Рет қаралды 37
Sermonette: Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong Played on 01.25.2025
Mr. Armstrong was expounding on Jeremiah 5 and telling how these tragic events
were about to fall on this nation. He talked about the changes we were confronting
In our weather. We were reminded of the snowfall in Louisiana and Florida.
Mr. Armstrong said we were living in dangerous times. He said all weapons were
made to use, and that we would eventually use them. He went into Jeremiah 6.
He said we could stop these tragic events if we would wake up as a nation
but it didn’t look like we were going to. So, he said we had better wake up
individually, if we wanted to escape the terrible things that were sure to happen.
He talked about how the people buried their heads in the sand and didn’t want
to know what was going to happen. He said this message had to be delivered to the
nations of Israel and Judah. Mr. Armstrong said one day his voice would be stilled.
He told us God had said he was going to send these disasters. He said our Allies
would forget us. He talked about how God said the ministers and preachers were
preaching falsely. He ended by going to James 5 and talking about our human nature.