Bill O'Reilly FREAKS Over 'Black Friends' Question

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The Young Turks

The Young Turks

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@ICavalcadeI 9 жыл бұрын
You know, when she asked how many black friends Bill had, he could have just said, "I refuse to dignify that with a proper response because I don't feel that the number of African-American friends that you have is a good metric for measuring one's level of racism" or something along that vein. But instead he just got all loud and defensive like he always does, smh. When somebody refuses to answer a question, even indirectly, it's usually a sign that they know there's at least something wrong with what they said.
@ClydeNut 9 жыл бұрын
***** any examples?
@PhotogKevinD 9 жыл бұрын
Don Quixote Hey YOU! I didn't know you watched the YT!
@ClydeNut 9 жыл бұрын
***** elaborate
@ICavalcadeI 9 жыл бұрын
PlanetBlue where have you seen me before? lol
@derekryder1623 9 жыл бұрын
***** The so-called non-racists are the people who use black people as tools because they only have token black friends to make themselves feel better about how non-racist they are. Actual "racists" aren't obsessed with skin color and will have black friends.
@AndreB23 9 жыл бұрын
Bill O'reilly about his experience at a Harlem restaurant in 2007; "I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' You know, I mean, everybody was -- it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun. And there wasn't any kind of craziness at all." Yet he claims there's no racism in the country. Riiiiiiight.
@CyrussNP 9 жыл бұрын
@lightning2275 9 жыл бұрын
Andre B Bill is also a wife beater. He's a hypocrite and a liar in every sense of the word.
@Wudamonkey 9 жыл бұрын
***** You can search it online it was from O'reillys radio show and it was publicized lol. He also said "Black Americans are starting to think more and more for themselves. They're getting away from the Sharptons and the Jacksons and the people trying to lead them into a race-based culture." Which is hilarious considering it was Al Sharpton who invited him to eat at the restaurant in the first place lol.
@shannonbriggs100 9 жыл бұрын
Is this a joke or had he actually said this because I thought it was all made up until I read the last sentence.
@cindyqueen7228 9 жыл бұрын
Andre B He's so obviously racist its disgusting.
@RoninDave 9 жыл бұрын
Bill O'Reilly also went on to say in response to Powers' question - "I love black people! I think everyone should own one---er---I mean have one!---uh---as friends that is! Dammit, missy, I covered the Civil Rights Movement with a pen, a ballpoint pen I might add, so don't question my racism---I mean lack of racism---as in I don't have any! I didn't fight in the Falklands to come home to this!"
@gap949 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah...Self proclaimed America war hero....!People should remind Fox of this ...
@devourerofbabies 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave That should be an SNL skit.
@thebalddruid5076 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave That was fucking *gold*...
@tonmoymiah1 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave haha, that was funny.
@donatelloyoshi2946 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave damn funny
@potatopossum1 8 жыл бұрын
Woman: "There are a lot of people in this country who are racist." Bill: "You said most Americans are Racist"!
@Falcon4224 8 жыл бұрын
He does that a lot. Jon Steward told him that more of his viewers think Obama's a Muslim than believe in evolution. Bill then asked where he got information saying most of his viewers think Obama's a Muslim. He then talked over Stewart until Jon gave up.
@chrismartino3519 8 жыл бұрын
the tricks you use when your peddling propaganda. Literal proof of bias.The FEC needs to get involved with this trash
@kamijk 8 жыл бұрын
"You want a perfect country where everybody is open-minded and benevolent" Yes, obviously.
@next4506 4 жыл бұрын
Niko Bellic Why is that a bad goal to have? It doesn’t mean that literally everyone in your country would be that way but that should be the ideal.
@kamijk 4 жыл бұрын
Bradley Ward Sometimes people use the fact that you can’t completely eliminate [bad thing] as an excuse to continue to an activity that makes [bad thing] worse. I don’t think it’s difficult to see how this applies to the racism discourse.
@nytehawx 9 жыл бұрын
I love Kirsten Powers! She managed to piss Bill O'Reilly off so much that he can't think straight
@sandrasnow-balvert7766 9 жыл бұрын
nytehawx even on his best day Bill can't think straight though hun. :D
@KidGreeD14 9 жыл бұрын
I think he was getting pissed because she was calling him racist. If someone called me racist I know I'd be pissed.
@sandrasnow-balvert7766 9 жыл бұрын
Otk_Obelisk he was getting pissed well before that and if he didn't have racist thoughts he wouldn't have gotten so angry. If someone called me racist I'd be mostly confused not outraged.
@keefriff99 9 жыл бұрын
nytehawx I DON'T love Kirsten Powers. She did an okay job on this clip, but she's a DINO sellout. She writes columns for the odious NY Post and wrote a book titled, "The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech". Does THAT sound like someone liberals should support? She's a fucking hack who sold her soul to Fox News. She plays a pseudo-liberal on Fox, but she does it poorly.
@Cyanidesin 9 жыл бұрын
nytehawx She should have gotten up, walked to Bill's studio and punched him in the face. There is a reason Bill's audience is primarily the age 59+ demographic. Its because Bill is the angry old white male that yells how everything was better in the past and he gets to yell at younger people for being disrespectful and stupid. usually when said young people are the opposite.
@emotionzdepress 9 жыл бұрын
The day the Reily O' Factor ends; is that day we should throw a parade in the middle of the streets.
@livinlife8995 9 жыл бұрын
Damn right
@Chaserbeastofblades 9 жыл бұрын
emotionzdepress nah watch some how he'll keep it going after he dies. we'll have to listen to zombie bill
@superultra23ry 9 жыл бұрын
Master Chief Why the bother comenting on a channel you don't like?
@2011blueman 9 жыл бұрын
emotionzdepress The devil you know is often better than the devil you don't. You have no idea who they'd get to replace him and they could be even worse.
@barbtube01 9 жыл бұрын
emotionzdepress That day will be made a national holiday.
@chrisgarbutt1893 9 жыл бұрын
Why is Bill o Reilly still on TV?
@tonmoymiah1 9 жыл бұрын
***** but you are still here commenting this channel. So what does it say about you loser?
@perfectandslow9689 9 жыл бұрын
chris garbutt Because Were Still Waiting For A Few More Old People To Die......Any Minute Now....
White America
@mahatmakanejeeves3706 9 жыл бұрын
bairon C Really dude? Most white people fucking hate Bill O' Reilly. I don't even know one person of any race who does like him.
@anp_1541 9 жыл бұрын
chris garbutt because of racist, waste of flesh and bone people
@hehe8012 8 жыл бұрын
Every single point she made was valid. She ripped him apart so gracefully!
@robertlee9420 8 жыл бұрын
Agree... Gracefully
@RoninDave 9 жыл бұрын
The problem is a lot of the ardent Confederate Flag supporters will not admit that those flags on capital grounds were raised in defiance of desegregation and Civil Rights in the 1960s so the people who see that flag as racist have a pretty damn good reason to do so even more so than its connection with the pro-slavery nation of the Confederacy. The self-denial of conservatives in the wake of shootings of unarmed black men and teens by police (and self-appointed neighborhood watchmen) and the shootings of black church members by a Confederate-flag-loving US-flag-burning racist-rhetoric-parroting psycho has been astounding to say the least. This will all just be added to the history of the gradual mental meltdown of rightwingers in this country of the early 21st century. I believe historians will look back at the bizarre reaction that Obama's presidency evoked from conservatives with amazement and bewilderment when they consider: *A number of conservatives who accused Obama of being foreign born with a foreign father and thus unfit for presidential office supported another foreign born candidate with a foreign father for president. *Southern conservatives accused the Democrats of creating the KKK and the Confederate Flag while ignoring their grandfather's robes in their closets and fiercely defending that Democrat Confederate Flag by placing it as a bumper sticker on their truck next to their old "Bush/Cheney '04" bumper sticker. *Conservatives screamed that liberals always play the victim card then around Christmas play the victim card on the war on christmas and the war on christians in a country predominately christian. *Many conservatives screamed that Obama wanted to enact sharia law then turned around to propose christian sharia law against abortion and gay rights. *Many conservatives screamed Obama was trying to destroy the country then conservative politicians in DC shut down the government because they wouldn't compromise while having the largest number of filibusters in US history. *Many conservatives hailed a tax-evading rancher and his armed posse of random anti-government militia members as heroes for pointing guns at authorities to protect trespassing cattle then said an unarmed black teen shot 6-8 times by a police officer was a thug who had it coming for swiping $50-smokes and allegedly charging the officer. *Many conservatives wanted the country to go back to God but when the head of a major Christian religion urged assisting the poor like Jesus actually said while not hurting the planet they turned around and called him a Marxist and the most dangerous person on the planet. *Many conservatives financially supported businesses that refused to serve gays but didn't help a fellow Obamacare-hating conservative when he was in danger of becoming blind due to his state not covering a part of Obamacare. *Conservatives complained about government spending by Democrats then wasted money on endless hearings about Benghazi that went nowhere while having ignored the attacks on embassies and consulates under the former President. *Many conservatives openly admired the dictatorial leader of a former adversarial country who openly discriminated against gays, used military might to invade former territories, and squashed free speech. Yes, historians will need to become psychologists to deal with all the self-denial, cognitive dissonance, lack of self awareness, paranoia, and projection swirling around US conservatives of this time period.
@1955RodHot 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave The scary part is, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Then there's the "pro-life" conservatives who do everything they can to make life miserable for the children of the middle-class and poor, including denying them life-saving health care, the "Christian" conservatives who actually believe "freedom of religion" only applies to their specific faith, the "constitutional" conservatives who refuse to accept that the U.S.A. is a secular country despite the first amendment, and refuse to acknowledge that "a well-regulated militia" does not mean every individual psychopath who wants to shoot a bunch of school kids, the "anti-regulation" conservatives who think the government has no role in policing the marketplace but supports them policing everything that happens in people's bedrooms and what women choose to do with their own bodies, and so on and so forth.
@SnugglesPrime 9 жыл бұрын
I've said this to many of my friends: If you want, you can raise the Confederate Flag. Hell, you can raise the Nazi, ISIS, KKK, or Communist Flag if you want. But do it on your own time and your own property. Whether you think it is or not, some people see that flag as a racist symbol, myself included, and I do not want my taxpayer dollars going towards it.
@SnugglesPrime 9 жыл бұрын
Also, to your second point, it's always hilarious that Republicans consider Reagan to be their patron saint instead of Lincoln. I think that's because they know he was a liberal.
@RiC_David 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave Plus fuckin' one
@sandrasnow-balvert7766 9 жыл бұрын
Ronin Dave The large part of the republican party is not the party of the people, if you've seen their record or any interviews with them they never have an idea on how to actually fix a problem like health care they just don't want Obamacare.
@redmeth6549 9 жыл бұрын
Of course O'Reilly has black friends; Stephen, Uncle Ruckus, and Don Lemon.
@dobler51 9 жыл бұрын
Lmao! You forgot Deneen Borelli!
@aivanm.vaughn1576 9 жыл бұрын
Red Meth He's friends with Obama too. They've spoken once or twice, the president has to be friendly too
@michaelmanley733 9 жыл бұрын
Red Meth Looooooooooooool
@squibmalik 9 жыл бұрын
Red Meth hahahahaha who's stephen though? lol
@redmeth6549 9 жыл бұрын
john doe Sam Jackson's character in Django
@Carlinisalive 9 жыл бұрын
Why do people try to reason with Bill? Like come on it's like talking to a fucking brick wall nothing is going to change him.
@2012OPTIMISTIC 8 жыл бұрын
still didnt answer how many black friends he has. Been dodged that question.
@MythicalRedFox 8 жыл бұрын
It's absolutely hilarious how mad he got, lmao. Bill O'Reilly should watch Zootopia.
@QueenDynamite 8 жыл бұрын
if he did he would hire someone to shoot berries at black people
@scottlee38 8 жыл бұрын
@hectorleon465 8 жыл бұрын
oh man I can't breath lmao what's the berries gonna do?? xD
@breal1183 7 жыл бұрын
So then how hilarious is it that because Trump won, all your democunts are in the streets crying, so upset they had to miss school, rioting and tearing up property & literally falling apart hahahaha
@scottlee38 7 жыл бұрын
B Real Nobody said two wrongs make a right bud!
@santrahopi6814 8 жыл бұрын does having black friends automatically make you not racist!?
@santrahopi6814 8 жыл бұрын
***** yeah I kinda see your point-it may indicate something about one's character, or at the least, about where they live/who they live around.
@chuckchillout6228 8 жыл бұрын
@calsmyth4483 8 жыл бұрын
+Sandra Hopkins I think she was hoping he was going to say "yes", to which she'd respond along the lines of "have any of them ever experienced racism in this country?". Not that having black friends makes you not racist. And flipping the phrase around, not having any black friends doesn't make you racist either!
@theesnobbish1_263 8 жыл бұрын
Actually her asking him if he had black friend was in reference to hr wondering how many honest conversations is he having with people he knows personally that may or may not experience systematic racism on a daily basis ... 💁
@cornellabrams6612 8 жыл бұрын
Does not automatically makes you a racist. She sense something in Bill because he took the discussion so personal. That's why she ask. I have a lot of white friends and they get annoyed how my wife and I are treated so differently then them. But if they didn't have black friends they wouldn't know how there a clearly racist people out there.
@pixyteezer204 8 жыл бұрын
Bill O'Reilly, the king of logical fallacies.
@jiggysaw3502 9 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I feel like they don't let the Fox Anchors out of the studio, because how someone can be so blatantly misinformed is beyond me.
@bxbdelights 9 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly.
@MichaelPowers1960 9 жыл бұрын
I'm not big on symbols. Mostly because of the human tendency to place undo importance on them by confusing the symbols with the things they are meant to represent. But there are some symbols that represent reprehensible acts, and the worst parts of human nature. Those symbols are often used as weapons to intimidate, and remind particular groups of societal attitudes towards them. It's hard to find credible the assertions of those who say that what the symbol represents is no longer of any concern, when the symbol itself remains as prominent and potent as ever.
@smb-d8c 9 жыл бұрын
Michael Powers My thoughts exactly.
@emotionzdepress 9 жыл бұрын
Ive noticed that when bill seems to start to look bad he claims the other person is attacking americans.
@rcautela7405 8 жыл бұрын
This segment is a chilling foreshadowing of why a certain Duck is running for prez.
@cavejug3086 8 жыл бұрын
Bill lived in the bubble all his life!
@williamflickinger801 8 жыл бұрын
big mouth Bill O'Reilly still a ràcist republican the party of Lincoln is now the Bill O'Reilly party of hate. and the Confederates flag that Lincoln had destroyed.. 💀👻👾
@cavejug3086 8 жыл бұрын
William Flickinger Not much one can do but ridicule people like him. Republicans have lost the ruder a long time ago! Sad really, isn't it?
@kaisofine 8 жыл бұрын
why is he allowed to talk to his guests that needs to be ashamed of themselves
@alterer 9 жыл бұрын
am I the only one who lives and in America that doesn't think that its CRAZILY filled with racism? I mean I live in a small city and for sure there is older people who are racists. But they are very little compared to the amount of people who act like normal people and go on about their day and have no problems with other races. I don't treat anyone different based upon the color of their skin, or the actions of their ancestors. I don't see why this is blowing up so much. I feel as if the media is making this a larger issue than it really is. ( obviously racism is a issue ) I've heard some of the most ignorant things the past few days such as: you cannot be racist to a white person, because you are white you are racist. I'm not sure about anyone else but I live in a real world where I guess I just don't see racism being the biggest of all of our issues. in fact I'd go as to say racism is a issue that will never completely go away. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Maybe I will learn something ( being as I am only 16 and live Near Canada )
@leviathan-supersystem 9 жыл бұрын
Alter I must agree. But I have to add that racism can be veeeeerrrrryyyy subtle. Like the first thought when you see an Arab or African American at the local grocery store.
@uuu09 9 жыл бұрын
Alter what race are you?
@thegtafanboy 9 жыл бұрын
Alter It depends on you experience, I suppose. I took a road trip from South Florida to DC earlier this year. Immediately, I felt uncomfortable is certain parts of the country. The stares and the attitudes given to me (while not comparable to actual violence) were pretty uncomfortable. Also, I got pulled over for the first time (I know right) in southern rural Georgia. Not a pretty scene, being told to get out of the car while it's super cold at 1AM and having a cop wanting to search your vehicle. Racism is real but our experiences with it are not the same.
@alterer 9 жыл бұрын
Brent Miller I really don't think like that more like if a person looks sketchy and anyone can look sketchy.
@alterer 9 жыл бұрын
uuu09 I am white, Scandinavian to be exact.
@gbrownie69 9 жыл бұрын
I'm from SC and I'm sitting here thinking, "Why the hell would another state have our old flag (which was barely used in the civil war anyways)? I'm totally for it to be taken because IT"S NOT OUR FLAG anymore and it was certainly NEVER their flag". When I first heard about this I was like, "Oh that flags still flying? Cool guess they'll take it down. that's that its a relic of a former time" then it became a national concern. I orignally thought, "Well the flag itself isn't racist because it's not even the flag flown by SC during the time" but now that I'm finding out that there are so many OTHER states using's becoming very apparent its not just a leftover RELIC of the civil war (which I was under the impression) but rather almost impossible to debate it was not a symbol of racism, not during the civil war, but during the civil rights movement.
@sghkl 9 жыл бұрын
if you have to say "I´m not a racist" - then you probably are
@kaneclavizzao 8 жыл бұрын
that is a real Bill O'Reilly moment always switching it all the blame on someone else when he knows for a fact who he is and Bill We Know Who You Are don't act like you really give a shit cuz we know you don't
@rk9sbpro83 8 жыл бұрын
I never heard about that blue eye/ brown eye study. That's very interesting, but I guess it makes sense
@KAM-qq6tx 9 жыл бұрын
*screaming and ranting on the inside* I'm not even kidding if he cut me off like that there were going to be SERIOUS problems, considering the topic? Omg u have noooo idea how hyped i am rn.....
@hexenshadow5642 9 жыл бұрын
I've watched bill oreilly for a long time. Today, seeing him say "there's no system of racism in America", I've lost all ability to watch him and think he is in touch with the world. Systematic racism is everywhere in the job market...
@mscardioqueen 9 жыл бұрын
Bravo to Kirsten Powers! A Fox News Analyst standing up to a Fox News Host - never thought I'd see the day.
@anachristina9543 7 жыл бұрын
LOL, I cant believe how outraged Bill was hahahahaha
@DorianGrayClampitt 9 жыл бұрын
Sadly, I think Bill is saying there is no legalized racism, not actually saying there is no racism, because he starts on the point that "you want a perfect country..."
@osamausmani8886 8 жыл бұрын
how is he allowed to be so rude on national television without any repercussions
@greatchiriengo9209 8 жыл бұрын
because fox
@ktrh740 8 жыл бұрын
I don't understand the premise of this KZbin channel. You guys are neither young nor Turks.
@davidharris8814 8 жыл бұрын
I recomend googling the term before posting a comment. Not supporting them, just supporting knowledge of historic references in general. Also, I believe Cenk is actually Turkish, which is why he chose that specific reference.
@ktrh740 8 жыл бұрын
+David Harris I'm aware of the possibility of Cenk's adopted nationality. However, Cenk is certainly not young, and any other "journalist" reporting from this channel isn't Turkish. To go even further, none of the activities that the members of this channel embark on exemplify the phrase, "Young Turk."
@liberalpunchy3048 8 жыл бұрын
+Pete Pyeatt The people at Fox News are not actual Foxes either.... Theyre donkeys.
@ktrh740 8 жыл бұрын
+Insane Punchy Andrea Tantaros is a Fox. Just sayin'.
@liberalpunchy3048 8 жыл бұрын
+Pete Pyeatt I give you that.
@RainbowYak 8 жыл бұрын
The day Bill O'Reilly finally kicks the bucket will be a glorious day for America.
@Regrettable-Username 9 жыл бұрын
I had a shocking moment when I was visiting my best friend in KY a month or two ago - I'm attracted to black men, the skin tone, the full lips, the nose, all the 'classic features' I guess you could say. I just find them crazy attractive and I don't keep this a secret. So at one point we were in the car and she turned to me and said "You know you can't actually date a black guy, right?" "Why?" "Because he'll treat you like shit. It's just how they're raised sweetie." I stammered out something about race not mattering and that my ex was super white, red head white, and he didn't treat me well. I don't know if I made my point or not, I was in shock and my mouth was moving kind of on it's own. I never pegged her as a racist, but now I can't stop thinking about it.
@Wolfsbane1100 8 жыл бұрын
I'm probably racist, at least a little. Everyone is. Everyone has their own prejudices that have been fed to them by the media, or by their family, or by people they talk to on a day to day basis. And the thing is, being racist doesn't really matter. You can be as racist as you want to be, as long as you don't act on it. So long as you don't go out in public ranting about jews or black people, or mexicans, or whoever, its okay to be racist. Don't get me wrong, racism is a bad thing, but as long as nobody acts on it, and as long as nobody is hurt or massively offended, does it really matter? Because as long as you don't discriminate against people, and you keep your opinion of other races or religions to yourself, I don't see harm in it.
@jemmaleda2426 8 жыл бұрын
Don't forget experiences. experiences cause prejudice
@trufit65 8 жыл бұрын
True, but sad...
@Franklinstein123 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not a Bill O'Reilly fan, but you are being pretty harsh here. You complain at him for misrepresenting what the guest said and yet you do it about him. Bill didn't say that every country has racism EXCEPT america (which you mocked him for). He said that all countries have it INCLUDING america. The point he was making is yes racism does exist, but its not a major systematic problem in America. I agree with him on that. You will never ever get completely rid of racism. Some people will always be prejudiced to others. However in America today, the tiny fraction who are racist are looked down upon. It is seen rightly as an awful crime. There is no systematic oppression to any race. That's Bills point and I actually agree. What the guest is saying (along with many including TYT) is that racism is a huge problem in America. You agree with the idea of 'White Privilege' and systematic oppression of Blacks. Although she didn't actually say 'MOST' americans are racist, you can see how Bill thought that. She made it out as a major problem and when Bill accused her, all she came out with is 'how many Black friends do you have?' What does that have anything to do with it?
@jaxcoss5790 8 жыл бұрын
They are not being harsh at all.
@Franklinstein123 8 жыл бұрын
Great Response there. Really debunked my argument
@chrisricks6363 8 жыл бұрын
how many black friends do you have
@chrisricks6363 8 жыл бұрын
how many black friends do you have
@jaxcoss5790 8 жыл бұрын
+Chris Ricks Is that question aimed at me?
@jodavey 9 жыл бұрын
So with that reasoning Bill you wouldn't have a problem with Germany flying the Nazi flag? Lots of brave soldiers fought for that flag too
@nrodaf06 9 жыл бұрын
Dylan Roof had a lot of black friends; friends who were interviewed by the media, and said he never treated them different, they hung out together, even crashed at the same house. So the question was kind of moot. Having friends of one particular race or another doesn't mean you''re not racist.
@KlingonKylelClashofClans 9 жыл бұрын
Lmao Bill just skipped over the black friends question like she never asked it.
@Seekthetruth3000 9 жыл бұрын
O'reilly has an anger management problem.
@raddognate 9 жыл бұрын
First off I am not a bill O'riley fan. However he did not say everyone is racist. He said every country has issues with racism. That is a FACT! MOST of American's are not racist, yet we are acting as if everyone is.. Also asking "how many black friends do you have" does not dictate how racist they are. Example if there is only one African American family in the town you live, but you don't know them personally, does it make you racist for not having black friends? NO!!!! As long as you treat them the same as anyone else you do not know personally you are not racist. What do you want for us to seek out African American's to be friends with and add them to the I'm not racist scorecard? That's far worse an idea, treating them as a commodity. They are people and should be treated like everyone else. Also I would get upset as well if she kept interrupting me constantly, refusing to give acknowledgement to any rebuttals, and asking one of the worst racial questions ever. I have African American uncles, nephews, friends and co-workers. Most are great people just like MOST of any race is.
@xXLeAkErXx 9 жыл бұрын
3:32 what? did you not just hear Bill say that EVERY country has its flaws? wasn't that the whole point?
@rheathermopolis9299 8 жыл бұрын
Okay, I'm from a different country so I can see certain things that seem to evade Americans (outsider perspective and all that). But what stuck out most was at 7:26 when Bill O'Reilly says "Most AMERICANS are not racist." Before that Kristen Powers said "most people in this country" which is not significantly exclusive, but he structured that differently. And it is the way he constructed that sentence that gets me thinking. When he says "Americans", who does he mean? Don't black people have American identities? Funnily, I don't think he is implying that both races are discriminatory towards the other. I don't think it would occur to him like that.
@tingletanglebob4621 8 жыл бұрын
I am very sorry to tell you guys that it is completely illegal in germany to show the swastika anywhere, except historical books and museums (or movies with a historical background -band of brothers and so on..)(The sentence for not following this law contains many years of prison time). Having said that, sure there are people who glorify the Nazi history, but they are in a percentage area far behind the 0, and may not state their beliefs in public areas or anywhere out of their houses.
@TopFloorEricc 9 жыл бұрын
Look, I do not agree with O'Reilly's politics in this segment and many others. But even if we all put that aside for a moment, can everyone not agree that his hosting style is simply awful. The whole show centers around him, and you get no other perspective on the issues. And when he does put a person with another perspective on the program, he does it merely to demean them and to bully them. They can't finish their sentences, make any points, or get any respect. I don't mean to be condescending (that's his thing), but is very clear that he cannot control his temper or projection. He raises his voice when someone won't concede to his point. He fails to realize that the only reason no one concede's to his points is because he spews rhetoric instead of quality information. But he gets good ratings. Fox News needs to get some integrity. If you want right-wing programming fine, but make it fair and at least remotely informative.
@liorap5636 9 жыл бұрын
As distasteful as I find the Confederate flag, having grown up in Arkansas as a liberal Non Christian, I do not believe that ideologies should be banned. freedom of speech, freedom of ideas, freedom of individualism is very important. There's a huuuuge difference between hanging up a flag and promoting violence or hatred.
@archernewb 9 жыл бұрын
If 9 out of 10 times I got bit by a dog, the 11th dog a I meet, you think I'm going to let it approach me and have an open mind? No, I'm going to run away. There is a reason why humans have maintained stereotypes through evolution, and you can't hate people for acting on those stereotypes.
@Ring0fSaturn 9 жыл бұрын
This is my introduction to Kirsten Powers and I'm excited about her spirit, fearlessness, and willingness to go head to head with big bully, B.O. With the simple question, "How many black friends do you have, Bill?", she sends B.O. into a defensive rage. Right on K.P. Keep in up.
@bruceleeroy8302 9 жыл бұрын
She said "a lot" of people in this country are racist and he turns it into, "you think *most* people in this country are racist!" Those are not the same. If 23% of Americans say that different races are inferior, that's A LOT of people but it's not most people. This isn't a hard concept to understand.
@bbwolf326 9 жыл бұрын
Ok, first off I'm black. Second I am not a republican. Third I love how easy misinformation is spread. The civil war was not fought about slavery. Period. It was fought because the south at the time was the primary force for economic power in the country due admittedly to the slave labor force. The south wanted more power and better representation in the government because they had the majority of the money due to agriculture. When they couldn't get the amount of power that they thought was fair they wanted to become their own country. Also at the time, slavery was a hot button issue, not morally, but because of the amount of money the south was making due to climate, good soil and a long growing season. Once the war started, the emancipation proclamation was enacted to cripple the south economically because the north had more troops and knew the south could and would buy military support from other countries if they continued to be economically stable throughout a long campaign. Ending slavery was a brilliant political move at the time though the abolitionists did publicly celebrate it as their victory. Fourth, the confederate flag for a lot of southern people represented the fact they rebelled from what they saw as a tyrannical government which was a right guaranteed in the constitution. The flag does not stand for racism any more than the swastika stood for antisemitism; today that is what people see or think about when they see them but was never the intent. Now I'm not saying that they have not been used to represent those things by hate groups and racists, just that they are symbols and context makes them what they are. My last point is that the people like Bill O'Reilly who sit back and pretend that racism don't exist are hilarious to me. Racism is epidemic and systematic and affects everyone. It isn't a black issue or a white issue either, it is a human issue which is the only thing I will concede to Bill O'Reilly. That being said I think that it's sad that people believe that taking down a flag is a victory for the cause or in any way will influence racism. Y'all muffukkas need ta read a got damn book. Real talk.
@bbwolf326 7 жыл бұрын
I believe we have read different versions of the history of this country...
@1001011011010 9 жыл бұрын
What he seemed to be saying at the beginning, as far as I can tell from the very short clip, was that racism isn't ingrained into society, but that, like any country in the world, America has racism still in it. It wasn't that hard to see. Not that he's right or anything, antiblackness is a serious threat, as Wilderson clearly demonstrates.
@Mark-kq6ch 9 жыл бұрын
"What we have here is a failure to communicate."
@GBart 9 жыл бұрын
@sepnot 9 жыл бұрын
The Young Turks should change their name since it shares its name with the Ottoman Empire Movement "The Young Turks" that carried out the Armenian Genocide.
@erictaylor5462 9 жыл бұрын
I think everyone, by default is racist. We have to admit that and make an effort NOT to judge other by how they look. It's not easy to not be racist.
@jmtnvalley 9 жыл бұрын
The north did not fight the south to end slavery. It fought the south to prevent the break up of the U.S. The south fought the war because of economic conditions imposed on them by the north. The south was in such a mess because they had no major industry, and couldn't industrialize because of the extremely large slave population. Slavery was a major issue for the south. They were were essentially "hooked" on slavery like drugs and saw no escape, or reason for escape, since that would change their overall lifestyle.
@shootinblanks0 9 жыл бұрын
He's right!! It exists in ALL of us. The denial of it helps to perpetuate it.
@imortalfilletgaming2494 8 жыл бұрын
the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism people may make it out to be that but that's just not true the confederacy and the union fought for state rights and many of the confederate generals were against slavery at the time Robert e lee for an example hated slavery and even said he would fight for the union had his state had not joined the confederacy people are making this something its not
@davidharris8814 8 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but that is blatantly false. If you read the articles of secession, the only mention of states rights is in opposition to it. Southern states were upset with nortern states for not enforcing the fugitive slave act(especially the quakers out in Pennsylvania) this was a war about slavery, plain and simple. States rights is a post war southern ret-con. That's not to say the north was egalitarian or anything, they just didn't believe in owning people(for both economic and moral/religious reasons) As for the flag, the ones on stae houses( other than the one in Mississippi) were all put up in the 1960's specifically to show support for segregationists.
@imortalfilletgaming2494 8 жыл бұрын
David Harris yes for succesion not for the war if abraham let them be for a few years he could have had peacful talks with them all he did was agitate them
@grantrobinson8179 8 жыл бұрын
He's using 'raise' as in 'collect taxes' and not 'increase taxes'. How did they miss that?
@ItsmeNiecey 8 жыл бұрын
lol he tried to dodge that black friend question lol
@syntaxed2 9 жыл бұрын
FOX the last remnant of the confederation. Bill O Reilly even covered the civilwar! ohhhohoho
@EternalRecursion 9 жыл бұрын
Please do something about the "woofing" reverberation in the sound. Maybe draperies on the walls, or an acoustic treatment for the ceiling. Makes my head hurt!
@39thala 9 жыл бұрын
Notice what Cenk says at 1:13 He says Wallace was "fighting segregation of Alabama". lol.
@keosan 8 жыл бұрын
I don't like Bill and I agree with your viewpoint, but the way I took his statements was that the US is not 'systemically' more racist than other countries, and that as a system racism is not condoned- which is true in nearly all parts of the country, and imo debateable in others. But he didn't say the US is the only country on earth that's not racist, that's a hyperbolic interpretation. Semantics, but the way you spun that still has to be called out :)
@independentvoter8710 7 жыл бұрын
There is racism, but sometimes you overblow the extent of it. You often say that racism is invisible to a white person. While a recipient of racism is likely to see racism more than a white person, the existence of racism is not invisible. Racist people generally express their racism in the presence of like-minded individuals. In areas where this is common, the roaches tend to come out of hiding. Racism is a disappearing phenomenon, receding into isolated pockets of the country.
@bararaboy8585 9 жыл бұрын
Down with the confederate flags, up with the tax rates!
@computernerd1101 9 жыл бұрын
Why does O'Riley think people are accusing him? At first we weren't, but only a guilty person denies a crime prior to the accusation.
@ddland45 9 жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem in this debate is that there is a serious issue regarding the proper usage of the term 'racist'. I don't believe most people in this country are racist. The vast majority are simply prejudice or bigoted regarding people of other ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds. And there is a big difference between being prejudice and being a racist. A racist believes in the superiority of their race, or inferiority of other races, and because of that belief, they feel that they are entitled to rights and privileges that ONLY they should enjoy, like voting or having the capacity to do certain jobs or tasks. Someone who is prejudice or bigoted simply defines other ethnic, cultural or religious groups based on ignorance; stereotypes passed from generation to generation, like Jews being cheap, or blacks and Latinos being prone to violence and promiscuity...or all white people are racist. Too many arguments are misleading because most arguments about ethnic, cultural or religious differences are based in our natural instinct towards prejudices, which are really demonstrations of ignorance about other ethnic, cultural or religious groups. But instead of labeling such things as prejudice or bigotry, the perpetrator becomes a racist, which is something completely different.
@newmediarules 9 жыл бұрын
Iadarolla inadvertently laid out the crux of the problem at 10:43. He defined racism, without even flinching, as anything from a genocidal maniac to an objectively decent person admitting that he/she is confused about race privileges for certain people. At some point, the left (for lack of a better term) has to recognize the flaw in this logic. Racism, in America, is an extremely serious charge. An enormous insult; particularly if you're white. In the interest of pragmatism, the definition of the term can't "span the range", if you will. It carries too much baggage to use so casually.
@robinlabouche2230 9 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a debate with O'Reily and Russel Brand....Brand would kill him.....
@nicholasbilic7903 9 жыл бұрын
Bill DID NOT say that the U.S. was not racist and that all other countries are. He said all countries contain racist elements but America was not racist (he did not call any other country racist).
@WynonaM3001 8 жыл бұрын
It's a matter of definition. Racism is the power to effect the lives of another race. Being able to impede or deny rights like justice, employment, education etc...everything else is prejudice, bigotry etc... This country has a massive share of all of it.
@lukegrraaa 9 жыл бұрын
whenever someone uses the "I'm not racist. I have (insert minority group here) friends." no one ever asks then to tell us the name of these supposed friends.
@fredclong9059 9 жыл бұрын
Because we have Racist in this coutry does not equate to this being a Racist country.
@imariot5387 9 жыл бұрын
+Fred Long Its not a racist there are a lot of racist
@Ali-7676 9 жыл бұрын
"racism in not ingrained in this society" - 40 years of civil rights have now erased 400 years of official racism (slavery, 3/5, segregation)?
@addykelly1777 7 жыл бұрын
What these racism deniers in America don't take into account is that America is unique in its history. First it's history of white settlers is not ancient history it is relatively new. Then slavery, the civil war. Up to the modern history of equal rights and segregation. This isn't that long ago, so to say that everything is fine, the racism is negligible is bull. It doesn't just disappear over night when you change a law.
@nightsun1592 9 жыл бұрын
wow, they really distort what the guy said!! He said all countries have elements of racism but American system is not inherently racist. They change it to all countries are racist except us???
@noahsmith9938 9 жыл бұрын
The confederate flag does not represent racism it was never even the official flag of the confederacy. It was a confederate battle flag that was used to help determine which troops belonged to which side. The flag is also not hate it's heritage.
@FancyPantsFiles 9 жыл бұрын
Race was the ONLY factor in why those particular flags were raised in the first place back in the early 60's. The lazy indifference of how the powers that be decided to take them down, is what's truly offensive to me. Its beyond a distraction to your governmental goings on, it was a beacon of racial intolerance that was allowed to burn for much too long.
@madda107 9 жыл бұрын
First off, I am an American and proud of it Second, I was born and raised in the south… most of us are not racist. You will not get anywhere in life now if you are a racist, and if you are, then God help you. Third, slavery was not the only reason the south succeeded from the union. Do I agree with the succession? No. Fourth, do you know that a very minute amount of people in the south actually had slaves and agreed with the practice? Thomas Jefferson was against slavery but had slaves. Fifth, people back on those times were more loyal to their state than a unified country. The north and the south had many issues and disagreements leading to the war. Stonewall Jackson was quoted as saying that.. I am a Virginian first and an American second. I didn’t put that in quotations because I am not 100% sure if those were the exact words. Sixth, many Americans, Union or Confederate, would trade supplies with each other. Why not trade coffee for shoe lasses. There wasn’t an intense hatred toward each other for the most part. There was a mutual respect. Yes, the rebellion was wrong. If America lost the Revolutionary War, would it be considered un-Brittan for the colonies for rebelling? The south wanted independence so as he put it “un-American” because we would be two different countries. It is the same concept. He needs to open a book and be educated rather than getting on a soap box about putting his argument primarily on racism. That being said, I do agree with his closing argument, but please don’t judge us all. There is racism in the north as well. I realize that many people are offended with the Confederate flag, and many southerners consider it as southern pride and not a sign of racism. I personally do not think that state buildings should fly the Confederate flag because of other interpretations of the flag. That is just my opinion.
@BiggDogg25100 9 жыл бұрын
Young Turks by Rod Stewart: "Young hearts be free tonight." (Bass guitar riff up and down) "Time is on your side." (Bass guitar riff up and down) "Don't ever let them push you down or push you around. Don't ever let them change your...point of view." (Guitar riff and solo) That's what comes to mind when ever I watch Young Turks. 
@bordy217 9 жыл бұрын
The way he talks down to her... "I want you to knock it off" I want Bill to leave his car running in a sealed garage for a few minutes.
@mrsreggieledoux5374 9 жыл бұрын
First of all, as a southerner I love the rebel flag yet acknowledge its racist affiliations and understand that some people only associate it with bigotry and oppression. But I feel something completely different when I see/display the flag. Even though people make jokes about it or mock those of us who say it's about loving our southern culture; the food, the music, the way of life and the landscape itself, it's true. That is what it represents to a lot of us who are proud to be southern. Why should we be ashamed of where we come from? We can't be held accountable for the transgressions of those before us. It's also unfair to judge the entire southern demographic based on the actions of certain individuals. Some say no matter what our argument is we should realize that the flag is often viewed as insensitive and we should respect their feelings regardless of what it means to us. The thing is, when I get on here I see people talking about how the south is racist and we're all so backwards and narrow minded, but in the same sentence they use stereotypes to describe everyone in the south. How can people who claim to be non-judgmental automatically label all of us hicks, uneducated hillbillies, and of course, incest? Yes it's true that prejudice has a stronger presence here than other regions but that doesn't give one the right to make assumptions about all of us. I've never bought into political correctness or pretended to care about what others find offensive because I believe in equality under the constitution, which gives everyone the right to believe and say whatever they wish, even if it's something I find totally disgusting. Its not fair to try and ban abortion or same sex marriage just because you're religion says its wrong, other people still have rights they're entitled to. Being from the rural south, I know plenty of racist people. But after going through most of my life trying to pick fights and arguments with them about it and trying to prove how stupid they are I finally realized it's useless because I have the right and the ability to ignore it, but more importantly they have the right to feel the way the way feel. Bottom line is, it doesn't matter if the flag represents culture and pride to me or if it represents hate to someone else, it's the point of exercising our rights.
@Noname304y2u2 9 жыл бұрын
This Kirsten is being stomped on how is this acceptable to Americans that someone gets borderline verbally abused on national television.
@JuC5574 9 жыл бұрын
If this country was founded to be a "more perfect union" then that means we should be constantly trying to achieve that goal. Denying what has gone on in the past is unamerican by its very nature. These people (most conservatives) hate what the purpose of this nation was meant to be. In fact they are not conservative at all. A conservative who follows the mindset of the founders of this country is called a progressive. Washington DC and it's layout is more than enough to prove that. In it's original design our capital was to be a monument to science. It was supposed to be a 10 x 10 diamond with the streets laid out in a grid. VA expressed states rights which is why it ends at the Patomic river. They wanted our capital to be based on science specifically geometry. It is supposed to be a symbol of our nation as progressive and not stuck on tradition even though most of them were Christian. They did not want think their religion to be the rule of law of the land.
@BonafideToolJunkie 9 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind, O'Reilly has donated millions to various charities. Some benefiting blacks, I'm sure. He once donated 25,000 to Al Sharptons charity. Sharpton never even thanked him.
@iClone316 9 жыл бұрын
Bill O'Reilly is the master of the straw-man argument. Instead of answering head on, her question (black friends), he says "if you think MOST Americans are racist, I'm ashamed of you." First of all, answer the question, second of all, she said " A LOT," not "MOST."
@hafaball 9 жыл бұрын
"Racist: it's not something you get to define yourself as" that should be a tshirt XD
@leahsander5490 9 жыл бұрын
Wow! Stuttgart, Hamburg and Düsseldorf are ACTUALLY all state capitals! I'm amazed!
@wilsonblauheuer6544 9 жыл бұрын
Chancre is a persistent prevaricator with a simple MO- the person he is quoting says one thing, Chancre repeats it in a different form with a different meaning. It's called dishonesty.
@ClaudeChaney 9 жыл бұрын
Notice that O'Reilly follows the classic FOX format. Two (or sometimes three) conservatives against one liberal. This is what they call fair and BALANCED.
@xigxag69 9 жыл бұрын
I am Latino and when I was a teenager and in my twenties, I was always looked at. As if I was going to steal something. The difference is that I am lighter skinned with brown hair. I was profiled as a young man, not a Latino.
@campar1043 9 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for her to tell bill to knock it off, and she did...I was pleased.
@rogersmicharl 6 жыл бұрын
whats all this bull shit about the confederate flag ?? it doesnt have anything to do with black people . lincoln was losing the war he wanted to bring up the emancipation sooner but he was told to wain if we did that now we would look desperate so he waited until their first big victory . lincoln was not against slavery he just need black people to fight for the north caue they were losing . the civil war wasnt about slavery .
@erniehudson1 9 жыл бұрын
They are twisting O'Reilly's words. He said "America is not a racist country, it has just racist elements like every other country." That is different to say "every country is racist, but not America."
@MMAfighter38113 9 жыл бұрын
Having or not having black friends does not determine anything.
@leanderthal-z 9 жыл бұрын
Bill O'Reilly is a fucking dictator in his show, "agree with me or you're out."
@juliusjud117 9 жыл бұрын
... Did Bill O'Reilly just refer to people as "haters?"
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