【Blue Archive: Visitor From Underground】Phase 1.25&1.5&2 RE Megalovania

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@dazerosaiko 9 ай бұрын
どうも、前回に引き続いて作者の堕零です。音楽、スプライト、アニメーション、どれを取っても最高としか言いようがないものでした!小説の方も動画の展開に追いつけるよう精進して参りますので宜しくお願いします! 話は変わりますが、恐らく皆様が疑問に思っている部分が幾つかあると思いますので答えていこうと思います。これら以外の質問がございましたらご気軽にお尋ねください。 Q.このサンズの名前は? A.「Aoharu!Sans」です。覚えて頂けたら幸いです。 Q.サンズは先生? A.違います。彼とは別に先生は存在し、補佐を務めています。 Q.サンズ達と戦っているのは誰? A.プレイヤーです。キャラではありません。キャラはプレイヤーの狂気に恐れを抱き力を奪い虐殺の輪廻を止めようとしましたが(No More Dealsのような戦いが繰り広げられた)、返り討ちに遭い逆に力を奪われてしまいました。 Q.どうしてサンズにヘイローが現れた? A.サンズの世界を救うという強い「ケツイ」が世界に「神秘」と判断された為です。因みにヘイローが顕現している状態のサンズには「Mystermination(神意)」というケツイと神秘が融合した固有の力があり、彼の想像を全て実現出来る力があります。この他にも多くの能力がありますが、ここでは省略しておきます… Hello, this is the author Dazero, continuing from last time. The music, the sprites, the animation, everything was just amazing! I'll do my best to keep up with the developments in the novels as well, so please keep up with the developments in the videos! Changing the topic, I think there are probably some questions that you all have, so I would like to answer them. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. Q. What is the name of this Sans? A. “Aoharu! Sans”. I hope you remember. Q. Sans is Sensei? A. No. Apart from him, there is Sensei, who serves as his assistant. Q. Who is fighting the Sans? A. Player. It's not Chara. Chara was frightened by Player's madness and tried to steal his power and stop the cycle of genocide (a battle similar to No More Deals took place), but he was attacked again and his power was taken away from him. Q. Why did Halo appear in Sans? A. Sans' strong "Determination" of saving the world was judged to be "Mysterious" by the world. By the way, Sans, who is in a state where Halo is manifested, has a unique power called "Mystermination" that is a combination of Determination and Mysterious, and has the power to make all of his imaginations come true. There are many other abilities, but I will omit them here...
@cristhomasvaldevieso2263 9 ай бұрын
So whats happen to chara, Is she dead?
@dazerosaiko 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@cristhomasvaldevieso2263 No. Chara tells Sans that she can restore the powers taken from Player and return Sans to his own world. However, Sans decided to remain on Kivotos and said goodbye. So what I'm trying to say is, Chara is alive.
@kyjchannel278 9 ай бұрын
So your DZR300, from deviantart, well hello! Your deviantart fellow here, I'm happy that your AU is getting recreated by this channel, since I saw your AU through the past days on deviantart, so uh...I would like to have this thing to get good quality fan art so, I will practice more for other works, so cheers! BTW, I have a novel site that I mostly like to use. Can I recreat your story in my way if possible? I will credit you [if you don't want it, I'm also fine with it]
@cristhomasvaldevieso2263 9 ай бұрын
@@dazerosaiko oh thanks for ask
@unknow2655 9 ай бұрын
Make all of his imagination come true?💀💀Bruh that OP but he will just imagine ketchup.
@ajabou2012 9 ай бұрын
今気づいた、、、 5:38 サンズの背景にアンテ世界、 サンズの下の影の横に ブルアカのさっきの5人がいるの細かくて鳥肌立ったし泣いた タイムライン念で使う人どぞ 2:12 Phase 1.25 5:19 Phase 1.5 6:57 Phase 2
@seriyan_0910 9 ай бұрын
@Eito0623 8 ай бұрын
@塵箱 6 ай бұрын
@tanthienloc8039 8 ай бұрын
As both an Undertale and Blue Archive fan, I see this video as an absolute masterpiece! Please keep up the good work, creator-san!
@Tanaks_1 9 ай бұрын
前回のセリフで 「これ以上の被害を出す訳には行かない」 的な発言があってまさか...とは思って覚悟してたけどいざ実際にこうなると辛い...ってなりましたね 5:20 ここを見る限り主要メンバーは壊滅状態なんだろうなと、仮に生きてたら絶対に救援に来そうなファウスト様が居ないから自然とそう考えてしまう... それはともかく 終わらない物語 終わらせたくない彼女達の青春 そんな願いが神秘として表現しこのエンディングに繋がったと考えるとこれは非常に後日談が気になりますね... bgmも良すぎて涙が自然と溢れてきましたわ...
@Lazy_Enc 2 ай бұрын
5:42 ここの音楽大好きです
@niko_the_messiah_pancakes 9 ай бұрын
I especially liked the moment at 5:41, at which point I felt like something cool and fucked up was about to happen, and for some reason I thought Sans was going to say something like, "No. I can't give up now. I can't let you win. "And if I risk my life to stop you, even if I have to sacrifice everything I hold dear... Then so be it, because the world is still blue and clear of people like you."
@siberia5642 9 ай бұрын
ブラスターにもちゃんと デルタルーンっぽいヘイロー付いてるの良い!
@kangaeruhito-m8e 5 күн бұрын
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
한국어 번역 Phase 1.25 IRRESPONSIBILITY 0:06~0:50 Aoharu!Sans: 헉···헉··· Takanashi Hoshino: 우헤헤···꽤 날렵하네··· Sunaōkami Shiroko: 음···마치 우리의 움직임을 알고 있는 것처럼··· Izayoi Nonomi: ··· Izayoi Nonomi: 괜찮아요···?샌즈씨? Izayoi Nonomi: 숨이 거친데요··· Aoharu!Sans: 하하···조금 피곤할 뿐이야··· Aoharu!Sans: 아직 할 수 있어··· Kuromi Serika: 무리하지 마! 진짜 체력이 없다니까! Takanashi Hoshino: ···여기서부터 아저씨들에게 맡겨줘··· Aoharu!Sans: 잠깐···! 0:55~0:58 Okusora Ayane: 노노미 선배! 피해주세요!! 1:04~1:08 Aoharu!Sans: 이봐···거짓말이지··· 1:35~2:12 Aoharu!Sans: 또야··· Aoharu!Sans: 또 소중한 사람을 잃었어··· Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: 맛있는 밥을 먹고 Aoharu!Sans: 하찮은 농담으로 웃고 Aoharu!Sans: 그럴 수 있는 친구가 있는 것만으로 좋았는데 Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: 왜 너는, 그걸 다 뺏으려고 하는거냐야야야~!!! 2:52~2:54 「너에겐 올바른 판단을 할 수 있다고 믿고 있어」 「나는 진작에 포기했다」 「그는 우리의 소중한 동료(학생)」 Phase 1.5 Still, The World is Blue and Clear 3:33~4:02 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: 몇번째야··· Aoharu!Sans: 원래의 세계에서 몇번이고 너에게 죽임을 당했어 Aoharu!Sans: 이미 미칠 정도로··· Aoharu!Sans: 소중한 남동생이나 친구······ Aoharu!Sans: 그리고 키보토스 모두도··· Aoharu!Sans: ······ 4:06~5:02 Sensei: "샌즈!!" Sensei: "상처가···" Aoharu!Sans: 선생··· Aoharu!Sans: 미안해, 미안해 Aoharu!Sans: 내가, 내가 여기에 왔으니까 Aoharu!Sans: 내가 오지 않았더라면 이런 일은 일어나지 않았을 텐데 Aoharu!Sans: 내 탓이야 Sensei: "······" Sensei: "그렇지 않아···샌즈" Sensei: "너는 나쁘지 않아" Sensei: "지금까지 이 문제에 혼자서 맞서왔어" Sensei: "그런 괴로웠던 일을 우리 모두에게 이야기해 주었잖아" Sensei: "혼자서 끌어안아야 하는 일 따위는 없어" Sensei: "샌즈는 혼자가 아니야···" 5:09~5:40 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: 아직이야··· Aoharu!Sans: 이런데서 끝내버릴까 보냐 Aoharu!Sans: 그녀들의 청춘 이야기(블루 아카이브)는 앞으로도 계속될거야 「ㄴ···너···그렇게나 날 싫어했니?」 「여···여전히···난 널 믿고 있어!」 「이 세계는 살아남을거야···!」 「다···당신은···팬클럽에 들어오고 싶지···않으셨나 보군요···?」 「ㅇ···어···째서···」 「그러니···부탁이야···죽이지 말아줘····」 Aoharu!Sans: 나의 이야기(언더테일)도, 이런 결말은 인정하지 않아 6:22~6:28 Chara: 샌즈는 의지로 가득찼다 phase 2 RE Megalovania 6:30~6:58 Aoharu!Sans: 정말 아름다운 날이야 Aoharu!Sans: 새들은 지저귀고 Aoharu!Sans: 꽃들은 피어나고 Aoharu!Sans: 이런 날엔 너 같은 놈은··· Aoharu!Sans: 지옥에서····아니··· Aoharu!Sans: 내가 직접 심판할 때다 7:51~7:53 Aoharu!Sans: 뭐? 설마 통할거라고 생각했어? 8:54~8:55 Shiroko Terror: 샌즈? Shiroko Terror: 「얘들아 」···어? Aoharu!Sans: ······ Shiroko Terror: ······ Shiroko Terror: ···알고있어 Shiroko Terror: 지금은 우울할 때가 아니야 9:46~10:00 Aoharu!Sans: 슬슬 이 싸움도 끝내자... Aoharu!Sans: 각오하는 편이 좋아 Aoharu!Sans: ···「진짜 필살기」를 10:45~11:58 Aoharu!Sans: 하하··· Aoharu!Sans: 길었어··· Aoharu!Sans: 이제야···끝났구나··· Shiroko Terror: 응···· Aoharu!Sans: ··· Aoharu!Sans: (···미치겠다···힘을 너무 써서 그런지 현기증이···) Sensei: "샌즈!!" Aoharu!Sans: 선생···? Sensei: "···다행이다···의식이 들어?" Aoharu!Sans: 괜찮아···체력이 다했을 뿐이야 Aoharu!Sans: 또 케첩을 마시면 건강해질걸? Sensei: "그냥 마시는건 안 돼" Aoharu!Sans: 네에네에 Aoharu!Sans: 아무래도 그녀석이 없어진 것으로, 지금까지의 일은 모두 없던 일이 됐다 Aoharu!Sans: 다행이야··· Aoharu!Sans: 다시 우리들의 청춘 이야기를 시작한다고 할까···
@kyjchannel278 9 ай бұрын
아니 잠만, 노노미 선배가 웬말이야?!!?!?
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
@@kyjchannel278 아니 죄송합니다. 이름을 잘못적어놨네요. 수정해 뒀습니다.
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
@@kyjchannel278 그리고 이전 Phase1 영상과 New!Fantasy Time Trio 영상에도 한국어 번역본을 올려두었으므로 확인 후 좋아요를 눌러주시면 감사하겠습니다.
@kyjchannel278 9 ай бұрын
​@@노건희-i9x아 아야네였군요, 호시노가 그러는줄 알았네요 😅
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
@@kyjchannel278 새벽에 번역 작업을 하다보니 피곤해서 잘봇 봐서 잘못 적어놨네요.
@Nor_archives 6 ай бұрын
8:22 unwelcome→welcomeの流れ大好きです ブルアカ始めた大きな要因とも言えるほど素晴らしく毎日聴いてます……感動をありがとうございます……!!
@sadtimesallaround 9 ай бұрын
Aoharu! Sans (awakened state) ability list! Mystermination The power that combines the monster's 'Determination' and the student's 'Mysterious', a power that only Aoharu can have. No one can have him but him. Beyond all determination, it is possible to achieve anything you imagine. In the words of a clown somewhere in the world, “I Can Do Anything.” Basic abilities are greatly strengthened All existing abilities are 1, but health does not decrease in this form until you continue to have determination (the concept of 'health' is gone!) and both attack and defense are 100. Through gravity manipulation, he can levitate structures much larger than himself, and can use gravity to break objects when he slams them into the ground. A bunch of blue sky The bones were as blue as the blue sky of Kivotos. When used in defense, it becomes the most powerful shield to protect your loved ones, and when used in attack, it becomes the strongest spear that crushes all threats. Mysterious blaster Gaster Blaster is Halo's equivalent of Sans. Its destructive power is strong enough to create a crater in the ground with just one shot. When firepower reaches its maximum, space and time fluctuate, and no matter how strong your will is, you will be annihilated in an instant. NEO Save and Load Mystermination implements pseudo-save and load to restore destroyed buildings to their original appearance. It can also be used to implicate and inhibit targets during replay. storage He magically created and reproduced the guns of the students he had met so far, and then began shooting. Its power increases dozens of times its original firepower. He has the ability to imitate not only the student's gun, but almost anything that exists in Sans' memories, and also has the possibility to use that person's powers when he encounters an AU character (Killer's Knife, X!Gaster's "OVERWRITE", Dusttrust' s Two Swords, Thread of Error, etc.). 【Notice of violations】 If the enemy's condition has been improved through illegal methods such as modification, it will be restored to its original state without question.
@Traiquyt1122 9 ай бұрын
Bruh you changed the comment 💀
@SyafiqMuhaimin-tr4db 9 ай бұрын
Wait what it sans meet alphatale character like KING MULTIVERSE and 404 because they have the button of GAME OVER and DELETE(different than ERASE) does the storage ability have limit to what they can copy like OMNI SANS omnipotent or wishing ability, does it can copy that have certain conditions like ERASE button where you need blood of ORIGINAL/UNDERTALE sans like in the video of villain sans squad where HOMICIDE sans after Killing(not surely because the story has been discontinued) original/Undertale sans the blood because ERASE button and homicide sans slash the button Delete button it different than ERASE button because deleted character that being deleted by delete button can be bring back by TRUE RESET and ERASE character that being ERASED BY ERASE BUTTON cannot be bring back even with TRUE RESET
@m1tl4y0tl 9 ай бұрын
​@@SyafiqMuhaimin-tr4db for the moment, this guy hasnt put a limit to the ability, so it would be okay to believe taht it currently doesnt have a limit
@underbed 9 ай бұрын
"Anything is possible." 💀 I think u meant "I CAN DO ANYTHING!"
@SyafiqMuhaimin-tr4db 9 ай бұрын
@@underbed that mean sans can copy gojo ability
@bartas470 9 ай бұрын
I really like the aus where sans appears in diffrent games so far good combinations are touhou, blue archive and Omori
@윈툴-e3r 9 ай бұрын
translation korean Phase 1.25 IRRESPONSIBILITY 0:06~0:50 Aoharu!Sans: 헤... 헤... Takanashi Hoshino: 우헤헤... 꽤 민첩하네... Sunaōkami Shiroko: ...우리의 움직임을 알고 있는 것 같네 Izayoi Nonomi: ··· Izayoi Nonomi: 괜찮으세요... 샌즈? Izayoi Nonomi: 힘들어보여요... Aoharu!Sans: 헤헤... 그냥 좀 피곤해서... Aoharu!Sans: 난 아직 싸울 수 있어... Kuromi Serika: 지쳤으면 무리하지 말라고 Takanashi Hoshino: ㅇ···여기부터는 아저씨 들 한태 맡겨 Aoharu!Sans: 잠깐...! 0:55~0:58 Okusora Ayane: 노노미 선배! 피해주세요!! 1:04~1:08 Aoharu!Sans: 이봐... 농담하는 거지?... 1:35~2:12 Aoharu!Sans: 또다시..... Aoharu!Sans: 또다시 소중한 사람을 잃었네... Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: 맛있는 음식을 먹고 난 뒤 Aoharu!Sans: 사소한 농담에도 웃는.. Aoharu!Sans: 그런 일을 할 수 있는 친구가 있다는 것은 참 좋았는대 말이야.. Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: 왜 다 가져가려고 하는 거냐? 2:52~2:54 “나는 당신이 올바른 결정을 내릴 수 있다고 믿습니다.” “나는 오래 전에 포기했어요.” “그는 우리의 소중한 동료(학생)입니다” Phase 1.5 Still, The World is Blue and Clear 3:33~4:02 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: 무슨 숫자일까.. Aoharu!Sans: 난 원래 세계에서 너한테 여러 번 죽었는거 같네. Aoharu!Sans: 벌써 미쳤네... Aoharu!Sans: 소중한 동생이나 친구... Aoharu!Sans: 그리고 키보토스... Aoharu!Sans: ······ 4:06~5:02 선생님: "샌즈!!" Sensei: "아파..." Aoharu!Sans: 선생님... Aoharu!Sans: 미안해, 미안해... Aoharu!Sans: 내가 여기 왔으니까... Aoharu!Sans: 내가 오지 않았다면 이런 일은 일어나지 않았을 거야.... Aoharu!Sans: 내 잘못이야..... Sensei: "······" Sensei: "그건 사실이 아니야...샌즈" Sensei: "당신은 나쁘지 않아." Sensei: “당신은 지금까지 이 문제에 혼자 직면해 왔어.” Sensei: “지금끼지 격은 고통스러운 경험을 우리 모두에게 말해줘.” Sensei: "혼자 무언가를 쥐고있어야 하는 건 없어." Sensei: "샌즈너는 혼자가 아니야..." 5:09~5:40 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: 아직은... Aoharu!Sans: 여기서 끝날 것 같아? Aoharu!Sans: 그들의 청춘 이야기(블루 아카이브)는 앞으로도 계속될 것입니다. “내가 그렇게 싫었나요?” “여, 난 아직도 당신을 믿어요!” "이 세상은 살아남을 것이다...!" “팬클럽 가입하기 싫었나 봐요?” 「ㅇ···어·········」 "그럼... 제발... 날 죽이지 마세요..." Aoharu!Sans: 내 이야기(언더테일)도 이런 결말은 용납하지 않을꺼야.. 6:22~6:28 차라: 샌즈는 의지로 가득 찼다 Phase 2 RE Megalovania 6:30~6:58 Aoharu!Sans: 정말 아름다운 날이야 Aoharu!Sans: 새들이 노래하고 Aoharu!Sans: 꽃들은 피어나고 Aoharu!Sans: 이런 날엔 너 같은 사람들이... Aoharu!Sans: 지옥에서... 아니... Aoharu!Sans: 이제 내가 심판할거야. 7:51~7:53 Aoharu!Sans: 뭐? 정말 효과가 있을 거라고 생각했는건 아니지? 8:54~8:55 Shiroko Terror: 샌즈? Shiroko Terror: 「얘들아」... 설마.. Aoharu!Sans: ······ Shiroko Terror: ······ Shiroko Terror: ···알고 있어 Shiroko Terror: 지금은 울때가 아니야 9:46~10:00 Aoharu!Sans: 이 싸움을 빨리 끝내자... Aoharu!Sans: 준비하는 게 좋을 거야. 꼬맹아 Aoharu!Sans: ··· 나의 필살기를 보여줄께 꼬맹아. 10:45~11:58 Aoharu!Sans: 하하... Aoharu!Sans: 길었는거 같네... Aoharu!Sans: 드디어 끝났어... Shiroko Terror: 응... Aoharu!Sans: ··· Aoharu!Sans: (···미쳐가네... 힘을 너무 써서 현기증이 날거 같아) Sensei: "샌즈!!" Aoharu!Sans: 선생...? Sensei: "···다행이네... 의식은 있어?" Aoharu!Sans: 괜찮아... 지쳤을 뿐이야.. Aoharu!Sans: 또 케첩을 마시면 되는거 아니야?? Sensei: “그냥 마시면 안돼.” Aoharu!Sans: 알았어 선생 헤헤 Aoharu!Sans: 그 꼬맹이가 사라진 이후로 지금까지 일어났던 모든 일은 한 번도 일어난 적이 없는 것 같은데... Aoharu!Sans: 다행이네 헤..... Aoharu!Sans: 다시 우리의 청춘에 대해 얘기해볼까...?
@Takatakanyan_AU 9 ай бұрын
まってリアルタイムで見れなかったことに悔やんでる() これはすごいわ…… 想像の上をいったな…… この動画のためにブルーアーカイブを学んでよかったぁぁ
@tanekko4649 9 ай бұрын
@伊藤隼人-s1f 9 ай бұрын
@トライガ 6 ай бұрын
@@伊藤隼人-s1f マコーラwwww
@睦富士山 3 ай бұрын
@@伊藤隼人-s1f ふるべゆらゆら?書き方がわからない
@Nemugaki599 9 ай бұрын
Sans been filled by *DETERMINATION* and *MIRACLE*
@codetibers 9 ай бұрын
Undertale and Aoharu are one of the most emotional themes I have ever heard in all games I have played. Those themes is what saved me. Thank you for the great video. I love both Blue Archive and Undertale, they will always have a special place in my heart, mystic and soul.
@帽子-i2b 6 ай бұрын
フェーズ1.25 2:11 フェーズ1.5 5:41 フェーズ2 6:57
@FNF_Awei 9 ай бұрын
The tune is so good that it can be listened to hundreds of times
@FNF_Awei 9 ай бұрын
There's no reason why I can't be blown away by the music and the style of painting
@ゲヘミル-Lapislazulifa2 9 ай бұрын
リアタイで見れなかったことに悔やんでる… 今回も最高だった!
@BANANA1108-m7h 9 ай бұрын
@塵箱 6 ай бұрын
今更気づいたからいい? 2:27フェーズ2のサンズは左目に勇気の黄色と忍耐の青のみ、けれどここで 6:21 左目に忍耐の青、右目に勇気の黄色を抱いている、これはサンズなりのケツイが勇気と忍耐の心を増幅のようなものをさせたと考えられる、そしてサンズのハイロゥは黄色、そしてブラスターのハイロゥは青、ブラスターの青は忍耐、できる限りPlayerにダメージを与えるための忍耐と考えることもできる、そしてサンズのハイロゥは黄色、みんながやられてもPlayerに立ち向かうという勇気、それを表してると考えられる、 9:01 そしてここで両目が決意の赤に変わる、これはクロコが来て皆がもういないことを再確認させられたと考える、けれどモンスターの体はケツイには耐えられない、 11:12 ここの目眩はそれの前兆とも考えられる 11:28 ここのケチャップ発言も何かの強がり…なのかな…? 11:54 この仮説が正しいならこれが最期の言葉になる
@塵箱 6 ай бұрын
@inkAlice1206 9 ай бұрын
@SNM246-c1i 9 ай бұрын
@uri1145agplx 9 ай бұрын
@NameisnowReserveVanguard 9 ай бұрын
This is just... Beautiful man why am i tearing up? This is just so good damn.
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
Original Dialog Phase 1.25 IRRESPONSIBILITY 0:06~0:50 Aoharu!Sans:はぁ···はぁ··· Takanashi Hoshino:うへへ···なかなかすばしっこいね··· Sunaōkami Shiroko: ん···まるで私たちの動きがわかってるみたいに··· Izayoi Nonomi:··· Izayoi Nonomi:大丈夫ですか···?sansさん? Izayoi Nonomi:息が荒いですが··· Aoharu!Sans:haha···少し疲れただけだぜ··· Aoharu!Sans:まだいける··· Kuromi Serika:無理しないで!本当に体力ないんだから! Takanashi Hoshino:···ここからおじさん達にまかせてよ··· Aoharu!Sans:まて···! 0:55~0:58 Okusora Ayane:ノノミ先輩!避けてください!! 1:04~1:08 Aoharu!Sans:おい···ウソだろ··· 1:35~2:12 Aoharu!Sans:まただ··· Aoharu!Sans:また大切な人を失った··· Aoharu!Sans:····· Aoharu!Sans:美味い飯を食って Aoharu!Sans:下らないギャグで笑って Aoharu!Sans:そんな事が出来る友達が居るだけで良かったのに Aoharu!Sans:····· Aoharu!Sans:どうしてお前は、 それを全て奪おうとするんだアアアッ!!! 2:52~2:54 「アンタには ただしい はんだんが できるって しんじてるぜ」 「オレはとっくに あきらめた」 「彼は私達の大切な仲間(生徒) 」 Phase 1.5 Still, The World is Blue and Clear 3:33~4:02 Aoharu!Sans:······ Aoharu!Sans:何度目になるんだ··· Aoharu!Sans:元の世界でなんどもお前に殺された Aoharu!Sans:もう気が狂いそうなくらいにな··· Aoharu!Sans:大切な弟や友達····· Aoharu!Sans:そしてキヴォトスの皆も··· Aoharu!Sans:······ 4:06~5:02 Sensei:"Sans!!" Sensei:"傷が···" Aoharu!Sans:先生··· Aoharu!Sans:ごめん、 ごめんな Aoharu!Sans:オレが、 オレがここに来たから Aoharu!Sans:オレが来なけりゃこんな事は起きなかったのに Aoharu!Sans:オレのせいだ Sensei:"······" Sensei:"そんなことはないよ···Sans" Sensei:"君はわるくない" Sensei:"いままでこの問題に一人で立ち向かってきた" Sensei:"そんなつらかったことを私たち皆に話しくれたじゃないか" Sensei:"一人で抱え込むことなんてない" Sensei:"Sansは一人じゃないよ··" 5:09~5:40 Aoharu!Sans:······ Aoharu!Sans:まだだ··· Aoharu!Sans:こんなところで終わらせてたまるか Aoharu!Sans:彼女たちの青春の物語(Blue Archive)はこれからも続いていく 「あ···あなた···わたしをそんなに にくんでいるの?」 「で···でも···きさまのことは しんじてるよッ!」 「このせかいは、 いきつづけるのだ···!」 「キ···キミは···ボクのファンクラブに はいるつもりは···なさそうだね···」 「そ···そんな···なぜ···」 「だから…おねがい…ころさないで····」 Aoharu!Sans:俺の物語(Undertale)も、 こんな結末は認めない 6:22~6:28 Chara:Sansはケツイをいだいた phase 2 RE Megalovania 6:30~6:58 Aoharu!Sans:きょうは ステキな日だ Aoharu!Sans:はなが さいてる Aoharu!Sans:ことりたちも さえずってる Aoharu!Sans:こんな日には おまえみたいな ヤツは··· Aoharu!Sans:じごくで····いや··· Aoharu!Sans:オレが直々に裁く時だ 7:51~7:53 Aoharu!Sans:え?まさかつうようするとでも おもったか? 8:54~8:55 Shiroko Terror:Sans? Shiroko Terror:「みんな」···は? Aoharu!Sans:······ Shiroko Terror:······ Shiroko Terror:···わかってる Shiroko Terror:今は落ち込んでいる場合じゃない 9:46~10:00 Aoharu!Sans:そろそろこの戦いも終わりにさせよう··· Aoharu!Sans:覚悟したほうがいいぜ Aoharu!Sans:···「本当のスペシャルこうげき」のな 10:45~11:58 Aoharu!Sans:haha··· Aoharu!Sans:長かったな··· Aoharu!Sans:やっと···終わったんだな··· Shiroko Terror:うん···· Aoharu!Sans:··· Aoharu!Sans:(···やばい···力を使いすぎたせいかめまいが···) Sensei:"Sans!!" Aoharu!Sans:先生···? Sensei:"···よかった···意識は大丈夫?" Aoharu!Sans:大丈夫だ···体力が尽きただけだぜ Aoharu!Sans:またケチャップを飲めば元気になるぜ? Sensei:"直飲みはだめだよ" Aoharu!Sans:へいへい Aoharu!Sans:どうやらアイツがいなくなった事で、 これまでの出来事は全て無かった事になった Aoharu!Sans:良かった··· Aoharu!Sans:また俺達の青春の物語を始めるとするか···
@ajabou2012 9 ай бұрын
ちょっとネタバレしちゃうけど Re AOHARUがあるから サンズもphase2も Re Megalovaniaになってるの好き
@Blue-Zero68 7 ай бұрын
한국인이 있네요 또보군요 Aourah 가 사용됀 점이 저를 또다시 울리게했군요.. 번역 감사합니다 건희 님.
@devilovania3288 9 ай бұрын
ごきげんよう 最高です。
@koneriame 9 ай бұрын
@SuphakonToemkiatcharoen 3 ай бұрын
@STSansSansサンズ 3 ай бұрын
@garuros-kannakamui 9 ай бұрын
@yukou_music 3 ай бұрын
7:22 待って!? このガスブラのヘイローの模様デルタルーンじゃん!!!!
@AK_21-op4fw 6 ай бұрын
2:52 ここからの演出すこ
@bwiftrock1739 9 ай бұрын
i like the fact that sans halo has a heart shape on it
@チョコレイトミルク-r6w 9 ай бұрын
@last_night-m4f 4 ай бұрын
サンズのセリフがオレが直々に裁く時だっていってるの好き。 いつもは地獄で燃えてしまえばいいって諦めてる感じだけど、今回は諦めてないって感じがするから良い
@quad-trick 7 күн бұрын
Phase2の曲名がRE megalovaniaなの好きすぎる
@hoangphi6295 9 ай бұрын
@danku.shiraisi 7 ай бұрын
@スイレン-k1o 6 ай бұрын
アンダーテールとブルアカ、どっちもの作品に強い愛がないと作れねぇわこんな作品。 神すぎる...!
@codetibers 9 ай бұрын
I have been waiting for this let's go!!
@AdmiringCaptainHat-ml4xt 5 ай бұрын
for making this masterpiece you deserve more likes ans subscribers
@rturtle53 9 ай бұрын
This is gonna be one of the best
@kyjchannel278 9 ай бұрын
So cool!! Excellent work! とてもクール!! 素晴らしい出来です! Now I will politely wait until is AU's full sprite sheet gets public some day.. 今は、AU の完全なスプライト シートがいつか公開されるまで、丁寧に待ちます。
@yn1307 9 ай бұрын
@epicslavegamingcrosss7695 9 ай бұрын
Straight out of an anime bro I love it 3>
@노건희-i9x 9 ай бұрын
English Translation 1.25 IRRESPONSIBILITY 0:06~0:50 Aoharu!Sans: Huff···Puff··· Takanashi Hoshino: Uhehe···You're pretty quick··· Sunaōkami Shiroko: Yeah···As if they know what we're doing··· Izayoi Nonomi: ··· Izayoi Nonomi: Are you okay···?Sans-san? Izayoi Nonomi: Your breath is rough··· Aoharu!Sans: haha···I'm just a little tired··· Aoharu!Sans: I can still do it··· Kuromi Serika: Don't overdo it! You really don't have stamina! Takanashi Hoshino: ···Leave it to oji-san tachi from here··· Aoharu!Sans: Wait···! 0:55~0:58 Okusora Ayane: Nonomi-senpai! Please avoid it!! 1:04~1:08 Aoharu!Sans: Hey···it's a lie, isn't it··· 1:35~2:12 Aoharu!Sans: Again··· Aoharu!Sans: I lost my precious person again··· Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: Have a delicious meal Aoharu!Sans: Laughing with silly jokes Aoharu!Sans: It's good to have friends who can do that Aoharu!Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: Why are you, I'm trying to take it all awaaaay!!! 2:52~2:54 「I believe you can make the right decision」 「I gave up a long time ago」 「He is our precious colleague(student)」 Phase 1.5 Still, The World is Blue and Clear 3:33~4:02 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: How many times Aoharu!Sans: I was killed by you again and again in the original world Aoharu!Sans: To the point where i'm already going crazy Aoharu!Sans: My precious little brother or friend······ Aoharu!Sans: And all of Kibotos Aoharu!Sans: ······ 4:06~5:02 Sensei: "Sans!!" Sensei: "Your wound..." Aoharu!Sans: Sensei Aoharu!Sans: Sorry, sorry Aoharu!Sans: I, because I'm here Aoharu!Sans: This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't come Aoharu!Sans: It's my fault Sensei: "······" Sensei: "That's not true, Sans" Sensei: "You're not bad" Sensei: "You've confronted this alone until we meet" Sensei: "You've told us all about such a painful thing." Sensei: "There's nothing you have to do alone" Sensei: "Sans is not alone···" 5:09~5:40 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: Not yet Aoharu!Sans: I'm afraid I'll end it here Aoharu!Sans: Their youth story(Blue Archive) will continue 「Y···You···really hate me that much?」 「ST···STILL···I BELIEVE IN YOU」 「This world will live one···!」 「Gu···Guess···you don't wanna join···my fan club···?」 「Wa···Why···You···」 「So···Please···don't kill me····」 Aoharu!Sans: My story(Undertale) doesn't accept this ending too 6:22~6:28 Chara: Sans is filled with DETERMINATION phase 2 RE Megalovania 6:30~6:58 Aoharu!Sans: It's a beautiful day outside Aoharu!Sans: Birds are singing Aoharu!Sans: Flowers are blooming Aoharu!Sans: On days like these, people like you··· Aoharu!Sans: Should be····No··· Aoharu!Sans: It's time for me to judge you myself 7:51~7:53 Aoharu!Sans: What? You really think it's gonna work for me? 8:54~8:55 Shiroko Terror: Sans? Shiroko Terror: 「Everyone」···Huh? Aoharu!Sans: ······ Shiroko Terror: ······ Shiroko Terror: ···I know Shiroko Terror: This is not a time for gloom 9:46~10:00 Aoharu!Sans: Let's get this fight over with Aoharu!Sans: You'd better be prepared Aoharu!Sans: ··· To「 Real Special Attack 」 10:45~11:58 Aoharu!Sans: haha··· Aoharu!Sans: It was long··· Aoharu!Sans: Now, it's over··· Shiroko Terror: Yeah··· Aoharu!Sans: ··· Aoharu!Sans: (···I feel dizzy···because I used too much stamina so much···) Sensei: "Sans!!" Aoharu!Sans: Sensei···? Sensei: "···Thank GOD···Are you conscious?" Aoharu!Sans: It's all right···it's just that I'm exhausted Aoharu!Sans: I'll be fine, lf I drink ketchup again? Sensei: "You can't just drink it" Aoharu!Sans: Yeah yeah Aoharu!Sans: looks like because of they disappearance, everything happens here was become no effect Aoharu!Sans: I'm glad··· Aoharu!Sans: Now ours youth story is starting again···
@夜狼-v9f 9 ай бұрын
@inkHOLOTALE-inkGawr-Gura 9 ай бұрын
相変わらずすごいクオリティだなぁこれで公式とコラボ来たら最高すぎて死ぬ サドンチェンジサンズもキヴォトスに普通に馴染めそうて言うか前作もそうだけど マジでこれを繰り返してるプレイヤーは何者なんだ?前作の東方の時と同じ同一人物がプレイしてるのか・・・? もしそうだとしたらいつかこのプレイヤーの正体が明かされる時が来る・・・?
@yuuAB2 9 ай бұрын
同一人物とするなら ブルアカ×undertale→東方×undertale の順番になるのか
@soulkirito8695 4 ай бұрын
@帽子-i2b 9 ай бұрын
@めーめーかいじゅう 5 ай бұрын
@ヘルゴースト 9 ай бұрын
*弾薬の煙くさい臭いがする。 *あなたは色彩にみたされた *やれやれ。私も一応子供なのだが、先生とやらは守ってくれないみたいだ。 *なら今まで通り、自らの手で切り開くとしようじゃないか、相棒=)
@yoshi-aikouka 9 ай бұрын
@RoRO-il7rh 9 ай бұрын
@AMIDAtan_lover 9 ай бұрын
ほんなら無理やり諦めさせればええんや プレイヤーと同じ次元の存在である私達の力でバッドエンドをプログラムごと消してしまえ
@yoshi-aikouka 9 ай бұрын
@@AMIDAtan_lover なんなら、サンズ達ごと3次元の権力で消し去れそう
@塵箱 6 ай бұрын
@meer.bitrayed660 9 ай бұрын
gotta love this one
@최선화-m9p 9 ай бұрын
그건 매우 멋졌어요! (それはとても素敵でした)
@PeanutIsFunky 9 ай бұрын
the amount of anime girls inserted, and talked about in this video is incomprehensible
@ゆの_Yuno122 9 ай бұрын
まさかsansにヘイローが付くとは…!アニメーションも神だった!というかCharaの攻撃ってキヴォトス人でも耐えれないんだ… 追記CharaじゃなくてPlayerなんですね…
@ReiZi153 9 ай бұрын
ゲームだからCharaは倒せるんだろうな 普通にやったら多分負けるんだろうが
@T.liro2478 9 ай бұрын
@Nonbiriya 7 ай бұрын
@H-renn 27 күн бұрын
@yukou_music 3 ай бұрын
こちらもやはりスクラッチでやりたいわ あとこの人は神曲しか作らないんだな
@yukou_music 3 ай бұрын
@axodo 3 ай бұрын
2:11 5:16 6:58
@トライガ 6 ай бұрын
サンズの頭のやつ先っちょがソウルみたいのなっとる。 ほんとに神曲&神アニメーション。
@Lcorpmanager 9 ай бұрын
Wow this one will be go really hard 🔥
@Huh-HarmonyReal 9 ай бұрын
Great animation once again
@Mwjofr321SecondAccount 9 ай бұрын
Omg this its so majestic af
@errorsans2486 5 ай бұрын
*どうして奪う、か… *強いて言うなら、それしか出来ないからとしか言えないな。 *逆に聞くが、Sans。私は何も奪われていないと思っていたのか? *パピルスも、アズゴアも、アンダインも、メタトンも… *みんな、私にとっても大切な存在だった。 *でも、アイツが…Friskがその全てを奪っていった。 *結んだ友情も、信頼も、憎しみさえ奪われて… *挙句の果てには、これ以上Friskから奪わないで、だとさ…。 *果たして奪っていったのはどっちだって話だよ。 *くだらないことを言い合える友達が居れば… *私だって、それだけで良かったんだよ。Sans。 *そして、諦めて別の世界に来てみれば… *ハハ、どうやら私達は運命の赤い糸で結ばれているらしいじゃないか、相棒=) *キミを殺した覚えは一度たりとも無いが、少なくとも「私」を見てくれているだけであの時よりはマシだ。 *友達…青春…私にはどうあがいても与えられなかったモノを得たキミなら、私なんか目じゃないんだろうね。 *だが…せめて、せめてこの瞬間だけは… *私と、地獄の業火の中で踊ろうぜ=)
@XiajieUwU 9 ай бұрын
very nice made!!!
@T.liro2478 9 ай бұрын
@srt093 9 ай бұрын
@itu4649 4 ай бұрын
@havehashadSNM 9 ай бұрын
@Thecoolron72 9 ай бұрын
phase 1.25 sans thinks his tears in the rain
@名前の無い管理者 9 ай бұрын
*・・・ *そこのプレイヤー、 きみに  ひとつ いいたいことがある… *このせいしゅんのせかいに…  おまえのような サツジンキは… * じ ご く の お く そ こ で  え い え ん に く る し め ば  い い 。
@Renasan476 9 ай бұрын
@名前の無い管理者 9 ай бұрын
*オレはな?なんども なんども  なんども なんどもおまえさんに  コロされているんだ。 *おまえは おぼえてはいなかも  しらないがな… *ここのくうかんは おまえが  なにもしようとも こわれないし *ほかのじかんじくにも  えいきょう することはない。 *・・・ここからさき オレがやる  ことは ただのうさばらしだ。 *おまえさんの ケツイ が  どこまでもつか みものだな。
@Renasan476 9 ай бұрын
@名前の無い管理者 9 ай бұрын
たたかう♥️こうどう  アイテム -みのがす- *♥️しらべる  ♥️???? *あぁ〜 そういえばまだこの  じかんじくで いってなかったな *おれのなまえは 〘シノツク〙  ここ(キボォトス)では そう  なのっている。 *・・・ *むしか・・・まぁいいさ  まだぶんせきちゅうだったな? *ほら つづけてどうぞ? *ATK1?DFE1? *こいつとはしょたいめんのはずだ *・・・ *『だが やることはかわらない』
@名前の無い管理者 6 ай бұрын
*・・・おまえさんも そうとう  あきらめ が わるいな? *なんかい しんだのか おぼえて  いるか? *ま そんな ささいなことは  どうでもいいな。 *・・・ と っ と と く た ば れ  こ の ロ ク デ ナ シ が
@ReiZi153 9 ай бұрын
@SpheeIsBack 9 ай бұрын
テラー世界のサンズはやっぱHorrorになってるのかなぁ でも目取る理由がなくなるんだよなァ
@nobunagadayo.0404 3 ай бұрын
わぁ すんごいクオリティで設定的にキャラじゃなくプレイヤーがやっていることと明言されて逃げ場がないぜキャラがやったことだからが通用しないぜ
@codetibers 9 ай бұрын
Rough English translate Phase 1.25 IRRESPONSIBILITY 0:06~0:50 Aoharu!Sans: Wow... Wow... Takanashi Hoshino: Wow... he's pretty nimble... Sunaōkami Shiroko: Hmm...as if he knew our movements... Izayoi Nonomi: ··· Izayoi Nonomi: Are you okay... Mr. Sans? Izayoi Nonomi: you're breathing hard... Aoharu!Sans: Haha... I'm just a little tired... Aoharu!Sans: I can still do it... Kuromi Serika: Don't overdo it! you really don't have any stamina! Takanashi Hoshino: ···Leave it to us from here... Aoharu!Sans: Wait...! 0:55~0:58 Okusora Ayane: Nomi-senpai! Please avoid it!! 1:04~1:08 Aoharu!Sans: Hey... you have got to be kidding me... 1:35~2:12 Aoharu!Sans: Again... Aoharu!Sans: I lost someone precious again... Aoharu! Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: After eating delicious food Aoharu!Sans: Laughing at trivial jokes Aoharu!Sans: It was nice just to have a friend who could do that. Aoharu! Sans: ····· Aoharu!Sans: Why are you trying to take it all away? 2:52~2:54 “I believe you can make the right decision.” “I gave up a long time ago.” “He is our precious colleague (student)” Phase 1.5 Still, The World is Blue and Clear 3:33~4:02 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: What number... Aoharu!Sans: I was killed by you many times in the original world. Aoharu!Sans: It's already crazy... Aoharu!Sans: A precious younger brother or friend... Aoharu!Sans: And all of Kivotos... Aoharu!Sans: ······ 4:06~5:02 Sensei: “Sans!!” Sensei: "you are hurting..." Aoharu!Sans: Sensei... Aoharu!Sans: I'm sorry, I'm sorry Aoharu!Sans: Because I came here Aoharu!Sans: If I hadn't come, this wouldn't have happened. Aoharu!Sans: It's my fault Sensei: "······" Sensei: "That's not true...Sans" Sensei: “You’re not bad.” Sensei: “You have been facing this problem alone so far.” Sensei: “You told us all about such a painful experience.” Sensei: “There is no such thing as having to embrace something alone.” Sensei: "Sans is not alone..." 5:09~5:40 Aoharu!Sans: ······ Aoharu!Sans: Not yet... Aoharu!Sans: Do you think this is where it will end? Aoharu!Sans: Their youth story (Blue Archive) will continue in the future. “Did you hate me that much?” “W-I still believe in you!” “This world will survive...!” “I guess you didn’t want to join the fan club?” 「ㅇ···uh·········」 “So...please...don’t kill me...” Aoharu!Sans: Even my story (Undertale) doesn't accept this kind of ending. 6:22~6:28 Chara: Sans is full of determination phase 2 RE Megalovania 6:30~6:58 Aoharu!Sans: It's such a beautiful day Aoharu!Sans: The birds are singing Aoharu!Sans: Flowers are blooming Aoharu!Sans: On days like this, people like you... Aoharu!Sans: In hell... no... Aoharu!Sans: It's time for me to judge myself. 7:51~7:53 Aoharu!Sans: What? Did you really think it would work? 8:54~8:55 Shiroko Terror: Sans? Shiroko Terror: 「Guys」...Huh? Aoharu!Sans: ······ Shiroko Terror: ······ Shiroko Terror: ···I know Shiroko Terror: Now is not the time to be depressed 9:46~10:00 Aoharu!Sans: Let's end this fight soon... Aoharu!Sans: You better be prepared. Aoharu!Sans: ···「Real special move」 10:45~11:58 Aoharu!Sans: Haha... Aoharu!Sans: It was long... Aoharu!Sans: It's finally over... Shiroko Terror: Yes... Aoharu! Sans: ··· Aoharu!Sans: (···I'm going crazy...I'm dizzy maybe because I used too much strength...) Sensei: “Sans!!” Aoharu!Sans: Sensei...? Sensei: "···Thank God... Are you conscious?" Aoharu!Sans: It's okay...I'm just out of stamina. Aoharu!Sans: If I drink ketchup again, I'll be healthy, right? Sensei: “You can’t just drink it.” Aoharu!Sans: Yes yes yes Aoharu!Sans: It seems that since he disappeared, everything that happened until now has never happened. (RESET) Aoharu!Sans: I'm glad... Aoharu!Sans: Let's start talking about our youth again...
@normaldude7375 9 ай бұрын
thx bro
@sniperwashere 9 ай бұрын
Thank for ur translation
@fish276-89 5 ай бұрын
@destroyerlast2185 9 ай бұрын
They won but the player is still alive we will find a way to win and if it means messing directly with the code to win we will do just that
@user-pool2nd 9 ай бұрын
@Misorameenso-91 6 ай бұрын
@Konomi_ayamalo 6 ай бұрын
@n-catbun 6 ай бұрын
@user-pool2nd 5 күн бұрын
@闇月零-j3s 3 ай бұрын
@StevenJayJamero 9 ай бұрын
Lets gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@shadowpro4102 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE SHIROKO!!!!! but it's a shame she doesn't exist🥺😢😢😭😭
@okazuokaz 9 ай бұрын
リアルタイムで見れなかった... でも第二形態になって裁判官になって 6:55 裁判官だから(?)攻撃通らなくなって 7:52 聴き慣れた音楽も流れて 8:21 サンズ赤い眼になってさらにカッコよくなって 9:01 *とにかくカッコ良すぎました!!*
@user-f6850_0 5 ай бұрын
目の前で大切な「人」が殺されて泣く…。 パピルスが死んだ後マフラーを見つけて泣くサンズとか二次創作でよく見かけますが、個人的にはなんか違うと思っちゃうんですよね。 批判をしたいわけではないんですが、審判者「サンズ」が泣くってあんまり想像ができないから。 だけど、ここのサンズは違う。 アビドスのみんなや先生と出会って 「青春」と出会って 涙を流せる「ようになった」サンズなんじゃないかなぁ、と 長文失礼
@SHouFolz 6 ай бұрын
Чара ударяет Classic!Sans: Ты думаешь, я буду просто стоять пока ты меня атакуешь? Чара ударяет Aoharu!Sans: Ты думаешь, я получу урон от этого? (Я не знаю что он сказал так как ничего не понял из текста, так что я просто это придумал )
@destroyerlast2185 3 ай бұрын
Well time to reset everything
@ただのゲーム好き 9 ай бұрын
@アーサンだよぉー 8 ай бұрын
@nearcoffee 5 ай бұрын
@キノキノ-d6q 8 ай бұрын
@川島洋美-v8y 9 ай бұрын
@豆腐の上にごまがのったやつ Ай бұрын
@user-wt9yq 9 ай бұрын
諸君、私はブルアカxアンテが好きだ 諸君、私はブルアカxアンテが好きだ 諸君、私はブルアカxアンテが大好きだ 二次創作が好きだ。物語が好きだ。アンテとブルアカの曲を合わせるのが好きだ。キャラクターが好きだ。立ち絵が好きだ。バトルが好きだ 小説が好きだ。皆と立ち向かうのが好きだ。 この物語を作った人が好きだ。 回廊で、雪源で、砂漠で、都会で、ホットランドで、コアで、廃墟で、地下で、教会で、教室で、 この物語で行われるありとあらゆる二次創作が大好きだ! sansと共に生徒がplayerをぶち殺すのが好きだ。 重力操作で上に叩きつけ骨でバラバラになったplayerの時など心が踊る! アヤネの操るヘリ(雨雲号)がplayerに直撃するのが好きだ。 playerが避けると同時にノノミのリトルマシンガンVでなぎ倒す時など胸がすくような気持ちだった。 ホシノがEye of Horusでplayerを蹂躙するのが好きだ。 シロコのドローンで何度も何度も撃ちまくる様など感動すら覚える。 セリカがexスキルを使用し怒りで攻撃力増加する時などもうたまらない phaseが上がると別の世界線で仲間を失い色彩に触れ世界を滅ぼしたシロコ*テラーが今度は仲間を守るために立ち向かうのも最高だ!!! そして、sansが決意を抱いた時など絶頂すら覚える playerが生徒に滅茶苦茶にされるのが好きだ。 playerを殺したとしてもRESET.SAVE&LORD で帰ってくる様はとてもとても悲しいものだ Sansや生徒達に押し潰され殲滅されるのが好きだ。 sansや生徒先生が、playerに敗れるのは屈辱の極みだ。 諸君、私は生徒やsans、先生が青春の物語(ブルーアーカイブ)にHappy endになるものを望んでいる否 blue archiveがある時点で幸せがないとだめなのだ 諸君、私に従うブルアカ アンテ民諸君 君達は一体何を望んでいる? 更なる戦争を望むか? 情け容赦なくplayerを蹂躙し皆の幸せを望むか? 鉄風迅雷の限りを尽くし三千世界の鴉を嵐の様に永遠とplayerと共に審判し続ける事を望むか? 『青春!!青春!!青春!!』 (ブルー) よろしいならば青春だ 我々は満身の力をこめて今まさに振り降ろさんとする握り拳だ! だが何度殺し続けても帰ってくる様ではただの攻撃ではもはや足りない! 青春の物語(せいしゅんのものがたり)を 青春の物語(ブルーアーカイブ)を 生徒はわずかに1大隊 数人に満たぬ兵にすぎない だがsansは一騎当千の古強者だと信仰している sansの世界を忘却の彼方へと追いやり眠りこけているplayerを叩き起こそう
playerに銃火器音で思い出させよう 天と地の狭間には奴の哲学では思いもよらない事があることを思い出させてやろう 一千もあるGasterBlasterで奴を燃やし尽くしてやろう 「少佐殿!playerの頭は?」 爆破しろ!当然だ不愉快極まる欠片も残すな 「胴体はいかがしますか少佐殿!」 燃やせ体全部、全て破壊しろ不愉快だ 「足は?」 落とせ、歌の様に 「腕はどうしましょう」 爆破しろ、構うものか、目に付いたものは片っ端から壊せ さぁ諸君!!殺したり殺されたりしよう死んだり死なせたりしようさぁ乾杯をしよう宴は遂に、今宵、此の時より開かれたのだ乾杯(プロージイット)
@sadtimesallaround 9 ай бұрын
@user-wt9yq 9 ай бұрын
これを見てしまったら曲だけのも欲しくなる( ^o^)<ウワーン!完成度高すぎます!!
@アーサンだよぉー 8 ай бұрын
@裏-l1j Ай бұрын
@RoRO-il7rh 9 ай бұрын
@ワサビアル 3 ай бұрын
@ごま猫-r7m 9 ай бұрын
@meer.bitrayed660 2 ай бұрын
i cant stop watching 😅😂
@underATmake 9 ай бұрын
@ウッホワッカ 9 ай бұрын
@K.O-d2b 9 ай бұрын
@ReiZi153 9 ай бұрын
@underATmake 9 ай бұрын
@@ReiZi153  あ っ て た ま る か
@CRSN-MASTER 9 ай бұрын
@DUHCAJHADL 9 ай бұрын
I love blue archive
@Teshiaby 9 ай бұрын
so true, the phase 2 hit me like an anvil (including 1.25 too)
@ngoclevanthi4917 9 ай бұрын
Now we just need a version of Sans that go to Hyperdimension Neptunia universe and then we will have a trio of three version of Sans go to three diffrent universes like Touhou, Blue Archive, Hyperdimension Neptunia.
@조평일-f4m 6 ай бұрын
what if disbelief papyrus came to this au? (I think phase 1 is nyeh heh heh+unwelcoming trousle, 1.25 is sorrowful retribution, 1.5 will be but the spine is blue like sky and 2 is re backbone)
@UnisRapier 4 ай бұрын
disblief papyrus meeting with fricking ba characters is so funny
@trananhquang1461 9 ай бұрын
Angle,devil. It doen't matter because we player will do what ever we wanted ! 🙂
@小川晴琉 9 ай бұрын
@Orangedayo 8 ай бұрын
@小川晴琉 8 ай бұрын
【Blue Archive:Aoharu Trio】-Three lights in The darkness-
AOHARU DUO by MR survived!!! (actual au frfr)
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