Each of you are blessedly beautiful and wonderful beyond words, and I’ll pray that you make it through just fine. =^^=
@toric37985 жыл бұрын
I love you to the moon and back. I have been here since the beginning and I don't plan on ever leaving. Your music was something that saved me from myself. When I wasn't in the right head space, I would listen to Superhero or any other song and allow for it to take me on a journey. You guys are my heros. Although I may never get the chance to meet you, I am grateful that I found you and will continue to cheer you on from afar. Thank you for being VIXX. Thank you for working so hard. Thank you for saving me. Thank you VIXX, you have done so well.
@lolajauvain81005 жыл бұрын
We need to reach 5 M before n enlistement. Fighting !!!!!!!!!
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
Lola Jauvain i hope we reach at least 5M before his enlistment that would be really nice
@lolajauvain81005 жыл бұрын
@@strongpowerthankyou9907 Yeah, I hope. 👍😊
@lucitunubala5 жыл бұрын
claro que si lo vamos a lograr
@automne_pomme3 жыл бұрын
현재가 어떤 모습이든 과거를 함께했다는 건 변함없는 사실이니까. 그 모든 추억도 간직하면서 앞으로도 같이 걸어가자. 내 별님들! 언제나 응원하고 고맙고 고마워. 따로 또 같이 언제나 빛나는 내 별님들.
@Lena-lo7fm5 жыл бұрын
I'm not crying, you're crying!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@kpopsicle_trash_52365 жыл бұрын
잘했어 수고했어 고마워, 잘했어 수고했어 고마워라고 괜찮아 수고했어 고마워 오늘도 수고했어 고마워라고 태어나줘서 고마워, 빅스. Thank you, for not only this beautiful masterpiece, but every song that has you've given us so far, and all that are still to come. It's all okay, you did a great job and thank you. ❤ 회이팅, 加油!!!
@bittercokejjang5 жыл бұрын
Best tribute song ever!! This song was composed by N(lyrics by N/Ravi) to dedicate n recollect their journey of Vixx n Starlights walking together for the past 7yrs. Such a beautiful heart warming song! 7년간 함께 걸어온 별빛과 멤버들 그리고 자신에게 해주는 위로송. 너무 좋다.. 스밍하면서 계속 듣는데 들을때마다 감동이야 #VIXX #Starlight #Welldone_goodjob_and_thank you.
@StarshineStranger4 жыл бұрын
This song hits so much harder now that our Hongbin is gone. 😭😭 Even though his absence leaves a hole that can never be filled, I'm so grateful to him for these past 8 years and all his ceaseless hard work and dedication to make VIXX what it was. You did well, Hongbin, and thank you. I'll continue to support you and the rest of VIXX no matter what. 💜
@dogbark5 жыл бұрын
I am so proud to be able to call myself a Starlight. Let's be strong and support our 6 boys throughout their enlistments, solo work, group activities, and whatever else they might do. I love you, VIXX!! ❤️
@bird_sunrise23685 жыл бұрын
Although Vixx may not be my bias group. I know talent when I see it. And let me tell you. THEY ARE EXTREMELY TALENTED! Raise your hand if you agree✋🙋
@secreightcreatorspace5 жыл бұрын
kpop 2nd gen😢
@howdyjaehyung25305 жыл бұрын
@A Random Person Who Happens To Ship Markson thank you so much aghase love from starlights
@bird_sunrise23685 жыл бұрын
Anytime I love Vixx's music and the really deserve so much more😆
@MellowVIXX5 жыл бұрын
how come antis are faster than me, they dislike before I even get notified O_o they never fail to amaze me with their speed & negative dedication … wish if it was directed to something positive xD anyways, this song is so beautiful & soothing just like the king who made it ;)
@mochaolatte5 жыл бұрын
like seriously who are the shitty ppl disliking? who forced them to watch?I get so angry...
@eaudejenny42155 жыл бұрын
They live to hate. What a pitiful life 😔
@minminjung45685 жыл бұрын
They say they hate it but they're the first ones here.. hmmm🤔😂
@tOrReSiSlOvE95 жыл бұрын
You know what they say about antis. Majority of them are fans who can't come to terms that they are a fan
@OokamiTsu5 жыл бұрын
There's literally 9 dislikes fam chill 🤣 enjoy the song 💕
@fadillahkhumairohsyahputri52754 жыл бұрын
I Miss N I Miss LEO I Miss KEN I Miss HONGBIN I Miss RAVI I Miss HYUK I Miss VIXX I really cry hearing this song
@indunilwijesinghe47304 жыл бұрын
Me too
@arzhakiemagine5 жыл бұрын
Ken and Leo make me trembling, they're back. N, Hyukkie and Kong are great. Ravi's melodious rap is awesome.. VIXX IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
@asdfghjkl33998able5 жыл бұрын
I cannot help but like every single starlight comment below. They are soo sweet and filled with love that after listening to this song reading comments is making me emotional. This is for every starlight out there *Thankyou for making this fandom such a beautiful peaceful family. Lets keep on walking with them on this road forever*
@levigerrardhades5 жыл бұрын
Me too, I'm liking every comment down here 💛💙
@Laila25985 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the music , thank you for the love , thank you for being amazing artists , thank you VIXX , we will always cheer for you and love you no matter what 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@루이동-g9m4 жыл бұрын
갑자기 빅스 완전체가 보고싶은 맘에 찾아온 걷고있다 뮤비 ㅠ 고마워 여전히 기다릴게
@hoshimoshi155 жыл бұрын
6VIXX ♡ ST✩RLIGHT keep shining together forever
@mariemuse5205 жыл бұрын
@marinaelisabethtorrez96154 жыл бұрын
I started listening to this song when I found out about Hongbin's departure from the group ...I'm crying like a girl despite being almost an adult ... Why? Because they were with me since I was 9 years old and it hurts a lot ...With or without Hongbin they will be VIXX but still my heart did not lie down and cries, cries and cries ...Thank you for being in my childhood, adolescence and adulthood
@ashleygoh8964 жыл бұрын
I feel you girl, I started listening to their songs when I was 12, I'm 18 now, the 6 years with them are great, thank you Vixx for growing up with me ♥️
@youneverwalkalone35843 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way, I discovered Vixx when I was 13 through their song Hyde now Im 21🥲 they were a huge part of my teen yrs into adulthood
@ot6wonshiksbuttisbadass904 жыл бұрын
And the fact that hakyeon wrote it based on his friendship with members (especially bean) Can't believe jelpi pulled this stunt in hakyeon's absence..feeling like shit
@nari_an91045 жыл бұрын
I love it how much of A connection we starlights have with vixx.. This is one of their Songs deticated to the starlights and i feel always touched bc i'm so thankful to be part of such A special beautiful fandom. We grew over time and we are always there for our boys and they are always there for us. I just love it. I love everything about vixx they are so unique its impossible to discribe. I have 5 years of kpop behind me and I've never found someone like vixx again. LETS JUST GIVE THEM EVEN MORE LOVE ~~~
@stacywiley93135 жыл бұрын
To VIXX! Ken, Hongbin, Ravi, Hyuk, N, and Leo: six talented and beauitful men begin their chapter of their debut in 2012, from so many albums we listen to your music from solo ( Ravi) to unit ( VIXX RL: Ravi and Leo), almost seven years you guys are unforgettable, including concerts and Kcon in 2017, and now we want to say thank you so much as starlight fans around the world with gratitude. As you all going to the military we want to stay healthy and please be safe, until all all the members of VIXX come back together again! God bless you all and be with you. Thank you VIXX
@keirakrykn5 жыл бұрын
vixx please take responsibility for my tears
@strongpowerthankyou99075 жыл бұрын
There voices made me hyperventilate I mean Kens's deep voice at the start Along with Hongbin and Hyuk and then Leo in the chorus and then Ravi's Rap and at the end when they harmonised together at the end had me speechless and also the message like damnn!!!!