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BILLET NIGHT 2022!!! // Where are we going next??

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Erin Edwards

Erin Edwards

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@GeneCarrasca Жыл бұрын
I'm the third class on an FRC in Cape May. Because we were curiously excited who was going to be our next officer, my previous CO made the decision to finish our last day of off-shore operations and head back inland for cell service and CGA billet night. Our old OPS was streaming it on the tvs on the messdeck from her phone. People who were not on watch watched the whole thing, including myself. We found out and up to this point, we are so grateful to have her onboard! Congratulation to both of you for getting your top pick!
@brianokeefe7781 Жыл бұрын
do you know how it worked in the 'recent past'? I'm c/o 78: first - everyone went to sea for first tour ..... we got a list of billets from which to choose. There were few surprises here as by vessel class you pretty much knew what was gonna be open: example a 210 would have 2 deck and one engineer spot. The list was turned into a big 'poster' wall hanging with a pocket for each billet positioned under the unit and we had WEEKS to make our wants and desires know by putting a 'calling card' (do cadets still get issued those?) in an open pocket/slot. Oh yes I should mention your card was to hold your current 'class rank number' and a lower number could BUMP you .... IOW class rank number one had full choice and the last guy got what was left over . . . The 'billet board' stayed up for several weeks as people made choices and often CHANGED choices 'cuz of future souse input - serving with classmates inputs - sunspots ...... if your room was near the 'board it was not unusual to hear SCREAMS when a choice had changed far UP the list and began to trickle down. On billet night a similar process was followed as the idea was there would be no surprises on billet night as the process had plenty of time to work itself out. The board was up and #1 placed his card and so on ....HA HA HA ...... it seems every year SOMEONE would toss a wrench into the process. IM own E I was expecting to get a deck position on VALIANT then in GALVESTON ..... and a change DURING the selection process found me on STEADFAST then in St Pete FL ........ Detailers had virtually no input to the process other than providing the list of openings. Billet night was 'less formal' which is an understatement ... it was a drunken bash. Curiously my billet night happened during the blizzard of '78 when virtually everything was shut down (I think the state of RI officially 'closed"). Academy decided billet night would still happen. Conn' only allowed 4 wheel drive vehicles on the roads. All 1/c cadets with 4wd vehicles set out and we had many kegs for billet night . . . it was a different time ... a different CG
@danielriley7756 2 жыл бұрын
Jeez Portsmouth 270, I’m sorry to hear that lol. I’m in A school right now watching this video, we get our orders in about a week super excited.
@jhollie8196 2 жыл бұрын
Daughter was at Portsmouth for 2019-2020 on a buoy tender. Then went to A school at Yorktown. As a Marine always enjoyed being in the VA area. Now she is in Savannah doing her MST job.
@rogermalmberg4039 2 жыл бұрын
@l6v826 2 жыл бұрын
if you know, does the coast guard offer vision waivers?
@jimkemp3985 2 жыл бұрын
Erin, I've been following from time to time and just want to wish you all the best. Back in 1985 I was Navy, waiting, like you, (well almost like you - I was OCS) for my first assignment. Got a 418' destroyer and couldn't be happier. Seven plus years in and 37 years later, still couldn't be happier. May you learn a lot, do good things, enjoy what you do, and do it well. Take good care of your ships, and your sailors. Oh, yeah, and listen to the Chief. Congratulations!
@billfulgenzi2287 2 жыл бұрын
After this Billet Night Video Erin stopped making Videos, what has happened to her???
@813kengarcia 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! Wow, what an exciting time! Thanks for sharing your process and the journey, it's so cool to see. In the Army we don't have the duty assignments like the CG but I was lucky. I pretty much went where Big Army told me to go and I was blessed with different units, tactics and missions. But above all, it was always the people that made each assignment awesome and I hope you find that as well. You'll find people who you want to be with shoulder to shoulder in the most difficult of times and you'll learn from people how not to do things unfortunately. Best of luck for the rest of the year and the next assignment!
@adamfischer6768 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to the both of you...l love your choice criteria that guided you on your of luck on your new journey!
@antondanylenko7488 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! Good luck!
@nelskrogh3238 2 жыл бұрын
Great job documenting the assignment process. Best wishes on your future assignment.
@dmcrim624 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations, Ma'am! I've been out since May 2000 and was an MK3 when I finished my time. I started as a Fireman on the Cowslip, a 180' buoy tender out of Astoria, OR and then I went to a small boat station on the southern Oregon coast. Listen to your chiefs!! They know more than you. Be good to your department and they'll be good to you.
@rogergibson9748 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats Erin and Nolan. The first assignment will set the foundation for much of your career going forward. Both Ships are great although Nolan's is older and an could interesting engineering challenge. A few suggestions: (1) try to break the habit of calling your ship/Cutter a "Boat". Boats are craft small enough to be able to be put on you will have small boats on your Ship...BUT...there are several COs who will not react kindly to you calling their Ship a Boat. (2) Take advantage of every opportunity ...whether it be going to extra Training, i.e., Maritime Law Enforcement School, SAR School, etc... and on board the Ship in the way of collateral duties. Don't shy away from taking on collateral duties. A story to share...when I OPS was on a 210 in Florida, the CO wanted to have hosts on board to use at Catholic Mass. Normally it's not easy to do because of the rules of the Catholic Church. When the JO who was the Lay Minister on board told me what the CO wanted, I told him to go see the Catholic Chaplin at the nearby Air Force Base. Instead, he went to the closest Catholic Church and talked to the Monsignor. He returned to the ship with the "bad news" that he wasn't able to get hosts. I reminded him of my earlier suggestion. He then went to see the Chaplin and came back with what he was told to get. There were some restrictions, mostly that they had to be locked in a safe when not being used for Service. The Lay Minister became a "friend" with the Chaplin and had him over for lunch on the ship fairly often...and I am sure the Chaplin was a source of guidance and comfort for the JO too. (3) be a sponge. Eyes and Ears open all the time (there is a reason you have Two Ears, but only One Mouth). Learning from your Senior Officers, AND the Chiefs and Leading Petty Officers. They are ALL excellent sources to help you become better officers.
@marcelmuise7282 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats. Spencer was my first cutter as a QM, where I learned to love shiphandling, and why I went to Maine Maritime later! (Sad she's not in Boston though anymore.)
@sirjasonakana 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to you and Nolan, exciting
@Catherinerose22 2 жыл бұрын
I’m excited for you, may you get everything you wish for! I recently just applied to the CGA, I’m waiting till April 1st to find out😊😊
@patchristopher6100 2 жыл бұрын
I am going to miss your post is being a blessing watching how GOD is using your generation to talk to us adult too.
@tomrummel6550 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations - 270's are a great place to learn, Precom'd Harriet Lane. Tidewater has a lot to offer.
@afcgeo882 2 жыл бұрын
I just saw the Forward docked in NYC yesterday.
@justinevans2436 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't the cadets ever say good morning sir or good afternoon sir anymore?
@afcgeo882 2 жыл бұрын
@@justinevans2436 Are you sure you’re commenting to the right poster?
@joetrombatore5704 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations 👏🎉🇺🇸
@danhentosh2675 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats, I was stationed on two 270's and loved my time onboard. Was able to do so many things and see so many places. Had the pleasure to go to Mardi Gras as host ship, see the Space Shuttle take off 7 times, had a total of 5 drug busts and numerous migrant interdictions. Enjoy your first tour and many more to come. MK1 (vet) 1988-2006
@mnrobards 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video ! Thank you for sharing with us. We hope to see more videos…
@johnczech7074 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to both of you! Been to both! Loved it! Virginia is great!
@patricksullivan2261 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to the two of you! And your friends as well. I hope they all got the billets they were hoping for. Virginia is a great place to be stationed at and you will always have something new to see and do when you aren't on duty. Doesn't your sister go to college somewhere in that area as well? I'm an old fossil and my memory isn't what it used to be but I think I remember she was attending some place in North Carolina or Virginia. It will be a great place for your family to visit if she is going to school there.
@Beaguins 2 жыл бұрын
That's so exciting! I'm enlisted Air Force, and my first assignment wasn't anything I put on my dream sheet. I wanted places like Germany, Japan, Italy, etc. I ended up with Arkansas.
@patchristopher6100 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you got where your design from GOD come to your life , bc where ever you go HE IS THERE with you .
@joannamarcos5304 2 жыл бұрын
I watched Billet night 2022. Plan on watching it for the next 3 years. My son is in the USCGA Class 2025. Congratulations. It was great to hear your name first called up on stage. Good luck
@robrowntree5064 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your appointment- it looks like a great Ship. Now you just need to graduate - nearly there 😀
@roundsm18 2 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel. Congratulations. If you ever make it over to Astoria or USCG Sector Columbia River - come visit Camp Rilea! We get the USCG AHRS over here. It’s a beautiful coast as well. I enjoy being able to support your guys mission and that school over here. Regards.
@johnclement4158 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to you both. Erin, you said you'll see us next time. When will that be? When should we start looking for the next video?
@kragfearghal 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to you both on receiving the assignments you wanted. God bless you both for choosing to serve our Country in this matter. Good luck & Fair Seas :)
@snxcsnxc5399 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Erin congratulations to you both you will do well on your journey.
@gwstrauss65 2 жыл бұрын
You both don't know me but I have been watching the journey. I watched billet night on venmo. Congratulations to you both.
@afcgeo882 2 жыл бұрын
On Venmo?
@hobbyboy1 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your new assignments, I’m in the coast guard auxiliary band in arizona right now and I’ll be in until I retire
@jtnelson8828 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats Erin and Nolan!
@Borzoi86 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats, Erin and "friend." Your first tours are vitally important to any future career you hope to have in the Coast Guard. Be good shipmates, find a reliable mentor and, when you can do so without interrupting their own list of tasks, invest some extra time on the ship and learn from the senior enlisted personnel onboard. Also: press the Coast Guard at every opportunity to send you to grad school. As a first-tour Marine aviator I failed to do this and limited my future value to that service. (Military pilots on their first tours have a maniacal fixation on getting flight time to the exclusion of all other career planning. Don't make this short-sighted mistake!) My wife and I wish you fair winds and following seas throughout your approaching adventure--but don't forget to finish your senior year strong. May God continue to keep you in the palm of His hand. Check out Isaiah 41:10.
@87jsergey 2 жыл бұрын
Upkeep the Lord, your perseverance will be respected in the mess
@stevebeckerman4214 2 жыл бұрын
Say hi to RADM Kelly for me. We played softball together when he was the XO on CGC LIBERTY and I was a controller at the D17 OPCEN. Wow, that was a few years ago! And an old shipmate of mine was CO on SPENCER, Pete Niles. Home port was Boston. He was a QM3 on GENTIAN while I was ENS/LTJG. Pete’s son is in his first year at the academy. I loved WLBs, would have been a great way for you to go. Have a great time on your tour!
@nickcomer8354 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there! New sub to your channel. I have been thinking of joing up with the uscg. I would love to get any insight that you might be able to give yourself, or any that your friends who are also with the uscg might have. Please let me know if you'd be willing to help with any advice or guidance! 😁
@rogergibson9748 2 жыл бұрын
Erin are You still making videos?? Haven't seen any since Billet Night... and can't DM on Instagram. Hope all is well.
@militus5411 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations, Erin! So happy for you. PS to other viewers... catch that spoiler at 15:29 ? Look closely! :)
@steandwiljr 2 жыл бұрын
I was stationed in that area
@laurenwilliamson2818 2 жыл бұрын
dance moms
@carriebateman4465 2 жыл бұрын
No other “news” to announce??? 🥰
@Borzoi86 2 жыл бұрын
EXACTLY! What was that "thing" on her third finger? (My wife and I watched this morning and had the same question.)
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