One criminal named Amitabha Chaudhury of Naktala, earlier arrested by Alipore PS in June 2018 on charges of supplying banned materials & illegal substances to Alipore jail, now out on bail with TMC help, is involved in this coal & cow smuggling scam and other scams and has amassed illegal assets of 10 crores along with his family members
@M.R-Biswajit Жыл бұрын
বড়ো বাঘ হুলো হয়েগেল ,কথায় আছে চ্যআঙ উজায় ব্যঙ উজায় খলসে বলে আমি একটু উজিয়ে দেখি।
@8569anirban Жыл бұрын
Kajal o lute pure khabe
@kartikgharami9744 Жыл бұрын
Ai policy sree man bhipo chalu korea chha?or ki kichu hobea? purba bardhaman a aki samashya?